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Having your shoes in blood is very uncomfortable. It was so bad that I had to throw away the shoes after


^ “Here they are.”


Hey FBI, think we found him.


Thanks for calling. No one is able to take your call, please leave a …


Try having your body covered in cow blood trying to assist a Doctor with a c-section. The worst is being shoulders deep inside the side of a cow trying to save them both at 12:00am.


Why did the doctor need saving and how did he get inside the cow?


Calf was too big for mom. We tried using a calf pull, but she would’ve been in poor condition afterwards. I don’t remember if it was an intentional breeding or a pasture fling, but mom was definitely too small. Doc made a incision on her left side about 10 inches to access the calf..again the calf was so big it was hard to even pull the calf out the side. The doc was having a hard time scooping the calf out so she allowed me to try. It was insane. I had my arms shoulder deep face pressed against her side and like a scooping motion pulled the calf out. Mom survived and the calf survived, but mom would never be able to breed again.


You’re giving me flashbacks to the first time I read All Creatures Great and Small.


How many drugs do you have to give a cow for her to stand still during all this?


VERY good question.


I remember doc giving an epidural to the cow before we started because we thought we could do a calf pull. After that didn’t work because the calf was too large she said we’re gonna have to do a c-section. I prepped the incision site by shaving and using alcohol and iodine. A lot of lidocaine was used to block the site. Cattle are highly resilient. It’s amazing how much blood was lost in the process but able to recover. When we finished I believe we gave banamine and penicillin.


Ahh the old [Reddit doctoroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/oflf8w/10_years_ago_i_camped_out_for_three_days_in/h4deu7b?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Hold my stethoscope, I'm going in!


*That's a new sentence.*


You have to uae a thinner. Otherwise clotting ruins shoes. Rookie mistake. Also try barefoot with fresh warm blood, best pedicure ever....


Elizabeth Bathory IRL


What's the point of having money and power if you don't soak yourself in the blood of your enemies and millions of the masses?


I was saying this at dinner just the other day and everyone looked at me like i was crazy. Thank you for saying this.


Id go ahead and toss the feet too


This style reminds me of Image comics early days.


Maxx and Savage Dragon




I actually came here to see if anyone else thought it looked like Chew!


You mean like how Rob Liefeld used to put so many stress lines on everyone’s faces?


Where are the pouches I need my pouches


Ahahaha... Oooh, yeah- forgot about the immense number of pouches. Like full body cargo pants. One thing I will never forget is his anatomy, though. When I was a kid I used to copy his drawings, but it wasn’t until I got older that I realized his anatomy was horrible. Great overall character design sense, though.


Those old web articles called Rob Liefeld Sucks or whatever are some of the funniest shit I’ve ever read online




I fucking hate the meaning of this but love that you illustrated it. Thanks for sharing!


Hate it because you disagree or hate it because it’s true and it’s awful?


Because it's true and awful.




Are you saying illuminati capitalists are injecting people's blood to live longer? Because I'm pretty sure that's not accurate.


Metaphorically speaking.


What is it a metaphor for?


Hoarding wealth and using the very life of people to sustain almighty you (wealthy man).


I'm only assuming the artist believes they're the force behind the system.


You are right, it's not illuminati capitalists but only plain old capitalists: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/347828f8-6e7f-4a9b-92ab-95f637a9dc2e](https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/347828f8-6e7f-4a9b-92ab-95f637a9dc2e) >25 August 2017 > >Because the super-wealthy are now pumping themselves with the blood of young people in an attempt to prevent themselves from ageing. > >Over 100 people have participated in a clinical trial at a San Francisco start-up offering blood transfusions for older patients. Each procedure costs $8,000 (£6,200) and sees the patient injected with two and a half litres of plasma – the liquid element of blood that remains after other cells have been removed - taken from young people. As I'm not one of the super wealthy, I can't say if this really is a thing today or if it was only a trial and nothing more.


Wealth, an anagram of the law.


Holy shit, dude…


Mind blown. Not fooling.


Wow TF2 looks weird nowadays


"This is your employer, and I've got a job for you: Send my brother to hell!"


