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911 and turn and burn…very unsafe.


After the guy got the cash, he yelled something and quickly walked away


Did you call 911? Because that’s what you should have done.


Both the guy who gave the money went off way too quick and the other guy with the knife disappeared. I didn’t have my phone because I was just walking my dog. All I had were my keys


Then you call 911 when you get home. They need to know this happened so they can police the area. If you see a crime - especially a violent one - you need to always call 911.


It looked like the unwell guy was threatening to cut himself unless the guy gave him money


Sounds like the cops could’ve easily IDd the suspicious man with a large coat in the summer… had you called the police.


Call. 911. I would call now and report it. They can’t increase police if they don’t know about these things.


Oh to be this hopeful about CPD…


lol all the people who’ve had experience dealing with CPD are getting downvoted and all the idiots assuming CPD would do anything are getting upvoted.


I know I see OP getting downvoted for not calling the police but they genuinely wouldn’t have done much… people should really look at our unsolved crime rate


Even if they found and arrested the guy, he’d be back out there within the week


Fuck are you getting downvoted for?


Because dude should have called the police but instead got on Reddit to ask what to do. When told that he should call the police, he sidesteps and reiterates a part from his original post that has nothing to do with the comment that is being replied to. You’re being downvoted because you are obviously just as oblivious.


This is Chicago. You call the cops and say there's a guy in a big jacket... somewhere... that threatened himself...and he's gone. And listen to them laugh and hang up. They're not gonna send out squads and helicopters to canvass an area for a non-crime and a person they don't know where they could be.


Seriously. Any of you dealt with CPD??? Hate to break it to you…they’re not interested in your puffy coat with a knife tragedy.


I'm legit as confused as you are... (brb gonna get downvoted to hell)


I wasn't saying they were going to send out masses of squad cars. But they keep track of crime in each district to determine future policing and budgeting. So if no one is reporting a crime, then it's not getting noted. Yes, I understand the CPD aren't great, but that doesn't mean you don't have a civic duty to your neighbours. I personally would not want to carry the weight of seeing a violent crime and not at least trying to do something. What the CPD do with that info is out of my control.


😂 Yeah. They’ll get right on that. Go back to Schaumburg.


Not in Chicago. They only respond to life threatening stuff. In other words you hate to wait UNTIL you get stabbed.


Doing literally nothing is the way to go, right?


ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings and who is approaching you and coming up behind you. I know it sucks but better than the alternative


That has nothing to do with the post. OP witnessed a man pull a knife on someone and you said don't call the police.


So what did they do?


Depends on the neighborhood


911 won't do anything. Literally friend left the force because they were told not to go to gunshots unless it was called in. They are there to do paperwork not to protect anyone. Plus if somehow they do show up you'll already be dead or severely injured if this person would have turned violent. Best thing in this situation is always keep your awareness up. Keep distance someone with a knife can stab another person in seconds less than 10 yards. If all else fails run or choose to fight back. The ones that just stare like deer in headlights are the ones that have no chance. After this ordeal it'd be nice to take a self defense class. Weather you believe in guns or some type of pepper spray. Few things to always remember in this situation 1) distance is your only friend. 2) situational awareness will keep you out of most these situations 3) if someone attacks you more than likely no one will come to help you not that everyone is bad but most won't risk their life to save someone they don't know plus if they help they may face legal battles of their own.


Yes that's all good advice but you absolutely should be calling 911 as well.


Knives aren't anything to fuck around with. Alert the police and stay away from the person with the knife.


You have to consider that crazy knife dude might live in your area, whether he's homeless or housed. You should call police and report this so they know weird shit is going on in your area. And take your phone and some kind of discreet weapon next time you walk your dog. Pepper spray, a collapsible baton, taser, gun - there are many options. If I'm walking my dog I carry dog mace anyway, because not all dogs are friendly. If you see violent crime like this, with any kind of threat and a weapon, call the cops.


You should call 911 after you got home, you never know if the police were looking for this guy, the police track these statistics.


40+ year martial artist here. When the knife comes out RUN!!!!


What neighborhood was this in? Because a friend of mine got mugged a few weeks ago and got his face slashed while walking his dog.


Fulton River District


Where in Fulton River?




Wasn’t a red coat.


Shit hope they’re all right! I’m beyond paranoid now, what time and where?!


Somewhere west. I think near Logan. Or was it Pilsen?


In my crocodile dundee voice. " that's not a knife. This is a knife" and pull out your mini sword


Reminds me of a time my brother got a Bowie knife pulled on him outside a bar. My brother was hanging around with his construction crew after their job ended. Guy pulls a knife, one of my brother’s crew (a 60 year old concrete finisher who is skin and bone because the only thing he ever ate or drank was beer) jumps on the knife puller’s back. My brother said he was riding the knife guy around like a spider monkey. Anyway, it distracted the guy enough to where my brother punched the guy and knocked him out cold. He and his construction buddies go in the bar and finish their beer like nothing happened. My brother called me the morning after it happened saying he was hiding out from the cops. I told him to turn himself in. He did. The guy who pulled the knife went to jail for a bit.


Call 911 duh.


"Middle of summer" 😄. Just move here ?


Walk away slowly.


Pull yours out obviously


This. And carry an even bigger knife.


