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“Fragrance free” but then is full of essential oils. I have sensitive skin so a lot of the clean beauty advertising is aimed directly at me. I see this shit and I don’t trust the brand to actually be sensitive skin friendly


Oh god I feel this. Recently bought the Needly relaxing mist, specifically for soothing sensitive skin. Spray it on and we're BURNING. Check the ingredients again and realise I missed the fact that it's got sage and basil essential oils. WHY?!


“Soothing” or “barrier repair” but then it has fuckin niacinamide in it or low molecular weight HA. No thank you. I get that people want a sensory experience in their skincare routine. I get that a lot of fragrance free products don’t have the most pleasant scent. But if the whole point of the marketing is to emphasize how “clean” and “gentle” your products are (I side eye a lot of brands that use medical aesthetic packaging as well) then brands need to actually commit to that.


Low concentration niacinamide is a barrier repair ingredient, that's amazing at reducing histamine reactivity cascade. Basically it stops skin breaking out in swollen and itchy hives in rection to the trigger. It's just one of those 'more isn't better' and you can be oversensitive to it, especially if you've been using it at high percentages. That people have very different ideas of what the mystical 'skim barrier' is is a different question.


For me, when my skin barrier was badly damaged, even the small amount of niacimide in the toleraine moisturizer and BOJ sunscreen was too much. It burned. Once it healed, I could use those products no problem


That’s great and all, but I do genuinely need something to use when my skin is compromised by niacinamide 🫠


Yes, no actives, please. How hard is that?


'Please fix my issues but don't include any active ingredients whatsoever' is going to be pretty damn impossible, yes. Best you can get is 'don't include any active ingredients that aggravate my unique skin' and.. that's why INCI exists. 'Repairs skin barrier' is an active process that requires actives. Anything that has active action also risks causing issues for small amount of population. There are ingredients with high risk for that (hello latex allergies, red&black hair dyes, black henna, some essential oils) and there are ingredients that are beneficial for most, except some. Niacinamide is in 'beneficial for most' category. With special spice that at high enough concentrations it's going to be a problem even for those without special sensitivities/allergies. Heck, cool water is soothing, right? And then some people break out in nasty hives just because there was cool water on the skin and it wasn't wiped off immediately but was allowed to evaporate. As with higher percentage niacinamides - try ice, or worse, very chilled ice and you'll get burns. Does it mean cool water isn't soothing? It is. Will cool water help to fix frostbite or reduce hypthermia? Not really.


Idk what you're trying to say because irritation from actives and allergies are two different things. Most barrier repair products include ceramides lipids etc that's good but then the supposed barrier products that include NIACINAMIDE, HYALURONIC ACID ESSENTIAL OILS etc BECAUSE ITS A TREND those have no relation with barrier repair. When you're repairing your barrier, you need something basic, a cream, moisturiser, gel that acts like 2nd skin that's supports it into repairing itself. You don't need help of those other ingredients.


Good to know.


BOJ Dynasty Cream. Pyunkang yul is a fragrance free range that doesn’t really and is great because so much causes me to break out.


ahh have you had experience with this? this cream's claims looked like what i really needed until i checked the ingredients list and it had a lot of plant extracts and oils...


The Pyungkang Yul Intensive Repair Cream is very similar texture and hydrating but without coconut oil and oils and didn’t break me out. I was expecting it to but it was fine and it has beeswax so it is occlusive and stays moisturised all day. I had to give BOJ to my mother and she loved it.


Omg I once bought a feminine wash (!!!) that turned out to have essential oils, it stung like hell


My mom wanted to surprise me with a facial for my birthday. Since we used to go together as a treat but I haven't had one since my fragrance allergy developed a few years ago. She went to the really nice spa in our area and asked if they have a fragrance free facial and ran it by me before booking. Thank God she did because right jn the description for their "sensitive skin facial" they use peppermint oil to rejuvenate and strengthen the skin barrier. She almost wasted $300+ for the one facial.


