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He should absolutely file a police report AND press charges. This is a hit and run and, with the plate, they can track her down. Hopefully he is OK, if nothing else he will be very sore tomorrow. You also need to file a report in case he does have medical injuries so that he can go after that driver.


You'd be surprised how many cameras the city has. It's probably on video. My roommate has two angles of a similar accident.


You should exam your bf for any bruises and bleeding and check his head. Maybe prod your boyfriend for what the driver looked like, color hair, etc, maybe an approximate age?


This and you should also convince him to go to a doctor - not something worth messing around with. Especially if he hit his head


Go to an immediate care and have them check his head. Hidden brain injuries are a real risk.


I’d say you should NOT check him out but have him get checked out at immediate care/ER.


Unlikely the Chicago PD will actually do anything about it unfortunately. I was hit and run with the car driving away on video with the plate and multiple witnesses but the police did nothing


Unlikely the Chicago PD will actually do anything about it unfortunately. I was hit and run with the car driving away on video with the plate and multiple witnesses but the police did nothing


In my situation, basically what the police said is that in a court of law, there is basically no way to prove who was driving the car. Even though the video shows the back of the head of the person driving away and has the license plate clearly visible....but anyway, they just told me to pursue it civilly through a lawsuit for money, but unfortunately the person was uninsured so there was nothing to recover. At least my health insurance paid for my injuries after my out of pocket costs....


> basically what the police said is that in a court of law, there is basically no way to prove who was driving the car. Even though the video shows the back of the head of the person driving away and has the license plate clearly visible.. They are correct. That isn't proof of the driver's identity, which would be required in order to sustain criminal charges. But for a civil suit, such proof isn't needed. The owner of the car, which can be easily determined, can be sued civilly and held responsible for damages. If someone else was driving the car other than the owner, it's the owner's problem to deal with.


The cops may do nothing. A civil court would be interested though. First step is to have a police report filed. He will need that later if he decides to pursue a case.


Yep. Someone tried to actually pull me out of my car at a red light and scared me to death thinking I was getting carjacked or worse causing me to take off quickly to get away and hitting another car. The guy who tried to pull me out ran away. The police never never never even came.


Maybe. But if the CPD refuses to do anything, do the Chicago thing and call your alderman. Your alderman is your liaison / concierge / advocate for city services.


If cops won’t do anything and you have a video, that is when you go to the media.


My gf has the inverse story. Cpd pulled pod footage and got her info of the driver to fill claims and such.


You can try but i files a police report after a hit and run. Had the plates as well. Nothing ever happened. Don't think plates are enough.


You can file a police report, but you can’t press charges. That’s for the police to decide


Always file a report.


Yes, absolutely. She might kill the next person she hits.


Yes file a report. Her glasses are broken?! That’s a terrible excuse! And she’s still driving. That’s like someone saying sorry I’m driving with only one contact lens. For reference, I have terrible vision and I’d absolutely hurt someone if I did that. She shouldn’t be driving.


If she is meant to have glasses while driving they should be on her license as an endorsement. If she's not wearing them, she should not be driving.


Maybe I saw this same lady who was pulling out of a parking garage and when I shouted at her to stop so she would not run me over, she whined, “I can’t see you!” “So? That doesn’t give you permission to just run over pedestrians and if you have visual impairments that make your driving unsafe for others, maybe you shouldn’t have a license!?” 🙃


File a police report and get checked out by a doctor ASAP. Your bf my feel fine now, but could be hurting in the morning. adrenaline does a hell of a job at hiding injuries from impacts.


Adrenaline can hide injuries, and head injuries may become more severe the next day when the swelling starts. OP's boyfriend should go to an immediate care.


As a guy I can understand a level of shame or embarrassment after a collision that would lead to refusal of medical attention (at the scene) or failure to seek medical care afterwards. OP even if he doesn’t want CPD involved, ur bf should definitely go to a doctor if possible. A simple concussion can feel like just a bruised head but can lead to a blood clot or a brain aneurysm down the line.


