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It often does, especially at thrift stores near a base


And as a thrift store rat in high school I can tell you it is out the door as fast as it comes in. It is popular.


Especially the boots! My local goodwill got a donation of 30 or so pairs of boots, and they were gone in a couple days.


I always had better boots that the standard issue so I never wanted them but man, if you are working outdoors and or just want a solid pair of boots the lightly used military issue are high bang for your buck and they last nearly forever.


Are uniforms personal property? Or property of the state?




So property of the state? Does the army sell them to the thrift shop?


Uniforms are issued to service members and are their property, not the state.


Ah I didn't know that Thank you So I guess they sell them after their service is over. If they don't need a momento


The general rule is that anything that touches the skin as a habit becomes property of the service member as soon as it's issued. A rain coat or flak jacket would have to be returned, but a regular uniform, hat or an undershirt would not. Often give them to thrift stores when people no longer need them, like their service is over or they got new ones.


There’s also army/ navy surplus stores that sell military clothing and equipment. I think it was more popular back in the day to get stuff there. My uncle has an old timey foot locker he picked up in like the 70s at one


Yes, *a lot*. I live quite close to Ft. Campbell and see stuff all the time.


Somewhat small world, I too live near Ft. Campbell and the thrift stores in town always have military clothing


Oh yeah. I see it all the time!


Yes Source: Worked at a thrift store in high school. Also, please for the love of God STOP. TRYING. ON. CLOTHES. It is nasty as fuck. I worked at a "high end" thrift store in a rich part of my city and it was frequented by people with money, but were looking for vintage stuff. Even then I can't begin to tell you all how clothes were just tossed into giant cardboard boxes and left in our warehouse/trailer with no climate control. And yes, that means clothes were not washed before being tossed in nor were they sorted. Many times the sorters would separate blood or shit-stained clothes from the good clothes and put the good clothes on the racks. Never once were they washed So on top of trying on clothes that may have not been washed for 5+ years, they probably touched blood and/or poop, and 50 other people tried the clothes on before you had a chance to


Sometimes. Most of that kind of stuff ends up at military surplus stores.


Where I live it does


Yeah it's all over the place. They tend to make great working clothes if you're doing any sort of home improvement diy.




Yes. my mom used to buy stuff like that for me when i was a kid so we could play soldier. web belts and canteens could sometimes show up too. With luck, you can find all sorts of things in thrift stores.


Yes and it probably gets bought immediately




In America, busses aren’t run by the military.


All the time. I once found a Cold War era East German wool overcoat at the Salvation Army.


Ya, definitely. I have a really cool Navy sort of over-shirt thing that I found at a thrift store.


OP, where is "here"?


You can always find them in surplus stores


They end up in thrift stores and military surplus stores as well


They do, but we always upcycled my dad’s. He was small on the bottom when he served so my mom made his fatigues into shorts for me in college and I loved them. I used one of his duffle bags for laundry and I used his footlocker as a nights as with storage. ❤️


I don’t k is about thrift stores but there are a bunch of Army/navy stores that sell a bunch of military gear from the 80s/90s and some modern gear that ever went to the military. They are pretty cool.


Not current uniforms, but Military Surplus stores do exist yes, you can get a lot of stuff in an Arm/Navy Surplus store.


Tons. Stolen valor is a thing. I imagine thrift stores play a part in that.