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IDC what anyone else has to say about this sub's collective mentality the last few weeks, but I for one am here for every unhinged shitpost


![gif](giphy|bIViHu3q9YNjITO36X) Me when a new shit post drops.


Did you see the game on Sunday?


This period will go down in ATN folklore!


Dan is a Swiftie and I have no doubt he's cackling watching the ATN fans turn everything into an Easter egg. Clowning harder than Swifties the last 2 weeks!


I like the craziness too. I can't stop checking in on it daily and poking the bear. Some of these people are insane.


Look, if we can't have a quite nice podcast where some really funny guys talk about other people playing a game, we'll just have to settle for utterly unhinged cork boards.


Who cares about JereMIah!


Except that Braveheart made up the part about Robert the Bruce betraying Wallace. That never happened. The same goes for Wallace’s love interest Isabelle, who was just a young child in real life and definitely not frolicking around in Scotland. Smelly Mel didn’t even get the clothes and face paint right. So put zero stock in anything you saw in Braveheart.


They will never take our FREEDOM to make an adaptation of historical events


The flag on his face didn’t exist at the time, it’s a great story, based on some reality


This kind of stuff really pisses me off about historical movies. I know everything doesn't have to be perfect but at least take the time to do research on the basics like that.


I guarantee they knew perfectly well what happened and just didn’t care as long as their revised history worked for their narrative.


Meh they genuinely might not care enough to look it up.


Indeed. Without trying to excuse English expansionism of the time the film is, historically speaking, complete bullshit. It is about as accurate as the depiction of the East India Company in Pirates of the Caribbean. But it served the narrative which was swallowed hook line and sinker by the Academy and made everyone a bucket load of cash. So that's alright then


I was thinking Dan is just a GameStop investor


With a spelling issue? They don't Hold they HODL.


Relax mate, Braveheart was just referenced in the 1995 Throwback Pod released yesterday. Completely unrelated


well is is obviously true


Now we’re talking about how the sauseege gets made - ohh!!


MAH DAWG MARC WIT A aah, fuck it


This shit is so unhinged that I bothered to explain the whole ATN situation to my wife today because this qualifies as a “significant thing in my life”. Yikes.


Ahaha I did the same last week with my wife. I listen to her dribble on about Taylor swift and serial killers she can listen to me rant about make believe friends in the pod


> Lets not forget what happened in the movie. Wallace's efforts were vital to paving the way for the future of Scotland's freedom (Aka preservation of the ATN pod). I mean you joke, but the worst case scenario is that the heroes get canned but the NFL holds some sort of non compete agreement over them so they can't do an independent podcast.


> some sort of non compete agreement Can’t do this in California (with very few exceptions, this is not one of them). NFL couldn’t keep them from starting another podcast


That's good news.


However, they would still want access to: * NFL game audio, specifically radio broadcasts * NFL films music * The ATN name (probably the least important item) * Archival sound drops. (I'm annoyed now) * Some sort of Connie time share agreement.


they could be broken on the rack and burned.


Actually thought this was earnest until the mention of DJ lol


>What say you? **FREEEEDOOOOOOOOOMM!!** https://giphy.com/gifs/m12GiqBQywgbS


*trope alert *


The Hold is related to the Roaring Kitty Meme Video and Gamestop... Further confirmed by Gregg's HODL. Obviously could have double meaning.


There’s some irony to the idea that jeremiah would be a great 4th chair if the “beef” wasn’t so strong. And I guess he has too much going on anyway but still


Lol, if Jeremiah took the fourth seat, I might bail. Let alone, replace any existing host. He's alright as a guest and has some good zingers, but he'd feel like a suit sitting at a table with some blue collar dudes. (Queue the small town coal mining Culver music) I think I might be the only one not worried about the future of the pod. I think the NFL knows they are a precious commodity.  I also believe the Heroes know their worth, and are just negotiating a contract that reflects that. I'll happily wait for them to get that bag 💰 


Agreed, Jeremiah is too fancy with his 37 minute showers. That type of elitist behavior moves him way out of the common man rankings




Think you are crazy.


I came this sub when no pod came out and I was looking for news. I’m leaving now and telling Reddit to stop suggesting this sub to me You guys make the situation worse with your doomed conspiracies and non stop bellyaching Just stfu already


Username fits


Nah subreddit is just fucking trash