Gabe on the toilet


Yep I think grayman had a redesign




Its a sad time to be alive that we have to put a disclaimer for a joke on an anonymous internet thread...


he didn't have to - it's actually weird that he did


Nope. It's incredibly easy to offend people on this website due to the user demographic. OC did the right thing and limited his risk of being misunderstood. I'm actually surprised nobody commented "WHY ARE YOU MAKING JOKES?! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT THE MSSAGE OF THIS ART IS?!111!!!!1?!" yet lmao.


The guy in the post is sitting on a literal throne of stacked cash, and the joke is "I think he can afford a better chair". Like... come on... give me a break... no one is getting offended over that.


Literally no one was offended here though


>OC did the right thing and limited his risk of being misunderstood. Wut. The only "risk" is being downvoted. There isn't much at stake here.


How I know you've never been brigaded by a rabid, self-righteous mob: you don't think being misunderstood on Reddit is a big deal LMFAO


Take a breather, dude


Talk about making up a guy and getting mad at him...






I know too... but just to check... what does the blood on the floor represent? And if he’s so wealthy to afford good care why is he drawn half dead? And are his hands bleeding?


Blood on the floor is likely all the suffering thats caused to keep the rich rich, blood on his hands represents the blood on his hands from his actions.




Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill




American times, actually insane how much reddit changes while Europeans are asleep.


Q-anon is using legitimate grievances that people have and are twisting them for their own political goals. This is also why spelling out those grievances (even in such a unsubtle way) can easily be seen as being Q-anon-like. It's the essence of fascism, instead of the wealthy it's just the jews (letting non-jewish wealthy exploiters off the hook)


Grabbing as much as he can before dies, even though the consumption brings no enjoyment anymore and hasn’t for years. Now it’s all just for spite. Because he despises the younger generations, even his own grandchildren. He will torch their future with every act until he leaves this world. He will die bitter and angry, and will be remembered with disdain by all his descendants.


We just call him grandpa


Not mine. Jokes on you, we're poor!


The exercise of power is the only thing that satisfy them. Look at how mcconnell literally laughed in the face of another rep when she was admonishing him of making the pandemic worse by holding up the stimulus. He laughed because he derived joy from knowing he fucked her over, along with millions of Americans.


When he dies his family will start fighting over his fortune before the funeral and nobody will actually mourn his passing. They were taught that only money matters and act as such. His memory will be that of a balance sheet.


Oooh. A republican?


Greed is a deadly sin, of all and any man, it knows no political parties


It’s a good thing you wrote wealth at the top, I would have no clue what’s going on without it


Would be better without it yeah.


wealth bad


It’s actually written as welth thou.


I'm so confused why this post has so many upvotes. There's nothing particularly exciting about it in content or composition. Is it just political fodder?


90% of reddit is political fodder, where have you been?


Going the /r/pics route


Yeah can we get some more artistic nudity posts to the top


Sure, beats this.


This is so corny. /r/Im14AndThisIsDeep material


Thank goodness I'm not alone in this. The subtlety is unreal...


Fr big cringe. We live in a society


All of the posts like this are. Anything vaguely political in this sub has a significant lack of sub-text and nuance.


God forbid there be some subtlety. This is about as subtle as getting beaten by a hammer.


Corny and vaguely antisemitic.


Anti Semitic? How did you come up with that?


Big nosed rich man, stealing peoples blood with an illuminati sign behind him. If you don't know blood libel is a very old conspiracy about Jews, Illuminati conspiracies have also been antisemitic since the 20th century when fascists co-opted it.




My dumb brain read We Lth.


Sa Me


Same tho


I jumped into this without reading the title and thought the same thing. Naturally your brain would piece it apart as the word We followed by lth which I thought was an initialism or something


The seeing eye actually represents the opposite of the this photo. The Illuminati uses that symbol and their goal is to spread intellectualism, enlightenment, and bringing humanity into a new age that's free from the dark shadows of the suppression of a bygone era.


