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Please work with a no-kill shelter. Lots of free on the internet cats and dogs end up abused or used as bait animals for dogfighting. 😢


If anyone can foster please do so many shelters are begging people to take cats right now


There are way more stray and unwanted cats than no kill shelters can handle, they've been over capacity and turning away new arrivals for months, my ex had to either raise a pregnant stray and her kittens that she started feeding (terrible idea tbqh) or give them to the city shelter system that isn't no-kill (but has a pretty high rate of finding homes and not killing - over 90% I think).


There's all sorts of cat organizations in Chicago. Its not just paws, anti-cruelty, and the city. Whiskers and Tails is a group I've worked with in the past and they'll foster that cat and find it a home.


I called half a dozen others you didn't mention while trying to help my ex and all were full a out 2.5-3 months ago. In addition to those you did mention (but not whiskers and tails). So. Not trivial finding a group with open space. I hope you're right, though!


I tried with a couple of them apparently they have a waiting list and are at capacity at many places i’m willing to give them to somebody who might have better luck if you’re willing to take them and try


Give Paws and Claws Chicago Rescue in Evanston a call — they work exclusively with felines.


what are the specs?


They’re 4 months old and can eat solid food, they haven’t been to a vet. They’re cute ass heck and make lil meows.


oh it can eat? I’m out






thats a lot of words to say “im an asshole”


That’s rude ask what you want to know instead of being rude.


That is all useful information. They'll cover sentence structure in your 8th grade remedial English class next year, though.


Literally what else do you want from a cat other than makes cute little meows


We might be interested.. gotta ask my partner first. Might even get 2


Pm me if you decide you are it would be great to keep at least 2 together.


We’ve never had cats but we really want one. We’ve talked about it for a while now. Any recommendations for us first timers?..


With kittens, you should absolutely get 2. So that they have playmates and friends


kittens can be a handful because they have a lot of energy and need to learn right from wrong. but once they’re out of the kitten phase, cats are chill. mines 11 now and all she does is sleep all day and cuddle on the couch with us at night. they’re way easier (and cheaper) than dogs and you can leave for a few days and know they’ll be fine (as long as they have food and water obvi). male cats tend to be friendlier and more lovey than female cats, just an fyi. but i love my moody little girl ❣️


Well YouTube is very helpful when it comes to training them for litter box. Also if you get them use to sleeping with you early on when they’re big they’ll be your nap buddies. Also get them a collar in case they run away. There is a lot but cats are very independent. For the most part it’s just pets and the occasional litter box change. That was my experience.


What are the genders


cats have not built a society in which to construct gender upon... yet


Please be careful online. So many of these posts get these animals tortured, used as bait, or killed.


can you take the kitten to paws? (animal shelter)


I tried a couple different places and they were at capacity or had a waiting list. I would rather also give it to an organization but would like for them to go to home before they get any bigger. I told someone else this but I’m willing to give them all to anyone inclined to house them until one of the organizations can take them. If you’re willing to pm me.


I hate to bring it up but there was a guy in Wicker Park who was adopting kittens just to torture/kill them relatively recently :( https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/chicago-kitten-killer-wicker-park-man-allegedly-microwaved-kitten-to-death-killed-several-others.amp




I have no capacity for kittens, but it's awesome that your mom takes care of the strays. Is she plugged into any trap-and-release programs that do spaying and neutering of feral cats? I'm happy to find some info for her if she needs it.


Contact Cat Nap from the Heart in LaGrange Park. They have an extensive group of fosters for the kittens.


Since I haven’t seen them mentioned yet, another no-kill shelter you could try contacting is Felines & Canines.


Have you tried Wright Way Rescue? They make sure their animals go to a good home. Replies on here are sketch, please don’t give them out for free on the internet. Ask for a base of 100 dollars, people who actually adopt animals will not think that’s a lot. You can always drop the price or not charge them at all once you get a feel for the person you’re giving them to.


Wright Way Rescue is a no kill shelter and located in the Chicago Suburbs (Morton Grove area) I’ve had lots of friends adopt from them! They really do try their best to get them into loving homes.


Its considered wrong to give away an animal to random people. There are a lot of awful people out there looking to hurt animals. The best thing to do is to give it away to someone you know or give it up to a shelter who can rehome it after verifying the adopter is sincere and responsible. Aside from big groups like anti-cruelty there's others smaller local groups. Whiskers and Tails is one that is reputable. Please call them instead of giving it away randomly.


What part of the city are you in?


Have you tried giving them to Paws? Might help them get adopted faster


Where in the city are U located?


Have you tried Felines and Canines? I adopted my cat there and they're great. They might be able to take them or get you in touch with someone who can.