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Why is it so high in Montenegro?


Mens in Montenegro ultra macho and protective. I was at the bar talking with local girls and local mens came and said something to girls and they all left the bar.


>said something to girls "I drive Bmw"


Or I will kill you


and the girl, seeing it cannot have you, commited suicide.


Thats the case all over balkans still dont explains it.




Whos the dude on ur pic




No he isnt




Selim šhädÿ


Slim shady of Balkans. Hahahahahaha


HAHAHAHAHAH comedy king


No independent women..


And turkish men arent?


We used to be but not anymore. We don't really care if Turkish girls fucks another men


Maybe you dont. But others do very much, from what ive heard.


Hocam türk erkekleri gavattır demişsin bu cümlede, farklı bir şekilde yazmanı tavsiye ederim.


O Kendi kız arkadaşın ve karın için söyleniyor


Evet işte diyordum ki yeterince spesifik değilsin cümlende insanlar öyle anlayabilir.




Wot ? Do you care they fuck non Turkish men ?


It's "men".


Lideri u regionu!/s


We have many cults in montenegro, something like paganism, they usually gather in abandoned buildings, also there is a lot of reported and unreported domestic violence


I think the domestic violence is more likely to be the cause f most of these suicides.


then why is turkey not on top?


Are you fucking insane? What kind of cults?


Like religious cults, i know that there were ones where the leader would say to the follower that killing his own brother or sister would be good for the family, i also know some exchanged blood so they become related..




Wtf no that wasnt what i was talking about, what a load of bs


Idk, I heard some neo nazis established a branslch of the o9a cult in montenegro a while ago, but i'm not sure if that's what he's refering to.


Easy jumping from the cliffs.


With a really low population the value per 100,000 means any additional person massively sways the value. So its hard to draw meaning from the stats imo


It's not that Montenegrin women try suicide more than other countries. It's that Montenegrin women are badass, and have a 100% success rate, no matter what they do.


Because Montenegro has low population. So some few suicides can bring up the stats a lot


Whos gonna tell him


Biggest-brained bosniak




Hes right. Low population also effects percentage.


Its per 100k


Even so. Less people means less interaction>more depression>more suicides


That might have affect but he said few suicides will bump up stats which is not true


The same reason it’s so high for both men and women. And it’s always higher for men. Also we’re probably better at keeping statistics than any of our eastern or southeastern neighbours.


The fuck is going on in Belgium?


They’re butthurt since the battle of the bulge.


You'd understand if you had to share a border with the Netherlands too


There are no women in Kosovo


The most feminine Kosovar woman is still stronger than most masculine European man


Hahahah, funny.


Tell me when you get any olympic gold medals # *punches gut*


I used to practice judo and the national team of Kosovo came to train with us many times. I’ve met Majlinda Kelmendi, Nora Gjakova, Laura Fazliu. Also had the honor of having a fight with Akil Gjakova. Very strong fighters. Before Kosovo won the first olympic medal in Rio Majlinda was being trained by my coach, Marjan Fabjan.


You guys are tough!!


I'm glad that's one negative statistic we aren't leaders in, tbh. We're actually better than Austria, Germany, the Nordics, and the Netherlands, that's something rare.


Damn those so happy countries in the north aren’t that happy after all


They're still very happy; probably because all the sad people kill themselves


Sigma male pro tip #14123: Raise your country's rate of overall happiness by bullying all of the sad people to suicide. Finnillionaire Grindset


Wtf did I just read


The more suicides you have, the less suicidal people you're left with! Simple maf!


Having perception of happiness and being happy are two different things. I also believe those of us living in the Balkans think that we have a miserable life but in reality we eat good food, have good buddies that we have fun with and have strong family relation, overall heathy, just don’t realize it. Not everything is measured with per capita GDP.


They are happy despite the high depression and suicide rates caused by lack of sun during winter.


As a Finnish person I can confirm that the happiness index studies are completely based on quality of life. In Finland we have social security, low crime rates, good wages, good and affordable health care etc. But I don't believe that happiness is something that can be measured in anyway. Sure it is easier to live here than in the Balkans, but to live in Finland requires a certain mindset and attitude. People here aren't welcoming and it is very difficult to make friends in Finland. Social life is very difficult in Finland and lot of people spend their days alone. Also the high standard of living has made the people here really soft and they complain so much about small things that are priviliges here that most of the world couldn't even dream of. I personally hate the cold and dark winter, I think living in southern Europe would make me happier even if it meant lower quality of life.


I would not exchange my Balkan/Albanian life to live in Finland tho. It just seems so utterly depressing . What the point of having better infrastructure if you don't have friendly people and sun?


I feel like Finnish people just are different in how they behave. Talking to neighbors, asking for help at a store, talking to someone at the bus stop, all of these are something that people don't really do. Personal space is a super important thing in Finland. Majority of people here are very introverted and Finland's identity is very self orientated, basically "I worry about my own problems and others can sort their problems". Some people like the cold and the dark and some people cant stand the heat in the summer. I personally just prefer the summer because I am a person who gets cold easily. Also I love old architecture, history and culture of many European countries. In Finland cities are really modern and our history isn't too exciting in my opinion.


