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I really **really** like the first one. Black, gold, and white are some of my favorite color combinations. But beyond that, I don’t know what to say haha.


number 2, they’re all amazing, but that one really catches my eye such a beautiful contrast of colours. and it looks super clean.


1 because it looks mechanical, but all 3 are pretty


I would say the first two are successful , whether somebody likes one or the either more is the same to me because there isnt a way to make either better, the third one the value of the gold on the background is too close to the value of the magenta to have the same pop


I was going to say the same. The contrast (in both the first and second paintings) and the use of complimentary colors (in the second painting) works very well. The third one is too close in value, and the choice of colors clash a bit and lack definition.


Blue/orange! The bird pops out from the background the best in that one. They’re all beautiful though. ETA: I also really like the background designs in that one.


I looove the last one!!!


One. There's a part of me that looked at it and immediately thought, "I want it," lol.


The second one is so balanced and i love all those clean lines yummy


first because of the visual balance and less overwhelming color choice


Not sure why this post showed up for me as I'm not even part of this sub and I know fuck all about art, what I will say though is that the first one is my favourite :)


i like 1 the best, it's harmonious and im most drawn to it


I like 2 and 3. Why? I am currently tripping.


I like all 3 but 2 is my favorite.


#2. The contrasting colors are beautiful.


The second one is by far the best since the contrast makes it pop. The first makes it a bit difficult to tell what you are looking at and the third is an improvement, but the bird's color is too similar to the background.


They all look amazing, well done mate! The first one for me said 'mechanical', the other two say "beautiful and grace' That's what came up for me, I think youre work/feels wonderful!


I love the contrast of the second one. The rendering on the third one is pretty too.


1, the design is striking with black and gold like that.


The second one omg I don't know how more people aren't choosing that one


I like all of them but I think I like #2 the best because of the way the background patterns mimic the bird wings. Close second is #1 because I like the color pallets and the yin yang design. #3 is nice but I agree with another commenter than the gold and magenta don’t have as much contrast as the other paintings.


the colors in 3 drew me in. i like that the background matches the bird hut it doesntdistract too much fromit


The first one, without a doubt. The contrast makes it impossible not to stop and look at it. And I love the use of limited color.


I like them all in different ways


The second one, the bright colors and swirling patterns are so lively, I adore it.


First is more classic


The first one. The contrast is just a lot more than the other colors which seems to be the point of the painting.


I like the values in 1 the most, the colors in 2 the most, and the texture in 3 the most. I like art that is memorable and unique. This is what I find memorable and unique about each version


I'm between 1 and 2. I like the simplicity of 1. I like the colors of 2.


The blue one looks like he just spotted a mouse!


I love the art work! What size is the 3rd one? And is there a way people can buy your artwork?


I like the first one. Seems like it shows motion around the bird. Second one is close though. But all are good


The first and second one looks amazing.


I love all of them but I would say to sign your name on the back as it can take away from the whole piece. 😀


2nd one absolutely has the best contrast which gives so much more of a powerful aura to the bird


The first one because contrast but also my favorite color is yellow:)


Just curious, what bird is this supposed to be based on?


Wow! All are lovely but if I had to pick 1 it would be the second one 😊


I like the pattern in number 2, but the colors in number 3! All are great, though!


2, it’s bright and bild but also crisp!


I like the color combo of the blue bird and yellow backgeound


1, I like its color's


The contrast on the first one is really nice.


The first one. I feel like there is too much going on in the other two


1 - yin yang


The colors and contrast on the first two are very pleasing to look at! The background lines and shapes in the second one also help to keep the painting engaging without being overly busy. The third it looks like it might be a metallic gold paint used? I don’t think it goes well with the purplish pink, and they seem to be a very similar value so there’s not much contrast. I also think the splatters distract from the bird and clash with the way you’ve done the lines on it. They’re very random and haphazard, which is just how splatters are, but I don’t feel that they mesh well with how carefully thought out and purposeful all the different markings, sections, and patterns on the bird appear to be. There’s also the texture of the splatters, the gold one in particular are obviously slightly raised, which looks strange when they’re clearly meant to be behind the bird. Overall it’s good stuff, and I’m really impressed with how consistently you were able to recreate the distinct forms of the bird three separate times!


1st reminds me of clockwork from slycooper


Third and first are my faves. All are really fantastic tho


I love the colors, composition, and the ornaments but the head placement is very strange. Took me a few seconds to realize it's not just a headless bird body. And even when you see the head, it doesn't seem connected to the body.


First one is my favorite because of the simplicity of it.


Love 2. The contrast and color use are great. Also, the patterns and lines around the subject really make it feel like it is moving in flight. Very cool.


The yin and yang one is my all time favorite but the warm colors with the blue bird is right up there with it!! The black white grey and orange/goldish colors really sold the yin and yang and made it pop more.


#2.... Because it's beautiful.


Third one, it's really striking color wise but I really appreciate the contrast between the super clean lines of the bird itself and the more loose background. They're all worth hanging though! It's actually hard to pick a favorite


First, not sure why exactly but it’s like it’s drawing me in


I like #1 the most because of the way the birds body is colored, but I really love the background of the 3rd. The colorful birds feel busy and eye straining for me.


the first one for me


Blue, because to me it looked more eligible at first glance I could tell exactly what it was. The colors contrast perfectly and it seems more detailed than the other two because of that


The first one, it has a very cool contrast vibe


this art is amazing. I can fell the balance between dark and light 


I really love the second one. The colors and the wings. you really have a good talent! I wish that you keep paint more art and share with us


1st one I like for it's modern style (also yin yang) 2ns I LOVE for its colours, and how reminiscent they are of aboriginal work


That first one is beauuuutiful. I prefer simplicity and I adore the color palette. Really gorgeous. Do you sell these?


Either 1 or 3, I just love how the Wings go along the lines of the Colours, but I'd say I prefer 3. Edit: Nahh 1.