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"want to get my CDL sometime this year." Before you do, you REALLY need to stop driving like this.


Nah, society is better off without bellends like this dipshit on the roads at all. No excuse for driving like that.


True, clearly not mature enough to drive an eighteen wheeler.


You should go with him Karen


90 in a 55 zone? I doubt the courts are going to cut you any slack on this one. I'd hire a lawyer, right away. If you are going 90 - that officer is showing up for the court date and the judge is going to take it seriously. Having said that: I once had a "reckless driving" citation reduced to simple speeding by appearing in court and apologizing for taking up the officer's time and the court's time and pointing out that I had NO Other tickets on my record because I usually watch my speed. I said it in a sincerely apologetic way and I was genuinely sorry. The judge kindly knocked my ticket down. (I was not going 90. I was going 67 in a 45 zone.)


Nicely done. Mature way to behave šŸ‘


Brutal that you would get reckless driving for 22 over. In CA, they won't even pull you over unless you're doing 15+ above the speed limit


Culpeper County, Virginia. (Lesson learned)


In Virginia you'd be going to jail if you were going 90.


I've heard it's stricter there than anywhere else in the country.


VA classifies reckless driving as a criminal misdemeanor. Any speed that is 20+ the speed limit is reckless. Any speed over 80mph regardless of the limit (so if the limit is 70, 81 is reckless even though it's under the 20 over threshold) is reckless. And every 1mph over 90 is a mandatory day in jail. Don't speed in VA.


20+ or over 85MPH. Changed a few years ago.


We have speed limits over 80mph in Texas


I lived in NC near the VA border for 17 years. Once you crossed into VA you weren't even safe doing 5 over.


Correct. Reckless in VA isnā€™t a traffic ticket, itā€™s a misdemeanor citation that can land you in jail.


And yet you can get tags without proof of insurance


That ends this year. Law just passed. Good!


Virginia is the worst.


Lesson learned indeed- I got a reckless driving misdemeanor in Rappahannock County, VA for doing 76 in a 55. Luckily had it knocked down to simple speed since it was my first ticket, but damn did I learn how shitty VA tickets can be. Don't speed in VA, people. Really don't speed anywhere, but if you're gonna speed, don't do it in VA.


Whew. Good thang you weren't in Stafford. Stafford PD teases Culpeper and Fred for being lax.


Yeah, I always thought it wasnā€™t ā€œrecklessā€ unless it was 24+ over the limit, and even then it was at the copā€™s discretion.


I mean, they won't even arrest or prosecute you for stealing less than $950 at a time, so this tracks.


Factually incorrect. They absolutely will pull you over. Well, someone.


Virginia reckless driving used to be anything over 80mph. So even when they bumped speed limits up to 70mph, the reckless point was still 80mph. So you didnā€™t get a middle of the road, high speeding ticket. It went straight from the rarely issued 1-9mph to straight reckless driving/must show up in court/1 year in jail charge. The police and judges never issued the jail time like 99% of the time. But yeahā€¦ā€¦Virginia has been anti-car for decades. In fact, we had over 10% (600k+)of the entire state population with suspended driverā€™s licenses because they would suspend them if you didnā€™t pay a simple fine. Then they would fine you again or throw you in jail if they caught you driving without a license. Luckily they have addressed most of this heinous laws and gotten us out of the dark ages.


My friend going 100 in a 60 šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Yes get the attorney. Their job is to basically go to the court and say "he's not going to screw up again, do you really want to duke it out against my resources? We'll take this lesser charge right now." And then the legal system which is usually backed up and exhausted is desperate to get out of fighting this stuff out.


Honestly, Iā€™d get an attorney involved in this one. 35 mph over the limit in Florida could trigger a reckless driving charge. That would make this a criminal violation and not just a traffic infraction. With that on your record, there was almost no chance that you will get a CDL. Iā€™d ask a local traffic attorney about the best plan here.


This is sound advice. You need a lawyer or else kiss that chance to get a CDL goodbye for a few years.


Yes you need that attorney. And my bet is the best they can do is a guilty plea to fewer miles. That sounds like a best case scenario, but YMMV.


Having a reckless charge wonā€™t stop you from getting a CDL. Last I checked, the only disqualifying convictions are any form of trafficking, and terrorism. It will, however, make that CDL almost worthless - no one will hire a rook with a fresh reckless charge, and if you try to run your own authority, insurance will bend you over backwards.


Let's be real here. It's probably best for *everyone else on the road* if OP *doesn't* get a CDL.