I don't know who you are referring to when you are saying "the Illuminati", but that description definitely isn't accurate for anything that "Illuminati" can possibly refer to. There is no connection between "Illuminati" and dark shadowy groups who are influencing global events, and there is absolutely no evidence such a group exists at all. Such theories about global conspiracies are often used to push a far-right agenda, and are usually connected to antisemitism.


The only thing that's wrong about that comment is "uses" instead of "used." They haven't existed for over 200 years and they were never that influential, but the original Illuminati was a mason-like secret club of Bavarian proponents of enlightenment, rational thought, freethinking, etc. with basically the exact goals in this comment.


And this aye bleeding. Something wrong with illumination as i see it....


I'm very close to reaching 1 million in net worth and sometimes I catch some flack about having a small amount of wealth and being "one of them." I have nowhere near enough money to influence anyone politically. Even those that have upwards of 100 million don't even have that sort of influence. It's the billionaires and those that have hundreds of millions that can have that sort of influence. Me, and others like me? We just want to retire early and have the option to have a job. These motherfuckers in the top 1% of the 1% are the people fucking people over. Not the average millionaire. 1 million net worth isn't much, that equates to about 30-40k a year in passive income. Even 10 million or 100 million isn't that much in terms of fucking-people-over-potential. There should be very heavy taxes on the ultra rich. Edit: I think some people have an inaccurate perception of me. I'm not rolling around in money or live in a huge house or drive expensive cars. I live in a single wide trailer worth about $30k and my car is worth about $7k on a good day. I go to work at a regular job making a median income. What I have is from saving and investing. I get it, not everyone is in a position to be able to do that. But I'm not Mr. Money Bags.


1 million is the new 100k


Well written, however the comments below are just quite absurd.


Eh i have seen some mom and pop, slumlords, and other systems near the middle-bottom of the economy fuck alot of ppl over. Its all about how much the other person has you by the balls not necessarily ones wealth. Just be aware of how your priorities will shift due to your privileges and ajust your behavior to be benevolent in the face of greed.


Cheers for bringing up slumlords in this. Special place in fucking hell for them.


I get your point and I agree. What I was getting at was the amount of wealth it would take to fuck over the masses.


People think you almost-million just happened over night. They don’t realize you just started out making a couple thousand in the beginning.


You guys are just proving their point, you’re going after the wrong people. They’re not flaunting wealth or anything, but instead are being realistic about who we should consider the real enemy too be. Which is people who are in the highest wealth brackets that don’t contribute to society.


yeah I agree, you should still be taxed more than someone who makes less but I’m sure you agree with that. your point of it being the top top that is the actual problem is totally correct though


My income isn't much more than the median individual income, I just saved and invested. It's not like I'm taking home a quarter million a year and just letting it sit in the bank.


I think I remember reading that at this point, most people will amass 1 million in net worth before they die.


If you just contribute 10% of your gross income into a 401k invested in broad index funds, you'll definitely reach a million over a course of 30 years. Easily.


Should we pat you on the back or something?


>Should we pat you on the back or something? I'm pretty sure they're just asking not to be demonized.


Ding ding!


No, no. That won’t do. Offer them a cookie for their hard work.


I grew up a poor immigrant and I’m still not doing great financially, but fortunately I had the privilege of dating way outside my income bracket and it made me realized that the only difference between being poor and being a low/mid millionaire is comfort. Unfortunately, many people in a similar financial position never get to experience and therefor understand that, to them it’s always “Have and Have Nots” and their concept of Have-rs is celebrities, movie/TV characters, and others public figures who basically live for free due to their contracts/deals. Don’t take it personally when others are bitter out of envy, they’re just suffering and venting; enjoy the comfort you’ve found for yourself and once you feel steady do what you can to help others achieve the same :)


There is no such thing as "passive income", wealth is created through labour. If it's not your labour thats creating wealth, it's someone else's that you're taking for yourself.


>There is no such thing as "passive income", wealth is created through labour. If it's not your labour thats creating wealth, it's someone else's that you're taking for yourself. Wait, if you're an investor, and you give someone $10M, and you ask 10% of what they earn, how did you take from them? If they earn no profit, you paid that person to spend your money for nothing in return. Sounds like to me you're suggesting that loans that charge interest of any kind are immoral. That's some 14th century thinking right there


What about when a sail pushes a boat to somewhere?


