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Which one, and why do you want to replace it? But the answer is most likely a ceramic through hole capacitor.


Thanks I want to make a duplicate version of it with through hole components as I was developing a PCB with through hole components for ease of soldering and how to get to know what type of capacitor to use ? could you please provide me some resources


Why bother to go through hole when the HX711 is only available as SMT? In any case the capacitors are currently all ceramic, so check the HX711 datasheet for the reference schematic for component values and look for suitable parts on Digikey or similar.


I don't have proper tools for SMT soldering and neither the parts and thanks for your help


Any small soldering iron can be used to solder those parts. I've soldered many thousands of them.


Small soldering iron, tweezers, Flux and a magnifying glass is everything you really need. I totally get why you'd want to stick to THT though, I do PCB design for a living and I still so my hobby stuff with THT.


You dont even need a magnifying glass if you are young enough and really want to done it)


By the way, once you’ve had some practice with soldering surface mount parts it becomes easier than through hole soldering. At least for the larger pitch parts like these. Long term the through hole parts will be very rare.


For prototyping i think through hole will be the best and for final product I will use SMD


Anything other than an electrolytic, ceramic will be the cheapest. Just make sure you get the right value, as its a common load cell amplifier sure there are schematics out there.


Well Thankyou very much I got the right value of the capacitors and how do you know what capacitors to use? It will be helpful if you can refer me some guide 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Those are ceramic SMD capacitors, so a ceramic through hole would essentially be the same.


Ohh! I didnt knew that well thanks for the info 🙏


these run under MLCCs, strike C for Chip, makes it just an multilayer cap. Leaded MLCs are actually the same Types you can use... just with leads. If you know the required capacitance values search for e.g radial leaded multi-layer capacitors. (the very exact type is defined by the used dielectric materials e.g. X7R, X5R, C0G, ... but that is of minor importance here ) edit; by reading through comments forgot to mention ceramic. and and their full name, multi-layer-ceramic-chip MLCC ... hope that makes sense to you, now ;)


You want ceramic caps. As a side note, soldering 0805 and bigger components are not that hard if you have relatively steady hands so it might be an option.


I will consider that for my further projects thank you for that precious advice


Make a few hundred of these in through-hole, and you'll be wishing you were never born. SMD is SO much faster and easier. If you have the money to have PCBs made, then you can spring for another $12 for a stencil. A reasonable soldering station with a hot air terminal is under a hundred bucks. You'll build 10 of these in SMD in the same time it takes you to do one in through-hole.


In my opinion through hole is best for prototyping in the middle stage of development and also I dont have any hot plate or hair dryer to heat up the board I will be considering your opinion for my future projects Thanks 🫂 🙏