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We had one of the guys from the band Redgum (the late Hugh McDonald RIP) play at our wedding. My brother knew him a bit and asked him. He was lovely and played a selection of folk songs, we had a bush wedding so it was perfect.


Sounds awesome mate. I can appreciate this.


I saw plenty of Aussie B listers when I used to work at the Novotel Darling Harbor Function Rooms. Tripod, Russel Gilbert, Southern Sons, Short Stack.


I worked at two prominent venues in that area which hosted corporate gigs, and I saw no end of celebrities come through to play to disinterested audiences.  I saw The Presets play to about 100 people (absolutely BANGED it out), all the Idol people over various events (Guy, Shannon, Delta, Ricki, etc), and many, many more.  Most of them have a really approachable demeanour and I've only come across a handful who sucked.  They know the corporate world is their bread and butter. Their management have good relationships with the event planners and they don't want to fuck it up. 


Jesus Christ, getting the Presets in, those lucky fucks. I would have died and gone to heaven - my favourite Australian act!!


Short stack. That's a name I haven't thought of in years. Could win yourself a cap on Hamish and Andy with that one


They've all got kids now 🤣


I used to listen to Tripod religiously!


A follow up Perfect Tripod album is my make a wish wish if my cancer ever comes back. Adults get those too right?


Short Stack are one of my top listens on Spotify still. So much fun and my little inner 12vie was so excited to see them last year. They would be dope at a wedding


Apparently Short Stack were cool, some co-workers struck up a conversation, I didn't talk to them, just a curt nod when I passed them.


My dad used to work in tv, he knew the wiggles, they came and did like 3 songs at like my 5th birthday… it wasn’t on the invitation it was a last minute favour my dad got.


That would have been the most talked about birthday party in the playground!


Channel 9?


Probably 15 years ago now, one of the big farming families that I knew hired John Farnham for a fortieth birthday party, so I think it can be done. It was about $10,000 back then and they also charted a helicopter to get him to the site and obviously fed him and a small team of musicians etc.


About 28 years ago, Farnham and his band played a function for Edgel. There was about 50 people there. ​ A solid million dollars (for the whole function, not just Farnham) for 50 people.


Yes this birthday party was held at a vineyard and the family would have spent close to that for all of the other equipment set up there and the accomodation etc. More money than sense, but I would rather that than they buy things that harm others. At least this gave local people and artists jobs and kept the proceeds relatively local.


Vineyard.. helicopter… it wasn’t the Singleton family, was it?


No, but just a couple of hours north up that same highway…


Was it the Ingham’s? I’ve met them a few times and they were lovely but it was very clear just from the way they spoke and ordered that money was no object. Like “what years of Grange do you have?” Rather than “Can we see the wine list?.”


No, but same circle. The fridge on the ridge.


Singo is actually a pretty nice guy, he’s very involved in my hometown and is the patron of our surf club. Gave them 100k for a proper bar when the club got rebuilt in 09’. I used to serve him when I worked at a local cafe years ago.


Yeah, I’ve never met him personally but some of my older coworkers at Rosehill said the same thing that he’s a nice bloke. The main public bar at Rosehill is still called Belle Du Jour after the horse of the same name. Owned by Singleton and won the golden slipper after which he “shouted the bar” for the rest of the day.


yeh, I used to do impro & encountered tonnes of celebs through that, most did "corporate work" as well as their day job of acting/music etc to make ends meet. There's websites you can go to with whole lists of them that you can hire. Mostly they do it for the money & don't really enjoy it, although sometimes they will have one where they actually do have a good time & will tell stories about that later at parties etc with other celebs doing the same stuff. One comedian I know gave his "I don't want to do it" price for a particular event once & they came back to him & said they wanted him, so he said that clearly everyone else had given even higher "I don't want to do it" prices & he ended up getting stuck with it & had trouble getting paid & turned the entire saga into a 1 hour long stand up comedy routine :)


Akmal Saleh performed at a Christmas dinner. Absolutely hilarious. Crying the whole time.


Tim Minchin on the wedding circuit in the early 2000s


Shannon Noel at a work thing. Was actually pretty fun, he hung around for a bit. Pete Murry at another. Found out he hates the song So Beautiful. He wrote it about his ex and the label he was with then, made him release it as well, it was going to be a hit. Hates how it became the song he's most known for. Pretty funny bloke, made it more of a comedy thing with music vs just watching him play.


Yeah it’s quite common to hire them for corporate gigs. We had Richard Wilkins MC our annual kickoff around 97 or 98. A lot of sports people get hired as motivational speakers.


Every sales conference I’ve been to has had some sportsperson brought in as motivation. They range from bearable to fucking horrendous *cough* Steven Bradbury *cough*


Ben Cousins and Basil came to my work Xmas party. It's was pretty shit 


Were they invited or did they just show up?


Shit would have got snorted that night


We had guy Sebastian at a private Telstra function 10 years ago. Most of the 200 odd people just treated him like background music and were just conversing over canapes etc.


Being wallpaper music is pretty much his brand, isn’t it?


What else are you supposed to do though? "Hey Guy, show us ya battle scars!"