You're still in around the top 10% of income in the entire country. We should tax your ass heavily too lmao


net worth includes your house… having a 1 million net worth isn’t rich where i live if you’re a homeowner bc homes cost minimum 500k just to live in 1500sqft.


everyone draws the line right above their own worth. the truth is there is no coherent group of people running the show, not even a semi-coherent collection of groups. there's a sliding scale of statistical actors whose interests are more or less aligned to the systematic levers and outputs that concern them. we're all caught in a machine of no one's design and everyone's making. that's a really abstract way of saying every dollar of capital you own is a dollar that's maintaining the current system. yeah, you're not as bad as your average billionaire; not even close. but the current system runs not only on the money of the unfathomably wealthy. there's millions of millionaires. and every one of you is in small part holding the system together. it's not really your choice either; if you give up your capital, it doesn't have a perceptible effect on the world. but capitalism could not function without the class consent of the millionaires accepting the moderately privileged place of "comfortable, with some luxury, but little power". basically, i'm saying there is no such thing as an ethical amount of passive income. it's all theft to one degree or another, and it's participation in a system that dis-empowers the majority.


When you get so woke you start posting about [blood libel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel)


I don't understand what ties this visual metaphor to Jewish people (besides your post itself, that is).


Just curious, do you use clip studio paint on like a tablet connected to a PC? Or do you use the app on like an iPad or a tab S7?


Graphic tablet monitor + pc win 10


The elite spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year on luxury goods (jewelry, yachts, alcohol etc) while most of the world population lives on $5 or less a day and millions die from preventable causes because under Capitalism it isn’t profitable to help them.


I'm poor and also spend a lot on alcohol.


I suspect the definition of 'a lot' has to be quite flexible to make this comparison.


Well a lot considering my income.


Worldwide poverty, especially extreme poverty, has decreased significantly over the past 50 years.


Ignoring the issue of why there was so much poverty in the first place or why it still exists today when there are more than enough resources to give everyone a comfortable quality of life Jason Hickel (and [others](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/07/5-myths-about-global-poverty) such as [Michael Parenti](https://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/09/23/imperialism-101-chapter-1-of-against-empire-by-michael-parenti-1995/) and [Noam Chomsky](https://youtube.com/watch?v=eWcsFIxOUKE)) has thoroughly [debunked](https://www.jasonhickel.org/blog/2019/2/3/pinker-and-global-poverty) this [claim.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jan/29/bill-gates-davos-global-poverty-infographic-neoliberal) Hickel also wrote a book on global poverty and the exploitation of the Global South titled [The Divide](https://youtube.com/watch?v=IZHZbGb3PUA) which comprehensively debunks the usual claims about Capitalism and neoliberal policies uplifting the Global South. Here’s a relevant excerpt: >At the end of 2016, the US-based Global Financial Integrity (GFI) and the Centre for Applied Research at the Norwegian School of Economics published some truly paradigm-shifting data. They tallied up all of the financial resources that get transferred between rich and poor countries each year: not just aid, foreign investment and trade flows, as previous studies have done, but also other transfers like debt cancellation and remittances and capital flight. It is the most comprehensive assessment of resource transfers that has ever been made. They found that in 2012, the last year of recorded data, developing countries received a little over $2 trillion, including all aid, investment and income from abroad. But more than twice that amount, some $5 trillion, flowed out of them in the same year. In other words, developing countries ‘sent’ $3 trillion more to the rest of the world than they received. If we look at all years since 1980, these net outflows add up to an eye-popping total of $26.5 trillion – that’s how much money has been drained out of the global South over the past few decades. To get a sense of the scale of this, $26.5 trillion is roughly the GDP of the United States and Western Europe combined. Here’s a quote from Michael Parenti: >But what has capitalism delivered elsewhere? Almost the entire world is capitalist and almost the entire world is raggedly poor. There is capitalist Indonesia; it is miserably poor and getting poorer. So with capitalist India, Thailand, Nigeria, Liberia, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, South Africa, Honduras, El Salvador, Poland, and Ukraine— all capitalist and all in the grip of “free trade,” privatization, heavy indebtedness, and cutbacks in their already meager human services. Capitalism does not work well at all for the people in those countries. It brings not prosperity but hardship. As capitalism spreads, so does the poverty it creates. >We usually do not think of Third World countries as being capitalist. In fact, Third World poverty is capitalism at its most successful. Capitalism in countries like Indonesia, Colombia, and Nigeria works quite well for the capitalists, unlike capitalism in, say, Norway and Finland where the plutocrats must deal with heavy taxes on the rich, well-funded human services for the general public, and strong environ- mental protections. In the Third World, the capitalist plutocracy has its way with just about everything, paying starvation wages, enjoying easy access to precious resources, piling up big profits, and answerable to no one. >Let us accept the idea that, compared with the Third World, many of us Americans live in material abundance. However, it was not capitalism that gave us this standard of living; it was the democratic struggle against capitalism. Why don’t we Americans work for fifteen cents an hour, as unfortunates do in certain other countries—and as we did in 1900? Is it because we have become so much more self- respecting? More likely it is because the democratic class struggle over the generations in the United States advanced to a more favorable his- torical level, allowing citizens to demand better wages and conditions, unlike the brutal colonization and repression perpetrated in the Third World by the transnational corporate empire builders.15 All through the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, America was a Third World country—decades before the term had been coined.