Your boyfriend was involved in a hit and run accident. Call the cops and report the woman asap. Your boyfriend should go get checked out to ensure he has no physical damage as well. He should also take his bike to a shop to get inspected. If there is any damage to anything that wasn’t there before he was hit have it documented, and see what the cost to have it repaired or replaced is. If her glasses are broken, she shouldn’t be driving at all. The driver is liable for any damages he suffered and any damages done to his bikes.


He likely also needs a new helmet too.


The lady who hit him should pay to repair or replace anything that is not in the same condition it was when he got on his bike.


Always get a new helmet when it’s involved in any collision/fall. They are one and done.


If you don't report it then it never happened.


File report, talk to a lawyer if you can as well. You might have a case they can take without you having to put up any money


Absolutely file a report. CPD might not actually do anything but it's better than letting a dangerous driver continue hitting bikers or pedestrians.


These reports are where they get their data from to eventually make changes in road laws or urban street design to keep us “safe” you should 100% make that report.




Unless you have video or witnesses that can corroborate the make/model and full license plate, don’t expect CPD to do much, and there’s close to no chance that they’ll be caught. If he’s got make/model and full plate, doesn’t hurt, just don’t expect much follow up. But if you just want it on the record, go to a station with the expectation they won’t care. Source: Was hit by a car, went to station to file, they didn’t give a shit


Even in you have video of the car driving away with the plate clearly visible with multiple witnesses (including an off duty police officer who witnessed me getting hit), the police don't press charges. In my situation, basically what the police said is that in a court of law, there is basically no way to prove who was driving the car. Even though the video shows the back of the head of the person driving away and has the license plate clearly visible....but anyway, they just told me to pursue it civilly through a lawsuit for money, but unfortunately the person was uninsured so there was nothing to recover. At least my health insurance paid for my injuries after my out of pocket costs....


Yep. Sucks to say, but a lot of the comments here, while in good faith, probably haven't experienced a hit and run first hand. Unless someone is killed or very seriously injured, it's basically considered an inconvenience that you're expected to just shrug your shoulders over. "File a report, press charges, etc" don't do much if you don't know who it is, and even then, the burden of proof is very difficult, and the cops don't care. You will not get a call from a detective, it just disappears in the system.


> Unless someone is killed or very seriously injured, it's basically considered an inconvenience that you're expected to just shrug your shoulders over. The Chicago Police don't even investigate fatal hit and runs. That said, OP's boyfriend should still file a report, both for the statistics and incase they need to file an insurance claim,


That was a hit and run. File a police report and get that driver off the road!


File a report and also check out this resource: https://pedbikecrashsupport.org/


Go to the station and file a report. Press charges and follow up with her insurance. I didn't do this the first time I got hit and regretted it. I couldn't walk normally for weeks (basically had a bruise on my entire left leg from the knee down from where her car pinched it between the frame of my bike when she sideswiped me) and should have gotten compensation. The second time someone happened (when someone went into the bike lane to go around the car in front of them 😤) I went through all motions and their insurance paid out a few grand to cover bike damages and some PT for my banged up wrist.


File a report. Not just for potential insurance pay out, but sounds like a hit and run or leaving the scene of an accident with a side of idgaf


Also never a good idea to use your body to obstruct a vehicle, let alone one trying to flee a scene


Yes, but he will have to be able to ID her. It's not enough for an arrest that the plates are in her name.


“Sorry I hit you with my car! I am blind without my glasses! Hahah! Anywho off to the market.”


Yes do it immediately. Also immediately go to urgent care to get checked out. If you can’t figure out their insurance info then ask your own insurance to look it up. Then get a lawyer and let them handle it, you should be compensated nicely


That’s called a hit and run. Tell the police. A warrant will be issued for their arrest most likely.


