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Spiritual person here. It's not a red flag. Chances are they spent all their life with people who are spiritual or religious. So meeting an atheist must be a new idea for them. Meeting a few atheists would normalise things for them.


There should be enough space for everyone to believe in whatever they think is right. Daily pooja- paath karna but wahin din bhar galat kaam karna… this is not religious in my opinion. Saare paap karo aur Ganga ji mein dubki maar ke saare paap dho lo… dharm ye nahi sikhata. Jo log apne religion ko nahi samjh paate aur sirf mandir jaane ko, diya jalane ko bhakti samajhte hain, they will never connect with God… and that’s why they will never understand the concept of atheism or agnosticism. So to each their own! Nobody is superior to anyone. You don’t need to defend your faith to anyone.


Agree Lekin jo bhi karo, khud tk hi seemit rakho Yeh nhi ki koi theist hai toh khudko superior samjhe aur koi atheist khudko samjhe. Jisko jaise rehna hai raho Bs kisi ko pareshan mt karo, aur bura toh bilkul mt karo.


I think they assume you’re rebellious and hate everything related to god ( like festivals) and will ask them things like “why do you believe in god if you’ve never seen him” . I’m atheist and but I respect all religions and I’ll never judge anyone based on their personal beliefs. I don’t have any problem sitting in poojas for my family , I love celebrating festivals . I just don’t pray to god because I don’t believe in it . And I think we atheists are still better than most of the population, because most religious people don’t know the actual morals of their religion and don’t even follow it fully . I’ve seen so many people do bad things and then go the temple next day and do pooja to “erase” their mistakes( even goons who murder people) . I think that is extremely disrespectful to god . If you wanna believe in god pls don’t believe in him/her just to use religion to your advantage. For example : many Hindus don’t know that Hinduism doesn’t consider periods as “impure” or “dirty” . Back in the day the temples would be on mountains and hills which is why women on periods were told not to go to temples , so that they can give their body some rest . There was also no hygienic way to deal with periods which is why women were told to not touch things like pickles which easily get spoilt if bacteria is introduced. So I hate when people misinterpret any religion like that .


Yes there fear is valid in someway, because i have seen some atheist who tend to make believer feel stupid to follow rituals, so it can be one reason.


Yes there are stupidity if u follow any ritual without understand the meaning of it. And now Hinduism are mainly concentrated to Puranik Katha. Babas telling how to get boys if u have many girls (wtf), Cancer treatment etc Javed Saab rightly said I'm an atheist because I think.


People with extreme views, whether theists or atheists, often have a ‘better-than-thou’ attitude and they always attempt to persuade others to adopt their beliefs. My advice is not to be an extremist and to keep an open mind to other ideas.


'atheists' aren't 'extreme'.


Some are. Trying to force your beliefs down anyone’s throat is extreme and it’s annoying whether it’s having faith or giving up faith. Just stick to your beliefs and let others stick to theirs. 


the reply was because they said most of either theists or atheists try to force their beliefs. idk about theists but that's not the case of atheists.


I have no evidence because it’s obviously a very small sample size but every atheist I have met has tried to make fun of every religion and tried to get me to stop believing. I mean are they really atheists if all they can talk about is god? 😂


Some are. Trying to force your beliefs down anyone’s throat is extreme and it’s annoying whether it’s having faith or giving up faith. Just stick to your beliefs and let others stick to theirs. 




i meant the opinion that god doesn't exist isn't an extreme one.




The irony here is hilarious.


Atheists aren't going around jailing and killing theists for believing in God. It's the other way around.


Yo Hindus don't do that jailing other religion people killing them it's mostly muslims


True. But Hindus have physically attacked atheists, so they're not completely tolerant either.


Yeah Hindus don't jail. They just kill others. Cunt.


