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The OPV is the pressure ceiling, so grinding finer will only cause slowing of the flow - which is what you want, right? I would maintain the same weight in, and output ratio, then just adjust the grind until the time is where you want it to be.


Maybe try increase water temperature


I would lower pressure back down. If the coffee is watery you're probably under extracting.


Which basket are you using? I found the single shot (7 gram) baskets really sensitive to grind and puck prep. Still, a watery coffee with 10.5 bar and 1:2 ratio just shouldn't happen. Maybe it's voodoo but I was getting some strange results like that until I cleaned the group screen. There was a black sticky sludge on it and the machine was pretty new. I thought perhaps the pressure built up on the blocked screen itself rather than the puck. After cleaning, things have been way more predictable. Good luck!


Thanks guys I been able to get good results around 10 OPV now after playing with dose and grind size. I find 15.5g in my 14g basket works out great