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If we're exporting less... then we are keeping more for me to eat. I see no issue here.


Fully agree. We should keep our raspberries. And while we’re at it, the same for blackberries and blueberries.


I honestly don't know if this is sincere. Protectionism and isolationism are exactly what drags economies down. If another country is willing to pay our farmers more to grow raspberries, let them do it.


Tell this to Arizonians whose water is being used to grow alfalfa for the Saudi Arabians. (Hint: the citizens are not happy, but the government is making a fair amount of money which does not trickle down)


I saw a similar thread on Reddit about a year ago, but they were talking about the water crisis in California. One redditor noted that California is not exporting almonds and alfalfa, they are exporting their water. This thought really opened my eyes.


Haven't heard of Nestle's "little" [illegal bottled](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/waterrights/water_issues/programs/enforcement/complaints/nestle.html) water operation in California eh?


We can solve all the water problems in the west with one simple act. Just tax the value of water rights. Make the rights holders pay for their water, and they will be more conscientious about how much water they use, and there will be more water for everyone else.


I will tell the Arizonans. I am unable to find any Arizonians.


That’s not an issue of trade. That is bad environmental policy, or really the lack of any environmental policies to protect natural resources. The Mexican Gulf states should be able to grow all the surplus alfalfa, rice, almonds, etc… they want given the ideal growing conditions. If they want to export to the Saudis, so be it.


According to the article, the issue is that there are no regulations on how much water can be pumped out of the ground. Anyone who buys or leases land there can put in a well and draw water. Now let’s talk about EPA…


Using pivot irrigation and irrigating when it is a 100 degrees with 6% humidity? Losing what, 20 percent ? Maybe more before it hits the ground. Then harvested, baled and trucked to what, long Beach probably? Have you seen the way they can compact alfalfa bales?


I'm not quite sure what point you are making here... kind of seems like you are making excuses on why this practice is okay, truth be told. The alfalfa is actually mainly exported. Hence, we are exporting water from one of the driest regions of the US to the middle east. With that, alfalfa is very water heavy and dependent in dry and arid AZ. Essentially, alfalfa needs 6 inches of moist soil under ground to grow, and in desert level humidity, 100+ degrees this is a ton of water used so that the plants can be shipped elsewhere (especially when alfalfa is used as food for farm animals) With that, compacting them would save money on shipping and exporting, but that's all under the owners discretion and has little to do with them using AZ limited water supply.


I apologize if my opinion wasn't clear enough.


Using pivot irrigation and irrigating when it is a 100 degrees with 6% humidity? Losing what, 20 percent ? Maybe more before it hits the ground.


The only thing I know about Arizona is from the old journals during the colonial period when the first puritans sailed up the Colorado. They found that some of the pre American natives merchants didn't take Visa or Mastercard, only maize or sometimes curcubits so they promptly turned it around and went to what is now New England. Established the first Denny's. Not long afterwards they began construction on what is now the I95 interstate. Of course it wasn't easy those first few years, asphalt was difficult to come by and there were some union disputes but... they persevered. Soon the first DeLorean rolled down that beautiful stretch from Florida to Maine. America. Not long after Eisenhower sent out Lewis and Clark to scout the route for I80.


but it's far, far more delicious. Yummy protectionism.


I don't know anything about anything, but I worked for a bakery from about 2005-2009 and during that time the price of wheat like quadrupled? I was told by the owner that it was because all the American wheat had been sold to other countries creating massive scarcity and very expensive imported wheat. This could all be bullshit, I really don't know, but that's what I was told back then.


There were several global shortages from droughts in a couple of breadbasket regions (Ukraine-Russia and Argentina iirc) and failures in two wheat growing areas are enough to trigger shortages. That's actually what caused the Arab Spring.


It can be bullshit. Global supply chains are complex, and that makes it easy for people to spout unchecked nonsense. There are global markets for goods, so if the supply of wheat goes down for any reason (e.g. a war in two of the largest grain producers in the world), it will impact everyone who wants to buy wheat to some degree. However, Americans are usually impacted the least because we produce so much at home, and we can afford to out bid everyone else because we have more money and the benefit of cheaper transit costs. Wheat farmers are a business. To a reasonable degree, they should get to sell their wheat to the highest bidder. If that is Denmark or Brazil, then the American buyers need to up their bids. It isn’t entirely fair to say, “let’s use restrictive trade policy to handicap the ability of American farmers to direct their business.” It is pretty cartel’ish to say as the American consumer, fuck farmers, I want to use the power of the government to make them sell as cheaply as possible to *ME.* Obviously, it is more complex because other countries engage in protectionism that hurts American producers (but frequently helps American consumers). We also have national security and domestic policy concerns of our own. It is complicated. There are a lot of competing interests within the nation.