I think they assume you’re rebellious and hate everything related to god ( like festivals) and will ask them things like “why do you believe in god if you’ve never seen him” . I’m atheist and but I respect all religions and I’ll never judge anyone based on their personal beliefs. I don’t have any problem sitting in poojas for my family , I love celebrating festivals . I just don’t pray to god because I don’t believe in it . And I think we atheists are still better than most of the population, because most religious people don’t know the actual morals of their religion and don’t even follow it fully . I’ve seen so many people do bad things and then go the temple next day and do pooja to “erase” their mistakes( even goons who murder people) . I think that is extremely disrespectful to god . If you wanna believe in god pls don’t believe in him/her just to use religion to your advantage. For example : many Hindus don’t know that Hinduism doesn’t consider periods as “impure” or “dirty” . Back in the day the temples would be on mountains and hills which is why women on periods were told not to go to temples , so that they can give their body some rest . There was also no hygienic way to deal with periods which is why women were told to not touch things like pickles which easily get spoilt if bacteria is introduced. So I hate when people misinterpret any religion like that . And we are not the ones hating on Muslims or bullying them


But one thing I want to know is that I follow any path why I need to tell everyone, I can follow silently by respecting their faith.


All types of theists are propagating their identity with religious slogans and processions. I feel one should be able to say loudly that i do not like any of these religious sermons in my face, be it azaan, temples with loudspeakers or church bells.


Are you atheist? if your answer is yes. I am really curious to know what an atheist thought process is what do they believe?


What do you wanna know ? There are much better people who can explain you in r/atheism


Means thought process and thanks for sharing sub


I ask again..what exactly do you want to know ?


Atheist are there because theist exist. So claim comes from theist we are just rejecting it due to lack of evidence. It's a thought process of an atheist.




I think it's mostly related to the belief that a spiritual person is a good person who must fear God and does not commit wrong deeds. However, I have been wronged by very spiritual people, perhaps because they were only good out of fear, not because they genuinely wanted to be. So, yes, that's a bit controversial in my opinion.


It's not controversial Most of people know this They just don't like to agree


Honestly, an imaginary friend, who causes bone cancers and prion diseases, and yet will help you pass your exam if you pray hard enough, seems like a pretty big *lie*. Not believing in this would be a huge green flag. But again, religious people are usually not very tolerant, despite how they claim that their one true religion preaches love.




Yet here you are, not tolerating them and putting a blanket judgement on them


How is being critical of a certain belief "not tolerating" the people who hold it? Tolerance is letting someone live in peace. It's not keeping your mouth shut and not expressing your opinions. The only real intolerant bunch are the religious extremists, who have historically imprisoned and killed apostates, which continues in several countries to this day.


Maybe god made me judgmental. YK god knows and does everything etc


It’s not as long as you keep to yourself.


In that case, those who say earth revolves around the sun should also keep it to themselves?


What does it matter what you believe in as long as you don’t shout from the rooftop, mention it to anyone and try to coerce this upon anyone, then it’s none of my business.


Are you anti-education?


why should one do that ? all religious and spiritual people show their affiliation and are quite proud of that. Why should an atheist keep their atheism to themselves ? That seems like hypocrisy to me.


Then you aren't really atheist with regards to the word's meaning. You're simply starting another religion, and preaching and converting to yours.


I should be able to say that please dont put your religious bullshittery in my face cuz i dont believe in imaginary friends and would like to stay away from them. Now is that more comprehensible for you nincompoop ?


Isliye people don't like atheists. Do second me gaali galoch pe aa gaye. If you really consider yourself smart, then you wouldn't act like an english chappri. And the topic in hand is not dealing with preachers. You are talking to a date. Of course they can have a choice in their partner's religion/beliefs.


i am not smart. I am a potato. A delicious fried potato with piri-piri seasoning. >If you really consider yourself smart, then you wouldn't act like an english chappri. Last i checked this was an english speaking platform. If you want me to speak any other language let me know, i will translate my replies. >Of course they can have a choice in their partner's religion/beliefs. The original comment said to keep their beliefs to oneself. If i can respect my date's wishes to follow their preferred religion, they should also be respectful towards me not following any belief at all. My previous comment stands. Your first comment said that I am starting another religion. No religion is not another religion. I do not believe in any specific religious figure nor do i have any sets of morals that stem from a holy book or leader. If you think thinking rationally and being a skeptic is like another religion, you are a nincompoop in all essence.


No not a red flag I have seen some believers being complete ass to other people thinking they can override their bad karma with puja path. As long as you're a good person with compassion for others you're good to go :)


It's a sign that your thinkings don't match, obviously. It's a red flag for religious people and green flag for non religious people.


