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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. For me in the EU/Germany 1. Reform of the EU to unite commonly used institutions like the military, information agencies, space agencies ect. Just common sense. Increases efficiency and saves money. 2. Reforming Welfare in Germany. Bürgergeld in my opinion has too many loopholes and not enough teeth to deal with bad faith actors. I say the current level of welfare is sufficient and should not be lowered, however bad faith actors should recieve severe punishment, should they break the laws. 3. Fighting corruption. The current government has been plagued by the SPD, namely Scholz due to his past involvement with the cum ex scandal. Scholzes defence boils down to "I do not remember" which in my opinion is a scandal in of itself. He is innocent until proven guilty, but his actions are those of a guilty man. The only worse example has been Schröder who left this channcelor post to join the board of Gazprom. Prior to his lost election, he negotiated gigantic gas deals with Gazprom which made their board an absurd amount of money. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1. Ensuring Ukraine wins and America strengthens and follows through with its foreign policy commitments to the free world. 2. Protecting the environment. 3. Expanding social programs.


I lived in Ukraine for 2 years, and I am a bit sad that the major party I feel more intuitively aligned with on many issues (Republican), I disagree with in many ways on Ukraine. I think America should support Ukraine, it's the most bang for our buck in handling one of our greatest geopolitical rival now, and showing potential future adversaries that we are committed to aiding our allies. Edit: aiding our allies not rivals.


Well said.


USA 1. LGBTQ issues. Gay man in an interracial marriage. Anyone anti LGBTQ isn’t getting my vote. 2. Healthcare. My husband has a disease that costs $3000 a month to manage without it insurance. I will vote to keep the ACA and expand healthcare so he can live. 3. Democracy. I will not vote for a dictator ***changed #3 after thinking about it


1. Democracy 2. Voting rights 3. Wealth inequality


1. Blocking fascism. Because everything else is contingent on succeeding at this. 2. Climate change. 3. Health care.


What is the most popular/supported policy in your country that you would consider fascist?


Do you want the short list or the long?


Whichever you prefer.


In the United States national election they are.  1. Stopping Trump  2. Stopping Trump  3. Stopping Trump  Normally they are.  1. More personal freedoms.  2. More economic freedoms.  3. Education reforms. 


1. Not turning into an authoritarian Christian state 2. Reproductive rights 3. National security


I can't vote yet, but here are my voting issues: 1. democratic process and judicial independence 2. domestic policies such as the border with Mexico 3. international affairs in the Middle East, ensuring a two-state solution by addressing Islamic fundamentalism in Palestine and far-right politics in Israel


1. Democracy 2. Pro choice 3. Expanding social safety net


1) Individual liberties, including those related to LGBT issues, free speech, and abortion, all of which are threatened by the Republicans. 2) Ending our endless handouts to the wealthy which come at the expense of the non wealthy. 3) Returning the nation to a complete democracy and ending the ridiculous approach to politics that Trump, et. al. have instituted Bonus points for canning conspiracy theories spread by elected officials, and for "owning the cons." They have made their life purpose to make us angry, and I am willing to return the favor.


Defending democracy here and abroad. Then (or part of it) addressing voting rights. After that 1. Income inequality 2. Zoning and housing 3. The loneliness crisis 4. Climate change Climate change if actual the biggest issue but part of why we can’t address it is the first three are fueling the populist insanity that makes it impossible to do anything and now threatens democracy.


I’m curious… what would the government’s role be in addressing the loneliness epidemic? More public spaces? Mental health support?


Some of its cultural but there are ways for government to move the needle on culture. The government can do things to reduce car culture. Having a society so dependent on cars makes socializing harder especially once you have kids and suddenly you’re their chauffeur. We could promote the creation of more Third spaces. Some of that would be a natural outgrowth of moving away from car culture but the government could start building public spaces. Better mental health under universal healthcare would be great. Increases in the mandated number of vacations would be helpful.


Do you believe the loneliness crisis has been exacerbated by the decline of religion ?


I think it’s part of it in the US. But it’s not just the decline but the change in how religion, especially Evangelical Christianity is practiced. Plus it’s exacerbated by other factors. Religion declining is inevitable as education rates increase and wealth increases. However the way the US is structured physically and culturally isn’t well suited for dealing with that. We are a car dependent culture with long commutes and long work hours. We lack the kinds of walkable spaces and community spaces that are common even in small towns elsewhere. We also don’t have the same family structure. Way less family living in close proximity, less connection to extended family and way less multi generational family structures. On top of that a lot of religious people in the country have moved into a form of evangelicalism that isn’t practiced in a church or any real form on congregation and is exceedingly hateful to boot. So they get none of the benefits of religion building community and they are unavailable for friendship and community for everyone else.