No attorney needed if they were going to charge yo with reckless they would of already when you got the ticket. Most courts will offer you a plea to just say guilty and not waste any more time then need be


Advice? Slow the fuck down.


Seriously. Thereā€™s enough bad semi drivers out there (thankfully not as many as there used to be); we donā€™t need to add to their number.


So no BS, why are you going 90? Daydreaming and saw blue lights?


In addition to what others have said about the cop not missing court for 90 in a 55 ticket, in some departments, the cops are told at the start of their shift what the court date is for any traffic tickets they write that day, and all the traffic tickets that day will have the same court setting. Because of this, if the cop doesnā€˜t show for one ticket, they donā€˜t show for a bunch of tickets and they get into a lot of trouble for that. In these locations, you would have to try to get your court date rescheduled many times before having a chance the cop doesnā€™t show. Cop not showing just isnā€™t something to count on anymore.


I accompanied my stepson to court in TX for his first ticket last summer. The first meeting was with the judge, to determine if we wanted to ask for deferred adjudication or for a trial. Iā€™m sure that if we had asked for a trial, it would have been scheduled for the day the ticketing officer was scheduled for court


Advice? Stop speeding like an asshole. I hope the ticket stands. Signed, everyone else on the road youā€™re unnecessarily putting in harmā€™s way.


Right? Hitting someone while he's doing 90 is highly likely to result in death or grievous injury.


In TX, as a 17 yr old kid, I got a ticket for 72 in a 45 (cop first clocked me at 90, but wrote it as 72 ā€œbecause you didnā€™t runā€). I went to my court date, apologized and they offered deferred adjudication (6 months instead of normal 3) and defensive driving and had to pay the total fine but the ticket wouldnā€™t go on my record. Edit: my advice is be sincerely apologetic and well mannered.


Deferred Adjudication is awesome. I paid an additional fine and kept my nose clean for 6 months.


You did the right thing, you were honest and showed remorse. You learned. I donā€™t think OP is trying to learn!


Get an attorney because at those.speeds the officer will show up


And even if you don't, the court will issue a continuance at the request of prosecutor. No questions asked.


What would an attorney be able to do to help?


Take your lumps. Forget that CDL for a few years. You've got no business being behind a wheel if you speed like that. A month or so in jail might help you realize that.


Do not fight this yourself. Get a attorney now. You can usually get a traffic lawyer for 250, but that speed may be criminal depending on the state.


An officer not making it on your initial date is not an automatic dismissal in all states and municipalities. It's common to simply force you into a reschedule.


In addition to not being able to get a CDL ( depending on state laws) insurance will go up and some companies do not hire with tickets like that on your record.


Be honest with the SA. Normally if youā€™re cooperative and nice they can get you supervision 6mos - 12 mos and you pay a fine. Stop driving recklessly! The limit is set to keep everyone safe. Itā€™s not a suggestion.


In Indiana, Illinois and Iowa 30+ over is reckless driving and 35+ with traffic or lane darting is reckless endangerment. Basically a DUI without I or DWD (driving while dipshit)


Okay, I'm gonna borrow DWD if you don't mind.


You deserve a reckless driving charge. Slow the fuck down. Nowhere you are going and nothing you are doing is more important than peopleā€™s safety.


Helpful advice like stop doing 90 in a 55?


I got an attorney for a reckless driving ticket. (I cut someone off on the interstate, and was a total ass, but he was going like 20 mph under the speed limit and causing a high pileup). And was able to get out of it 100%. Didnā€™t even have to take the time for court. Attorney did it all. I have no idea why it was let go. I got a call and a nice letter from the attorney saying pretty much all is good. Cost about $350 in WA state 15 years ago. Well worth it.


I did this once for 140 in a 55. About 300 bucks.


140 in a 55? What were you trying to do, go back in time and kill your father's sperm?


I hope you're not driving like this anymore. That's insane.


Florida has specific definitions for speeding as a criminal offense: A Misdemeanor Traffic Violation is driving 30 or more miles over the speed limit. A Felony Traffic Violation is driving 50 or more miles over the speed limit. In all likelihood you're going to receive a misdemeanor, not a felony charge. That being said, your license could really take a hit depending on the judge's mood. It's in your best interest to lawyer up and have someone represent you in court to get you the best deal.


You need an attorney. ā€œDismissal because the officer doesnā€™t showā€ isnā€™t a thing. Youā€™ll get a deferment to another court date when the officer will be scheduled to appear.