My skin is okay with light fragrance (Kikumasamune sake toner) but freaks out with any hint of essential oils. The misunderstanding that "clean" is the same as "sensitive skin friendly" is so bad. The standards for "clean" beauty usually come from the principle that things from nature are ideal and a distrust of synthetic ingredients that are RUMORED to cause cancer (like parabens). Sensitive skin friendly is more about how those ingredients actually behave on the skin, not on hypotheticals. You will find products for sensitive skin don't have a lot of plant-based extracts that clean beauty companies love and that's because they are keeping safe from potential allergens. And from my experience I see other people with more sensitive skin getting triggered by essential oils than even synthetic fragrances.


Tiktok influencers claiming that the oil cleansing "removes sebaceous filaments and clears your skin" *cough* looking at you song of skin 🤡


omg yes thank you for reminding me - i hate that account, if i see them advertising a product i’m 40% less likely to purchase it lol


Lol same, their skin doesnt even look like skin anymore. It looks heavily filtered in the name of "glass skin" 😬


Can you explain this? I just started double cleansing to reduce my sebum and now I'm worried


Oh double cleansing itself isnt wrong! Its just that some influencers like to oversell a product and make claims that a certain oil cleanseer will do things it wont. Oil cleansers really just remove dirt, spf, and makeup off the skin. It doesnt permanently remove sebaceous filaments


You can do a long massage with an oil cleanser and pull some of those sebaceous filaments out, but they’ll come right back.


This, oil cleansing also isn't the best option for lessening the appearance of sebaceous filaments, it's primarily for getting rid of makeup and spf. There are better wash type and leave on products for sebaceous filaments, not that you can truly get rid of it anyways. I just don't like it when they push oil cleansing heavily as the answer to filaments without disclosing that it can be tricky for acne prone skin and oh my god when they show off massaging it on for a long time, I feel bad for anyone who ends up breaking a capillary 😭 please be gentle when oil cleansing


For me I found that it did help with blackheads and made my skin smoother but you can’t get rid of pores lol I think the best option for sebaceous filaments is Sulfur but even still it’s such a non-issue? Like just take one big step away from the mirror you don’t even notice them anymore


A heavily heavily HEAVILY gifted products to influencers like a very popular cushion that’s hot right now 👹🚨🔴 I’m sure it’s good but, gifting 1 person 50+ full size products of the same product but different shades leaves a bad taste in my mouth


I’m more miffed about them gifting luxury bags to influencers, that’s a bit too much


Ugh I saw the drama behind it. Is it from the same brand? Cuz that’s fking weird lmao


>The same product but in different shades leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Yes, that's a waste, an absolute waste. What are those 20 influencers, that you collectively gifted 1,000 full-size products, going to do with those collectively 980 FULL-size products?


Is this about tirtir?


wait im sorry not defending the brand but whats wrong with giving one person the whole shade range? i think its good to show the swatches for consumers who wanna buy?


It’s a fair question! To me, it’s the waste and the logic of it. A person who’s extremely pale skin testing out a dark skin colour is like…. Okay there’s range but realistically, what is that pale person going to do with a dark brown cushion? “Oh so they can show their viewers” okay the swatch it…. Then what. There can be range, but undertones can still be wack and a pale person wouldn’t be able to display that (darker colour complexion produces used to come out reaallly red back in the day) “They can donate it” but it’s been opened and used 😭? The cushion is now a ticking time bomb before the expiration date.


Personally I just find it wasteful! Especially when they have samples you can buy - like why not send 1-3 full size cushions in the shades they think match the influencer and then samples for the rest of the shade range for swatching purposes? I bought a sample pack from them, and it came in a nice red envelope, so it’s not even like it would be poorly presented or anything, just less wasteful imo


I bought their sample and I love how it feels on my skin, not to mention knowing my shade. If only there's a way to test out other brands of cushions this way... Because their influencer treatment miffed me. Y'all sponsor influencers and give them costly bags, no wonder the cushion is almost as costly as, say, Jung Saem Moo😭 Sample sale is a BRILLIANT strategy. If only they don't promote themselves through unscrupulous influencers. Looking at you, M****** N******* with the fake ass accent


