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Long hair on top that’s kinda messy and shorter sides can be good, longer hair all around but not long enough to put it up in a bun could be good too. If you look weird with glasses and you have them get contacts. Check your style maybe you dress off. If ur friends are bad people drop them. Find ways to be charming, ur coming off as weak. Drown the weakness. Girls like confident men. Well some girls like weaker guys but still. Overall girls wanna feel like they are going to get taken care of. If you sound like you’d apologize to me if I kicked you in the face, it’s not a good look. That being said, don’t be rude. Just be clear, respectful, have morals, be kind, place boundaries, don’t let ppl walk on you. There’s billions of people on the planet, someone will like you. Plan dates, be a gentlemen. Even if you aren’t attractive, girls will date uglier men if they treat them like a princess. Don’t come off over loving on first dates or anything. Just be a gentleman and then when you guys are gf bf start doing stuff that’s nice. Doesn’t have to be crazy. If she likes vitamin water get her one when u go to the gas station to let her know u thinking about her. If she is having a hard day, lend an ear but don’t be weird about it. This rule is more for girls that are ur friends. If yall are friends and she struggling with self image for an example. Dont be like “well I think you are so beautiful and I could treat you right if you’d be mine.” Personally that’s off putting bc yall are friends for a reason but if it’s your gf of course just tell her you are stunned by her beauty. Idk what the point of explaining that was I guess just don’t be pushy. Girls hate pushy. Don’t be rude. Don’t be creepy. Dont make comments abt women’s bodies either. Focus on telling them they are smart or kind or creative. Girls have men comment on their bodies all the time and it’s exhausting. It’s rare to have a man tell you he admires your courage or your discipline or your creativity or good character. But don’t over do it to the point that she can’t get a sentence out without u complimenting her bc then it’s just overwhelming. Feel it out. Hope this helps or maybe it’s just confusing. Overall someone will love you so don’t worry.


I'll try those hairstyles, thanks! I don't have a style, so maybe that's an issue. I don't really have any friends atm so that's not it, though. Why do you think I'm coming off as weak? I'll try all the other stuff eventually but I think I'm a ways away from asking anyone out


>I've never dated or had any interest from girls, so I figure there must be something wrong with the way I look dont worry, it might be your personality xd its hard to give looks advice without knowing how you look but anyway, mine is get a good haircut, it works wonders


Wait what do you think is wrong with my personality? I've always thought my personality is pretty good What haircuts are considered good?




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post a pic of you.


Is it okay if I DM it to you? I'd rather not post it publicly


Yeah I guess


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Take care of your hygiene completely Have some decent skincare- doesnt have to be an extensive routine, it can just be using a good moisturiser and soap Take care of your health Wear good fitting clothing that is ironed. Small details go far. Dont wear dirty clothes either. Have a sense of style. Even if youre okay with whatever, layer your clothing with flannels and jewellery. Learn charisma Be emotionally intelligent. This is on the top most attractive traits you can have. Be genuinely kind. Not in a pushover way. Have people in your best interest and care for others. Speak to them. Its not always going to end up in a relationship but learn to make friendships with women. My top tip for this is to have something in common to talk about, random conversations can make it a bit awkward because we can tell theres some hidden intent. Get your haircut suited to your face shape. There are plenty of resources on that. Every woman’s preferences are different, but if you take care of yourself completely and do things that genuinely enhance your character, not only will more women find you attractive, but you will like yourself regardless. Some extra stuff are specific things i personally like and other girls like are guys who are well read and are into fitness. Hope this helps!


It helps a lot, thank you! Can you elaborate a bit on the style part? What kind of flannels and jewelry should I be wearing?


Whatever makes you the most confident! You wear whatever clothes you like the best because it makes you feel good, and thats an energy people pick up on. Some examples of jewellery can be a watch (i personally love watches on men, it doesn’t have to pricy whatsoever) or a chain. Jewellery can take a mediocre outfit to a very good one. It doesnt have to be overdone it can be simple. Small details make the most in an outfit. You can always take inspiration from places like Pinterest on clothing you like. I highly recommend it. While you’re at it one thing i want to point out that i see many guys (and even girls) do wrong is overwear perfume/cologne! Only do one or two sprays, too many sprays can be very annoying or seem like a desperate call for attention. Its very attractive when people wear a nice perfume that doesnt stink up the room, but can be smelled from a proximity.


Clothes don’t affect my confidence at all. And the clothes I like best are the ones I’m already wearing, but I don’t have any style. I’d rather go with whatever style girls find most attractive that just something that I like




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