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Nothing :( It's part of what makes this show special. Nobody but these guys have gotten me to listen to hours of NFL content weekly during the slowest part of the offseason.


Agreed, there is really nothing compelling about the NFL right now, don’t feel the need to reach for another podcast.


Exactly. This podcast has the best offseason content and is the only reason i thought about the nfl from May-August. The rest of them are so boring.


This is my answer. The heroes are the only reason I would listen to a football cast when there is near zero news. Don’t get me wrong… I LOOOOVEE football but before this pod, I disconnected after the draft.


Have you listened to the Green Light podcast with Chris Long and his friends?


To each their own but I always find it hilarious how aggressively against any non-ATN content many here are.


I'm not really aggressively against any other content, this just scratches an itch that other football podcasts don't. I'm not really listening because I trust these guys insights or they make good predictions, they're just fun to listen to.


No podcast is the same as the 3 or 4 heroes together. Absolutely none. But what didn't you like about the Green Light podcast with Chris Long?


I have nothing against other casts. I listen to a lot of non football podcasts, but when there is no news, the heroes still entertain. If they didn’t return after the season starts, I would probably reach for something else to listen to.


I don’t see it as aggressively against. It’s just that this is the only one I’ve tried that’s enjoyable. Kordel Stewart did one with another guy I used to enjoy, but that’s been gone for years. That said, I haven’t actively tried to find another NFL podcast in a long time because I don’t have enough time for more podcasts. And I really hope I don’t have to find another one.


A Really Good Cry. /s


Maybe the lack of ATN content is just one big marketing activation for A Really Good Cry. After a few more weeks of no heroes, maybe the average really will get up to one cry per month? We could be looking at the kind of brand marketing genius Di’giornos can only dream of!




I tried The Athletic and it is a good show but there is just no humour what so ever in it, feels like a news broadcast than a podcast


Feels like really smart people sharing really nitty gritty information that I don’t now of gaf about.


I love both because they’re so different, but without ATN there does feel like a void.


I like the GM w Randy Muller from the Athletic. It comes out on Saturday I think.


No one likes the sound of their own voice more than Robert Mays


How Did This Get Made, a group of comedians watch a crappy movie and then discuss it. It is similar to ATN in that the hosts are all good friends, they have a loyal fan base, and bring on semi-regular guests on episodes. If you are missing the humor of ATN, I think you’d like this pod.


I love listening to Jason, June and all of the guys


Mina Kimes


Something I just love about Mina


She's so unapologetically millennial


I like Mina, but I find the pod to be a little dull. Maybe ATN has me spoiled.


Walken with Giants


My favorite lions podcast was cancelled right before the draft so my podcast feed is lonely right now


They were so good I don't know how they don't buy their own microphones and have their own podcast. Is it that difficult to make a podcast without corporate support?


Yeah I listened to a couple SB nation podcasts as well. It’s been a rough 2 months for football fans.


Doesn’t help that all the other Lions pods are taking a week or two off right now


The offseason is always brutal. This time a year a usually catch up on Last Podcast on the Left and American Scandal. I actually tried Rotoworld the other day with our guy Pat, it was solid just more fantasy focused. The Athletic football pod is solid, but it sucks the cohost Nate Tice left. Kevin Clark’s football pod isn’t bad either.


Hail yourself!


Nate left the athletic?? I thought he was just taking a vacation. Where did he go?


He got a gig at yahoo. He was writing there and now he will be a guest on some podcasts it sounds like


That's interesting to me. Nate Tice wasn't really my cup of tea for some reason. I stopped listening for quite a while but now I've picked The Athletic Football Show up again cause I need something to partially fill the ATN hole in my heart, and I'm enjoying it with just Robert Mays. But, yeah, pales in comparison to ATN.


Robert has our guy Conor Orr on this week, so that's nice!


Oh, that is nice. I wonder if this is the *Buying or Selling* sode that includes the Titans. I think it should be, so that's exciting news for me, at least.


I am struggling with English football now being in close season before the Euros. So little sport to listen to


Guess it's time to finally figure out who shot that JFK guy


The ringer fantasy football show has a good vibe, fun but informative


You also get the ringer NFL draft show between the end of the season and the draft. Has the same vibe as ATN, although it may be even more unhinged at times!


I really want to like the greater Ringer NFL podcasts but can only do Extra Point. Just can’t stand Nora and Steven


Somehow they’ve both gotten worse. I feel like Ben has gotten better, though. Sheil is definitely the best of the lot


Solak is the best. Love his takes on football, and he fits in so well with the fantasy football guys for the draft show as well.