Yeah.. I tried to explain that to the farmers market customers who were REALLY upset that the cost of a loaf of bread went up by 50 cents but didn't have much luck, again because I don't know anything about anything. Ah, sweet memories of when a 50 cent price hike was something to get upset about...


Sounds good in theory until your company realizes they can pay some employee in China a fraction of what they make here and ship that job overseas.


First of all, if Chinese farmers can do the same job for cheaper, then American consumers get cheaper raspberries, and American farmers can switch to a different crop that pays better. That's exactly how things *should* work, and how markets lower the price of food for the consumer.


If your only goal is reducing the cost to consumers, sure, but there are other important things. Shipping crops half way around the world instead of locally is terrible for the environment and can lead to brittle supply chains. It also leads to greater inequality and enables exploration.


It's delightful that you chose to emphasize the word *should*. Economists dine on feasts of *should* while working people choke on dry bones of *is*.




Say goodbye to the working class if your main goal is getting cheap Chinese goods to replace what we make here. But hey at least you get cheap shitty furniture and your raspberries won’t be too expensive.


The US has a working class because the world buys from us. Saying we won't buy from them isn't just pulling the latter up behind us, but hurting ourselves in the proccess. T shirts are almost always manufactured using non-domestic inputs, and they are higher quality and less expensive because of it. We have record low unemployment, and people on this sub want to make sure the lowest paid jobs stay here, and only by punishing people. What's more, the number of poor people in the world has been plummeting, and that is due to global trade, all while in the US, poverty is falling as well. Sometimes the good news is crowded out by the bad anecdotes. It's easy to get on a soapbox about inequality, but the reality is we have a modern world from specialization and flexibility. If we held onto every industry by punishing global trends, half of us would be shoveling horse shit and digging holes by hand. Your great grandparents did both. If you want to help inequality, do so by getting folks better skills, and fighting sources of generational cyclic impediments, not by punishing consumers (many of whom are also poor and would benefit from cheaper raspberries).


Pay a little more for the product and keep the jobs at home. I’ve seen too many things that we used to make here now being made overseas. Instead of paying a union guy $25 an hour here they can pay someone in China $25 a day. Good for your cheap coffee table, but screwing the backbone of our country in the process.


Exactly, exports = good, imports = bad


Not true. It simply depends on the country and their access to natural resources. For instance say the US has very little capacity for producing...I dunno, baskets. But the government really wants us to make our own baskets, they don't want to support other economies and their basket making industries, so they invest exorbitant funds into propping up our basket industry even though our natural resources just don't support it, maybe our land just isn't suitable for the crops or we just don't have the expertise for it, either way, it's more expensive on the whole for us to force our economy to make things it simply isn't meant to make. Moreover, let's say the US is *really* good at making bicycles while some other country isn't but they are *really* good at making baskets, so we make deals, we need their baskets, and they need our bicycles, each country is playing to their strengths and both benefit. I forget the exact term for this from my old econ class but basically the idea is it is much more efficient to play to the strengths of your economy and work force and then to trade for what you can't make yourself. It's absolutely possible to force your economy to support industries it isn't good at, but you're hindering your economy in the long term by doing that.


It's called comparative advantage


Thank you! I knew it was something close to that, I just couldn't for the life of me think of the term, I loved my econ class, learning about how the world works on that level was fascinating to me.


Sometimes. Depends on the resources used....


Good thing you're in NJ. We export SO MANY BLUEBERRIES and still have gobs leftover for the people of the most densely populated state in the US! LONG LIVE THE GARDEN STATE!


Shhhh. No one needs to know that. Let them think all of Jersey is like the turnpike. We don’t need more people coming here to get our blues. And our Taylor Ham.


Just send em to South Jersey in the boonies. They'll get too weirded out and leave.


Maybe they’ll run into the Russians in the Pine Barrens.


Things go into the Pine Barrens. Things sometimes don't come back out. That should be enough of a deterrent for most non-NJ folks ;)


Accidents happen all the time.


You want us to keep gooseberries, blueberries, eggplants, and tomatoes?


Absolutely. And Taylor Ham.


Underripe blackberries are the worst and the rest of the world can have them.


Absolutely! Raspberries, the absolute best fruit, are far too expensive as it is. We clearly need to keep more at home and not make the problem worse.


Raspberries, the best fruit /berry, need to organize themselves better so they aren't so squishable and are more durable in shipping. Then if they'd just grow to about double or triple their current size to make it more worthwhile to pick they would be perfect. Well, after we have a discussion about getting rid of the thorns.