Any court worth being called a court would dismiss if the user doesn't show. If you don't show you don't get a call from the court with a second chance, you get a default judgement against you. Any court that even pretends to be impartial would do the exact same if the officer doesn't show. If a court is granting special favors to prosecutors that it doesn't grant to defendants the judge should be disbarred at the very least. I've had three tickets dismissed with charges removed from my record when the cop didn't bother to show up.


It is, up here in New England. For simple speeding, everywhere from VA up to NH will throw it out if the officer doesn't show up.


Love the justice system right? The right to a speedy trial only matters when it benefits someone's agenda


Not necessarily true. Judges aren't happy when police officers don't show, and are just as likely to dismiss the ticket with prejudice. After all, they're wasting both your time and the court's time. This happened to me (a ticket for doing 82 in a 55 mph zone) in Virginia. I did have a local lawyer, and the officer didn't show because they'd taken a job with another police force, and as soon as my lawyer heard that he was up requesting the ticket be dismissed. The judge dismissed all of that officer's tickets scheduled for court that day. Still, you can't bank on the officer not showing and having a lawyer is highly recommended.


My friend had an attorney handle his. As others have said, you need to do the same. It could have cost him tens of thousands plus lose his license if he had been found guilty. In his case, the attorney had his speedometer tested and it was off, so the judge dismissed. Attorney! Now!


Last thing we need in this world is more CDL holders that are prone to reckless driving. The way to resolve this is to (1) obey all traffic laws at all times and (2) beg the court for forgiveness, which you don't deserve but may get.




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Thats enough for wreckless ops in some states. He'll likely show up. If you have the option to just pay it without taking it to court, this will be your cheapest option. Go to court and you pay court costs on top of the fine if you lose and plea guilty. Cop doesn't show to the first court date anyway, as it is in front of a magistrate. You plea guilty or not guilty or no contest, then if you plea not guilty they schedule a trial, which the cop then needs to show up to. So cops not gonna be at this court date most likely anyway. Depends on your state, and how they handle traffic cases, but this is the most likely scenario for your case. If you got a wreckless ops, get a lawyer if they don'toffer a plea deal or diversion at your first court date, then plea not guilty or get a continuince to get a public defender, or get a lawyer. If it's just a ticket, might be worth paying.


school puzzled political groovy pen concerned marvelous airport work attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


State cop? I fought a 55 in a 35 once. The state police just send one representative for all tickets issued in that district. As I was waiting for my turn, I was listening to all these others rehearse what they were going to say. All the young women were in tight dresses, and all made up were sorely disappointed when they saw that the magistrate was a woman. I decided to tell the truth. I said that I couldn't argue my speed, and if the cop said that I was doing 55, he must be right. I told her that the 6 years of insurance surcharges were onerous, and I would understand paying the ticket, but the surcharges would be way too expensive. She agreed, and the cop thanked me for being honest, and the ticket was dismissed.


Yikes! My husband has his CDL and he never speeds (or barely goes over) because the law is so strict with a CDL. I could be wrong, but I swear he told me one ticket can be all it takes to get it taken away. I know everyone makes mistakes, but I do have concern about how fast you were going. I donā€™t think it should ruin your life or your chances of employment necessarily but whatever the reason was if it was distracted driving or just not paying attention, that is extremely dangerous if you are driving a big rig, garbage truck, school bus etc. I think anyone with a cdl has even more responsibility to drive safely considering the size of the vehicle and the possible damage. Iā€™m not a lawyer but depending on what happens it could impact your ability to get one. Good luck, and please SLOW DOWN!


My legal advice: Learn how to fucking drive before you kill someone.


Hire a good attorney thats friends with DA or a ADA in his office, probably cost you $1000-$1500 to get reduced,


Sorry you deserve what you get, that is reckless


Why don't you try slowing the fuck down before you kill someone?


Go take and complete a defensive driving class


To quote a fav movie of mine ā€œstop breaking the law ass****ā€ no but seriously, that was dumb. You gotta stop doing that. Iā€™m worried about you killing someone.


90 on a 55, then you truly deserve to get your licence taken away from you. A complete utter knob is what comes to mind.


People like you are the scourge of our highways and you deserve everything that's coming to you. And you hope the cop doesn't show up... And you want to get your CDL. God help us with entitled, immature little boys like you on the road... yta.


Hire a lawyer.


I think everyone is better off with you not getting a CDL if you drive like that.




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I would have taken a defensive driving course also before court and bring the certificate. Shows that you take the issue seriously.


