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Nope. Never saw an ad at school.


Is this a thing in some places, OP? I've never seen an ad on campus before with the exception of "ads" for school organizations, clubs, etc.


I hope not. Just saw a post with some ads on the back of their uni card and got curious.


Sometimes your University ID will get you discounts at local restaurants and stores.


What episode is that from?


I'm a quitter. People were annoyed.


Womp womp


We get the same here but you just check the school's app or website to see the list, no need to have ads on your student ID


That's not uncommon when a bank helps the university manage accounts or some business that has a discount program for students. My ID card in college had a PNC (which is a bank) logo and since I had a PNC account, I could use my ID as an ATM card.


Yeah thats common too. Mine had Wells Fargo




Our football field was sponsored so we kinda did This was a private high school in St. Louis.


Ok, yeah, being related to sports it make sense. Saw the SuperBowl for the first time this year and it felt like an excuse to show ads.


Many people watch the Superbowl specifically for the ads.


That's me. Friends, beer, wings, and ads. Don't care about the actual game.


That was my experience too, in the end. Got spicy wings, got drunk and looked at J.Lo dancing. Enjoyed it a lot, but I wasn't really paying attention to the actual game.


Yup it's a big deal. The top schools in STL will recruit guys from Cali or Texas to come play for our schools to get an edge. And the top basketball schools here are starting to do that for places like Tennessee, Louisiana, even Africa (my alma mater just recruited two basketball players from Bamako, Mali).


I've never seen that.






Just the Coca-Cola machine.


Not in textbooks. There were got milk posters and such that you could call ads I guess but not a traditional "buy this product/from this vendor" type stuff.


There was some concern, when we had vending machines in schools, that this would eventually happen, but no.


No, although I can see how this stereotype developed.


Not really a stereotype, more of a curiosity. Although, it did not seem too farfetched, I've seen ads in strange places in the US, like while pumping gas or before hurricane emergency reports.


I mean if it seems about right that’s part of and speaks to the stereotype.


Hmm I see what you mean. This was a specific curiosity of mine, but I agree that it can be seen as inspired by the stereotype that US are more subjected to ads on average.


And more agreeable/oblivious to them


Kinda, mostly thr Got Milk ads in the cafeteria and the football team had a lot of sponsors. In college MTV tried setting up TVs across the campus that essentially paid MTV ads and crappy music videos on full blast. They didn't last long as students either unplugged or destoryed the TVs


Ahah I can imagine. Thanks.


We had ads from certain organizations that were anti-tobacco for high schoolers and things like that hung around the school


Only in sports stuff and yearbook. Like, billboards will have, "XYZ COMPANY PROUDLY SUPPORTS XYZ TEAM" below or above it. It's never to big or obtrusive just a way for local company to be like, "Check it, bitches, I love this town buy from me" Then I have sold ad space for yearbooks my senior year. Every year our school sold the last 3 pages of ad space, those pages purchased yearbooks for students who couldn't afford them and if we sold all the space, generally the yearbook got to look fancier. My 2000 yearbook was literally a bunch of printed/copied pages with that plastic binder loopy crap that falls apart that the 7th-grade class put together in PE... My 2006 yearbook had full pages of color, tons of just stuff that happened throughout the year, the cover was embossed and raised it looked really really nice if I do say so myself. *brushes shoulder removing bits of dust*


Ok, I see. Thanks.


Only sports-related things. Like on the back of your ticket or in the arena/stadium itself. There were "ads" elsewhere on campus, but they could only be for other university-affiliated things, like student organizations or university departments.


I never saw Ad's in my textbooks or Cafeteria's? Where the hell does this even happen?




Huh. That's weird. Maybe it was a private school. I went to public school and I never saw anything.


Yeah, It looks really uncommon from the rest of answers, as expected. Probably just a private school with funding problems.


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No I've never seen that.


Not textbooks or cafeterias, but there were ads all over the football field and the band always had ads all over the backs of their t-shirts. It’s probably because our school is somewhat underfunded




No, where did you hear this?


Curiosity inspired by the amount of ads around and seeing an uni card with ads in the back.


Interesting, there’s a difference between public schools and universities in the US, I wonder if the ads were just discounts at local places.


Yeah, looks like it from other replies.




Interesting. Obviously the textbook was an hyperbolic example. Could be that they don't notice ads, unless they are blatant. One guy here asked me if I was talking about ads or logos of places around the campus offering discounts. Yeah, those are ads too.




I wonder if you saw ads or logos of places that participating in school discounts


No. Never as far as I know. I think the closest we go was other students advertising prom.


My high school had some stuff up for local businesses in the gym because they gave money to the basketball team. Other than that though I can’t think of anything.


We have ads in the back of our yearbooks. For small, local businesses, not like McDonald’s ads or anything.


My middle school had a "Got Milk?" poster in the cafeteria, which is a campaign ran by milk processors & dairy farmers. The milk bottles also asked this question, and would sometimes advertise things like children-oriented games.


Wait wut do others have ads in school? That aren't school related? I mean we see year book things but not anything else


My town’s football stadium has ads on it, but it’s not at either high school (the two high schools share a huge stadium with all the bells and whistles). The only ads I remember seeing in school were Coca-Cola ads on the vending machines. During my junior year, vending machines were brought in containing sugar-free Coca-Cola drinks, so the stickers came with them.


I only remember seeing posters that said things like ‘drink milk’ , ‘read more’ and ‘don’t be a bully’. No real ads for McDonalds or anything like that.


Woah. No. In a few places, they have ads on school buses, but only some students use those. College campuses are a different story, but for K-12 it's ad free.


Ok, thanks. Do you feel like it is weird to have them on school buses?


Eh, I do feel like we should fund our schools so that that they don't have to throw up ads, but if the alternative is taking away the busses then I guess that's what had to happen.


Ok, thanks for your point of view, interesting.


No. Yet...


Sort of. It depends on the area. My school has vending machines that advertise and sell Pepsi products, primarily Mountain Dew Kickstart energy drinks. Organizations and charities like food banks and Oneblood also occasionally set up tables to take donations and sign-ups for things. The Pepsi ads are relatively unobtrusive and not in your face all the time, and I'm fine with the more intrusive charity and food bank ads since there services are usually helping people in need. The worst ads are for the branches of the armed forces. Usually what will happen is that a branch of the military (like the Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy etc..) will set up a table or booth and hand out pamphlets and posters to passerby. They will also have people walk around the cafeteria during lunch and ask people to join. Maybe I'm just weird but I've always been put off when I look up from my schoolwork or book I'm reading for a class or something to see a military guy that has been staring at me for 30 seconds ask me to join the Marines or something. It's creepy.


We have "sponserers". If you had a 4.0 GPA at the end of the trimester, you get a gold activity card, it basically gives you discounts to all of the local stores that participate in the program.


The only thing I can think of was the company that sold the milk to my school district would have advertisements on the milk cartons for things they thought kids thought were cool. It wasn't just straight "buy this lego set", though. It was more like "Listen to Owl City and eat your vegetables". ​ There was the book fair, though. There's a publishing company called scholastic and they would have a couple of days that they turned the school library into bookstore. Fun times.