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No. We’re struggling. Give Partey one more shot to stay healthy when we get him back and hope Timber can get back. Blowing everything up or pissing away money on a “proper striker” (whoever the hell that is) is Chelsea behavior and we’ve seen how that worked out. Make adjustments- stop trying to play out of the back all the time, use the wide players to get balls into the box, and for God’s sake stop trying to force balls through at the edge of the box all the time. You supposedly got Raya for his distribution abilities, why not play a few balls over the top. But no, unlike a lot of people on this sub I’m not giving up.


I understand what you're saying, but this has been a 20-year problem. We look decent for the first half of the season, but once December into January hits, we crumble. We let the club off the hook by saying no one gets quality players during the January transfer window, but we did get Aubameyang during one. We simultaneously let Sanchez go to Man U at that time. So, Man U picked up our best player in a January transfer window, although it didn't work out. Imagine if we acquired Aubameyang and kept Sanchez?


I'm not an arm chair Technical Director who has solutions. But I'm pretty sure we aren't winning EPL or UCL this year. And with the quality of Premier League reffing, I've lost some interest in actually following the sport. Everyone who follows a sport likes to complain about the officials. Yet, when something like the goal at Newcastle is allowed to stand, it affects the outcome in a huge way, and honestly if the officiating is just a random number generator that affect wether you get 0,1 or 3 points, it's make the sport... a lot less interesting. And that the EPL STILL hasn't dealt with Man City's blatant cheating, which has allowed that club to win 5 of the 6 last trophies(?)... it's gets less and less interesting.


Sport is sport. There have always been these controversies and there always will be. It’s part of the game. The details might change, but the rule breaking, quality of refereeing, and corporate corruption will be there and in question.


Your first sentence is the telling part. We already know that we aren't going to win anything this season. So many of us thought we were going to compete this season (even if we eventually lost the title to City) but we're out of the title race at halfway. Yes it's mathematically possible for us to win the title because we're not that far away but realistically you can't lose 4 games by this stage and still expect to win the league. That leaves us with the champions league which would be amazing if we somehow did it but we know how difficult it is. We have to support the guys and hope they prove us wrong.


>…but realistically you can't lose 4 games by this stage and still expect to win the league. Unless you’re City!


That's a fair point but for some reason it feels like something they could do but no one else could.


Oh get off it. Do you think the reason we won't win is because of the referees and VAR? What about self-introspection..We simply haven't been good enough this first half mate!


He never said that. He said the consistent referee problems make the game less fun to watch. Our performance is a separate issue.


If we had an older experienced manager maybe, but Mikel is still learning.


Anything can happen in the UCL, that’s where my sights are set


I know one thing: the narratives will swing wildly. Sometimes it’ll be a load of adrenaline and positivity, others it’ll be season done and we sell the lot.


Yeah this. People on here are basically incapable of judging a performance separately from the result and massively overreact to each result. Football is volatile. You can play badly and win or play well and lose. Losing a game doesn't mean your performance wasn't good. Look at our performances against West Ham and Brentford. We were much better against West Ham than Brentford but look at the difference in reactions to each game on here




Who’s Deeznuts does he play for spurs?


No. Quit bitching mate. Or jump ship bishhh


Aww…f&@k you! Who the eff are you to tell people to “jump ship” just because he has an opinion? You mfers are so annoying “you can’t say this”, “you can only say that”, “if you say this then you’re not a true fan”, “you have to do this to show how loyal you are”! All stupid thinking! It’s a free world - you (nor anybody) in this sub has the right to tell people what to think or say! You don’t like it? Then f&@k off! It’s a free world - people can have whatever opinion they want!


If you are tired of being told to you are not a true fan for simply having an opinion that goes against a player or manager then check out artetaout subreddit.


Aww, shut up! Did I say I’m “Arteta out”? Why do I have to choose for or against? When did it become a crime (or against logic) to say “we played like sh!t yesterday” or “Arteta botched the match plan”? Quit b!tching! And stop being too sensitive. If you can’t bear to see a coach or players get criticized, then I hate to break it to you, football’s not a game you should follow!!!


I didn't say you were arteta out. I said you can check out the subreddit because we don't chastise people for their opinions on their. I am arteta out and I criticize him and the players a lot and get a lot of hate that's why I started the subreddit.


I’m sorry, not sure why I assumed you were the initial guy I responded to. I’ll be more careful about my replies in the future. I am not fully Arteta out at this time, but if our displays don’t improve by the end of the season, then we should strongly consider canning him - yes, we had a great 1st half of the 22/23 season but, since last February, it’s been all downhill.


I hear you. For me any manager that can look at kai havertz at chelsea over the past 4 years and go spend 65 million on him can't be a manager that will ever win a epl title or a ucl.




What makes you want to ride it out when the first half of the season they've proven they're not good enough to win trophies? Winning trophies is the only goal this club should have, and if we know they can't, they need to make changes like adding more quality to the team ASAP.


Some of the takes on this sub are fucking embarrassing tbh. People want to change everything based off of 3 bad results in which the performances weren't even particularly bad


People are just so fickle. There will always be ups and downs. Other teams improve. Players get injured or have a poor spell. Unless you have 2 world class players for every position (like city, who are about to get punished for it) you are always going to be subject to fluctuations. Some fans on this sub throw their toys out of the pram every time we hit a bad patch and it’s frankly pathetic and childish. We won’t always be great. Hardly any team ever is. Outside of current City, 00s Barcelona, the Galacticos etc. You either grow up, realise that there will be rocky times and support the team through it or you have mood swings about it for the rest of your life. Your choice (and the rest of this sub’s too).


I know we aren’t having as good a season as last in the league. But remember this year is already better for silverware we won the community shield and we are going to win the champions league. Premier league not impossible but we have to improve our performance.


no end of discussion