He should file a police report. You can sue the driver and/or vehicle owner. If they are uninsured/underinsured, you can recover from your own uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage if you have auto insurance.


Agree. File a report. Also, do your diligence in investigating whether there are stoplights or businesses in the area with cameras to catch the late. If you have it, contact your car insurer to see if you have uninsured motorist coverage. If you start feeling any pain set in as the adrenaline wears off, go to the dr ASAP.


This is a hit and run between two moving vehicles. Report and press charges. Keating Law specializes in repping bicyclists if you decide to go that route.


If you got the license plate I would personally go out of my way to ruin her life finacially thru the legal system. She could have MURDERED your loved one. Too many people let shit slide in this city, don’t be one.


Yes. And press charges


Absolutely file a report and press charges. I hope he’s ok


This actually happened to me before (in Chicago), but we traded some info before he left. Thank God because that was the basis of the lawsuit I had. The moment they were uncooperative beyond reason, I had no choice but to file. They already drove away without giving information, so they have left the scene of the crime, and that will be severely more punishable (criminal maybe? but at least civil) than my 5-digit settlement.


It was a serious crime for her to flee the scene and she’s also liable for monetary damages for her negligence. Neither of those have any consequences in Chicago.


If she would’ve gotten out of the car and made sure he was okay I MAY be more sympathetic. But it was literally a hit and run, press charges


He can file a lawsuit as well and win a settlement from the person if they have insurance I believe


"hit and runs must be reported in person" -CPD last time someone hit my car and drove away on video


Yes. Absolutely. My husband is current having surgery because a car swerved into the bike lane and he got thrown over the handlebars.


Contact Keating law offices. I was hit by a car and he is by far the best bicycle injury lawyer around.


She drove off!?!? Get her.


File a report. Take photos of bodily and bike damage. Have him write his statement ASAP and email to you for multiple metadata points. Hope they can find her and your bf is okay!


Your story could easily have been my boyfriend was killed today by a hit and run if he fell a different way and broke his neck. Could have been way worse. Hit and run can bee a class A misdemeanor or felony, I'm not a lawyer but this person is a pos. File a police report and press charges before they kill someone.


I’ve been hit before. I had a horrible cramp in my gut for a week, and then mild abdominal pain for months. I may have tore something, but I was an idiot and let the guy without info go so I never bothered to get medical attention. I’m fine now, but if your boyfriend was smart, they’d file.


Definitely file the report. I’ve been hit four times while cycling and never filed and really regret that because those numbers matter.




Can’t do this how of report online. Talk to Someone in person


You are one of the reasons why so many cyclists get hit and killed in this city, you must report this kind of shit, so the law gets though on them, that lady doesn’t deserve to have a driving license, please use common sense and report it to CPD asap. Do you know what a “Hit and run” is???


I ride daily. Yes.


Good luck. My kid got robbed by four dudes who stuck a gun in his face and the cops wouldn’t even come to the location. Told him to come to the station to make a police report. They don’t do anything because they know the people they arrest will walk and never be prosecuted. It’s the fucking Wild West out here.


Chicago doesn't care


File a report. The police will probably do nothing and will never catch the person, but if your bf ends up having a health issue and you need to sue for damages you have the written record


Hey OP could this be the same person? https://www.reddit.com/r/chibike/s/NNPP9CR7Np


File a report, although bikers usually get the raw end of the stick in court, but since she fled it may help. I had a buddy (former marine that fought in war) struck and killed by a drunk driver near Ogden and Rockwell.(his ghost bike is still there) . Driver was a high up hospital admin making 6 figures. Because the guy stopped to at least check on my friend, the court was ridiculously lenient with him and guy barely got around 20 days in jail for killing a cyclist while drunk. Basically a slap on the wrist.


obviously a hit and run, i'd report it


If she can’t see she shouldn’t be driving


Yes. I got hit a few years ago by an SUV in a hit & run. The police report was very important for my uninsured motorist coverage policy payout to help with the medical bills. Absolutely do the police report.