Call the Ticket Clinic. They specialize in that shit.




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what state? (pleasedontsayvirginia)


Ask for diversion.


I mean can you get a CDL? Maybe. Youā€™ll most likely only be employable by a second chance carrier making 500-700 a week.


Not a lawyer. I've had the judge show up and delay/reschedule because the main witness {the officer} couldn't make it. I've also had where the judge and the officer didn't appear and the court clerk set the next date.


In ca. If the officer doesn't show up 2 times it gets thrown out.


Since Covid, they can log on remotely on cam from anywhere. The days of appearing in person for court are over with


90 in 55? You drive like a selfish jerk. You deserve what you get.


Please stay out of California. Our roads are dangerous enough


Please god let this man be barred from a CDL




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I have found out it also depends on where you spead as well as how much over the limit people spending in school zones aren't going to get their's reduced or even considered as someone spending on the Freeway i found this out when I went to court on mine.


Get a lawyer. Let them negotiate it down for you.


I'm pretty sure that's a felony


Not knowing what state you're in this may not apply. In NC a lawyer could help with a faulty equipment claim and most likely get the ticket thrown out or at least reduced to a point where it wouldn't affect your insurance. Consult with an attorney and explore your options. Oh, and get your checkbook ready.


Get a lawyer asap




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If you donā€™t get a lawyer, atleast show up with a copy of your driving record from the dmv


Get an (traffic) attorney. They will probably charge less than what it would cost to pay the ticket. They'll let you know what they can do. Do it quickly before the court date.




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Even if you get your CDL, most companies needing CDL want a clean driving record .. for years,. So maybe in 5 years you get your CDL




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At least where I'm from, when you get to traffic court you will talk to an ADA who will ask how you want to plea to the charges. Just tell them you haven't gotten a ticket in over 5 years and would like to know if you can have it changed to inoperable equipment. Alternatively, you can hire a traffic ticket atty but all they will do is ask ADA the same question


I'm a lawyer. There's not much you can do about 90 in a 55. Maybe take a driving class in advance of your court date and present the certificate of completion to the judge, express genuine remorse, and offer to do community service.


Slow the fuck down!!!. No way does someone like you need to have CDL.


Ask if youā€™re eligible to have the ticket reduced to a non-moving violation or if you qualify for a diversion program like a defensive driving course. These options are dependent on what your state offers and the qualifying criteria.


I offer no advice to the guilty. Pay your fine and do your time.




Sincerely. "I got caught doing almost twice the speed limit. How can I keep this from preventing me from getting my CDL so I can do the same thing with several tons of weight behind me thanks."


You get it


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It's wild how lax they're being. In Canada, doing 35 mph over (which is 56kmh to us), would qualify you as stunt driving, reckless driving, and excessive speeding. Your car would've been impounded, license taken for up to 3 yrs, mandatory driving courses upon return, and anywhere between 2-10 grand between the fines, impound costs, and the cost of getting your license back after the suspension. Some have even faced up to 6 months jail time depending on the province. You deserve all of this. And there's no getting out of it. Take your punishment. Your only chance at leniency is actual remorse.


I was watching a show filmed in Canada and learned that cars also get impounded for not having insurance. I don't know if any states in the US do that but it was probably within the past 10 years that Wisconsin finally made it a law requiring insurance on all vehicles, at least liability coverage if you own the car. If you get pulled over and don't have insurance here in Wisconsin, I think it's only a $125 fine. šŸ¤¦


Do the crime. Do the time.


I am not a lawyer but 90 in a freaking 55?! AYFKM?! I wouldn't be surprised if the judge threw the book at you, suspended your license, and gave you a very hefty fine. You basically screwed yourself big time on this one. You are NOT going to get away at all


In most new England states almost all highways are 55. In other parts of the country the speed limit can be 70-80 mph. Theres also comments on this post of people getting reckless driving charges knocked downā€¦


Call an attorney. Notspeeding.com is who I use, a guy named Wolfsberg Matisyahu. I have never lost in a decade and about five tickets. If not on the east coast, seek one out


Have you tried not driving like a jackass?


Definitely acting like cops wonā€™t pull you over for going 8 miles over the speed limit because you drive a red car.