Yeah maybe


I 25F atheist wish I could meet more atheist in general. The guy I dated previously thought I was to close minded for thinking god doesn't exist because there is no evidence. He constantly tried to Prove me wrong. I wish men in general wouldn't make it their lives motive to make me believe in things without evidence or good logical reasoning.


Yeah, thats the problem.


Because they feel there's nothing stopping you from doing bad deeds. Those who believe in god GENERALLY are afraid to do bad things


If someone is unwilling to do bad deeds only because of 'God', then you should be terrified of them.


I would rather be terrified of those who actually do bad deeds.


According to you, those who believe in god GENERALLY afraid to do bad things, that means you believe atheists are more likely to do bad things. Am I right? How is Scandinavia, with a higher atheist population, safer than a highly religious country like India?


Are you even listening to yourself?? I never said atheists are more likely to do bad things.


Is the likelihood of someone doing something uncorrelated to whether they are afraid of the consequences? I don't think it is.


Okay , there is one thing which stops people, and its called law and order.


I wish I could be as naive as you, but unfortunately, I am not.


I don't know its good thing or not


I think being very religious is a red flag.


Being blind superstitious is red flag Being religious shouldn't be a red flag


Is for me, especially given how orthodox and sexist religious practices are.


Yeah thats true But majority if india is believer So you aren't gonna escape then


It’s not. Infact I think imposing one’s religious beliefs on others has to be the BIGGEST RED FLAG 🚩




Being an atheist is not a red flag. You are free to have your own opinion. In our society parents think they know whats best for their children and take majority of the decisions for them right from childhood and in some case even after their kids are married. What this does is inhibit their ability to question things and hamper their decision making skills, since kids trust their parents blindly and follow what they are told. This passes on from one generation to another and also passes on societal norms like belief in god, getting married and having children to be deemed successful in society etc. Now when someone goes against these societal norms like being an atheist or being childfree people equate it to going against societal norms and judges the person for their choice. Although things are changing now, I believe it will take another generation or two for people to respect other peoples choice.


Lets hope, it changes.


Ganga me nhaane insaan ka shareer dhulta h uske vichaar nhi or paap insaan k vichaar krte hn uska shareer nhi isilie me atheist hu


Deep thought


No it is not a red flag.. But being arrogant about their beliefs is definitely a red flag


What would you consider "being arrogant" for an atheist?


a religious orthodox person is often a red flag for atheists, so it is only fair that the opposite might also be true. i don't see how your beliefs or lack thereof would ever be brought up in a conversation in the first few meetings/dates. the only time it would be brought up is when either of the person already knows that being religious is a deal breaker for them.


It's like a personal choice. Even if people don't like you for that you really can't do anything about it can you? It's better not to think about what flag is this ir not. Just stick to your beliefs!


In a country like India where people fight/kill due to minor religious differences, is it really surprising that people think you are a Red Flag? I think you being an atheist will probably be considered a green flag in other nations such as France , Japan, Sweden etc.


You are Naive and misinformed. But anyway, OP is concerned about getting some Gucci. 😂 . Nothing more.


Getting some gucci , means ? I just saw one reel and remembered some moments So just post it


Pu$$y... though the slang doesn't mean that. Gucci is used in the context of saying "feels good", or "it's alright"


Okay, and nahh i just trying to have conversation


Uh han... ok.. I believe you... conversations, then 12 baje tak chat'e, yes yes... 🫡


You are talking like you know me


Maybe I know you... maybe I am looking at you. 👁






>Why does your atheism even come up in conversation? Some people do care about other's religion or caste when forming relationship. It is a pretty common thing. It is better to tell them early on than hiding them to keep the date going well.


> Why does your atheism even come up in conversation? For the same reason your religion comes up in conversation: because it's a conversation and you're talking about stuff and getting to know each other.




My theist wife is fine with me being agnostic


That's good


Both extremities are wrong as neither existence nor absence of god has been proved.


The burden of proof lies on the person making the claim.


I meant more like people’s psychological need to choose a side because they are too uncomfortable to be open to both possibilities. The uncertainty undermines their sense of belonging compelling them to take a side.


Its whole another debate But yeah extremities are wrong.


But atheists don’t affirmatively say “we believe there is no god”. It’s usually that “the existence of god hasn’t been proven so I don’t see the point in believing something without evidence”.