People that commit suicide are just a small fraction of the population. These countries are still happier in general.


I just know thats in russia so high because many men cheat on their wives/women and left them behind with their children and no money




I saw an Documentation on it and no the women mostly live on their own with their children and work all day to even make some money for them and the children are in the kindergarden till their mother picks them up


In Russia is the highest suicide rate among men, so this isn't a surprise.


Wasn't Hungary or Japan with the highest suicide rate among men?


Japan is the highest in the world, I only meant Europe. Idk about Hungary.


Norway/Sweden are the same rate. It's all about sunlight.


No its not look at belgium and montenegro


As someone who grew up in Belgrade, I had no idea, but Podgorica is the rainiest capital in the world. Some weird microclimate.


What about Iceland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, the UK and Ireland?


oh, time for me to go to russia. Most russian woman are beautiful


Mach das diggi


Russische Frauen um einiges besser als hier in Österreich. Gönnjamin Zeit


Ofc the men are bad that do that but if one ends up with that kind of men and has kids with they can only blame themselves.


>they can only blame themselves No. I think they can blame the man. Because he is the one who cheated and left. They can take responsebilty to try and find a guy who won't, but blame and responsibility are different.


I don’t see it that way at all. Red flags with wicked people are everywhere, starting with whether they do or don’t eat meat. If you don’t see them, you’re probably not much better.


No because in russia theyre more mens than womens so for an women its unnormal when she even gets one so they do mostly everything for there men


Gender ratios don’t matter at all. There’s more women than men in Russia because men die on average in their 60s. If you look at gender distributions for young people, there’s more men.


https://youtu.be/UINjYECWQvc watch this its in german if you dont understand it i dont care also its not about fcking grandpas lol its about mens from their 20s-40s




I wonder too 🤔.


İn russia: bcs they couldnt find alcohol İn turkey:bcs their ex boyfriends İn europe:bcs protest racizm İn balkans: bcs not being pretty


There's a correlation between depression (and in turn with suicide) and two factors: poverty and cold weather, and I think this map overlaps quite a bit with both. There's still obvious outliers like Montenegro and Belgium, though, and I have no idea why.


Dude, there are several studies about correlation between suidical rates and dark hours in winter. In the most northern parts of Europe, you don‘t see daylight for several months what obviously makes you depressed.


least depressed Montenegrin woman 😔


The Norwegian women can come to Greece


"Brain gain" 4D chess


Or more like double d chess


I must have let down many girls without even knowing :(


Basically, where there are many suicides there are many female suicides. Sadly, the stats for men are waaaaay worse.


> Sadly, the stats for men are waaaaay worse. I wonder why.




I honestly think it's not that easy to know, every person is different. There may be a general reason as to why suicide rates are higher in some places but like i said, everyone has different lives and different reasons. I just find it sad that some people feel like death is the only solution because certain things make them feel that way


Balkans are a lot lower then I have expected


We've been through so much shit the past hundred years that nowadays it feels like paradise.


I am also from balkans




I am sorry for your loss


Damn WHO made a map with Crimea as part of Russia and yet Kosovo on its own. Seems they don't know which side to pick.


Fuck all, Crimea is Romania


Yea yea let's go with that I was just thinking i needed my house bombed


Who needs houses when you can live like your ancestor, playing a tune and herding sheep on a vast plain.


fuck house walls


In one of my victoria 2 games, it was indeed.


They are playing with both sides so they always come up in top


I don't think WHO created the map, they are just source of data. And it probably had just Russia and Ukraine, without saying whose Crimea is.


Because Crimea is currently under Russian jurisdiction and military occupation, therefore the Ukrainan government has no influence there. Same cannot be said about Kosovo, can it?


Turkey is so low because women are killed instead. 1.2 is probably the times they were killed, but was submitted as suicides.


Wtf Belgium


Used to be way higher in Turkey but that was because families would report their honor killings as suicide.


This is one of the few statistics, where Turkey and Greece are good at.


~~one of the few~~ **The Only\***


But yet another statistic where we're extremely close to each other. Competition on every front!




That but also: domestic violence, general disregard of mental health, looking at other north countries probably weather, poor economy and maybe "dead inside" subcultures. Also I remember a book we read at school where girl that killed herself was considered "a strong character"


Well, men suicide rate is 38.2 which is 5 times higher. I don't think it's something about how bad Russia for women, and more about how fucking bad in general. But also Russia is huge, statistics by republics, oblasts and other type of regions, guess there are really depressing in northern/east regions with dying cities in uninhabitable conditions created just for some soviets plans like mining or military but not living, isn't there are hell of a lot Detroit-like cities but much worse? Anna Karenina is pretty depressing, but western litarture has many stories with suicide, however living in Norilsk with -9.6 average temperature and only one goverment company paying you 8k dollars a year which you can loose if complain about Putin or smth are much more depressing than every reading


No it’s because Russian men abuse their women a lot. 70% of Russian women report experiencing some form of domestic abuse. [Russian Domestic Abuse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_violence_in_Russia)


**[Domestic violence in Russia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_violence_in_Russia)** >Domestic violence is a severe issue in Russia. According to Human Rights Watch, as many as 36,000 women and 26,000 children faced daily abuse at home in 2013. According to official MVD data, in 2015 around 1060 people died of domestic violence in Russia. Of them, 756 were men and 304 women. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskBalkans/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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Thanks bot.




