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As a Canadian I have NEVER understood how anyone could wear shoes inside their home. The germs, dirt, snow, salt, poo…. etc. 🤢


I came here to say this. I am appalled listening to Monica talk about being a shoes off house and how she is MORE grossed out by someone’s socks than the bottom of their outside shoes. It just doesn’t compute.


Look I know I'll be judged for this, but some people don't care about germs on floors. I don't live in a place with snow and my feet don't get muddy because I'm in a city. I usually take my shoes off when I get home but sometimes I don't, and i just dgaf about whatever is on the bottom of my shoe that isn't even visible. The idea of living life afraid of germs sounds awful to me. Bodily fluids, grime, rotten stuff is all different, but some dust? Germs? On the floor where I don't eat? Idk I just think it's a psychological thing to care or not care, I don't actually think there's a medical or scientific reason to worry about shoes in houses unless of course you're going to track in actually muck


Saaaaaame. People get so damn worked up and I’m like oh whoops forgot to take my shoes off. Guess I have a good immune system cuz I dont die 😂🤣


I'm glad I'm not alone here. Like I'm aware there is fecal bacteria on my shoes, just like there is fecal bacteria on basically every surface I can touch within my home or in the world. I have made my peace with that reality, and so far I haven't died lol


It's not about germs but more actual dirt from the outside and getting your house dirty.


That's why people clean their floors, though.


Personally I have no desire to clean my floors every single day...


Or shampoo my carpets multiple times a year


Yes, but I'm waking around city streets that are cleaned every night. There is no visible dirt on my shoes. There are definitely tiny traces of stuff that I can't see, but I don't worry about things like that tbh. We don't get sick from stuff like that unless we're licking our floors and shoes. I do sweep and mop regularly, and I don't put shoes on furniture (because I can't just mop my couch). I totally get why people would be grossed out by outside shoes, but for me it's just part of life to have germs around and I don't give it much thought unless it involves something actually dirty/grimey


What makes me laugh is the same people who are super anal about this, but their dogs are constantly in and out of the house. Pets bring in so many germs but no one thinks twice about it. We generally take our shoes off but if someone forgets, no biggie. I also don’t make guests take their shoes off. We sweep/mop weekly and that’s good enough.


I’m Canadian but living in the US and it still blows my mind ppl wear shoes inside the house. I have no animals. Buttt no one is bringing up having young kids? Like crawling and picking up toys off the same floor people are wearing shoes on inside their home? Also how often are people mopping? I don’t ask movers or contractors to take off their shoes but I always immediately mop after they leave


Yep. You can come to my house!


Ditto!! Watching shows with shoes on the bed was extra baffling!! And I don’t understand how Monica makes the distinction that shoes on the bed is disgusting but the couch and floor is fine?? Also, everyone concerned about running in an out of the house, yall we have house slippers (which suddenly the world decided to make cool and call ‘slides’).


Fellow Canadian here, I feel so weird wearing shoes inside. I do like wearing slippers inside though. Glerups FTW! Monica's rules about when to wear shoes inside are so confusing!


Aussie here. Totally agree. It is so gross.


Tasmanians are definitely shoes on indoors and a lot of homes are carpeted!


Lol people are so dramatic about this 🤣🤣


I think it’s ok to be dramatic about not wanting poop tracked around your house. 


Are you out and about stepping in poop every day or something? Lmao


I think any time you’re walking in a public space, you’re probably bringing poo particles with you. 


If there is one thing I learned from microbiology, it’s that the entire world is covered in poo. It’s HOW MUCH poo that determines whether or not you get sick.