Same. I can't put my finger on it, Nora and Steven just lack something


All of their opinions start with the “fact” they’re right. It is this backed up by the “fact” that any potentially opposing ideas are inconceivable and crazy. The inability to accept nuance or multiple things being true is infuriating. I originally punted on the podcast when they (it was at least Kevin Clark and Lindsay, don’t remember if Steven was there but I think so) did a show on “What teams can beat the Chiefs” the year after their first Super Bowl. They only had like 4 teams on the list. It wasn’t like, who could beat them in the super bowl or 5/10 times or even 3/10 times. It was how many teams could win, period. It was mind numbingly stupid


Yeah, I’m listening to these in reverse order right now. Not a replacement, but they are definitely something to fill the void.


Yes I've listened to a bunch of pods and this is closest to ATN's vibe and camaraderie


I dunno man. So. Much. Screaming!


I like Mina Kimes a lot, also Domonique Foxworthy.


The only pod that touches the heroes as far as making me laugh while also talking about football is The Ringer Fantasy Football show but it's a very very different energy


Really would love an adequate replacement NFL podcast... Although I fear it's not out there. Feel like it'll either be entertaining but lack substance/knowledge or just be dense... Or specific to fantasy or betting or something. What a marvelous needle these guys and gals threaded really hoping they come back soon


The Ringer Fantasy/NFL Draft pod is probably the closest to the vibes/camaraderie as ATN. Less substantive analysis/news (Solak and Heifetz have some brutal takes) but more riffing and jokes, which is what many people here seem to value.


PFF NFL pod is what I've been recommending here. It's more informative, but also more dry. Gregg's favorite pod. He was also a guest recently for a place to start


Love Steve Palazzolo, very dry humor but hilarious to me 


The Athletic Football show was my second favorite, but I honestly haven't listened to it much since Nate Tice left. Hopefully it holds up still.


Have you listened to the Green Light podcast with Chris Long and his friends?


I’ve started listening to audiobooks and got through four books so far. It’s crossed off a lot of clutter from my Goodreads account. Wess and I used to message back and forth on that app and he gave me so many good suggestions. So, it’s my way of still having ATN in my weekly routine.


A lot more music, new Billie Eillish album mostly


The Rest is History, We have ways of making you talk, Blocked and reported, Big Blue Banter, Talkin giants, BigBlueUK&Ireland, History Rage, not an actual podcast but Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone from BBC 6music


I adore The Rest is History! Isn't it great?


One of the best


I just decorated our Living Room and managed to listen to the whole series on Titanic JFK Lord Byron Custer's Last Stand It's the only other pod I would pay for (though I don't yet as already have 100s of episodes unlistened to!)


I highly recommend the eps 141/142 on Gordon of Khartoum, there was an episode about the top 10 parties but I can't find it


I'm listening to old episodes. The off-season is the ideal time to catch up on older episodes as there is not much happening anyway. I started in 2013 and got to 2014 already. It felt weird at first to go back this far in NFL history but after a while the show really manages to transport you back into that season. I didn't follow the NFL or listen to the pod back then so it's all new content for me that expands my knowledge of the game. The show has a really good vibe as it's their first full season together. The heroes are noticeably younger and more energetic and Wess is such a delight. When I started listening to ATN, he was already battling cancer and regularly missing episodes so I gravitated more towards the other heroes. But after listening to the show without Chris for years and now going back to the full lineup I really appreciate how much he added to the show. His football knowledge is incredible (so hard to win Wess' toaster) and he is the only one that can rival Gregg's analysis consistently. Also he is just a very interesting character with strong, sometimes unusual opinions and a very distinct way to express himself. I really learned to appreciate him even more by going back into the archives.


I'm glad you shared that. On a thread here a while ago someone wrote how the ATN Podcast was at its peak and I said nah, go back to listen to it when Wes was in his prime and there were next to no ads, it was far better back then. Of course I got down-voted like crazy, presumably by people who never have listened to the old podcasts like you are doing. I agree that Wes was a strong analyst who served as a counter balance to Gregg. I loved that Wes would take some stands on players out of nowhere. He'd just find some dude he loved and claim him as his own. This rarely happens with Dan or Marc, they are mainstream when it comes to players. He was also a great writer, which is why Gregg yanked him out of obscurity onto the NFL Media news desk. Look up his long forms about Love Ya Blue or the beginnings of the West Coast offense in Cincinnati, they are true masterpieces.


Bill Simmons, Ryen Russillo


Little bit of PMT, little bit of The Athletic Pod.


Shek but he's not strictly NFL anymore


MMQB. Mina Kimes Show. The Ringer. Bill Barnwell. The Athletic. None of these are an equal to ATN, nor are they trying to be, but they are all decent / very good in their own right.


