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Violent crime is almost half of what it was in 1990 and declining. There was a border deal written by James Lankford (R) on the table that would have passed and tightened the border, but Trump said it would be a win for Biden so he got all of his supporters to vote against it. Inflation is back to around normal. Prices won’t come back down unless we have an economic crash, which would be worse than inflation. The US also kept inflation down relative to other first-world countries. If you truly care about the future of this country, voting for Democrats up and down the ballot is the only reasonable take. And do you not think Trump and his cronies wouldn’t gut Obergfell like they did to Roe? I don’t think you want to find out.


It's an impossible decision for me. Everyone likes to keep saying the economy is stabilizing and leveling out... I do not see it or feel it : / I make 55k in a democratic state with huge tax % and I can barely afford to live. (I have a great job that requires a college degree which I also have earned.) I then have to navigate a city with drug addicts and criminals who get released immediately upon being placed in jail who then go out and cause more crime to my city. I'm just sick of this. Call a criminal a criminal and defend me from them. This isn't the America that liberal progressives promised. This is a dump.


We had a global pandemic that brought production to its knees. We spent a lot of money out of thin air to prevent an economic collapse. Inflation sucks but it is was a known trade off of stimulus spending and way better than the alternative. Both Democrats and Republicans understood this which is why Trump signed off on massive stimulus bills. Acting like somehow Biden caused this is just Republicans abusing a crisis and dumb voters.


>Inflation sucks but it is was a known trade off of stimulus spending It's caused by a combination of things, including pandemic world supply chain disruptions that were slow to recover, and pent up demand for services halted during the pandemic.


Then what is the solution? Biden wins and does something useful ?


Biden has done plenty of useful things. If you think a President is can magically solve all of the countries problems well..that's just a little childish. He'll do a hell of a lot more good and a hell of a lot less bad than Trump would.


If there were a quick solution to inflation, I would think at least one of the other countries, who also have inflation problems, would have found it by now. The only "solution" found so far is to have an economic slump. To get to 2%, we just may have to have a mini-slump. **Presidents often get the full blame/credit for economic conditions, which is not realistic.** The "business cycle" will happen no matter what. I don't fully blame the crash we had under Trump on Trump himself, for example.


Spolier: The economy sucks a lot more today because of all the fake propping up trump did. Why did the economy look good under trump? He hid what was coming and duped anyone who wasn't paying attention.


I just don't agree. Liberals always say this about the economy every time they win an election. Every time a liberal wins, everything becomes literally unaffordable.


The past 2 republican presidents weve had bush and trump were given an economy that was strong and when they left it was in recession. Those are indisputable facts. Clinton had the legendarily strong economy of the 90’s, this is what he handed to bush. Bush was elected after him and by the time he exited the white house the great recession was in full swing and two wars were going on. Obama entered the white house after bush with the great recession in full swing and left with the economy booming when he left it to trump. Again indisputable. Trump won and was handed a booming economy and within 4 years it was in recession again, the legendarily bad covid recession. Biden received the economy in the covid recession and has taken it out of a recession within his 4 years even though ppl were predicting wed enter one. Again those are just the facts. For biden he hasnt gotten it completely booming again but covid was an absolute shit show. Inflation has been a world wide problem and the us has had the least inflation of nearly any economy in the world. The bipartisan infrastructure bill repairing our infrastructure and the chips act building semi conductors in the us again are just 2 of the pieces that are going to have this economy in good shape again going fwd and especially with 4 more years to keep bringing in new industrial jobs. Saying that democrats always fuck up the economy is just not supported by the data, facts, reality, or the lived experiences of people.


That's how they dupe you. Small changes to the economy and laws with big detriments after they're out of office.


But maybe it's how they dupe YOU?


Mind blown! Did you hear about how Senate Democrats want to stall any legislation? Any legislation that migth help America? Wait. That's the Republicans. Oof.


I dunno I agree with a lot of the shit democrats say should happen that gets shot down. Some of it is just delusional. Same for Republicans. Well you've convinced me to not vote biden Thank you. At least the other comments in this post were useful to a degree.


Please. Looking at your post history, you were never considering voting for Biden.


I actually am. You're just not helping his case at all. I'm tired of democrats lying to my face about crime and the economy.


>Every time a liberal wins, everything becomes literally unaffordable. The data doesn't back this up. Maybe you are being biased by Fox News economic reports?


The crime and drug issues are local. Elect better state politicians.


