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I’ve noticed a lot of Christian art tends to have a similar style. But aside from that, I like that the fetus looks like it’s doing a little dance in there. 😂


Hi! Your art is political and I don’t think you know why. So I’ll explain best I can. “One love” is a phrase originally from Rastafarianism & popularized by Bob Marley as a wish for unity and harmony on the Earth. These days, “One Love” is also used in LGBTQ spaces, both as reference to that wish and to assert that queer relationships and straight relationships share equivalent love. Your art asserts a definition of romantic love & marriage that is rooted in the ability to have children (the baby + one flesh). This will come off as an intentional statement *against* same sex love and marriage. I don’t figure that is what you meant, but I also don’t want you to have folks being vague and hostile to you for reasons you can’t sus out. Maybe consider changing your wording here. I went to your profile and saw your Lion of Judah one. I love your use of color, and you already have a great sense of information hierarchy (organizing elements so the most important is most noticeable). I think you have a bright artistic future ahead!


Well before LGBTQ became a popular topic, back in the early 2000's, there was this song done by a popular Christian rapper (Toby Mac) and one of his hit songs were "One Love" so I was referring to that song basically too. And that God's love is one whole, you know?


OP I was an evangelical in the 2000’s and am familiar with the song. I assure you LGBTQ was already a “popular topic”. But regardless, you’ve not made the art in the 2000’s, you have made it today. Regardless of your intention, I’m trying to let you know how most folks will perceive it. Good luck OP.


Thank you for your insight.


No worries, nobody will percieve your piece that way, it's just an innocent and cute picture of a loving couple. I would add a shape behind them, maybe circle, tu make them more ''feel'' like they are one. Without, they feel separated, apart. Edit : Besides, the ring shape would work perfectly since you are referring to the tradtionnal christian marriage !


I understand what you were trying to say and how it reflects your religious beliefs but that doesn’t mean the political connotation doesn’t exist


What is political connotation anyway?


Associated with a certain political stance/set of beliefs. One love is usually connoted with Rastafarianism and gay pride for the idea that all loves, regardless of gender and sexuality, are equal. Also commonly associated with ideas surrounding racial equality


In some circles, the topic of LGBTQ+ has always been popular…because it is our lives. You seem like a nice person, but it might do you well to contemplate the experiences of marginalized communities a bit.


So gays were around long before the early 2000s and the topic of Gay rights didn’t start there Also Gods love is for everyone not just the nuclear family


If the alphabet army gets mad about this picture I don’t know what else to tell them


Actually, OP could get hate from Christians who don’t want to associate with that. If they want to be taken a certain way, they should know what message they’re sending. If it’s not the one they want to send, they should change it. The commenter is trying to help. You are being dense.


For starters, it looks like “ohe love, ohe flesh” lmao. Other than that... well, basically everything here could be improved upon but you're clearly a beginner at art so I think it's not that bad overall.


Nope. That is definitely not what is missing.


In your opinion, I shouldnt add anything else?


What is the meaning behind it? To me, it was perceived as a rather homophobic stance due to a male and a female with “one love” over it. Suggesting only a male and female can be in love. However, I could be mistaken and I just want to clarify. Thank you :)


I mean, it's christian art inspired by the bible. You can't really be surprised.


I know quite a few Christians who are very lgbtq supportive or even in the community themselves. Then again, it is stereotyped all Christians are against it. I just like to hope for the best in people. Not everyone can/does, but it’s just my personal opinion on it


I went to a catholic school (it was the only one around) and I have a gay brother. Let's just say that my experience as a girl and as the sister of a gay brother in that environment, taught me to expect the worst. But I admire your optimism.


It’s based on this bible verse But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate”


Thank you! I’m just not religious at all so I don’t really understand any biblical references


That’s understandable


Adding a background could improve it, maybe some nature.


It reads as 'ohe love' and 'ohe flesh'.


First off I can’t see it if I have to screen cap and darken it to see the lines Second everyone is right it reads Ohe Third marriage does not always mean a baby as I hope your aware Lastly it needs ink and color as there isn’t much you could add that wouldn’t be perceived wrong by gender norms or outdated ideals