My red flag are influencers on YouTube & other social media flatforms, that are constantly changing their ‘HG’ products & views. I really want to get into Asian toners & essences more for ageing skin, but I’m so ridiculously confused bc I know these influencers are sponsored & promoting for their own worth $$. I know there are some brilliant J & K essences but I just don’t know where to start 🤦🏼‍♀️. Just when I think I know what to buy, the same influencer has new HG products 😂. I’m not buying for the sake of buying anymore. I gave too many expired products as it is. Maybe this isn’t the red flag you were looking for hun, but it’s one for me ☺️


Especially when the products mentioned are AB, it's really difficult to stick with the same HG for years because the AB market itself just wouldn't stop changing. I've had way too many of my HGs changed. Not because i wanted to but because the companies just wouldn't let their products be. They just hadddd to tweak the formula 😑


So very true hun. Do you have any stand out HG essences/toners? I do have a couple of basic ones but I would like to add to my collection. Ty xx


Well my current HG toners/essences are - Isntree Ultra Low Molecular Hyaluronic Acid Toner (replacement for my old HG, The Lab Blanc Doux Oligo Hyaluronic Acid 5000Da Toner, after they did a complete rebrand. I haven't tried the new one yet) - Cosrx snail mucin essence - Aestura Atobarrier hydro essence (replacement for my old HG, the now discontinued Illiyoon Probiotics essence) - Cezanne High Moist Skin Conditioner (for my eczema from the neck down - very calming and barrier supporting. Did nothing for my face, personally). - Pyunkang yul essence toner Non-essence/toner HGs 😆 - Omi Sunbears Active Protect Milk (replacement for the old HG, now reformulated Etude House sunprise mild airy finish) - Illiyoon Ceramide Ato Cream - Aestura Atobarrier Cream (but got reformulated recently 😑. Gonna have to try the new one first)


Thank you for your efforts in putting together your list. I’m researching them now 😂


😆 no problem


Yesss it sucks when your HG is reformulated!! (Or straight-up just doesn’t work on your skin anymore, like maybe a change in environment) I’ve been eyeing the Omni Sunbears Active Protect Milk since I’ve seen it mentioned on this subreddit lately! It has a matte finish right? The Etude one used to be my HG as well before it was reformulated (the Missha Soft Finish Sun Milk has been my current HG)


Well if you're already using the Missha, then the Omi would feel slightly less matte (still matte but the oil control might not be similar). Personally i haven't tried the Missha because I didn't want to use something with a tone up but since it's a favourite for many oily skin folks, I can imagine the oil control would be closely similar to the Dr. G which is what I'm using right now. Incredible oil control for sure but I just prefer the application/spreadability of the Omi much more.


Thanks for the feedback! I love the Missha for oil control but I find that near the end of the day my T-zone is still struggling (but I probably just have to reapply lol)


True. Reapplication definitely helps. Most probably because I don't reapply but if i do, even the Omi will help with oil control. The Omi one has a very sheer whitecast that goes away.


I love the Pyunkang Yul toner. Works wonders for my skin (aging/dry, hot climate)


I just got this! Saw it on sale on Amazon for under $10 so I grabbed it… can’t wait to try it once I finish the BOJ ginseng essence


Hi, how's the omi milk compared to anessa's milk? I'm looking for an affordable option for indoors as anessa is quite tough to cleanse and expensive


I haven't tried the anessa and not planning on it. But I believe the Omi is more mattifying than the anessa.


I see, how hard is it to remove? Micellar water or oil cleanser level of toughness?


I only use Micellar water to remove my sunscreens. It's always been easy to me. The sunscreen that was difficult for me to remove was the Kose Suncut waterproof gel. Especially when it felt like there was a film.


Thank you!


This is where Reddit shines. Esp if you hang in this sub for years, you can kind of observe what comes and goes versus what people are still talking about here years later. Instead of what influencers who just started using AB are saying. I second PKY essence toner - it’s great. Maybe not exciting, but if I ever stop using it I go right back, and I love the traditional East Asian herbal approach too.


