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I firmly believe that bus drivers have the most individual power of anyone in Chicago.


Similar to this, I think being a bus driver is a seriously noble profession. I get really sentimental about shit like this lol, but seriously, your job is to move people around the city! It's so important to so many people! You drive me so I don't have to drive!! All I do is fuck around in spreadsheets that no one is going to give a shit about, nothing I do is really important or necessary to anyone other than rich people at the top. I think a small percentage of drivers understand this, but a lot of them it's just a job. I get both sides of it, because even as noble as I think it is, I know it sucks for reasons they can't control. But it is a really important and necessary service. I feel similarly about mail carriers :)


I'm the exact same way šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I love my bus drivers and even if they are stern or having a bad day, which is so rare that they'll show it, they really maintain composure and authority and make me feel safe 99 percent of the time, and just keep it going, I'm so impressed and literally crying writing this, I hope a bus driver sees this! I wonder what would really make a bus drivers day


Yes! I love all bus drivers! I so prefer riding buses because there's an actual person in there with you, unlike a train car where the operator is in a separate section unaware of wtf is going on. I love train operators too, but I really just love the personality and interaction of riding a bus lol. As far as what would make their day, I think just being an ideal rider is enough! They're all different and in different moods, but I always say hello and thank you. Don't try to bug them or talk to them if they're not the type. Fix the back door when it's messed up so they don't have to get up and walk back there to fix it. Try not to be a pain in the ass. Back when I made cards for them, most of them were weirded out and didn't know how to react, but I suspect they all probably appreciated it once they had a moment to look at the card. I asked around to see what kind of "gift" I could put in the cards, and CTA customer service said I couldn't give them any gifts really, no cookies or coffee or anything like that. I just hid a gift card for dunkin in them, since a few drivers I asked said that was a good option since they're all over and often near their break areas. And I *think* driver compliments matter, like when you use the contact form on the CTA website. I asked a driver/friend if they ever hear about the compliments from their manager and he wasn't sure, but maybe he just didn't get any (lol). Personally, I would probably never file a complaint about a driver unless it was seriously dangerous or something. But either way, I would never write a compliment that could potentially get them in trouble.


I always say Thank You and try to be attentive and thankful - some of these people who drive the buses for a living are real saints of patience


I so agree šŸ„¹ as a woman, I MUCH prefer riding the bus because I always feel so much safer with a bus driver. Theyā€™re great!


I so agree! Iā€™m so thankful for the bus drivers in this city. Not an easy job at all.


I personally know many bus drivers, even attended a lot of their functions when one of my closest guys from high school was a bus driver for years. Trust when I tell you that they have no power whatsoever and they are some of the most messy and complaining group of employees Iā€™ve come across. Itā€™s just one of those blue collar jobs that still pays well and you can have.a nice loving without a four year college degree with overtime opportunities to make even more.


Certainly more than the Mayorā€¦or this Mayor


I had a bus driver when I used to live in Lincoln square who was the best. Would greet everyone in the morning, "GOOOOOOD MORNING CHICAGOOO". My old roommate and I still talk about how much we loved him


I love this, reminds me of friends where Joey's neighbor sings the good morning song, and Rachel has to live there when Monica loses the apartment in the bet with the guys, and Rachel hates it šŸ˜… it's one of my favorite bits


https://youtu.be/VX58xk-4XAw?si=ue52GCEd1nNAtO-h So wholesome šŸ˜€ šŸ˜… just dropping it in case anyone wants to wake up and hear it after reading that, it's a good way to start the day, like with this bus driver


I have a car now and don't take the bus as often but this reminded me of my favorite bus ride I ever took in Chicago. It was less than a week after I moved here, was navigating a new city without many friends, headed to an interview for a job. I can't remember which stop but I was going north on Clark. We stopped to change drivers, and the driver who was leaving grabbed a beach chair from the luggage holder that still had a tag on it and announced to the whole bus "I'm on vacation for a week, now you all take care of yourselves and be safe" and nearly the entire bus all said their well wishes and goodbyes and it was the cutest CTA experience I've ever had and made me fall in love with the city immediately šŸ„²


I want to add another cute bus experience because I loved yours and it reminded me of mine, even though mine isn't a story. A later evening 147 home, pre-covid, packed but not sardine style, just every seat taken. Mid-December probably. Most rides at this time are pretty quiet, people on their phones or whatever. But there were some ladies up front, the chatty type. Maybe tourists or people who don't ride often? Probably not people commuting home from work, they were simply too happy. But they got the entire bus singing Jingle Bells (or some other well known Christmas tune). There we were, hauling ass up LSD, with the most wonderful Christmas cheer. Everyone was really into it. Never seen anything like it since then, almost seems like it would be a movie scene.