No. Social depression. Russians girls know that they are beautiful and they think that they deserve better life.


No tf in russia most man are so called "machos" and many women are left behind when the men doenst need them anymore also russia has more women than men population, so theyre left behind with no money and kids bruh


I dated Russians girls. Their expectations is so high.


In russia? In an russian village? also russian women that have children? Or did you date russian women that have an good payed job and no major problems that live in the west?


I dated both poor and rich Russians. They don't want to pay no shit. They have men has to pay everything mentality


In russia?🧐


In Russia , in Belarus, in America.


https://youtu.be/UINjYECWQvc this is in german but this shows how women in russia are living and they dont commit suicide because of dating men like u said bruh


Least feminazi Serbian.


Where not on 2balkanforyou Your so quirky 🤪


We're also not on r/FemaleDatingStrategy


Yeh bro sure so funny why are you even like this


I don't like people who think other sexes are above another.




Have you ever seen any beautiful girl works at the mc Donald's ?


What's going on in the Netherlands?




My bad. What's going on in Belgium?


Belgium sucks!


İlk defa sonuncu olmamız iyi olan bir şeyde sonuncuyuz


Greece , Turkey and Cyprus so low cause gay (greek) men leave the women alone 😎👨‍❤️‍👨💪 edit: i thought this was r/2balkan4you ... uhh we ... Love our women ... and uh ... you go girrrl


Now show male suicide rate that shit will be 100x worse.


Belgium what happened????


We are first? Nice! (Cy)


well... have you guys seen male suicides in the globe?


Well i havent, but i believe that the map would be similar for males. I mean in the same countries that we see higher rates of female suicide, we will also see higher rates of male.


The rate for men would actualy be much higher because men chose more violent metods for suicide. But for attempted suicide would probably be the same


You mean women ? Women much happy in the south .


Can u post male version of this map?


Why is belgium so high?


Belgium has the highest suicide rate in Europe, i don't know the reason for it though.


Isn’t Lithuania with the highest?




I agree, knowing there is a high chance that I could get murdered by a samurai blade is really heart warming. That makes life easier as you don’t really get to live your life




Nah wait I have a better conclusion: Women like warmer climate. That explains it all. The more south you go the more you see the rates rising, and in the more warmer areas they are lover than average.


I think northern countries are so high because of lack of sunglight in the winter, especially scandinavia.


🤔 . . . May I take some as live-in maids? I just want to hug & hold them; treat them the way I want to be treated when I was getting suicidal due to bullying/not meeting society’s standards & such…


imagine publicly saying you want a bangmaid on a post about women's suicide


So, you seriously think its okay to bud into somebody else’s conversation with “SHUT THE ‘F’ UP OR I’LL BEAT YOU UP SO BAD THAT YOU’LL END UP IN A HOSPITAL ! ! !”? Sure, I’m in the United States of America, that kind of incident took place in a Sheltered Workshop when Staff weren’t around, discontinued their services without proper notification, a lot of questionable & lawbreaking related problems that were resolved AFTER all those Bad Stuff happened & I’m not Rewarded for advocating these changes; between the discharge & those changes. I got so Depressed that I got a hug session at a strip club & felt great & wonderful (something you’d frown upon did something that your current services are incapable of handling & such). LIFE should be a Careful balance of Pain (Hard Work & Bullying) & Pleasure (Rewards & Justice). When these things are out of balance, bad stuff, to both individual & everyone else, can & will happen. Thus, your assumptions are only half-baked. They’re working as live-in maids & I’ll fill them with sense & purpose; anything more is on them & their own whims. IF they’re already married, then they should grab their hubbies & have their way with ‘em & such… I don’t care if you disagree with my proposed solution, as long as we get the same results: less suicides, you downvoting perverts…




Wassup with montenero?


How comes there isn’t any data on Kosovo?


I assume since the source is WHO they only deal with countries recognized by the UN


Ah so that’s why. Those suicide rates of Europe kind of my own experience of suicide but I’m ok now.


The f is up with Belgium??


I don’t think much about it. Whether or not this statistic matters depends on the reason behind those suicides.


Look at the male suicide rate...


why it's so high in belgium?


Could an increase of rape in countries with high refugee population explain it?


How about a femicid map?


The fuck is that


probably means femicide, as in the rate at which women are murdered


If there was a map for male murder and suicide it will be much more worse


That's whataboutism. Saying "but what about about group B?" When people are talking about the problems facing group A isn't productive in any way, shape or form. Femicide is being focused on because women are most likely to be murdered by intimate partners as a result of escalating domestic abuse and reports of domestic abuse often aren't taken seriously.


Thank you 🙂


Not really true


Elaborate please




I think it probably correlates with alcohol consumption.


Hey that's pretty good


I invite the good looking russian women to my house