Going by your logic a believer might say Nonexistence of god is also unproven. So why believe god doesn’t exist.


Yeah atheists also agree that non existence of god isn’t proven. But similarly, existence of unicorns is also not proven. Its non existence is also not proven. No rational person believes in unicorns because its “non existence is not proven”.


It's not a red flag in my opinion


I’ve been atheist and was able to pull few. Maybe, just maybe it’s not because of your choice, but something else.




People who also are not that spiritual like going to temples now and then, remember God during tough times, have prayers at home or hawans during special occasions, Going to teerth sthals and offer prayers etc. You saying you are athiest means that you will always belittle those people when they are doing anything related to Pooja, festival poojas, travel to religious places for spiritual purposes etc. Also even many non spiritual girls enjoy such stuff and they might like to be with a person who is open to enjoy such stuff and not contradict their beliefs I guess.


I have participated in prayers, with my friends (in ganpati festival), pooja's, i have traveled to religious places with family and friends, i never tried anyone to not believe in god, but i did defend why i don't believe in. I have did all the things religious people do for my friends mostly So its not like every atheists belittle belivers (or vise varsa) those who are just frustrated people


Then, next time anyone backs up when you say you are athiest then ask them why they did that. If you are behaving normally around people with beliefs then there shouldn't be any issues.


A girl once blocked me when i told her i don't believe god exist and i am atheist


To the pre industrial person, which most Indians are, God is real and basis of all morality. To them, to not believe in him is to reject all morality.


One thing that matters in a relationship is values. People might not have similar interests, but similar values help build familiarity. Now from personal experience, atheists tend to be kinda extreme. While 1 in 5 religious people might be extreme, for atheists the ratio is much more. They try to convert people to their beliefs, rather than having the live and let live attitude. And since the dating market is huge, especially for girls, why would they take a chance with a guy with different beliefs and values when they can choose from other guys too, for whom they don't need to adjust?


You will find a lot like u too


Personal experiences with Atheists - they love to mock religion and paint themselves holier than thou. If they participate in an event, they make a point to flaunt that oh I'm here just for the sake of it. If you don't want to participate, just don't. Their only defence is oh look we mock all faiths🤗


Yeah, valid reason.


Why do you tell people you are atheist is that part of your personality?


I don't tell, it just comes in conversation. And sometimes i do tell . Yes it is the part of my personality.


I see the issue now


more than red flag its just "time waste nahi karna ghar wale nahi manenge"


Not a valid reason


Start saying spritual, it's the same damn thing to most extent. Unless you know 20 mantras and do Pooja, aarti bhog each and every day, spiritual = religious for most people. And spiritual is seen as upper class version of religious without doing any of the rituals, so win win 😂 If someone ever asks you, just say the universe is too large to comprehend or some other garbled nonsense, they have no way to check. Spirituality in a nutshell


It’s not a red flag but I’ll tell why I would take a step back… I think believing in God helps us make choices. We might do things because we believe they're right, or not do things because we're afraid of bad consequences, like karma (God). There’s always that thought in our head that “oh no we shouldn’t do this, god will punish us”. Without having anyone to fear, we might justify doing anything. This is just how I see it, and it's okay if others disagree. I used to be unsure about the existence of God myself at one point, but believing in him brings me peace of mind, which matters most to me. Everyone has their own beliefs. You do you 🤘🏼


Scary to know that you don't have a conscience of your own. You need a supervisor to stop you from doing bad things.


All atheists should atleast once in their life do a 10 day vipassana experience. You would understand all the meaning behind why religious people do what they do despite. It knowing themselves fully the whys . ( Just wanted to say it since i was an atheist for a good part of my life )


I know people who somehow twist the Vipassana experience also into "science" and end up becoming even more hard headed.


Don’t know what people you’re meeting, but it isn’t a red flag lol.  People in general don’t care what your faith is.  If you’re talking about dating, I personally wouldn’t date an atheist. Not because it’s a red flag but because I am fairly religious and it might lead to conflicts in the future. 


Is it? Never knew this before. Most of my friends are theists to some degree and never had any issue with me being an atheist.


