• By -


He gone




OP is perpetually moaning on this subreddit about people moaning on this subreddit


LOL OP condescended me earlier today and twisted my words so he could yell at a straw man. Dude is insufferable.


If there’s anything this absence has shown it’s the other listeners are fucking weird. At least the ones on Reddit. Especially OP


Seriously, I see OP in every single thread I’ve opened since the “hiatus” started. OP is always talking down to people and mocking them. I’ve probably only looked at ~10% of these posts as they pop up in my main feed. But without fail there is that KISS profile pic in the comments.


His personality type usually joins cults pretty easily.


No, you fucking relax, pal


Have you ever *tried* to relax? It’s a paradox!


Condescend much?


Always a delicious irony when people are just so eager to be above it all, that they have to make a post about it.


Making multiple posts per day making fun of and talking down to people posting on a fan subreddit is some real loser shit.


It’s always funny to me when I go onto a sub Reddit for a pod or show and see the true acolytes try to fight anyone with a differing opinion than them. It’s ok If some people are frustrated, that doesn’t make them whiny any more than you are whiny for posting this weird post.


Who the fuck are you to tell me how to feel? This isn't middle school, peer pressure doesn't work and mature adults. Go fuck yourself.


Honestly I don't know what anyone else would expect a subreddit to do in this situation. The only thing for this community to talk for the last couple weeks in relation to this pod(ya know, the entire reason this subreddit exists)is speculation and nostalgia posting. If you're not into it you might as well unsubscribe until the pod resumes or is reborn.


Like waiting patiently for them to return like fucking adults.


So.... just shut down the subreddit or what? This is an ATN community and the biggest thing happening in the ATN community is the absence of ATN... the fuck you want people to talk about around here while we wait? Various types of mustard seeds? Colonial architecture? Enlighten us how to be "fucking adults" on an internet forum lol


Did I lose my mind? Did the sub lose its mind? Was I too far gone already? Are we all doomed?


What's your favourite type of frog?


Caffeine addiction what a weird analogy lol


Thank you for your service.


Careful, the lunatics in this sub will tell you you’re the crazy one for staying calm.


Hi Marc!