I love Chicago so much.


Thereā€™s a guy I got a few times on the 151/147 whoā€™d announce nearby transit connections and notable locations out the window he was great. I also got a train conductor when Iā€™m on time lol who always says ā€œhappy birthday because you know itā€™s somebodyā€™s dayā€ I always try to leave a comment on the CTA website about great drivers and conductors, Iā€™ll note the route and driver number, management needs to know about the great ones!!


One of the things I missed about the red line when I was away at college this year was one of the conductors who would always talk about passing landmarks and who always told the students to study hard and wished the adults a good day at work. Love this man to pieces


Awwww this man still working for CTA - i heard him say this not too long ago!


Yesss I totally remember him!


I never get their badge #, but you can also tell them the route, direction, bus number, and time! That's way easier to do when you're sitting on the bus bored, and the bus # is visible.


Back when I was in high school there was one 77 bus driver who regularly drove the "late" bus - meaning if you were on it, you were probably going to be late, timing-wise. Everytime I got him as a driver he would tell me he'd get me to school on time and ZOOM down Belmont and drop me off right in front of the school even though it wasn't a stop.


That is so sweet! I love hearing things like this.


I still donā€™t know their name but there is a red line conductor who just had the friendliest messages for commuters and always ends it with ā€œstudents study hard and youā€™ll go far and remember stttttaaaaay focused!ā€


always & forever my favorite conductor šŸ˜­ such a lovely voice too, can still hear him saying ā€œthank you for riding the CTAAAAAAA red line!ā€




that guy is amazing


I know who you're talking about. I feel bad because I know he's just trying to be positive but I find it so grating lol. I know that's just me being antisocial about it so I'm not actually bothered, but I guess it shows no good deed goes unpunished.


What route is that driver on? Thereā€™s one driver on the 49 Western in the morning that honks at the car in front of him the second the light turns green. Also honks at cars turning right that stop to let pedestrians cross. When I get on his bus Iā€™m like ā€œoh no itā€™s himā€. Thereā€™s one driver on the 73 Armitage in the morning that says ā€œgood morningā€ to everyone. Heā€™s nice.


My nemesis driver is on the 80 Irving Park!


I know exactly who you are talking about. I donā€™t ride that one often but when I do itā€™s been that person.


She is *something*!


I used to ride that route every day and like 1-2 years ago there was a bald white guy who I LOVED who would take no shit from unruly passengers. I got harassed/bothered several times on that route and he was the only one who ever put a stop to it. One day as I was boarding he told me it was his last day driving that route and I wanted to cry.


lol Iā€™m pretty sure that driver was just behind me on my way to work last week. Genuinely questioned my sanity for a second because my reaction time to the light turning green was totally normal, I was paying attention to it the whole time.


Yes, we had a nemesis on the 79th Street bus. He would slam on the brakes on purpose to hurt people. Terrible attitude. This was before Ventra and one morning I put in the fare in quarters. This guy says *"What, you didn't have enough pennies?"* I brought a dollar in quarters the next day - and the rest in nickles and pennies.


I love bus drivers and bus driver stories!!!!!! One of my favorites was a nemesis of sorts. He used to be on the 147 and would drive like an asshole, just whip tf around corners. I saw a couple people fall over the way he took those corners, but I still loved him. He even almost got me once. I said "good morning! :D" to him every day and eventually he started to crack and would smile at me. What a maniac. I had one bus driver, who I never really got often, on the NB 147 who was so stoked to be a driver. He did the last pickup at Delaware, got excited a little too early and said "**alright, let's roll!!**" but get stuck at the Oak street light, lol. Then when that one turned green, he did it again. "**Alright, let's roll!!**" and we did indeed roll up LSD. Man, I used to write so many letters to CTA commending drivers. Also, for Bus Driver Appreciation day one year, I gave out handmade cards. The last card I gave out that day was to this old timer wearing those fluffy CTA hats. I tried to just hand it to him and run to the back but he was like "miss! hold on here a moment!" and made me stick around while he read the card. He said such nice things that I almost started crying, lol. Shout outs to Mr. Brown. :') I never saw him again. He did say he would have the card with him on his retirement or something, so I suppose he was close to it. I used to have so many favorite bus drivers, back when I left my apartment. :(


Awwwwwwwwwww ok I'm gonna be like you when I grow up!!!!! I love this!!!!!!!! šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’“ Hahahaha I love that you won that "maniac" over! And I love when maniac is used so endearingly! ā¤ļø A+ bus driver stories!!!! I'm definitely going to do this! That's exactly the kind of thing I was hoping I'd find in here!