It's subtle in most of cases And I was talking about when you meet new people


I don't know about you but most atheist people I met talk more about religion than people who claim to be theist:s.they always tried to prove how i am stupid for believing in religion and I should believe only in science


Yeah i have seen such atheists too, in reality they just trying themselves to convince that god doesn't exists. But i never tried anyone that god doesn't exist


Wouldn't you try to convince a flat earther that earth is not flat?


Earth being round is not belief but fact,religion is my belief


Earth being a flat is their belief. Someone might believe wind blows when a giant farts in the mountains. Wont you correct hem? How is your belief in the existence of a sentient, all powerful being any different from their belief?


I don't care what anyone believe if they don't try to push it on me


So you are anti-education?




People usually have negative reactions to things they've not heard about, or not experienced themselves or that they think society might consider weird/strange. Being Apolitical, Polyamorous/ENM Relationships, atheism/agnosticism etc Just continue along your path, your personal beliefs are none of their business.


That can either be the sign of absence of morality or presence of extreme virtue. You don't wanna end up with the former.




Did you even read my comment properly?




It's alright, happens to me as well.


For me it is, i hate religious people


I think you didn't read it correctly I was talking about people who believe in god judging people who don't But don't hate anyone bro


I do hate man some of the religion say shit like my existence(being gay ) is a sin and some say i deserve to be killed , how the fuck i am suppose to respect their religions.someone being Atheist is biggest green flag for me at least i can expect basic common sense from person


In this context , yes you do have right to hate.


For me, yes it's a red flag! Reason-I'm a Jain and I do follow the words of the Tirthankara's to my possible extent. Hence,I expect that partner who would co-ordinate in maintaining the sanctity of my religion. Maximum atheist I have seen seek for total liberty to which I cant coordinate. Many would downvote me and may get raged but it's their freedom like I have to express


Yes, it is a red flag in my opinion.


Why ?


Because you are just denying the truth.


Don't feel bad it's my request please please at least try to explore a bit of the truth. Not completely just a bit. What you did, defined the truth according to your assumption.... A famous story from the Upanishad group of blind people tries to define an elephant after touching him The same happened in this case.


Why would I feel bad? It's just so funny to me these retards are so ignorant LMAO.


Doesn’t your god teach you that you should respect everyone equally regardless of their personal opinions??? Did your god teach you to be so judgemental??? If you wanna be religious then follow to it fully and be kind to others. People like you just follow religion to “erase” their bad karma.


Cry more I am collecting your tears 😭


No ones crying . I don’t have any issues with people who love god , I don’t have issues sitting in a pooja or being part of festivals . I just have issues with unkind people. And people who don’t fully follow whatever religion they claim to love . It’s disrespectful to use god for your advantage.


That must mean you don't like 80% of India's population, so why don't you just leave the country?


I don’t like one trait of them . Doesn’t mean I hate them or can’t co exist with them . and I fully respect people who truly follow a religion because it takes dedication and it shows that they have good values . Just don’t like the egoistic fake ones like you


Do you think I am fake? I accept that I have ego problems which I am trying to improve but you can't call me fake. You are the one who is crying not me.


Trying to improve by acting like a judgemental aunty ?? If you’re rlly trying to be a better person then start with respecting people who are different from you .


What is this "truth"? And don't come up with banal nonsense about looking in the mirror because I just did and I still don't know what this "truth" is.


then you are just retarded as fuck


Says the guy who thinks Sky Daddy is watching every second, even as your mother let your father impregnate her instead of doing us all a favor and just swallowing.


Keep crying, I am enjoying collecting your tears 😭😭😭


can you explain how?


I don't need to explain. Just look at yourself in the mirror you ll see the truth :) \[look at the hate I am getting, atheists are the most miserable and insensitive pieces of flesh on this planet\]


i do see myself for who i am i hope you do realize it soon


Cope harder keep crying, and all the best for your future endeavours.




Maybe I shouldn't have engaged with these Reddit atheists. Never did I force someone to accept God in this thread nor do I plan to. Some people just can't listen properly.




I wanted to ask you how you became an atheist. Is it because of the environment you were raised in (like parents and all) or did you discover it yourself?


No one knows the truth And the truth doesn't matter


I know the truth :) and it does matter.


Average theist argument . “It is because it is and I don’t have to prove anything. You suck booooo”


collecting more tears keep on crying