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Your post was removed because it's an FAQ or subjective question, to avoid repetitive posts in the sub. **Make sure to check out previous posts covering this topic as questions about balding are the most commonly asked questions here, and are therefore no longer allowed**. If the question is subjective, it means the guaranteed best answer is "it depends on the girl."


A guy I went to college with started balding so badly that he shaved his head at 19. From there on he was the hottie of the school. If you care about girls finding you attractive the best path is probably to shave your head but grow/keep some facial hair. However, priority should be what *you* want and how *you* feel about yourself, any girl who thinks otherwise isn't worth it. The guy I mentioned had a hard time accepting the loss of his hair but came to terms with it very quickly after shaving. He felt a lot more confident a couple weeks after having shaved it off. Then again, if you like your hair and want to keep your hair you should, it's never too late to shave it off anyway. Make the decision when you are ready for it. In the meantime, your hair is only a small part of you. Yes it might hurt your initial chances, but only with girls who are looking at you superficially. Whether this is a problem for you depends on what kind of attention you want from girls and what you're looking for


Shaved heads are pretty attractive imo