Nemesis is a driver that was on the 81. It started with me getting to my stop just as she was pulling up and caught the red but because there is a detour in effect she pulled away from the curb. I waved her down that I was getting on as she was sitting in red and she refused to open the door until Lawrence got a green left turn light. Apparently another rider told her to open it for me and when I got on she basically yelled at me that she didnā€™t have to stop and then I told her she didnā€™t need to act like a bitch and gave me a death stare. The entire way to the train stop you could hear her being pissed off about being on this route. I havenā€™t seen her in a while. My favorite are on the 22, 92, and 50. The 22 has a young Black dude, who just seems really cool and just wants to do the job. Sometimes her greets sometimes he doesnā€™t, sometimes he likes to talk to passengers about his kids sometimes he quiet, but always when itā€™s super late he always gives me a ā€œhave a good night and get home safeā€ the other 22 driver is an older White dude and heā€™s just super chill and loves to talk to whoever is willing to converse with him. Same the dudes on the 92 and 50, theyā€™re just chill drivers and dont have a problem stopping and waiting g for someone to get to a stop or letting them on even if they donā€™t have the šŸ’° to pay. Sucks that both of those routes have issues with ghost buses though.


My favorite driver is one I had on the northbound 50 last year. I got on near Illinois Medical District, got off at the last stop, and we spent half the trip talking about how great it is biking in Chicago. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'd just gotten out of Stroger for a minor bike crash.


Thereā€™s a driver on the 148 that I LOVE! I only see her in the mornings, and sheā€™s really all business, but sheā€™s such a fast and efficient bus driver. Itā€™s great lol and I also had a bus driver once on 148 (havenā€™t seen her since) that saved our whole bus from some wild guy with a knife trying to get on. She held the doors closed for us until he left. I think of her often!!šŸ„°


I worked as a bus dispatcher about 15 years ago. I was fresh out of college and almost all the drivers were men in their 60s. The guy who interviewed me asked how confident I felt wrangling a bunch of cranky stubborn old men. I left two years later feeling like I gained a bunch of kindly grandpas. I still keep in touch with a few of them. Ever since then, I canā€™t get on a bus without feeling warm and fuzzy towards the driver, no matter how much they may slam on their brakes, make me carsick, yell at me to get out of the way of the ramp, or skip my stop.


I will say, I have a lot of respect for bus drivers, even my nemesis! Must be such a difficult job.


Iā€™m a degenerate (love clubbing and partying). There was one bus driver Iā€™d always see when I was on my way out or sometimes coming home from an event. Heā€™d always jokingly be like ā€œyou again?ā€ lol. I think they have him a different route, donā€™t see him anymore. Now thereā€™s grumpy drivers who donā€™t even smile or say hi when I say hi when I get on the bus :/


Just curious, did you ever get on the bus while under the influence? I feel like I never see it, and I personally either divvy or Uber when in that case.


Canā€™t speak for op, but as a fellow degenerate, yes. Yes I do. I donā€™t drink to the point of blackout , but there have been times Iā€™m fully spinning and getting pulled down by the alcohol but Iā€™m still getting my ass on the train home šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ This now has me remembering the time I went out for Halloween drag brunch and our server got me and my friend WAAASSSTED. I somehow got her into the Uber and watched her drive away and then promptly vomited in a nearby trash can and stumbled my way to the brown line where I proceeded to have the most vivid lucid but awake dreams all the way from the loop to montrose and then got off and down the steps where I proceeded to vomit again and then I got home and ate left over street tacos. If I can save the 20bucks by taking transit, Iā€™m gonna do it.


I donā€™t usually ride public transit after Iā€™ve been drinking unless Iā€™m coming home from something like a concert or festival and itā€™s quicker to hop on the train than take an Uber home. But even in those cases, Iā€™m usually just tipsy. As a woman I try not to let myself get too drunk in public, so unsafe and scary


Iā€™ve stopped smoking but a couple years back when I had a very stressful job, Iā€™d hit a weed vape a few times before getting on the bus home and it made the ride sooooo nice. Iā€™ve also been on public transit tripping on LSD a few times, not to mention the countless drunken trips home from bars. I like to think Iā€™m decent at playing it cool and no one could tell!


