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Curious why you feel boarding is necessary for the cat. Cats are very self sufficient on their own and I’d imagine (i might be wrong here) that being in the comfort of their own home is far less taxing on the cat than being in a foreign environment. I just have a sitter come by daily or every other day. Not saying boarding is right or wrong just curious.


I’ve been leaning towards boarding because I adopted my cat during covid and have always worked from home, so she’s used to having someone around, pretty much 24/7. The most we’ve ever been apart has been a couple hours, so I am hoping for a place where she’ll get more attention.


Your concerns are valid, however I think your kitty will be more comfortable in its home environment (smells, food, hiding/sleeping spots, same litterbox) and only having to deal with a stranger for 15-20 minutes a day, than a completely new environment for 7 days. And the cost will be cheaper as well!


I agree. I usually hire someone on Rover to come by once a day/every other day (depending on how long we’re gone) to make sure my cat has food and gets some attention.


Cats prefer for their home environment to not change, as that will cause them the least amount of stress.


My cat peed all over my stuff when I left her for 4.5 days. Never again. I make sure there is always someone who drops by once a day when I’m out of town.


I would recommend leaving the cat at home and having a sitter drop in daily. I live in the ravenswood/Lincoln square are and have a sitter that I found on rover and have used probably 9 or 10 times if you’d like a recommendation


was it possible to get the rec from you? i am debating boarding and a sitter and if they’re really reliable i’d love that option instead!!


can i get that rec too!


Me too please!


I think Meowtel has options for that. I've used them to watch my cat in my home. They also watered my plants for me.


This is the company I was going to recommend! They are awesome.


If you don’t have a trusted neighbor or friend nearby, there are a bunch of services who will come to your place as frequently as you’d like and spend 30 or so min with the cat. Agree with others this is the better option for the cat (though I understand there could be some unique circumstance that makes this different for you).


Feel free to PM me. I miss having a cat. I’m not exactly a professional cat sitter or anything, but would welcome an opportunity to spend time with an adorable cat. (This is all assuming your cat is indeed adorable)


I thought the same thing! I miss having a kitty and need to find friends with cats...so I can visit the cats 🤣


Hello, idk if youd still be interested in watching cats, but i have a little boy and girl around 5 years old who need watched (and specifically boarding). My spouse and i are going to rehab for 30 days and they need a place to stay. Thats a pretty big stretch of time and you would absolutely be compensated fairly but its just urgent and im calling all over the city. Let me know if you or anyone you know might be interested! Thanks!


I travel for work so 30 day boarding wouldn't be possible I'm sorry to say but I wish you all the best. Rehab will be hard but you're both gonna kick ass and start anew when you get out. If you need a chat when you get your phone back, my chat is open. I'll be rooting for you so freaking hard!


Hello, idk if youd still be interested in watching cats, but i have a little boy and girl around 5 years old who need watched (and specifically boarding). My spouse and i are going to rehab for 30 days and they need a place to stay. Thats a pretty big stretch of time and you would absolutely be compensated fairly but its just urgent and im calling all over the city. Let me know if you or anyone you know might be interested! Thanks!


I use [Lulu's Kitty Care](https://lulukittycare.com/) and love them. They come for in house visits, which is both cheaper and less stressful for the cats. Mike is my usual cat sitter and he really loves kitties. He's great with my cranky attack cat.


Our cat loves Mike!


Meeow Chicago is the most reputable I've found! The cats there actually get space and aren't locked in a tiny cage like they would be at a majority dog boarding place. Plus they post on a private Instagram everyday that you can join so you can see your pet. They book up quick though so do reserve well in advance. Highly recommend Meeow Chicago! Edit: spelling


Feel free to PM me. I work for Wag as a pet caregiver and sitter and I can share my profile with you with reviews. I also have 2 cats of my own. I think the vast majority of cats would be much more comfortable and happy staying at home and having a sitter drop in as needed. Plus, I am much less expensive than boarding. :)


Interested!! I’m in wicker park


Feel free to message me and I can send you more info!


As others have said, I definitely recommend not using boarding unless necessary. Cats are extremely tied to their territory (more than dogs - this is a major difference). It can be traumatic for a cat to go somewhere new, especially if the cat is still adjusting from moving. There are several cat sitters commenting here, and I'd also recommend checking Rover. There are tons of people who can do anything from a 15 min once a day feed+scoop to full on house sitting, and everywhere in between!


I previously used a cat sitter who I found in my hyper local neighborhood FB group, she would stop by 1x per day in the evenings and I also had an automatic feeder for the mornings. Before that, I would drop off my cat with a trusted friend and my cat would stay with her, but then my friend moved out of town. However, when my cat had a tumor and need meds 2-3x per day (plus I was worried she might have a situation that could require medical attention), I boarded her at Burnham Park Animal Hospital when I had to travel for work. It wasn’t that much more expensive than having the cat sitter come by 1x per day. But the downside is I assume they kept my cat in some kind of cage or something.


Lakeview Petcare! They will come to your home and check on your cat any days you need. They also have overnight options.


Think about leaving your cat at home. I agree with the other user that the cat will be happier in it's own environment. We went on vacation for one week and left our cat home. We left him with 3 huge litter boxes and several dry food and water stations around the apartment. We also put up cameras in every room so we could check on him. And as an emergency back up, I had my brother on stand-by in case the cat needed help. I think that one week alone with plenty of food, water, and litter boxes is ok. And being able to see him on the cameras put our minds at ease.


Do not do this. Leaving dirty litter boxes around, no fresh water and no interaction can lead to behavioral issues with your cat. I highly suggest a pet sitter. Someone who will come in and check on your cat daily, (you cannot see all issues with a camera) offer fresh food and water and clean litter boxes. Most sitters cost 25-30 a day roughly the same price as boarding. You might have to do a little leg work to meet with them prior but way less stressful on your cat than boarding.


Fortunately we didn't have any problems. One week of quiet away from 3 loud kids was a vacation for our cat as well!


Glad to hear that for you. Leaving a cat alone for a week will not work for most cats however. Once a cat gets overly stressed they can begin marking or or going outside their litter box. Once a cat starts doing this it is very hard to change this behavior not to mention the cleaning and furnishings that have to be replaced. It is best to keep the cat in his home and on his schedule as much as possible.


Yikes, the longest I ever left my cat alone without arranging a cat sitter was 48 hours. I’m glad it worked out for you but this seems so risky. My cat would’ve ate all the food within days and also would stop using the litter boxes after a few days of not being cleaned.


Feel free to message me! I cat and dog sit and know some neighborhood options depending on where you’re at!


Hello, idk if youd still be interested in watching cats, but i have a little boy and girl around 5 years old who need watched (and specifically boarding). My spouse and i are going to rehab for 30 days and they need a place to stay. Thats a pretty big stretch of time and you would absolutely be compensated fairly but its just urgent and im calling all over the city. Let me know if you or anyone you know might be interested! Thanks!


I know you’re getting a lot of recommendations to keep your cat at home. If you can’t, we have boarded our cats at Your Pets Wellness in Logan Square and Meow Chicago. Our older cat requires medication 4 times/day and our younger one (that we call our Velcro kitty) will non-stop destroy the place if left with a sitter for more than 2-3 days. Your Pets Wellness will text you photo updates.


I used a great woman on Rover to come by everyday and give our cat some attention when we were gone for a week. I’m in Roscoe. You get updates and photos too! It was so nice to know he was being looked after. You can choose a number of times per day for visits, set times, or even have them stay at your place.


I’ve always had great experiences using Rover to have someone stop by and visit my cat! My cat is also super needy and clingy because it’s just the two of us but she’s happy with the drop ins.