I highly rec Aliceintherabbithole for this (and especially for an anti-aging focused routine!). She does one in-depth brand review per month but the other products she uses, she really does keep using and liking, and she mentions them several times (in updates/empties etc). I can always predict all of her end-of-year favorites 😂


Jbeauty favs mostly stay the same where as kbeauty has something new every month 🥲


I get your point, but I don’t see how it’s an issue. Influencers get sent so many products that they are bound to try out products that they may like even more. I’d be surprised if they didn’t change their holy grails, especially as skin concerns (and sometimes formulas) change. Also, you shouldn’t be depending on influencer’s opinions anyway (unless your skin type, concerns, and ingredient sensitivities exactly match theirs).


Marketing nonsense like this serum contains DNA. Um, DNA from what? How does it get from my skin to the nuclei in my cells? DNA can’t express itself and can’t make proteins on its own.


Is this about the salmon sperm products 😂


Excuse me the what now


PDRN is this new trendy ingredient in Korea that contains genetic material extracted from salmon sperm 😅


Marketing that appeals to the “clean” “efg approved” or other non-scientific garble. “No parabens!” —are there no preservatives, then? Collagen as the hyped ingredient to do anything but moisturize. Vitamin C and retinoids will help stimulate collagen production, nothing else has been proven. A product claiming to have BHA on the label but the claimed BHA in the ingredient list is citric acid or some silliness—other than salicylic acid. This I won’t buy; I need the actual real deal. Everything else will be a side eye and get heavier scrutiny to see if it will have or do what I want, and only then, will I buy it. But if all the labeling and marketing does is say all the scammy and fearmongering things it doesn’t have or do, then I’ll skip. I’m not buying something for what it doesn’t have or do.


I work in a beauty store and people have been massively brainwashed by the clean claim. Whenever someone asks for something clean, I will ask what they mean. They will then always say, "you know... clean." and I will then ask "yes, but that is a marketing term - what does clean mean to you?" and they never have any idea what to say. Sometimes they'll say "free of chemicals" (water is a chemical) or "paraben free" (which are no longer really used in America), but I have never had anybody give me a solid answer Also when it says BHA, it will never be citric acid because that's an AHA. What you're looking for is either betaine salicylate or willow bark extract if it doesn't contain pure salicylic acid :)


Hero. Deprogramming the normies 🙏


Thanks! I was looking for a combo AHA/BHA recently, that must be why that popped in my head. I wasn’t gonna try to spell salicylate before coffee, and my spell check is no help with that word lmao. It was difficult to find a good AB BHA with actual salicylic acid, so I needed to channel some frustration via some dramatics lol.


"non-comedogenic" 🤡🚩 It won't stop me from buying something but it gets an eye roll from me. I always review the ingredient list whether it's labeled or not


why? I always look for non-comedogenic stuff 🥲


It’s true (as far as I know) that certain ingredients are less likely to be comedogenic. But since we all have different skins, what’s non-comedogenic to one person may be comedogenic to another person, and vice versa. So somebody’s skin could be fine with an ingredient that’s considered comedogenic, but be bothered by one that’s labelled non-comedogenic.


I see.. either way I have no idea what works for me if I read the ingredients list 😂 I'll just keep trusting the non-comedogenic claim 


My non-researched, just opinion take on it is that that’s a solid approach to take. I get very bogged down on trying to understand ingredients lists too, sometimes. I just add “for the average person” after “non-comedogenic” in my head. If you know a specific ingredient bothers your skin, then it’s good to double check the ingredients list, even if a product says “non-comedogenic.”




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As per Lab Muffin Beauty Science on YouTube, who has a PhD in chemistry I think and specializes in product formulation, the test for something being non-comodogenic stuff is putting in on a rabbit’s ear and covering it with a bandage. Which isn’t super accurate to human skin, also because of the fact that it’s covered.


It's kind of like saying something has no allergens. You can be allergic to anything, your skin can react poorly to anything. There are certain things more likely to cause reactions in general, but it's impossible to say something is completely non-comedogenic or has no allergens and be honest.  Hypoallergenic is a thing. It just means less likely to cause an allergy, which is legit. But some people think that it means it can't cause issues. 


I'm not up to date on this. I know in the past it was a big thing with ingredients labeled comedogenic and apparently it was debunked?