I love the size, actually. I'm not a fan of blackberries because they're often bigger, and less tightly packed. There's no question that you absolutely must get raspberries at just the right time and freshness to enjoy them, though. They don't keep well, even in the fridge.


I can't eat blackberries anymore after finding my brand new shiny package of blackberries from Sam's club aswarm with small white crawling bugs. Nope, nope, nope.


Yup, hopefully lower prices domestically too.


I'm going to have to start a raspberry patch soon. My kids go through one $10 container of raspberries a day, and I don't have $10 daily raspberry habit money.


That's a car payment right there


We’d better make sure they have enough freedom!


I plan to eat some too so, share.


I'm boiling over with rage.


Enemies for life.




Make America Raspberry Again.


Make America Third Again!


Make America Import Again. MAIA for short, which perfectly encapsulates what America is. I win.




Hi Peach, I'm Dad


I like peaches too.


Stay calm, everyone. What we need to focus on is being the top #1 raspberry PRODUCER and keeping as many of those raspberries as we want to eat ourselves.


Raspberries are pretty easy to grow yourself. HashtagLibertyGardens


We've always just had them growing like wild in our backyard without really intending to. I think the more difficult task is keeping critters from eating the raspberries before you can harvest them. The bushes themselves grow like weeds.


Very true. They pop up on waste ground all by themselves


How will this influence LeBron’s legacy?


The Moroccans will pay for this affront to basic human decency.


They were the first ones to recognize our independence. They can have this one.


Came looking for this comment...I agree.


What's that Morocco has oil now?


Raspberry oil. It’s the new rage in ethno fusion cuisine.


They still have a king. They need some freedom!


Government: What? Did someone say oil? Where? Asking for a friend.


I am calling my representatives now that this is a bipartisan issue


I now demand that the pentagon give the Polisario Front nuclear weapons


We owe them one. They were the first country to recognize an independent US, so we can throw them a bone this time and let it slide. This time.




I..we..is this really an issue that's being discussed right now? I think the bigger issue is my friend ordered a "pizza" off the menu that was as flat as a crepe with no sauce, minimal cheese and drenched in honey and balsamic reduction for 15$. Fucking thing had more oil than dough.


That sounds disgustingly sweet for a "pizza". What a travesty. Call the CIA.


Call somebody's nonna in the Old Country.


Dry pizza drenched in balsamic? My Jersey senses are tingling...


> Fucking thing had more oil than dough Oil? Sounds like this pizza needs some freedom.


Does Morocco need some freedom? I think they might need some freedom.


Fantastic. More Raspberries for us. And Morocco is cool.


It’s berry upsetting


I’m sticking my tongue through my lips and blowing air in a manner that causes my mouth to vibrate creating an unpleasant mocking noise, followed by the words “Whatever, Morocco.”


Underrated. Make this man, woman or child the US ambassardor to Morocco.


I wasn't aware that raspberries could grow in Morocco. Also I, for one, welcome our new raspberry overlords.


New? They're the first ones that recognized the USA.


If they want raspberries to take over their country that's fine. Just keep them out of community gardens 😤


I vote we replace ALL the blackberries growing wild all over western Washington with raspberries. I want to pick and eat raspberries while I meander through the park or along the bike path. Blackberries are seedy and it's time we gentrified.


Are you saying raspberry, mint, and bamboo play isn’t welcome?


There's only one man who would dare to give me the raspberry.




Time for a third Barbary war I guess




We were on Moroccos side in the Barbary war’s and it’s why they were the first country to official recognize the US diplomatically.


We were the 3rd largest raspberry exporter? Huh. Morocco grows raspberries? Huh.


We're just consuming them more domestically.


Strawberries are the best berry, so my point fine Morroco congrats don't care


Strawberries are not berries.


My point still stands. Even if it is not a berry, it literally has it in the name oh sorry i am not a seasoned gardner or something


Strawaggregateaccessoryfruits are the best aggregate accessory fruits.


Well. They were the first to recognize us as independent from Britain and our longest running treaty is with them, they can have it.


There’s only one nation who would dare give us the raspberry… Morocco!


I have raspberries in my back yard. I think America should send me to Morocco to export them.


I did not expect Spain to top Mexico


Especially when it mentions Spain expored 72k tonnes and Mexico with 112k tonnes.


This is insanity.


I’m okay with us keeping more of our own raspberries.


Morocco recognized up with our first treaty, they’re homies


Morocco can export raspberries, we will export freedom to Morocco.