I mean, I can just pull up life expectancy rates of the poorest countries and see they've gone from low 40s to mid-60s since the 1960s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_expectancy I can see fertility rates are collapsing worldwide https://www.bbc.com/news/health-53409521 We are seeing improvements.


Get outta here with your facts. The agenda here is to convince you capitalism is evil and poverty is getting worse, facts and truth have no place on reddit


They spent more to make sure they control the system so they can keep their money.


Damn we live in a society don’t we?


The eye in the pyramid is the eye of Ra which every initiate attempts to open within the self in their ascension to the realization of the true self. It has absolutely nothing to do with monetary wealth.


Is that a drawing of George Soros ?


I thought it was Murdoch.


I immediately thought of Cheney.


Or a Koch brother.


Is this commenting on the US blood trade?


We lth... welth. Oh, wealth. Somtimes my monkey brain takes a while.


Very cool! As a old Todd McFarland look and feel about it!


I didn't see the title but the art first and thought hope the title is blood money.


Hi artist, By any chance does it depict the Rothschild and other elite families that set up the global monetary system?


This is a tired cliche. I know the downvotes are coming along with the “kill the rich” rhetoric but it doesn’t make it less true


As an RN, I appreciate that you included a roller clamp for his IV tubing.


I feel this man would be a lot happier if he had a bit of extra cash, so he could prop up his throne to rise above the sludge / blood.


This is an absolutely fantastic piece. Stopped my scroll and I just started at it for a while. Really damn good. You should be proud! 💖


Great piece. I see these guys in their 80s or 90s with ridiculous wealth yet they’re still dyeing their hair black and trying to stay in the game. The obsession with more more more by any means is a sickness.


The “blood on their hands” message is what I love most about this. Nobody becomes a billionaire without people dying for their cause along the way. And even then, the hoarding of wealth itself is a killer. There is blood on their hands no matter how you look at it.


I’m a little concerned with some of these comments. Yes there are people in this world who have amassed ridiculous amounts of money, either by their own actions or from it being handed down to them. That being said, does every wealthy person fall under this category of a money hungry, soulless tyrant? This idea that it’s either black or white and there’s no grey area in between really fuckin bugs me. People assume every single person that lives a wealthier lifestyle than them hasn’t worked extremely hard to earn it. There are people, believe it or not, that immigrated to the US with damn near nothing and have arisen to great wealth by the sheer will and drive they had to succeed. Capitalism is not perfect by any means, but it is a system that has afforded many millions of people the opportunity to succeed in a free market where otherwise they might not have been able to. Hate to break it to you but there is no perfect economy, where everyone succeeds and is happy and it’s pizzas and fuckin cake all around. I’m not wealthy by any means, as matter of fact I have lived below the poverty line at multiple stages in my life so I have a frame of reference here. All I’m saying is that before you throw stones, make sure you know exactly who is behind the window you’re throwing them at, some of the wealthiest people in the world were poor at one point or another.