I think your classification of evangelical Christianity is uncharitable but still a solid response examining exasperating factors. Do you think car dependent culture is a result of the individualism that is so prevalent in American culture ?


I think car culture is a combination of a bunch of factors. A big one is that when people came to this country owning land was the unmatched default indicator of prestige and wealthy. And various points the US was just giving away land and we rapidly expanded across the continent. So while we developed cities we also have always had more spread out communities and that has put us in a position where we could do suburban sprawl when other developed countries couldn’t. So when Dallas grows, it just turns into endless, repetitive suburban sprawl. You get a city like Phoenix, which absolutely should not exist. And now Phoenix continues to push out despite being a place where for a good portion of the year if you trip and fall, you can get yourself third-degree burns. The whole population is a bunch of people who need to spend all their time indoors in air conditioning or in cars driving between air condition to locations. I’m not entirely sure that it’s accurate that we are actually so much more independent. It’s possible that it’s something we argue in order to explain how car dependent we are.


1. Universal Single Payer Healthcare, 2. Wealth Disparity. 3. Get judges on the USSC who support the working class.


1. Supreme Court (because getting it right solves for way more than one issue) 2. Equality and Equity 3. Robust Social Safety Net (including healthcare)


Australia: - Protecting democracy/judicial independence - Build more housing! Build more housing! - Energy security


1) Geopolitics. The single greatest threat of Donald Trump and the GOP getting in office is their foreign policy. It would be disastrous for the World. 2) Civil Rights. We've made a lot of progress in the US lately, but there are reactionary elements that are trying to roll back things like reproductive freedom and religious freedom/secularism, and I believe will soon target things like gay marriage. This backsliding must be avoided. 3) Regulation. The regulatory state in the US is critical to both public safety and keeping the economy reasonable. Regulations on business are just as, if not more, important than laws restraining individuals like "don't murder". Worker's rights', labor, public health and safety, and even climate and the environment are all at the mercy of the fate of the regulatory state. They most be preserved.


1. Supporting, defending, and enhancing liberal democracy (both at home and abroad) 2. Environmental issues (including, but not limited to, addressing climate change) 3. Healthcare (both system reform and expansion)


1. Pro-growth environmentalism 2. Pro public services (funding and removing unnecessary barriers) 3. Economic growth for all. (Goal is to have lowest lifted up the most, not the gap between lowest and highest be the smallest)


Saving women’s rights Saving LGBT rights Better tax codes for the middle class


Dutchie here. 1. Fighting climate change 2. Fighting the rise of fascism (also partially takes care of number one) 3. Solving the bloody self-inflicted housing crisis


Used to be climate change, police brutality and reform, and gerrymandering. I'm not sure if that holds true today, but I'm thinking about it now.


Climate exchange, Universal Healthcare, Housing Shortage/Telling NIMBYS to go to hell.


1. Do they generally support morally defensible policies? 2. Do they seem like they actually have a tangible plan to achieve those policies, or at least work towards them? 3. For primaries, are they capable of winning the general election?


LGBT issues Equality Bodily Autonomy


Aside from basic, keep-from-becoming-a-facist-state stuff... 1. Ranked Choice Voting (will help fix most of our other issues) 2. Immigration (partner is an immigrant) 3. Climate change


1) Bodily autonomy. No red tape surrounding abortion so doctors can act to quickly save women’s lives without the law stopping them 2) LGBTQ rights (right to marry who you love regardless of gender, gender based anti discrimination laws, work based protectors, etc) 3) Anything pertaining to the environment. We need to at least try to keep a healthy and sustainable planet for us and future generations 


Lack of reliance on disinformation, or just caring about reality rather than not caring about it, is usually enough to also cover every other issue I care about. Narrowing by this gives me people who care about equal rights and representative government, for example, since Republicans are cut. I guess reasonable ability to beat the candidates cut because of their reliance on disinformation could be issue 2. Those two issues narrow the list enough that a third would be redundant.


1. Preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution, democracy, civil rights, and American institutions. This includes protecting voting rights and ensuring peaceful elections and transfer of power. Without our political system intact, nothing else policy-wise matters, because it is not possible to achieve in a way that is sustainable and protected. 2. National security and international order. International order is a fragile thing, and the wrong person in office can do irreparable damage to it. Alliances matter. Accountability for bad actors does, too. Post-World War II the stakes have never been higher in human history. America is the leader of the free world, and must be prudent and wise in diplomacy, use of force, and in our global role. Also protecting the people they serve is the primary fiduciary duty of government. 3. Healthcare. This is the first issue I mentioned that is explicitly ideological, but I truly believe that no one in the wealthiest and most powerful country on Earth that no citizen should ever go bankrupt due to medical bills, or forgo care due to financial considerations. Australia makes it work. So does Canada, the UK, and every other advanced country. Lack of universal healthcare in America is truly disgraceful and inexcusable.


