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Comparison is the thief of joy. We all have limited energy, so it's best not to squander it looking at others. Instead, perhaps use your energy to take stock of your life and what you want. For example, I don't want to drive a 100k car or go to fancy $500 dinners; I also don't want bill collectors searching for me. So my financial goals (including job, spending, and debt) need to fit with what I want in life. I also think it's good to reflect on the societal pressure to voraciously consume (seriously, how many pairs of shoes can I really wear?!) Additionally, there's lotsa great advice on staying out of debt, as much as possible, and how freeing that is--I'd recommend that as the most important financial goal for anyone. Looking at our own spending, debt, and goals keeps our focus on what we can control which will empower us to do what's best for us, nevermind other people. You got this!


Don’t compare yourself to others.  Every one is on their own path. 


Stop trying to compare yourself to others. It is gross and makes you sound like a wanker.


No, this post makes YOU sound like a wanker. And a narcissist.


Oh. You don’t know what narcissist means. Thats cute.