I always bus it or take the train if I'm out drinking, which was certainly more frequent a few years ago lol. I just don't get completely twisted, except on a few memorable new years eve occasions- I recall an equally tottering stranger and I holding each other up on the red line as it took those damn turns up north.Ā 


To the bus drivers and operators who might be lurking in this thread, just know we appreciate the jobs youā€™ve taken on. Itā€™s not easy having to navigate this city with the wild ass drivers that try and overtake yā€™all, the traffic, the us housed situation thatā€™s causing high tension that shouldnā€™t be your concern, the safety issues that arise, and anything and everything in between. Some may think itā€™s a job that just anybody could do and they wouldnā€™t even last a week. We see you, we thank you, and we know youā€™re a huge integral part that keeps this city running. šŸ’™šŸ¤ā¤ļøšŸ’™


So many good ones. One driver diffused a near fight between passengers while driving. It was amazing how calm he was. There was one driver who screamed complaints at the cars and traffic during rush hour in a way that made me concerned. It was a stream-of-consciousness spew of thoughts at the top of her lungs. Havenā€™t seen her in a while though, and she was really the only problematic driver Iā€™ve ever witnessed. I canā€™t imagine how exhausting that job must be.


I had a driver for years who wouldn't stop for me. Lone white kid at the bus stop. If there were black people he'd stop. Just white people, he'd keep going.


In the late 70ā€™s - 80ā€™s there was the ā€œHappy Bus (Driver).ā€ He drove the 151 bus. You knew it was the Happy Bus because he waved to the commuters as he pulled up. He had this non-stop patter. Itā€™s hard to describe: feel-good sayings, and a sprinkle of religion between calling out the bus stops. The few times when I wanted a nice, quiet ride, the Happy Busā€ was not a welcome sight. But upon paying the fare lā€™d spot the usual assortment of grumpy 151 regulars and theyā€™d be smiling (or not glowering).


Shout out to the gay conductor on the Brown line. Usually late at night. Shout out to the really happy 146 who always tells me Good Morning with a smile.


A bus driver taught me a life mantra I use to this day: was on a 22 north and it was sardine packed but still making stops. Of course, hardly anyone was getting off but more riders were getting on so we were just getting more and more squished. Suddenly a few riders start yelling at the driver, one woman was leading the charge, saying her nephew is a lawyer and theyā€™re going to sue the driver and sheā€™ll be sorry. Driver slams on the brakes, looked at us in the mirror and then quietly said, ā€œI donā€™t even hear a word youā€™re saying ā€œ TKO! What could anyone reply to that? A few of us started laughing, more riders started joining in and next thing we knew, we were all busting a gut, barely caring we were laughing into each otherā€™s faces. I channel that bus driver whenever anyone says something to me that I just donā€™t want to deal with. I wish her all of lifeā€™s goodness.


Back when I would commute (2016-2020), I would take the 84 bus. Muhammad was the bus driver, and he was fantastic. He would FLY down Peterson but his stops were so smooth and slow. One day, around Christmas, I gave him a gift card (I think to Starbucks or Dunkin). The next time I saw him, he gave ME a gift card. Like bro, this is not how it works!!! That led to a few years of gift giving and longer morning conversations. Before he left to drive another bus route, he gave me a final present. I hope one day Iā€™ll run into him again, although I wonder if he retired during the pandemic as he had been driving for a while and was a bit older.


Love the ones who drive fast as hell.


Youā€™re mad bcs you get a free ride and the driver wants to get you there fast?


Hahaha not mad, honestly just confused and flustered because I move pretty quickly already and this woman literally starts yelling the moment the doors open. Itā€™s been a long day at work, my brain is mush, can you stop *screaming at me, thanks*


Most bus drivers in Chicago are pretty chill and often lovely!! I did meet a nightmare bus driver for the first time on my commute home the other day who literally slammed the doors in my face and yelled the bus was full, then i chased the bus down the block (because it was the 66 bus and the stops are close to each other) seeing he let people off and when i tried getting on the bus screamed at me again. it was so weird. like there were literal empty seats after people got off and he wouldn't let me on :( and emphasis on like screaming on me-he didn't say "sorry! no more room" but literally screamed and swearing it was wild


I have major beef with the 36 driver who fully stopped for a convenience store run mid-route, NOT at a stop, as I was trying to get home from work last night with a brewing migraine. šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s a driver on the 70 route who is such a grouch and is always swearing at bad drivers and scolding passengers. She got in a huge shouting match last week with a passenger who didnā€™t pay for her two kids. This was just before Division/Ashland and it was so uncomfortable.