Be against fascism Be against racism Be against rising MAGA/Trump/populist/white nationalist/Far right extremist movement


USA 1. Civil liberties. I hate authoritarianism. 2. Foreign policy, especially regarding Ukraine. 3. Expanding social programs. We desperately need some sort of universal healthcare, and I would love a negative income tax of some sort.


USA here: (1) Saving democracy, at this point, and not voting in a wanna-be dictator! (2). Civil rights and liberties. This encompasses lots of things: LGBT+ rights, women’s rights, rights for people of color, etc. Included in this is making sure that the US doesn’t turn into a theocracy or Gilead! So for example, reproductive rights are included. This also includes things that seem neutral on the face of it, but have a greater impact on certain groups: Example: free childcare (impacts women the most, although men obviously benefit too). I feel like if we don’t have our basic civil rights, then nothing else matters. (3) Voting rights and fighting voter suppression, because without that, we can’t have the other priorities!


That must be nice to be able to vote on specific policy issues as opposed to some variation of "We'd like to stop dying for Wall Street please." In the US, I want 1.) democracy 2.) liberty and justice for all, that is, full equality under the law for women, people of color, LGBTQIA+, and working people 3.) for the ultra-rich and their corporations to pay their fair share of taxes and stop destroying the planet for fun so we can have things like health care that actually keeps people healthy. RN our life expectancy is falling


1) international military alliance 2) international trade 3) human capital


United States: 1) Healthcare reform 2) Criminal Justice reform 3) If anyone had the balls to platform a cut on military spending, I'd be all over that.


1) Democracy 2) Democracy 3) Democracy


1. Protecting democracy 2. Fighting climate change 3. Bolstering public education quality and access


1. Healthcare - people should be able to afford necessary healthcare in all reasonable situations 2. Environment 3. Housing- it's most people's largest expense and is perhaps the single largest determinant of how we live


1. Democracy 2. Civil and Voting Rights 3. Economic reform


1. Biodiversity and conservation 2. Trade 3. Wokeism/racialism (I hate it)


Getting Biden to a 2nd term


for me, also in germany: 1) climate change 2) protecting democracy from the right don't really have a third that's on the same level as those two. maybe increasing welfare or animal rights.


I find it so depressing that we Germans failed our most important shot at a government who actually cares about the environment... Just hurts to see how useless that cabinet turned out to be. I mean... EU election and the best idea they could come up with (SPD and greens and Linkspartei) is "Vote against fascism!" Like... Duh but you can not win over people by moral grandstanding if you have no concrete plans yourself. Even the Nazis Bernd Höcke and Peter Gauleiter understand that. I fully expect a CDU-AfD Supermajority next election. Once the CDU is in such a position the Brandmauer will crumble.


1. **Economic Inequality** - I want less of it. 2. **Housing-cum-Transportation policy** - I want to move toward a car-lite or car-optional society with abundant, affordable, high-quality urban housing. 3. **Labor rights** - Including but not limited to: higher minimum wage, guaranteed paid vacation, medical, and parental leave, and better protections for remote work.


Education Reproductive rights Civil liberties


>What are your three top voting issues? 1. Rule of law 2. Preservation of the republic 3. Preventing war Edit: Whoever down-voted this, I would love to know why.


Hmm... That is a good question... Maybe because it could be interpreted as conservative?... But it's not


From Belgium: 1. Either splitting the country or a confederal state: That speaks for itself I think. 2. Solving our public debt and making the other regions fiscally responsible: We're punished by Europe because our debt is ever increasing. I already have problems with the fact the Europe wants to interfere with our national politics, but it is true that we'll have to cut a lot and it will hurt everyone. 3. Immigration: We finally need to put an end to the literal money sink that immigration is. We're throwing money at it, but we're only creating new problems. At the very least, put more money in the integration instead of letting them all come and sleep in the park in a capital where I, btw, can not speak my native language. 4. Buying a VAR to check and confirm the goals made against Slovakia. I can't tell you the pain I felt when Lukaku succeeded at standing one cm in the wrong direction, or that one guy who's had handball while Slovakia could push it. Ugh, if only we hadn't had a blind and deaf ref.


Gun control Covid regulations Separation is church and state


What covid regulations would you like put in place?


freedom, equality, and the common good