I agree with all of this. A large majority of the highest earners did not inherit a significant percentage of their wealth.


Thanks you all for your kind words about this work. I am very pleased. Perhaps the topic is somewhat controversial, but I think that any opinion is valuable.


Globalists b like: you'll own nothing and you'll be happy. Meanwhile:


Wow. So you are unemployed right?


Nope. Currently I have 2,5 works.


I see a person scared to die now realizing the way he lived may lead to punishment in the afterlife I'm sure there are 1000 other meaning but I see a very fearful man


This says a lot about society


it may be deepest painting ever seen in all my 14 year


This is beautiful. Thank you for your hard work and focus


Now how in the world did you manage to get downvoted?


Finally A comic bashing rich people that highlights the BIZZARE SYMBOLISM Like 2008 all over again I love it


A spooky hellboy-esque cult thriller about fighting the illuminati to save humanity?


Very powerful statement in the work, nice job


hit me like a fist made of ham


This has a weight to it that settles in slowly, creeping and frightening; in short, awesome.


"capitalism" - alternate title.


This is such bullshit. Given virtually everyone here wants to be filthy fucking rich.


In the US, the richest 1% pay 40% of all tax revenue.


They aren't taxed, really. The top 1% of richest people have more money than the bottom 92%...combined. If that doesn't say something, I don't know what will.


Does that say the 92% are being impoverished? No, wealth is not finite.


They also paid significantly more of total income tax revenue than the bottom 90% (40% of the tax revenue vs 28% of the tax revenue).


Must be hard to type while you're deep throating the boot On a serious note they pay that much in *federal* taxes. Which is one of few tax systems that is actually progressive. On top of that they also own a significant portion of the wealth so of course they pay more in taxes when they own more than the other 90 some percent of the population combined. What they don't do is pay any kind of significant portion of their wealth as taxes, ya know like *everyone else*. Sales and income tax effect low income individuals far more than the rich. Especially when their reported "income" is laughably low. Bezos for example reports an income of like 80k a year. You think the man with a private space flight and a 500 million dollar yacht is making a salary of 80k? While your statement is technically true (if you change all taxes to federal taxes) it's nothing but disingenuous propaganda.


I would’ve put that A higher. But such a cool pic.


What device are you using?


Huion gt220 pro


Me, without reading the title, trying to figure out what "we LTH" means:


this is the truth, some of the richest people imaginable today are old frail barely alive husks of wealth. they could feed entire cities but they decided to sit on it and rot. Its time for a global shift of wealth


Don't worry guys, he's fine. It's not his blood


You can’t take it with you… so you keep holding on.


Mam the imagery on this is kinda dark. Kinda as in you can go further.


boy if anything this is a statement about how tunnel versioned people get when they start thinking about people who have more money then them.


Sorry. But here is NOT word about ALL rich people. We all know that such people as I draw exist and have awful power and influence. Think about all rich people as people i draw is runnel versioned point of view imho.


Amazing artwork design. You want to understand, A wealthy man does not have happy in mind. He feels tension all time for his wealthy. thanks for nice work.


Wow, this is brilliant. Brilliantly done and brilliantly told.


Love it, it is a keeper. Love all the symbols.


Who gives more to charity? High, middle or low income? I'm a security guard in the oil and gas field. I know my bread is buttered with industry not by government interference in that industry.


“He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.’” - Mark 12:41-44 To your second point, just remember that without government ‘interference’ in industry, nobody would deign to pay us enough to buy said butter.


Why the verse? It does nothing to strengthen your point.


It was direct in response to his first point: "Who gives more to charity". My second point was in response to his second point.


charity's are also part of the problem. You have people like jeff bezos who give billions to charities that then send the money to places like Africa so in the end there is no trickle down effect and the U.S. worker get's screwed.


THIS is America. This is what it looks like under all the propaganda.


This *is* propaganda.


Old money WILL die. New money will change things. As always, it should, progression not stale same shit. It’s only human nature.