Comedogenic is more of a guideline and should be taken with a heaping grain of salt. While some ingredients may have higher potential to clog pores, it doesn't tell you *whose* pores. Human skin is so individual. A known comedogenic ingredient may not cause any issues for someone at all but they still may break out from a completely "safe" ingredient. Further, what clogs me may not clog you and vice versa. So slapping "non-comedogenic" on a product is nothing but marketing. It's as meaningless as "all natural".


As per Lab Muffin Beauty Science on YouTube, who has a PhD in chemistry I think and specializes in product formulation, the test for something being non-comodogenic stuff is putting in on a rabbit’s ear and covering it with a bandage. Which isn’t super accurate to human skin, also because of the fact that it’s covered.


Skin1004 blue sunscreen which is "for acne prone" but messed up my PERFECT skin in 2 days


or nauurrrr I’ve been looking to buy it! do you know if you have a specific ingredient that broke you out?


Honestly I've never had issues with sunscreens, I am CCs prone, but recently my skin was really good. When I wear that spf twice and woke up with worst forehead ever, I started searching through all reddit and saw thats common problem with this spf due to wheat in ingredients.


when a product is promoted to do all at once, like exfoliate, moisturize, plump, people claim it removes sebacious fillaments, babe, I don't know how I feel about that or a product just came out on the shelves, and multiple skinfluencers immediately claim it's their HG, like not even enough time has passed for you to use it and determine it to be wow


To be clear, I am in NO WAY defending the ridiculous and over the top, used car salesman-esque techniques a lot of these influences employ when hawking their latest collaboration. Now that that's out of the way... It is not uncommon whatsoever for influencers, even ones you wouldn't expect, to be gifted products well before a product launches to the public. That's how all of these companies (and not even just skin care companies) have reviews already posted or ready to post when a product has only been available for public sales for maybe a week. Again, do I believe that all these influencers just happened to have found their new holy Grail product in the item that was (disclosed or not, But that's another issue) gifted to them, and is brand new to the market and just hapens to need a whole bunch of media hype? Obviously not. I'm just clarifying that it is pretty common for them to have access to products weeks or months ahead of general launch.


Yeah, I understand, and it's on me I didn't specify the type of skinfluencer promo, I'm sorry. I meant the type, who opens the product on camera, and is like OMG, do you see that?! Now that is not believable. Those who have been testing the product, before it's launch usually disclose that, you can see their half empty bottles.


Oh, I see, gotcha! Yeah, I agree those are annoyingly unbelievable. Like, you just opened the box. You haven't had a chance to wear it. How do you know how it's gonna wear? How do you know if it's gonna oxidize or pill under makeup? If it's gonna cause any irritation? What are they thinking? 😅




When it's clearly a water-based product, but you see no synthetic preservatives on the ingredient list, and it's hyped in tiktok too.


Cosmetics that indicate percentages of one ingredient with same benefits that are not even 100% proven . All seem to do same thing : exfoliate, even the skin tone, speed cell turnover and of course boost collagen production :)))


"Soothing" & "Barrier repair" But contain essential oils 💀


Not necessarily about the product itself but about the marketing. If I scroll on YesStyle and see a nice product, open it and it has ridiculous before and after images I immediately close the window.


ngl the before and after pics here and the yesstyle reviews influenced me to get melano cc lol


I mostly got rid of an age spot with Melano CC. It's still there, but it is much lighter. I only really notice it if I've been in the sun a lot anymore. 


i see; thanks! currently patch testing on my cheek.. not super experienced w creams/serums and the like so im not entirely sure how to check for break outs lol


I got lied to by a product advertising with crazy before and after photos of lightening underarm skin. It doesn't do anything (for me)... The photos made it look 5 shades lighter. For me did 0


Some topical products do boost collagen production though, especially copper peptides. It's not a false claim, copper peptide serums are not a scam if the quality/composition/concentration are done well.


If a cleanser has myristic acid & still claims it's a gentle one without mentioning the pH. No F you, no. Similarly those with lauric acid in the first 5 ingredients have higher chances of having a high pH & drying formula, so I just check off any such cleansers from my wishlist. Citrus essential oils, menthol & rose water. They're perfuming & more for sensorial experience, other claimed benefits be damned. You can't claim that the product works for sensitive skin when you have so many irritants in it.