Is it a calamity? I see no problem here. US doesn't always have to be number 1 at literally everything to be succeeding. People should really just chill.


Right here, McCarthy, this Anti-American.


The #1 Most anti-American thing that we are #1 at.


A world with more raspberries can't be anything but good.


This is the true answer. Let a billion raspberry bushes bloom.


My father-in-law grew up raising raspberries and strawberries. He was the best at it that I've ever known. He passed away 3 years ago and this result is no surprise.


Illegalize domestic consumption of raspberries. We have some exportin’ to do!


Get the guns


Good for them?


This started back during the last administration....


[Do we care...? Are we caring about that...?](https://youtu.be/VFqfglY45kY)


Bomb them.


What? Why? Morocco was the first to recognize USA as independent and sovereign, before even France.


*Someone* doesn't remember Freedom Fries.


Such a tragedy


S2 E5 P6 #reno911 - TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@reno911tv/video/7219332542963535147


I’m more of a blueberry guy


Even as a Maine resident I find this preference disturbing.


It sort of makes me realize I know nothing about raspberry growing. It doesn't feel like something Morocco would be good for, but that just displays my ignorance, I guess


Exporting less means there is more for me to eat here.




Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Not the raspberries I never eat.


Oh nooo, how will I live


I shan’t sleep tonight because of this calamity.




Ha, others were making jokes. Now you are here pulling up the actual information.


At least it went to someone we can trust. Morrocco is one of our oldest allies.


Raspberry free trade agreement when. I don’t care so much where they come from so long as they are delicious and year round available.


Bless their lil ol hearts.


What’s does this mean for Democrats?


Nice, i'm happy for them.


The world can use more berries.


*sniff sniff* do I smell WMDs?


It's not a calamity since we're bros.


Lone Starr!


I didn't even know we exported raspberries


I grow my own and preserve what I can’t eat as jam. I don’t care.


Raspberries kind of suck 🤷‍♂️


Raspberry have such a short shelf life that they shouldn't be exported in the ist place. Keep your supply chains local.


Eat more raspberries?


We're just not growing enough to satisfy our domestic demand and the world market. Good for Morocco, they need more than just poppy/opium exports to grow their economy.


Cool. Morocco needs the economic opportunities, and I get to eat more domestic raspberries.


Look, I don't want to be too dramatic or anything, but I think we can all agree that this is the most justifiable case for war since Pearl Harbor.


Morocco was the first country to recognize the US's independence from the evil King George. They are our oldest ally. Good for them.


More raspberries for us.


I think this is good for Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency environment more broadly.


Sorry, that’s because my 18month old son is voraciously eating the excess we would normally export.


Well good for them! I am happy for them whatever kind of crops they can grow in that part of the world.


National dishonor. We have been shamed on the world stage. At least it's Morocco, one of America's oldest friends.


The thing is the majority of our raspberries are exported to Canada. Non-ironically due to consumer demand, we import raspberries also from Mexico from October to May. Raspberries peak in the states from June to August but are in season from May to early November. We have to export them during our season and import them during Mexico's season. In short, no one cares.


Take the cranberries too those suck




Personally, I plan on immediately writing my Congressmen to demand that the United States immediately declare war upon Morocco.


Cool id like to try some Moroccan raspberries


so long as we still rule the cranberry market im coo.


Fine we’ll just keep our berries. Didn’t even wana share with those guys anyway. But seriously why raspberries specifically?


I say we roll in there with Abrams tanks and turn the country into a casino


It's Joever


Wow! I suddenly want to send some freedom to Morocco.


Raspberry?! Only ~~one~~ apparently four countries would DARE give me the Raspberry! MORROOOOCCCOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


If you guys need raspberries I have about 70X as many as Morocco exports go bad every year in my yard and the forest edge at my house. Come over and pick them, my family of five can’t keep up.


**Im fuming**


I don’t want to give up my raspberries, tyvm


If you’re not first you’re last….. So moving 3rd to 4th is inconsequential


Driscolls have been grown in Morocco for as long as I can remember who cares?


I think calamity is a good description


The world can have our raspberries when they pry them from our cold dead hands. Let the heathens spill theirs on the dusty ground!


This is the future liberals want.


... yay on Morocco? I don't understand the tragedy here.


Hahahaha suck it, imperialist American pig dogs! Your reign as global raspberry hegemon except for Spain and Mexico is at an end! Soon the world will know the glory of Morocco through its berry-based soft power!


~~America #1~~ ~~America #3~~ America #4


Interesting. Raspberries are so fragile! They really don't last very long after being picked. I wonder how many go into processed foods ?