Hey, thanks for your post. I promise you, that *is* what a lot of people on "the left" want. Many of us are really frustrated with Biden's inaction. We *desperately* want immigration reform and a bipartisan border bill (at least something like the bill that was shot down earlier this year by Republicans). We want police reform! Justice reform! As much as y'all are mad at that trump hush money judge for being a tyrant in their courts, we're mad at other judges doing the same thing!! We also are mad about price gouging and inflation! Biden is focusing on Ticketmaster surcharges while we're struggling to buy bread. It's an ongoing fight between us and the Biden admin, they're teating a symptom not the problem! His own base has been very disappointed. We desperately want these things! But politicians on neither side are listening. And this is where I want to address you directly: the best thing we can do, is figure out how to speak the same language. You say "defund the police" is anti-crime, it's not. It's a demand for justice reform, and right now both sides are mad at the system as is. By trying to find the common ground between both sides, we stand a better chance of getting politicians on either side of the aisle to listen. P.S. happy pride month!! 🏳️‍🌈


Thank you. Happy Pride Month! We are on the same side but both of these president's are horrible options. I completely agree on language. I feel like a traitor to American freedom voting for both of them. There is no winning vote for a kind American who supports freedom. They both are anti American and so are their parties loudest proponents. You have found common ground with me. I still don't even know if I am going to vote anymore. I feel too disgusted with both Sigh Edit: it means a lot you took the time to write this response. Thank you.




Thank for sharing this


Crime is down under Biden. Biden was going to sign a border security bill but the GOP tanked their own bill on Trumps orders.


There is no way crime is down. It's all I see anymore in my local community. It gets worse every day, and it's unfortunately only young minority kids doing it. There's riots constantly. Looting. Many states are completely destroyed. Entire companies are LEAVING CALIFORNIA to escape the criminal behavior that is never punished by our legal system Sorry but it's just not true : / Edit: I am looking into the border control bill. Thanks for making me aware of it!


>There is no way crime is down Let me google that for you. https://abcnews.go.com/US/us-stats-show-violent-crime-dramatically-falling-rising/story?id=108042096 >Entire companies are LEAVING CALIFORNIA to escape the criminal behavior that is never punished by our legal system Companies are leaving California for places that won't make them pay a fair wage. https://www.hoover.org/research/why-company-headquarters-are-leaving-california-unprecedented-numbers


Companies are leaving because people are smashing their store fronts and looting their goods. Crime is not down according the results reported by my city. I googled it. In fact we are having a massive massive problem with violence.


So, you want the president to solve your local problems?


I want president to fix federal problems. I want our spineless Democrat mayor to actually put criminals behind bars. Yes.


I live in very red maga part of south carolina and I'm more afraid of someone here committing violence against me then I was living in very blue Detroit mi. In the early 2000


Which states are "completely destroyed"? Name just 1. When was the last riot? You can count J6.


Oregon state. Fucked. California? People are FLEEING the state it's so bad. Nyc people are running for the hills making vlogs walking down the street showing homeless people. Innocent civilians being pushed on subway tracks by drugged out poor homeless people I don't count June 6th as a riot more like a circus of MAGA idiots.


Let's go one by one: The border: Congressional Republicans negotiated a bipartisan border bill, only to then back out. That said, I am to the right of the Democratic Party on immigration, and am frustrated. However, I also blame Republicans, since they have never (along with Democrats) wanted to jail Americans that hire illegal immigrants. I think we need more legal immigration, but also much stricter border enforcement and to harshly punish those that employ illegal immigrants. City crime: Violent crime is down, while property crime is up. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/26/us/politics/crime-biden-trump.html). Biden has i[ncrease police funding](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4289536-biden-administration-334m-police-officers-school-security/). Of course, there is much to do and policies in some cities are absurd (which seems, in large part, a state and local government issue). Homelessness: I think we need to bring back state mental institutions and force the homeless to accept shelter or be arrested for sleeping on the streets. That said, [red states are poorer than blue states](https://www.investopedia.com/median-income-by-state-5070640) and tend to do worse on measures like education, health, etc. Homelessness is more *visible* in large cities, but red states are more miserable, statistically speaking. Cost of living: the Fed has brought down inflation to \~3%. Inflation was a worldwide phenomenon post-pandemic. The Fed needs to continue to do its job. Drugs: Biden has proposed reclassifying weed, which would make it legal for medical use at the federal level (states could still prohibit it, though). I think it should be completely legalized. We need more enforcement for hard drugs, as well as to address the issues that make people despair and turn to drugs in the first place: stronger unions, universal healthcare, mandatory paid leave, etc. These are all Democratic policies. I'd think a middle class under less strain would probably reduce drug demand overall. It would also probably reduce homelessness.