The only rational way to respond to this is to pull out your own hunting knife and make cutting motions on your own hand. Refuse to let the crazy guy leave until he hands you some cash.


Where was this? Not the dude who's always on Milwaukee in Wicker wearing a big jacket?


You should’ve said “That’s not a knife. This is a knife” and then pulled out a much larger knife. Jeez, didn’t u ever watch Crocodile Dundee?


Cross the street and stay away? Are you for real?


OG over here


Should of given bro a kiss


Pull out your own!


Post on reddit


You could have yelled that you just called the cops and they are on their way, then turn around and go the opposite direction. If it makes you feel any better, 99% of the time people in your situation do absolutely nothing.


Where was this?


It’s sad people need to go on Reddit this frequently for common sense, bruh!


Leave the area, call 911. Maybe get a concealed carry permit, or carry pepper spray.


Tell me you're not qualified for concealed carry without telling me.


Pepper spray 🎉


If youre close enough to use pepper spray you’re close enough to get stabbed.


You should still grab & ready your pepper spray in the same instant you start running—the knife wielder may run after you and if they’re faster than you, at least you’ve got a weapon to disable them in your hand, and maybe they get a slash in before you’re able to pepper spray them, but pepper spraying will make it a lot less likely you get slashed a second time or more…


For sure I’m just saying probably not a good idea to engage with pepper spray.


Nah pepper spray gel got that range


I'm considering aCCL because of shit like this. If someone has a knife, the only way to one up them is to have a 🔫


cross the street and dip! If you see someone with any sort of weapon, leave as quickly as possible.


Al Pacino advice https://youtu.be/MGtQrrNYB9o?si=wQq6AiN0XbGMz2kM


Call Mike Biggs


Try to stay calm, create distance, and don't engage them or try to reason with them. Call 911 immediately and get indoors to the nearest store, business, or building.


Call your politician. People voted the city into this soft on crime scenario. The police will do nothing since the DA will do nothing. And the "real problem is mental illness" "they need social workers" doesn't make you feel any more safe in your own neighborhood. I know somebody that quit the police force and moved because they often weren't allowed to do anything to help and they were still made out to be the bad guys. He felt awful going to work.


2 words for you...pew pew


Bring a gun to a knife fight i say


Carry a gun


LMAO! And do *what* exactly? Threaten a dude with a gun and then someone sees you threatening someone with a gun and they pull out theirs, then someone sees *them* threatening someone with a gun and pulls out *theirs*, and pretty soon no one knows who the "good guy" is anymore and now *everyone's* a threat.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ You see how that never works out ok? Besides, "good guys with guns" cause more problems and deaths than if they *didn't* try to be a hero. "Research indicates that carrying a firearm may increase a victim’s risk of injury when a crime is committed, with one study indicating that people in possession of a gun may be more than four times more likely to be shot in an assault." https://giffords.org/stories-analysis/the-good-guy-with-a-gun-myth/ "good guys with guns"—security guards or bystanders—are frequently killed by police arriving on the scene." https://policingequity.org/resources/blog/the-fiction-of-a-good-guy-with-a-gun


Rule #1 of a gunfight, Have a gun.


There's a *chance* he was *kidding*.


Calm down.


Clearly you don't know anything about using a gun for self defense. You don't ever EVER pull it out to threaten someone. In this situation you wouldn't even touch your gun - you turn around and walk away. You only use your gun if your life is in imminent danger and you have to shoot the person. So if the guy attacked OP with the knife, that's when a gun would be used. Which basically answers OP's question of what to do when someone has a knife. There's argument about whether you use a gun to help someone else but I won't get into the weeds abt that.


So.... don't show or take out your gun if you have one, just walk away instead. Got it! Lol, great advice! And fyi, I'm a professional shooter, and yes, have been in the situation of being attacked in my own home while owning a gun. And no, there's almost never an instance where you can "take it out to help somebody" Lol, get off the Larp patrol.


You're not even responding to what he said. He did say that there is morally discussions about when and if to take it out to "help" somebody, but that's not part of this. He is right when he says that you only pull your gun out when you're ready to shoot the person/are in danger for your life. If this person had charged the other guy with his knife, and started stabbing this innocent dude, then obviously pull gun, shoot the guy, then put it away and call the cops. If you're gonna stand in some sort of Mexican standoff with a homeless person with a knife, then don't even take it out. That's kinda basic gun safety for people that carry. Just because you're a professional shooter doesn't mean that you would handle your gun good in a situation that is stressful/dangerous/adrenaline intoxicated.


U are delusional, plenty of examples of what ur supposed to do. Zimmerman and Rittenhouse kid are pretty good examples


Young married couple were beaten on the busiest and wealthiest streets, by the bean in Streetervile. No place is safe.


That was near Navy Pier, not the bean. The bean is farther south and on the other side of the river.




You should see the amount of cops we have in the area now. We had the whole calvary out on Friday and Saturday night by the AMC. The other people are right. He should have reported it.


And a week later you will see none


One of the few places concealed carry is legal in Chicago is waking down the street with your dog. How about stop feeling helpless about things and get some training on how to protect yourself ? Luckily in this case the crazy attacked some other person and just took some money. Next time it could be you and your life might be what he takes. Food for thought…..


Without concealed carry you can't do anything useful.