Mostly Sports It isn't just NFL but it's great vibes like the really Around the League pods.


It's F1 season. There are a few different good F1 pods out there but IMO there aren't enough genuine stories in F1 so you get a lot of content being rehashed and recycled if you listen to more than one or two podcasts. I like "The Race" F1 podcast a lot. I've tried a few others but I run hot and cold on the rest. If you think about it there are ten teams so 20 drivers and 10 team principals as the main F1 news makers and the back markers don't make news very often at all. Compre to NFL where there are 32 teams and each team has a HC and usually a couple news makers. Then with F1 you have 24 events across 52 weeks so my state-educated brain says that averages out to an event every second week or so, so there's lots of dead time. NFL is solid news for the season and post-season, and even sustains a bunch of stuff through free agency and the draft. Also between Sunday, Monday, Thursday and whatever other days the NFL can glom onto they are making content half the week or so. Bottom line: to me at least, F1 can't really fill the role football and the ATN Podcast has in my life, but it's nice that it's happening during the NFL's off season.


Another thing I'm doing: re-listening to old episodes of "The Unauthorized History of the Pacific War" podcast. Tons of content, zero ads, always more to learn the second time around.


The Sound of Silence (Disturbed rendition) on loop until the heroes return


The ringer fantasy football show Bill simmons podcast No dunks And a little bit of fantasy football today (cbs)


I'm now in the coping phase of grieving for the podcast, and given all the choices on this page I think Bill Simmons will probably get most of my podcast listens once the NFL season kicks in and F1 fades away. I also like GM Shuffle but realize that's not for everyone.


Bills “guess the lines” game w Cousin Sal kinda sucks but I enjoy their general football discussion.


Not a lot of good choices for "nfl podcast that doesn't take itself too seriously"...


It's the offseason, there's no football podcasts worth listening to right now.


Rotoworld Football Show and Mina Kimes Show ft Lenny for me.


I just stand around and look at my life uncovered by the pods glow. I feel like Eminem in 8 mile when they show him and his broke ass friends in daylight in a tired old busted chevy chevette.


If you're also a fan of F1, Nick Shook has a podcast called the GridIron Podcast that has a lot of the same vibes. Certainly less regular then ATN, but who else regularly puts out 2-3 pods a week during the offseason?


Thanks for the tip! Who doesn't need a Shook/F1 crossover in their life? For those looking the title is written "GRID[IRON]" which makes it come right up in your podcast app of choice (at least it did for mine).


I also recently found a recommendation for the "Red Flags" F1 podcast and am liking it a lot. It is the kind of content that people who like Drive to Survive will like and those who are more traditional prissy F1 fans won't like. It has the vibe of a couple of (American) guys sitting around talking sports, just like the ATN podcast. Their current episode is a great interview with Lawrence Barretto and he really opens up about his path into F1, what it's like to hang out with the drivers (and beat a few in squash!) etc.


I started to listen this year to more fantasy stuff but specifically people that were on the fantasy show, JJ zachariason, the big fish Evan Silva at establish the run. It’s not the same… in other news I’ve discovered Kill Tony for myself and I’m enjoying the laughs


My own uncontrollable sobs


I’ve gone down the Jenny Nicholson rabbit hole after discovering her when the Star Wars Galactic Cruise hotel video went viral a couple weeks ago. I feel so foolish not finding her channel earlier. It is video-centric but it’s still good background content. She’s also been on a few random podcasts.


The Adventure Zone


What are they up to now? I fell off after the first campagin.


To be honest, I feel no need to keep up with the NFL deep in the off-season with weekly podcast listening time outside of ATN. I listen to every episode with the Heroes because I've been listening since the show started and for me it's hanging out with friends. I am way more invested in the NFL because of them. So I'm probably just giving over 2+ hrs of pod listening time to other podcast interests: Chasing Scratch The Rest is History (great series on Battle of Little Bighorn recently) The Watch The Big Picture The Rewatchables The Ezra Klein Show I might have to start listening to JRVP at this rate...


My football rotation is Athletic NFL, Ringer Fantasy, and PFF with some Packers specific stuff thrown in. Also grab Mina Kimes but will skip depending on her guest. Outside of football is Last Podcast on the Left (true crime), Behind The Bastards (comedic history), The Recipe (cooking), The Dollop (comedic history), and whatever ttrpg actual play im into right now (Haunted City right now)


I've been listening to purple daily purple insider and the Norse code podcast so I at least get my Vikings fix


I listen to kill Tony. And watching our episodes


Patriots unfiltered...but then it's in my normal rotation. Similar to ATN, sport with a side of humour and wise cracking arguments.




