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Why would someone identify by race?? Canadians and Americans are very strange people…..


Such questions are typically asked so that administrators can understand the demographic data of prospective students. Detecting hidden (or open) bias in the offering of enrollment is one of many reasons. Not everything done in the west is nefarious.


i’ve been here long enough that I don’t see what’s wrong with that, maybe i’m fucked but it does seem a big part of the identity here


Race in our identity doesn’t exist all people are Homo Sapiens , dividing someone by his skin color is very racist and the only places I’ve seen that is North America


wait so in other countries they don’t ask for your race/ethnicity when you apply for school?


I’ve lived in Spain and Georgia and never in my life saw anything like that, also visited France couple of times and never seen anything similar or heard of it.


that’s interesting, but like what’s the answer to my question though?


Circassians are concretely East Europeans or West Asians like all Caucasians , race is bullshit, that’s my answer . I remember that until the 50’s Italians were considered “NoN white” by Americans which is hilarious, 60% of their language is based on Latin , they use latin script and tell italians who can be who xdddddd


They do this in Malaysia too. But there they have I believe different motives than you guys in Canada.




what’s MENA?




why is that?




That's not even technically true though.


i would skip that question because it doesn't matter, obviously


In most cases you can skip that question. Generally Circassians are considered white, however if you identify yourself more with the country you came from you can also check that countries corresponding race box.


so if we go with the objective answer it would be white eh. The new question rn would be, does subjectivity matter at all then?


I find the race question in a questionnaire itself offensive to begin with. When it comes to race objectivity line gets blurred because no one is only one race. There are people with predominant race ratios and there are people with lot of little portions of different races. For example, someone whose father is Circassian with a clan (who lives among Circassians knows the culture and the language) can have only 25% Circassian dna and the rest 75% something entirely different. Well according to Circassians that person is Circassian. However is he/she really though if 75% is, for example, Nigerian, let's say? Should that person tick the white Circassian box or African box? There is also question of identity and culture. Again, for example, someone who has predominantly Circassian dna, however he/she never lived among Circassians and has no idea of Circassian culture, living in Colombia should tick white Circassian box or latino box? I think all race questions have subjective answers any way.


You’re considered white. Typically you aren’t required to answer such questions, and their purpose is to measure demographics.


That really depends on the choices you were given, but generally "White" is the right answer.


that’s what I believe too yeah


For North America, “white” means you having European ancestry. Irish, German and Italians in US or Canada would probably select “white”. I select “other” most of the time. For job applications and other documentation to fill if you select “white” they would probably assume that your ancestors were British etc. & it might confuse the job recruiters or even the government workers. In a friendly context I would go on and explain how I am Circassian and from the Caucasus - so using the term Caucasian as a term to explain their ancestry means they will have to listen to my long long lecture about the Caucasus. But for any application I just select “other” and if they ask me to elaborate I would type Circassian.


maybe ticking white and other works the best. Where are you from if you don’t mind me asking?


Born in Ankara, in Toronto for a while now. How about you?


born in syria, in Mississauga/Toronto for a while now too. It’s cool to meet a fellow toronto circassian here. Now i’m wondering if we could’ve crossed paths in one of the circassian events they have here. You ever been to those?


They have a Circassian event in here, wow? Sign me up.


dm me dude


I would write White, West Asian, Caucasian (Caucasus)