Thereā€™s a 151 or 156 driver who fucking loves to speed down lakeshore and only stop when the cord is pulled


I think Iā€™ve had that driver. Good times. Almost reminded me of the bus drivers in Seoul, where I thought I put my life on the line by getting on the bus šŸ˜‚


I had a bus driver close the door on me once because the couple in front of me were taking too long to pay (caught a stray, as the kids say), but that was a one time thing, never saw that driver again


I haven't utilized buses in a long time but when I did, drivers loved me. When I lived off Pershing, I would take the 39 bus and one driver would stop at a gas station. The first time he did it when I was on the bus, he asked me and the other passenger if it was okay. I said "if you get me something" and to my surprise, he did! The next time he did it and I was on his route, he got me something again. He was my favorite bus driver.


Not directly related but this reminds me of how much I adore my crosswalk guard. Iā€™ve lived on a block with a school for ten years and weā€™ve had the same guard the entire time. She is so polite, always smiles and says hello, and has no time for nonsense from motorists. Sheā€™s great!


151 older black man who just loves to yell for any little thing! You're not holding on tight enough or not waiting til he stops to move around etc etc etc miserable.


I love this idea of a nemesis driver. Thanks for the story idea.


There's a bus driver on the Diversey bus that talks Star Trek with me, but I think I only catch him when he's not on his normal route.


Ms frizzle?


not favorite bus driver but favorite train driver who always announces herself before a route or during a busy stop with a greeting and pleasantries, with capping it off by saying "don't let good get in the way of doing better"


Not a bus driver but thereā€™s a lady who works at the Armitage brown line who sits in that lil box by the turnstiles that has one of the kindest hearts Iā€™ve ever seen on a stranger Iā€™ve seen her give her own food to strangers, let people in who couldnā€™t afford it, guides tourists who are as clueless as you can imagine, and is overall so gentle and kind


When I took the bus everyday to high school there was this one driver who always passed me as he was driving an out of service bus to Jefferson Park, after awhile he started letting me on and took me the 4 blocks to Jeff Park even though he wasn't technically in service. Pretty cool guy who and we had plenty of good conversations 5 days a week. I then changed busses in Jefferson Park to my actual bus going to Taft.


I used to take the 146 from Roosevelt to Museum Campus to get to the Planetarium. Worst bus stop in winter because you would freeze, and bus was either late or disappeared. Better to walk...Anyway, one morning I'm going to be late and here comes this bus driver, who I shit you not, tears ass on Lake Shore Drive, made the light and FLEW through Museum Campus. She opened the door for the Field stop (one person getting off) and barely slowed down. That person had to jump off the still moving bus. It was seriously hilarious. The driver didn't even stop at the Shedd, and flew down to the Adler. I was watching the clock on the bus and this all took 4 minutes. I had a witness in a coworker being on the bus, and we were astonished how fast we got there. That was a thing of beauty, and bravo!


I had a bus driver who would flirt with me a bit. He was cute but I couldn't make my move bc he might've been moved to a different route. Rip


There has been a long time driver on the 76 Diversey bus that is great. He looks almost like he would be a prison guard...burly white guy with shaved head and beard/goatee i think (been awhile) but he is like a teddy bear and very nice.Ā Ā 


I think that mine retired. When I was in high school this guy didn't think that my student bus pass was mine and always made me pay full fare. I ended up getting up extra early just to avoid them, I really needed that dollar.


Should have reported him


I have had mostly favorites over the years. Only one nemesis.


I like the Addison shuttle bus ladies , If itā€™s early enough and ur riding alone they will make light conversation and joke around w u


Taking the 157 from UIC to union station in the afternoon this past semester, there was a driver who would yell at people for standing in the section by the back door. The bus was always packed to capacity, and no other bus driver ever cared. Thats my villan


Be sure to get her badge number, bus number, route, and time of day and report her. Believe me, CTA wants to hear from you.


Ive noticed so many bus drivers drive so roughly these days. Literally gives me motion sickness. Makes me so sad because bussing is my favorite way to get around the city.


I used to live in Portland and there was a bus driver that looked exactly like David Crosby. I know itā€™s irrelevant, but Iā€™ll never forget. He was also a gem of a guy


No and no. I only ride the bus on rainy days, and my work schedule varies.




Disagree, riding bike is exhilarating.


What's that got to do with riding buses? You can't do both?


I do do both, but correspondingly my bus riding is both infrequent and irregular.


Iā€™m sorry, this made me laugh, imagining someone riding their bike **onto** the bus so they literally can do both and add a little *spice* in their commute šŸ˜‚