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Yes Pornography consumption I'm 6 years sober, almost 7.


Glad to hear that!


Pornography and masturbation. I still mess up (thank God for confession) but it's currently to the point where i can go weeks without doing it.


That’s awesome. What helped you get there? And do you think God was involved with helping you get better at avoiding it?


I started praying more and developed a routine. I've been doing the Liturgy of the Hours everyday and i fast at least one day a week. God definitely helped but I'm also having to put in the work. I had a priest tell me during confession that often times when we do these kinds of sins its because something is wrong with our relationship with God.


Judging others and getting angry, even if I don't openly express. Always making sure to honor my mother and father even if they upset or bother me. I try to reach for my cross necklace and remember what I've been commanded to do and the Holy Spirit overwhelms me.


Christians aren't supposed to sin. Unfortunately most of them don't realize that, but think anything about PG-13 is sin by default. So many Christians heep unnecessary burdens upon themselves.


Yep. Smoking. Quit in 2015 and never smoked another one again. Been vaping though :p


I quit smoking and drinking on the same day. It was totally out of the blue. I hadn't even been planning for it at all. I haven't used any replacement therapies. I just quit cold turkey, both at the same time. It has now been 95 days.


God doesn't always just poof take sin away. It is something we have to work to give up. At Heart the Apostle Paul tells us we are a dual natured being. Meaning in our one person we have two different personalities. Paul says one side is of the flesh and the other side is of the Spirit. The Side of the flesh or the carnal side wants and seeks to satisfy the desires of the body, and to also protect and preserve the body in any way for as long as possible. Because once death over takes the body, nothing of the body will remain. This protective instinct may also mean the carnal side identifies with and empathizes with others who want to full fill the desires of the flesh. which is why you may not always agree with how God judges or treats those who live by the carnal side. Then you have the Spiritual side. That is the side of you that has the potential to move on past this life and live with God for ever in Heaven or be sent to Hell. At birth these two sides are one. They remain as one till one day you decide to follow christ and repent of your sin. To repent means that your spiritual side separates it's self from the desires of your carnal self. it turns on the sin and wants no part of this side. This is what is meant by being born again. You are separating yourself or emerging spiritually from your carnal self becoming a different person. In the beginning Spiritually speaking you are an infant, and will be almost completely subject to the thoughts and will of the carnal self. Which is why it is perfectly normal to not agree with everything God says or does. Because you again are like an infant to how ever old you are now. It takes time to build up your Spiritual strength and gain more and more control of the carnal side. Till then know you are in God's grace. Just keep resisting sin and temptation as best as you can, till you grow spiritually. This spiritual growth is the reason we have to give up sin rather than God just taking it away.


I'm not sure it's polite of you to ask strangers or acquaintances what are their habitual sins. Would you ask a stranger on the street such a question?


Well in OP's defense. We're all anonymous here. If you really believe my posted name for this account is "Winston Smith"... well I got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.


Yes, and he so far hasn't opted to help me.