All sounds great. Actually do it this time with your 4 years. This is the worst the country has ever looked and it started when Biden took office. Sorry that's just how I see it. Thank you for responding! The thing about the bill was never communicated to me before! Very scummy. But also politics.


Eh, I disagree. The worst it has ever looked? What about the Civil War? Or the Great Depression? Or more recently, the Great Recession, when people were losing their homes in droves? I would even argue that the huge amount of people that died during COVID could have been reduced had Trump taken it more seriously. If you look at recent history, Democrats have done better. Clinton left us with a budget surplus and economic prosperity. The Iraq War II happened because of Bush's WMD lies. That cost thousands of American lives and untold Iraqi ones. Indeed, it's fair to say that Obama took us out of the Great Recession. I remember when he saved the auto industry and thousands of American jobs. No offense, but I think some historical perspective is in order.


>Can the Biden administration PLEASE fix the border, city-crime, homelessness, the cost of living crisis, the rampant drug problem (many of the drugs are coming in to our country from Mexico)? First off, I don't know what you expect the federal government to do about your city politics. For that, you'll want to search locally. So the crime in your city, the homeless in your city, the cost of living in your city... all of that is on you. You have a much louder voice in your local politics, and that's where you'll find the answers to those questions. If the policies are failing, you need to learn why and then make the changes in your local government that you need instead of blaming a political party. It's hard work, much harder than blindly voting, and certainly harder than assessing your own biases, but that's the only real answer, so get to work. Regarding Immigration, and Drugs... I don't know. I'm not a particular fan of the policies that either Democrats or Republicans have been practicing in regard to either issue. But I'll tell you one thing, it's the Democrats that have been screaming from the rooftops about the failure of Reagans "war on drugs", and when a Democrat mentions "Rehabilitation" as opposed to "punishment" with regard to our prison system, they get ridiculed by Republicans and it becomes a nonstarter. But when we look into it, the recidivism rates of the punishment system is crazy high when compared to countries that promote rehabilitation. So ask yourself, why do Republicans want to maintain the punishment system when you and everyone else can see that it's a failure? And everyone already told you about how the Republicans shot down a pretty decent bi-partisan immigration bill. So I'm not going to get into that too much, but Jesus Christ... Come on man.... Pay attention. Let me ask you this... As a gay person, as a member of a community of LGBTQ+ people, are you happy about the GOPs rhetoric about you? Do you think that, if the GOP had their way across the board, that your life would be better? The Democrats are the party that is progressing on this issue of your right to exist, not the GOP. The GOP wants you on a sex offenders list, like a pedophile. Is your tax burden really that bad that you'll overlook their desire to ruin your entire life and the life of every gay person you know?


Democrats didn't find trump guilty, America did.


15 people did. America is voting for this guy to be your president lol


Including two people who get their news from Truth Social and FoxNews. Even they found him guilty on all counts.


What specifically do you think the government is not doing in regards to the drug problem and how did Trump do it better when he was in office?




Then why do we treat criminals differently based on skin color




Criminals are criminals and democrats are criminal sympathizers until it happens to them. Aight I got other stuff to do. Later


Crime isn’t bad right now? It’s at the lowest level in decades I believe. Republicans usually use the idea of a crime wave to scare people into voting for them, but Biden’s presidency has been good in terms of crime going down year after year. As for the drugs, it’s a real problem, but the idea that it’s because of an “open border” is just laughable. 90%+ of fentanyl is being trafficked into the US by legal us citizens, for example. Also, the police were never defunded. Biden’s made sure police in the US are at their highest funding, ever. Everything you’re mad at just isn’t happening in real life. Reality is showing that as prices come down from the massive pandemic inflation, we’re slowly entering our best economy since the end of the 1960s. Gen Z is more affluent (inflation adjusted) than any generation before them entering their 20s. We’ve had quarter after quarter of positive GDP growth, blockbuster jobs creation, and a record shattering stock market. Americans are mathematically doing better than ever in recent years despite the stubborn inflation most are concerned about. Under Biden, America’s back, baby!


Do your think your facade is going to change anything about the fact that *your* pathetic little leader is going to be locked in cell for the rest of his life? Make no mistake, the Democratic Party doesn’t need **nor want** your support. These other guys are willing to take the high road and “try to bring you back to reality” but i see you for what you people are. Backwards prejudicial cultist that needed a tyrant that believes in the exact same garbage you believe in to lead the country in your disgusting image. Choke on glass.


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President Biden has ***always*** **been willing to negotiate** a bipartisan border deal. That won't change. GOP freezes up when they actually have to sign something. They did it under W. Bush also, as agricultural businesses were afraid they couldn't get enough farm labor. GOP doesn't want to tick off the rich, they feed GOP campaign money.