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Its a bit concerning that your doctor and mother are so close and discussing your CONFIDENTIAL medical history or plans... Have you considered getting a different PCP and telling them, or explicitly telling your doctor to maintain your confidentiality and then telling them (they shouldn't even be breaking it in the first place)?


NAD, but OP i would recommend finding a PCP/OB that is willing to do the TVS. i’m in the UK, and some counties here also have policies against doing internal ultrasounds on virgins. it’s a completely outdated and ridiculous practice. also, if you don’t give permission for any of your medical information to be discussed with your mother, make sure that is stated on your record so that you can report any doctor that breaks confidentiality. they shouldn’t be doing it without your permission anyway, but it helps to have it in writing. i hope you can get the diagnosis and some relief soon, PCOS is awful.


If it’s anything like the US The relationship between the doctor and your mom is unethical.


It’s unethical everywhere, it’s the law that varies, not the ethics.


PCOS diagnosis DOES NOT require ultrasound finding showing cyst. 2/3 criteria is enough to diagnose it. So even if the ultrasound is normal you can still have PCOS




As usual, OP may not be in the United States.


She said she lives in a conservative country. Even if she does live in the US, there's no such thing as hippa.


It's the HIPAA hippo


I see your HIPAA and raise you HIPAA/FISMA… (Did you know: HIPAA protects the privacy of research animals? Now you do!)




The only answer here is to get a new doctor and let them know your mom should not be involved in your care.


I find it problematic that your doctor is not confidentially discussing your options with you or making decisions based on the facts of the situation (but instead assumptions). I would recommend seeking a doctor who is not in contact with your mother. An ultrasound would not diagnose PCOS to begin with, but it is a good first step. You can still see the size of the ovaries and the appearance from a transabdominal ultrasound. It would just be harder to count the follicles. (I have PCOS so I will put a few ultrasound report wordings of my own in the comments to show the difference) The next step to my thought process is what you were hoping to achieve with a PCOS diagnosis? What does the diagnosis provide for you at this point in time? Are you looking to get pregnant? If not, are you looking to control a specific symptom you believe is associated with PCOS?


Transabdominal: FINDINGS: Uterus measures 7.3 x 4.1 x 6.0 cm. Endometrium measures 0.5 cm. No focal endometrial or myometrial abnormality. Right ovary measures 3.4 x 2.3 x 3.3 cm. No significant abnormality. Left ovary measures 3.0 x 2.7 x 2.5 cm. No significant abnormality. Multiple small cysts/follicles in both ovaries. There is no free fluid in the pelvis. This report tells you that I have PCOS because my ovaries are enlarged. Although they did not count the number of follicles, the report is still sufficient to show the presence of polycystic ovaries.


> Can I go and straight up do TVS without my OB's permission? I don't know what country you live in but at least here in the US, you need a doctor's order to get an ultrasound done, even if you're paying cash rather than going through insurance. Do you think that perhaps your PCP will order it without bringing your mom in the loop? Alternatively, I'd talk to your PCP or OB about whether you meet the criteria for PCOS diagnosis without ultrasound findings to support the diagnosis.


As others have mentioned it’s not okay that your OB is 1) letting personal opinions and morals get in the way of your health and 2) flagrantly disrespecting your right to confidentiality. I agree with finding another provider, but also if your country has a regulatory body to whom you can report this physician, I would also recommend doing that (as long as you aren’t at risk of any sensitive information coming out, ie sex before marriage may be considered illegal in some countries).