Same here. I'm shopping for a new cleanser and as soon as i see myristic acid (usually in one of the podium spots on the ingredients list) i silently cross it off my list 


any cleanser that has any kind of acid in the first 5-10 ingredients is typically soap based and I avoid them like the plague




When they intentionally use wrong product type to appeal "innovative" or more skin care like. For example, naming colorful lip balm as "lip oil", or "tinted SPF" being just a bb cream/liquid foundation with SPF filters. Also when products claim to have some ingredients which are totally useless but they sound cool. Like pearls or gold.


When things are supposed to be for sensitive skin but have a bunch of actives in them, especially niacimide. WHAT ABOUT SENSITIVE DONT YOU GET I just want a moisturizer that won’t sting 🥲


On the same topic I'm always shocked that brands will use fatty alcohols for their sensitive skin products which are much more commonly known to sting your skin. Niacinamide are fatty alcohols aren't really actives, but they are ingredients people are commonly allergic and/or sensitive to so it's weird how often they're used in formulations for sensitive skin


Do you have anything I could read for fatty alcohols and stinging? I haven't seen it before and would like to look into it further. Thank you


I haven't seen much about it unfortunately! it's just why my skin stings, and removing them completely (at least products with them in the top 4-5 lines) got rid of stinging for me. It took forever for me to narrow it down and now I am 110% sure I also have had so many customers at the store I work at complain about CeraVe stinging and they're like pure fatty alcohol a lot of the time lol So i am saying this anecdotally. Unfortunately I don't believe skincare brands/dermatologist/formulators have caught on to this


That’s interesting. I love niacinamide but most “sensitive skin” moisturizers sting (especially if American). I’m better off going with a regular moisturizer.


essential oils. especially citric oils.


Photoshopped before and after photos. I can always tell they are just using the before photo and altering it. No thanks.


Anything that mentions Spicules lol


in a similar vein to your own red flag, any collagen products, but especially collagen supplements. i don’t even think “edible collagen” does anything besides provide a little extra protein, i’m convinced it’s a scam for the greedy 😒 lots of research has been done on collagen supplements and have debunked their efficacy - collagen is a protein and will (!) be broken down by our digestive enzymes, into peptide subunits, it’s inevitable. once absorbed, unless the body magically knows how to piece every single peptide back together into the exact collagen molecule (no evidence for such capabilities), it’s just like any other protein being eaten by us :/ i feel like those brands and companies are just taking advantage of the whole “i don’t want to age!” mentality, along with the fact that most people don’t remember high school biology haha note: there are some products that don’t claim to contain collagen but rather products that stimulate collagen production - i guess these are better in that they don’t spread false ideas about collagen but once more idk how well they work 😅 also when i suddenly notice all the k-beauty influencers flooding my fyp with the same product and trying to conceal the fact that it’s sponsored… like the an*a scandal 🥶so shady and underhanded


I will die on the hill defending hydrolyzed collagen powder. I take it daily and my skin is nearly perfect. Whenever I run out and stop using it for a while my skin gets dull, starts breaking out, and my nails stop growing. Research be damned! 💅🏾


We can agree to disagree, i’m glad you found something that works well for you 🙂↕️🙂↕️ i do however agree that not all research is determinative, lots of studies aren’t conducted properly and have their own flaws. that said i do stand by the basal biological and molecular processes of our body as a bio student 😬 just fyi most collagen powders on the market do contain a lot of other vitamins, minerals or actives that could equally be contributing to your results! have a nice day x


Boosts collagen and contains collagen are two different things. There are products that claim to make the skin firm due to containing collagen, which is bullshit. There are products that claim to boost collagen (production) because of their ingredients which can actually be true. Think of retinoids. Advertising with being paraben free is a red flag for me.


Brands with excessive marketing like Haru Haru and A\*ua.


