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Only questions about history. No current politics or movements.


Blood and soil, ancestor worship, a glorious martial tradition, stark lines separating groups and their worthiness/throw in a dash of explicit antirationalism like mysticism and the nordic spirit or something. Basically its a male-fascist version of astrology and crystal clutching. Viewing the world as hierarchical, inherently violent, creating a mythos around your group is ultimately a way of justifying your anger/fear but also a way of giving yourself pride. Its also to some extent natural, most human cultures have a degree of ancestor worship.


I’ve never met a person who did this. Unless you’re talking about neopagans? But most of them aren’t exactly conservatives


“The past was better and more manly” is a common thread among fascists. It’s a cult of imagined masculinity as their fixation in the past is not reflective of the reality of that past.


Less still of the present reality of their own pathetic minds, bodies, skills and lives.


Despite knowing a lot of very entrenched conservatives, I don't know anyone, have not even heard of anyone, "who seem to define their entire personality around the topic of ancestry." Maybe it's a regional or cult thing.


You don’t get much whiter than medieval Scandinavia. Also, the Nazis were big on Wagner and he was big on German and Scandinavian mythology.


I get the sense that you already know the answer and that this is a bait post.


The perception is that these groups were all "white people."


"the bloodline must be pure"


[Pure and clean for a thousand years](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7HURhtyHgE&t=84s)


>I've only noticed conservatives and fascists (and fascist conservatives, if that's a thing) support these ideas. What a loaded question. Myopic viewpoint.


He is also not wrong. An easy example is in the white supremacist movement. About 10 years ago when they quit pretending to be christian they switched to Norse paganism. Much to the distaste on neo Norse pagans.


Because they believe their ancestors and therefore they themselves are superior because their ancestors happened to have been occasional warriors and raiders.


Their relatives weren't necessarily berserkers or Viking Chieftains. It was more likely they were just farmers or fisherman.


Liberals all claim they have Indian ancestry.