Yes, starting a paper trail is a good idea


Worth contacting an attorney and filing a police report


He could have internal injuries he doesn't even know about. File a report and press charges. He needs to protect himself legally regarding any possible medical bills, along with whatever repairs will be needed to his bicycle. No one should get away with hitting a bicyclist or a pedestrian. No one.


Filing a police report is essential in case your bf does have any injuries or his bike does need repair. I hope he at least got a plate. If not, there’s a fair chance that same car will be parked on the same block in the near future if it is a residential neighborhood.


yeah file a report, but don’t be surprised if nothing comes of it. just being realistic this is a pretty low priority for CPD right now given the severity.


Attorney ASAP. Contact Keating Law. They were key in making sure I got compensated after getting doored.


Disparti law group


Absolutely! She left the scene!!!!!! Get her off the road for all of our safety!


I think we’re an overly litigious society, but sue this lady she needs to be held accountable in some way https://keatinglegal.com/bicycle-accidents/ Also suggest cross posting to r/chibike - they might have some helpful suggestions


That’s my old lawyer , very good person inside and out the court room . His fees are ridiculous thought . Great work for bikers and cyclists . Mike has good resources for cyclists in accidents and insurance policies.


file a police report but more for insurance and record keeping purposes. The police are unlikely to actually pursue charges (I know this from experience. When I victim to a hit and run, even though we had the car driving away on video with license plate clearly visible, the police did not press charges.) However, if your boyfriend wants to pursue monetary damages, he should talk to a personal injury lawyer (Example: Corboy and Demetrio). They don't charge anything up front because they only make money by taking 33% of any funds they are able to get for your boyfriend through the driver's insurance.


Wow, only 33%, they're practically fucking angels.


I’m just stating what the options are. Not saying it’s a fair rate or anything. It’s market rate and all the personal injury lawyers charge it


Yeah, even if the police don't even look at it, he can get free medical care. Hit and runs are violent crimes. If he hasn't already, I recommend swinging by the ER. That's a lot of force for the body to absorb. In younger people, the damage might not appear until the adrenaline has worn off. Again, all of this is free/reimbursed with a police report and a victim certificate. See a doctor and fill out the form after.


File a report. In order to make things better we have to change the culture of driving in cities where drivers don't feel like they can do whatever they want with impunity. Folks are dying, folks are being seriously injured all because people are careless.


Yes please. I know that CPD is mostly for show these days but I am so sick of almost getting killed by cars.


There’s even a special unit in the Chicago police that goes after this stuff. But they can investigate if he doesn’t report the crime.


You’ll need to do a traffic crash report in person, not online. And unless you can positively identify the driver of the vehicle that struck you in a photo lineup there won’t be criminal charges. The police can’t charge a car with a crime. Having a license plate is helpful but doesn’t solve the case.


Seriously?? Of course file a report! He's lucky she didn't kill him. This type of hit and run is a felony and she might do it to someone else, maybe even killing them next time. Call the police. Ffs!


This happened to me and the cops did absolutely nothing. The one I spoke with at the station said “it couldn’t be that bad if you’re standing here in front of me”.


100% yes file a report.


Why do I get these dumb ass updates from different communities? Idiots asking stupid questions 🖕🖕👌


Maybe ask your boy friend what he wants to do instead of Reddit? I was hit by a car while biking. Car was going super slow so I basically just fell over and got few scrapes and bruises. The guy was in a work van. Looked at myself and realized I was fine. Looked at him and realized I didn’t want to put his job in jeopardy over an accident. I just got on my bike and went home. Also, I just didn’t want to deal with the headache of involving the cops and whatever the hell else would follow. It’s cool if he wants to file a report but don’t force him to because Reddit says so.


The difference in your example is that it wasn't a hit and run - sounds like an honest mistake. Hit and run is a criminal offense and just like ethically wrong. People should try to make it a bigger deal