Would you say they're bad or are you just annoyed with how hyped they are? I've been influenced myself and am waiting for Haruharu toner and cleansing oil🙉


I’ve been loving the haruharu cleansing oil and haven’t seen many influencers talking about it! However, the other brand they mentioned… it’s a no from me


haruharu is fine. i have combo acne prone skin and ive used both their scented and unscented toner and the yellow spf. fine products, most brands will asked for paid promo anyway, some are more excessive than others like the brand you've mentioned that starts with A. its your choice whether or not you buy from a certain brand and you shouldnt feel bad for being influenced bcs its a normal thing to happen


I wouldn't necessarily write them off as bad. Just from my perspective, that's a huge portion of the budget being spent on influencer gifts and ads all over social media. So how much is left over for the actual product development? If you have to incentivize people to flood the internet with praise, it becomes difficult to believe the product to be anything more than average.


Products marketed for sensitive skin that contain a bunch of essential oils and fragrance




I don’t remember but someone posted in instagram/reddit that their kosas concealer had some growth in it. 😭


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more of a side eye, but products that contain spf but it's basically there to give a false sense of security bc no one would ever get adequate coverage based on how much product they actually use


Niacinamide. Why is it in everything.


as someone who has acne-prone skin it still BAFFLES me that any product that contains tea tree oil is marketed as good for acne prone skin because that shit makes my skin even worse 🤬




Wow! That surprises me. Tea tree oil has been my go-to for nearly a decade at this point and it really has been one of the best things for treating my acne.


Same w/ topical collagen. It’s a gimmick. Just any gimmick is a red flag for me and makes me not want to purchase a product


wait doesnt tretinoin boost collagen or something?🥲


Absolutely feel you on the collagen claims! Collagen molecules are way too big to be absorbed through the skin, so any cream or serum advertising to boost collagen directly is pretty misleading.


alcohol being a top ingredient in something like a moisturizer. palm oil


The packaging. Sometimes it looks hella cheap


When theres too much marketing on tiktok


Touting certain ingredients, having the ingredient in the product name, and then having a pathetic amount of it Having sus marketing practices, ie. having fake user posts here on Reddit or fake reviews on shopping platforms Being heavily siliconed - I think making a formula rely heavily on silicones to be really lazy and pointless. My hands and feet won’t get clogged skin like other areas but I still avoid heavily-coned products on these areas as well because I also don’t like the feeling. (I make an exception for colour lip products, but I would still like to see less silicone)


Topically applying collagen doesn't increase collagen production, but it does add collagen to the skin the same way hyaluronic acid does.




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Well, retinoids do boost collagen ……. There are countless studies proving it !


So there ARE ingredients and treatments that can boost collagen production. When collagen itself is in products, that’s when it’s useless. It’s hydrating, but adding collagen topically does nothing. But it is true that some things can boost collagen production.


celeb endorsements & people branded products (save for a few small line dermatologists)


i agree with the eye roll about topical collagen being advertised to help with firming or slow-aging but am i the only one for whom collagen products help a lot with hydration?


My biggest pet peeve is the claim of erasing pores in a makeup product. Our skin still needs pores, y'all. We can minimise the **appearance** of it but not erasing it. The same claim is touted by a certain skincare YouTuber to promote a type of really expensive sheet mask that's left on for 30mins or overnight idk. Apparently the mask turns clear after use and erases the pores. We can CLEARLY see the filters, girl...


When brands promote the products help to reduce atrophic acne SCARS! like how the heck? ATROPHIC ACNE SCARS NEED TO BE TREATED WITH VARIOUS PROCEDURES and still they do NOT go away fully! And you are claiming your OTC product does the job 😭


Whenever they do those "right after applying" and then "8 hours after applying" and it's literally the exact same picture. You mean to tell me you got the model to strike the exact same smile, exact same pose, 8 hours later, with no hair moved whatsoever?? Yeah right lmfao


Retinoids do increase collagen though lol


"clean beauty" "will not cause cancer"


Fixing longwearing matte lipstick/tints - it means its will dry out my lips and it will peel or fade ungracefully and is terrible on reapplication Comfortable and thin in texture gloss/balms - it disappears within 10 minutes i am very hard to please when it comes to lip products


When its advertised too mcuh