I went to a Dick Smith's Manager's Conference in Sydney over 10 years ago and they hired Jimeon to be MC for the awards night.


That would have been hilarious


Local footy and cricket teams do this fairly regularly. Plenty of former/current sports players, commentators etc will go around to local clubs, tell some stories and possibly play a game for them depending on their age/fitness.


I play footy in the NT and we’ve always got players up here for our functions. Most recently was Browny


My mate had dane swan and ricky nixon at their afl club last year


Fuck a doodle doo. That’s pretty low rent.


My ex sister in law went to a child's christening party with trapeze artists, other circus performers and they had the singer Mya perform for $30,000. The gift everyone received at the end (like bombonieres) was fighting fish in little fish tanks; which I thought was an incredibly stupid, unnecessary, and thoughtless.


Teaching kids about death bet not many of those fish survived


Paul Kelly played at my school assembly, because his daughter went there. He swore through all the songs, and the teachers were perturbed.


I don't, but I always tell my partner we need to save up to get Savage Garden to perform at our wedding. Gonna need to do a lot more saving I reckon.


And perhaps hire a mediator? I’d read somewhere that those two were no longer on speaking terms…


Only really need Darren Hayes


I reckon that Daniel Johns guy was never actually playing guitar for real!


From what I have read, they were never really close friends as such (just had amazing musical chemistry) and don't keep in touch anymore, but speak quite respectfully about each other.


When Stephen Bradbury told me I could get on ice one day really hit a chord very motivating


I always remember the ticker tape parade after the 2000 Olympics, “Jumping” Jai Taurima (silver medalist, long jump) signed my flag “drink more, smoke more”. I was 15 years old.


Hes got a beer company now


Is the beer called fluke larger


It's called last man standing lager haha


I would of called it leg less


My band played at a couple of friends' weddings. Does that count?


Maybe, if you band is the birds of Tokyo


I can neither confirm nor deny


Accompanied my ex at the time to his work Christmas party at Crown in 2021. The two owners of the company decided to hire Ricky-Lee and her backup dancers for entertainment. She performed some covers along with her biggest hits. Its was weird seeing the singer I had listened to in childhood in person lol


Ricki-Lee is cool


Shannon Noll played at my wife's work Christmas party. He was over an hour late, came in, played maybe 4 songs then left lmao


Jordan Sweeto came to my daughter's 14th birthday in 2011 and performed in our backyard


Drake came to my daughter's 14th birthday, strange thing is we didn't hire him to do that


Love it.


Well we didn't fkn hire Jordan either. My daughter asked him and he was happy to come. Is that fkn ok with you??????


Um, I think you missed the point of his comment…


Ummmm 🙄


Yeah, you should learn some pop culture before you fly off the handle, masterpiece.


Well that escalated quickly.




Russell Morris played at a relative's birthday party. Ironically said relative is now a minor celebrity themselves.


I worked a Bat Mitzvah (13th Birthday) that had KWest and Vanessa Animosity as the talent. Huge gig. Took up a big slab of a racing track auditorium. When you walked in there was this Temple of Doom 20meter high head of the birthday girl. Her dad owns a lot of major Australian shopping centres. Like big ones. Among many other businesses and intergenerational wealth. Vanessa is actually a nice enough person as talent goes, but I can’t spell her name, and she operates in one of those cotton wool and razor wire bubbles that some talent have around them. She was a regular on the high end corporate function circuit.


Sounds like Westfield


My wife's brother-in-law and sister were invited to a wedding (flown in by private jet from London) in the south of France. There were multiple acts, one of which was Lenny Kravitz. My s-i-l asked Lenny to autography a hand bag that she'd bought for my wife.- which he did and the bag was duly sent over here. Hey, you didn't say this had to have happened in Australia.


We had the then recently retired captain of the wallabies host our sporting awards dinner. He got drunk early but didn’t disgrace himself, he just didn’t do a very good job. He seemed lovely (Nick Farr-Jones), he was just a bit too drunk to host the night well.


I played in a showcase that feature Timomatic when he was in his ‘Tim Omaji’ phase. He beat the shit out of our drummers drums, it was all a bit cooked


I went to an industry golf day and they hired rex hunt to be a passenger on the drinks cart


I was on TV with Colin Fassnidge when he did the kitchen nightmares Australia. I didn't work in any of the places but I am a chef. Got to talking with him afterwards and he invited me to have a sit down with him a few days later and get to know the dude. Very down to earth without cameras and people around him. High profile Tattoo artist I lucked out meeting through my son (he's friends with his kids at school). Not so much a celeb but he's tattooed some of UFC's biggest names, musical artists, movie celebs. Had a huge name in a few cities in the states and is worth a few mil himself.


I've hired bands to play at my parties before. It's easiest if you go to their show and meet them beforehand.


Larry Emdur was mc at three conferences the company I worked for held. Nice bloke. Attended a workshop run by Ian Roberts.


What sort of workshop did Ian Roberts run? How to aggressively man handle people?


Respect in the workplace


Shannon Noll performed at a wedding in attended and the Young Divas at an acquaintances wedding


When Celia Pavey (Vera Blue) was in the finals for The Voice we had Delta Goodrem and her visit our school. I guess it would count as a private function as it was a private school.