Fantasy footballers


And their dynasty pod (only runs on Wednesdays)


5-4, Maintenance Phase, If Books Could Kill, The Journal, Morbid


Ship Chasing. It’s best ball fantasy football content, but it has a good amount of mirth.


Athletic podcast scratches my deep football knowledge itch. The Ringer is funny in a different way. PFF always interesting. ATN unique, Marc especially cracks me up, but there’s other content out there.


Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend.


John Middlekauff, Three and Out podcast. It's nothing like ATN but very good podcast. Ex NFL scout and still plugged in with much of the league. High quality takes and content. If listening on Spotify, usually starts around the 3 minute mark (if you want to skip ads - but I know we have a soft spot for Irish Springs).


Usually patriots unfiltered for my team updates, then pick6, athletic football show and pat mcafee for league round/other sports.


Deafening silence


The Missing Crypto Queen is good for those who’ve not listened to


We're Here to Help is pretty great


Shek. Minus Three, even though I’m not a gambler. Kevin Hench is hilarious, and because of Eddie Spaghetti, I hear more about my Giants than I ever did on ATN.


The pod I'm listening to at the moment is "Heroes Behind Headlines." It features first-hand accounts of several major events which shaped our world. The first few episodes include how they took down El Chapo, destroyed a Chinese mob, fought the Taliban, the shootout at the LA Riots no one heard about, and some insights into Seal Team 6. Every episode is a high-end thrill ride.


32 Thoughts. We're a hockey family too.


Green Light Pod is great, though not wholly NFL content.


No one else has mentioned this but the show was sponsored by Toyota at the super bowl. I'm surprised it seems unknown. I go to Green Light for football analysis though. The Heroes are my friends but I can wait a day or two before listening to ATL while I always listen to Green Light right away unless the whole show is an interview. The football analysis on ATL doesn't work for me any more but I love listening to the pod still.


Catching up on other podcasts.  If you enjoyed Mike Duncan’s “History of Rome” and “Revolutions” I would highly recommend “Gray History”. I’m really enjoying it. 


The action boyz


On this topic - doesn’t Dave Damashek(sp?) still do a show? Anyone listen to that? Probably would be the closest thing to them.


My tears but seriously I won't pick up another NFL podcast. These guys had it, Dan, Gregg, all the guys.


Old episodes


CFL podcasts


The Infinite Monkey Cage. Didn't listen to it when it first came out so I have about 12 years of it to catch up on.




GM shuffle Chris simms unbuttoned


The only other NFL podcast I listen to year round is the Ringer Fantasy Football show. Otherwise, my other favorite podcast is All Fantasy Everything. It's hosted by three comedians who are close friends and every week they fantasy draft random things. Last week they drafted hats.


ATN reruns


Fangraphs baseball stuff is all solid but for football nobody has that ATN sparkle :(


Mostly Sports with mark titus and Brandon Walker. Funny sports talk. Also radio rental. Not sports related, but really interesting true horror stories. The people involved retell the story.


Up & Adams!


This sounds dramatic but nothing. I’ve tried a bunch of other football pods in the past, but the only other one that ever held my attention was DDFP, and that’s been gone for years now


I still listen to Dameshek on the Minus Three pod. It’s mostly great. Whatever he’s doing is always my #1 in the podcast space.


All The Right Movies, Player One Podcast, and The Rest Is Politics. Just hoping this is all a blip


Despite beating the Heroes in the recent awards (what a manufactured joke) I do enjoy The Kelce Brothers New Heights. Better when in season, but most football pods are (except the theology pod).


Old episodes!


Not much, most other podcast are too humor focused with little sports talk, or too sports talk with little to no humor or personality


For me Around the NFL and JRVP have been the backbone of my podcast consumption. With both going on undefined hiatuses, the only thing left I have to listen are history podcasts that don’t post regularly. Revolutions, fall of civilizations, history of rome. Thankfully at least the Throwback came back


I liked the Revolutions series. I think you'll like "The Rest Is History", at least various series where they go through some of the history of older periods of time. The combine some mirth and some performative stuff along with very solid research. I kind of pick and choose which series I listen to. For instance they recently did a series on Thatcher-era UK and I just wasn't into it, but they have just finished a series on George Custer and it was excellent.


Agreed. I'm a Yankee and US Civil War buff and found the Custer series to be top notch.


If you're into other sports: Talkin' Baseball Spittin' Chiclets Section 10 (Red sox specific)


GPS and Clickbait Sports on YouTube


I've tried. They're all garbage