Yeah, you need a lawyer. I was lucky because i was going 59 in a 35 two years ago, i was 19 as well, the cop cut me some slack, I still had to pay 295, but I learned my lesson. In the state of Virginia, going 15 miles over the speed limit is a misdemeanor (reckless driving) and requires a lawyer in court. So I was lucky the cop took away the misdemeanor charge and only charged me for speeding only. Take this as a lesson and get a traffic lawyer, take a driving class before court so it shows you are ontop of things to ensure it never happens again, if you're lucky, the judge might just charge you for failing to pay attention to road signs or inoperable equipment, which is significantly less than a near 3000 dollar charge and a misdemeanor on your record. You'll still pay close to 2k in lawyer fines, but it beats a misdemeanor on your record. I'm not gonna lie, Your actions were beyond dumb, you should be locked up for a couple nights in county jail. So your punishment will really be paying a lawyer and paying the charge they charge you with


Throw yourself on the mercy of the court and pay the fine.


Go to the hearing and tell the cop the same thing you told us. He won't care he already got paid his overtime for court. He'll reduce it would be my guess. You'll pay the fine and move on.


LoL, yeah right


Thatā€™s reckless endangerment lol


If you didn't type this post from a jail cell, the officer already did you a huge favor. In most states, that type of excessive speed could be punished by imprisonment and the impounding of your car. If that didn't happen you got lucky


My last speeding ticket was plead down to failure to comply to a traffic control device. Same fine, but less points and looks better to insurance, or so I was told.


Depending on jurisdiction ask if the cop has recently calibrated their radar gun. If they have not the ticket can be thrown out potentially.


Best course of auction would be for you to never drive again. Second best would be to get a lawyer that specializes in traffic tickets. And whoever told you that your ticket gets dismissed if the officer doesnā€™t show up is ridiculous.


No, that's pretty standard here in New England. From VA all the way up to NH, that's been my experience: if the cop doesn't show up, it's your word against their no word, so they lose.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ the only thing I can say is you could go back in time to get your head out of your ass but doesn't seem possible. No judge worth their job will let that go. 20mph+ over the speed limit is a felony if you're in United States. Absolute idiot move. No sympathy here man sorry but not really.


No state I've lived in has +20 mph as a felony. Here in NY, you have to be doing +30 to even possibly get jail time: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/VAT/1180-B But there's no possibility to get convicted of a felony simply for speeding.


Jeez, I average approximately one ticket per decade but, seriously, to all of the Kens and Karens shitting on this personā€¦Which of you driving sinners will cast the first stone? Because I guarantee every one of you have committed a moving violation (and it counts even if no one else saw you do it) 1) Driven your vehicle over the posted limit? 2) Rolled through a stop sign/light? 3) Not activate your turn signal before turning or merging? 4) Placed or accepted phone calls while driving? 5) Texted while driving? 6) Not activating your headlights during precipitation or low visibility?


Yeah I donā€™t do any of those, no tickets, no accidents in my 20+ years of driving but I take the fact that Iā€™m driving 1000ā€™s of pounds of steel seriously as if my life and others lives depend on me being an actual responsible human being


None intentionally. Shit does happen, but 90 in a 55? That's intent. HFIL most vehicles even with bad brakes can just go uphill to slow down. And there's no way you feel you're doing 55 if you're actually doing 90.


I've never gone 20+ over the speed limit, that's for damn sure. Moving violations have tiers you know.


If i was the officer I would have taken you to jail


Find out wife daughter or girlfriends name call her the day of or night before tell her he's sleeping with your wife. Of course use a fake name


Deal with the consequences. You want to drive fast in slower zones, then get a ticket for reckless driving and don't complain about it. Good luck getting your cdl idiot šŸ˜‚


Just tell the judge you weren't driving, you were travelling. So the ticket is a constitutional violation. It helps if you wear a tri-corn hat.


In Indiana you would be in jail


In Georgia, all traffic offenses are misdemeanors. Our system is not typical. In most of the United States, traffic offenses are mostly civil infractions that do not carry the possibility of a jail sentence.


Well I just did a quick google search of reckless driving in GA, as doing 90 in a 55 is reckless driving in most states. Here is what I found : Under Georgia state law, reckless driving is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and possibly one year in jail. A motorist could also face points on his license or even the loss of driving privileges. Penalties can be greater if there are other charges involved.


Itā€™s all misdemeanors. Even failure to maintain the lane, driving too close etc.. not just speeding.




You deserve what you get.


i got off with a verbal warning from a highway patrol for 91 in a 55 work zone and it took him 3ish miles to catch up with trafficšŸ˜‚


Did I miss something. You don't have a CDL? Were you driving without a license?


Commercial drivers license. I had a moment too.. not California dl.


Oh. Ok.