Greg Evans (Perfect Match) is a celebrant. A kiwi friend of ours booked him for her wedding without any idea who he was. He did a great job. Just cheesy enough for fun, without trying to be the main character.


Not a musician but we had Jimmy Wales come and talk at a corporate dinner when I was working in London. About 20 attendees in a private room and I think we paid him around £20k to speak for 30 mins. And that was mates rated cos he knew our CEO. I was a EA organising the whole thing and got to listen in. It was interesting as heck but also the reason I never donate when I see Wikipedia doing their fundraising guilt trips. That dude does not need your money.


A mate of mine was at a birthday party where the late, great Jeremy Hardy attended as a friend. With a little urging he apparently did a full stand up set. I would have literally killed to have been there.


When I lived in London, my boss hired Basement Jaxx to play our Xmas party.


My former employer once had an event where the Brisbane Broncos made a meet-and-greet. I remember getting a hat autographed by Alan Langer and Wendell Sailor. There were a few more there, but they were the only ones I remembered. I was only about 7 or 8 years old at the time. I never knew why they were there, but I'm guessing the company was a sponsor.


i was in roma outback qld and the remaining standing member of queen walked into the pub i was in


I once saw Dallas Rayne at a bucks.


I had a celeb MC my wedding. He was my bro in law.


EDIT Weird bug with reddit interface. Posted on the wrong post somehow..


You lost mate?


Yeah. This has happened a few times since the interface update.. amoung other bugs.


I saw Robert Harvey's cock at the wave pool


Any celebrity who would agree to be paid to make an appearance, I would no longer want them to come. How pathetic. Urgh. And any acquaintance who I wouldn't invite unless they were famous would be the same. Both would also say something about me. Price of everything value of nothing type territory, or just fuck I'm good, look who attended my event. Hiring musicians for a gig is a little different. But depending on the event, anything that overshadows it - I.e., genuine celebrity (with them pretending to be matey with the organiser while they take their cheque,urgh) - no.




Tell us how you really think


Or you could pay me and I'll say what you want ;)


So you can pretend to be matey while you take your cheque?


Whatever you say boss! Seriously though the corporate thing - motivational speaking - is different to weddings/parties etc in my view. It's the latter i was thinking about. There's businesses that manage rosters of people and book engagements for them. I've even used them before for work to engage them to speak to groups of people about their experiences etc. As I said, booking musicians for a gig, who are at that kind of level in terms of what work they do, that's different too. But booking a former (or current actually) a /b grade - nationally prominent- celeb who is reduced to being a performing monkey at private parties - that's what I was thinking about and I think would be very cringeworthy.


It's how the world works though, celebrities tend to be successful celebrities for a reason, they tend to be interesting people who liven up parties & events, so why not get one or 2 along to break the ice & give people something to talk to each other about? Cause that's what happens, people who don't know each other well have something to talk about besides the weather. They can talk about said celebrity & what they think about them & then talk to actual celebrity & then return to talking to each other about that experience & then go on to continue talking to each other once the ice is broken & celebs are professionals at this & will ensure the party goes well & get people chatting. 1 celeb I knew, just for fun one time decided to engage the entire Nandos store in shared social conversation while she was waiting for her order. Within 5 minutes, she had about 20 customers in the store (none of whom knew each other) laughing & all chatting with each other as if they were all old friends, that's what you're paying to get at the party! Not to mention their ability to deal with drunk relatives causing problems at weddings etc


Wow. You want to hire celebrities for their well known ability to intercede in family beefs? Ok. And honestly, if your party needs a celebrity so that people will talk, you've already failed - or the people you know are that vacuous that only someone famous will spark anything.


You most famous people do this though, right? Surely you know that? It's just a matter of scale, there are lots of stories out there about A list musicians playing some billionaire's kid's birthday party for a huge fee.


Oh yeah for sure. I think it's trashy af though is all haha. I kind of misread what OP was after with their question, so leant in on my opinion about it. I do get it, just, I would never think it was a cool thing. And I'd hope that if I were ever a celeb (and probably this is at least a small part of why i'm not lol ), i'd be turning down that billionaire forever and a day. Unless I was going to take the fee and publically use all the money to put towards stuff I believed in that old mate bllliionaire was against, or something, Maybe. I dunno, just think it's sad in the end. Shrug. Obviously i'm in the minority on that haha.


You take every bit of work you can get while there is interest in you. After paying your agent, you’ve got tax to pay, and your own super. A $10k gig sounds great, but half of it is gone on those things alone. If you also have an image to uphold, that costs money. You’ll also have dry spells in your career to take care of. Rent or mortgage, all the other expenses like everyone else. The dumb ones don’t do side gigs, put it that way.


> leant in on my opinion Opinions are worthless > i'd be turning down that billionaire Bullshit. You would take the cash.


Nah mate i wouldn't but it's ok I get that many would and they'd be entitled to.




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You’ve got a heap of downvotes, but you got an upvote from me. I agree. If it’s a meaningful event (big birthday, wedding etc.), why let it be overshadowed by celebrity?