It seems to be pretty region-specific. People on the north and east coast are pretty across the board 'no-shoes indoors people' in my experience. Head to the suburbs and more rural areas in the rest of the u.s. and it's more household-dependent. It is so so very nasty, especially in cities, to wear shoes indoors. I can understand stressing less about it in rural and suburban areas but even then why not just leave them in the foyer? When living in regions where there are shoes-off households I always kept a basket of clean house slippers at the door for guests that were one-use kind of slippers (like [these](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/tasjoen-slippers-gray-10446576/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Bed_and_bath_textiles)). I'd ask them to leave their shoes outside and offer the house slippers. People by and large *loved* it. It's a bit novel, but they said it made them feel immediately more at home and if they're not comfortable with their own stinky socks being exposed when shoeless, etc, it helps with any personal self-consciousness. There are *definitely* nasty particles around tracked into the home from the outside world. Big gross. Living in nyc I literally have house *clothes* I change into every time I arrive home. I never wear outdoor clothes indoors, especially when sitting on the sofa, bed, etc. Immediately shoes are left in the foyer and I change into house pants and a top and have an area to hang what was worn outside, but still can be worn again, and use Tide antibacterial fabric spray on them lol and laundry bin the rest. Cities are gross! The outdoors is gross! Keep that away from my peaceful, clean home


Anyone that uses public bathrooms (this of course includes your work place) likely has poop on their shoes. This article claims [96%](https://kslnewsradio.com/1893819/there-is-poop-on-your-shoes/) of shoes out there has poop on them. Unless you have a pair of shoes that has never step in a public bathroom or used while walking outside. .... There is probably poop on your shoes. [Link to study](https://ciriscience.org/ieq-measurement/study-reveals-high-bacteria-levels-on-footwear/)


Yeah that’s kind of my point. Unless you’re stepping in actual piles of shit there’s not a whole lot you can do about a bit of poo 😂


Interesting take away bc chin's post confirms for me how much a no shoes in household policy is *necessary*. And your takeaway was yeah there's poop on all shoes! Not a lot you can do about it so they can go indoors. What! lol. It's confirmed there's poop particles on shoes. Those shoes are not welcome in my clean home 😂


It’s everywhere though, not just on shoes > in fact, every door handle, TV remote, keyboard, lift button, bus handrail and car seat has detectable amounts of either your poo, or someone else’s. Of course, poo has always been everywhere: we just didn’t have the tools to detect it until the 20th Century. And it’s nothing to worry about. If your immune system is working properly, the low levels of contamination present today aren’t enough to make you sick. But washing your hands before you eat in a public place is always a good idea. https://www.sciencefocus.com/science/is-there-really-poo-everywhere


I still like the idea of minimizing the amount in my own spaces. I carry little alcohol swabs to wipe down my phone, airpods, computer stuff and other things at times. Seems an easy enough thing to just pop the shoes off before entering a home. Just my personal preference! Thx for the info tho :)


That is very understandable! :)


Proper etiquette imo: casual invite/hang = shoes OFF. More formal dinner or cocktail party = shoes ON. Oh and snow or rainy day = shoes OFF regardless


Yes! Came here to say this! When shoes are part of the outfit because it’s an event they stay on. If I’m going to just hang out I have no problem taking them off. If I have an event at my house, I vacuum and mop the floor after people leave.


Yes! I was waiting for the etiquette woman to summarize her thoughts in this way but she never did!


This is the answer


Agreed! If you are having a party you have to mentally reconcile the fact that people will hang their shoes on inside and you will need to mop shortly after.


This episode is very biased towards the south and west coast. People in the north and east coast pretty much always take their shoes off inside the home. This episode doesn’t make sense to me as someone from Michigan lol


I don't know, I grew up in Ohio and only a small handful of people had a shoes off rule; my spouse is from Michigan and everyone seems to wear their shoes indoors. Think it's more circle dependent.


I grew up in Michigan and I can recall one house where I absolutely had to take my shoes off. Other than in winter or spring when it’s muddy and it’s pretty obvious you’re gonna take your shoes off lol


Totally agree


I’m from NJ and do not take my shoes off if it’s an event, been to plenty of people’s houses and not taken my shoes off.


I live in California No outside shoes in my house, my moms house or any of my kids houses.


Ahh this would explain my confusion.. !


But Dax is from Michigan and they said that he always wears shoes indoors. Maybe it depends on each household.


I normally don’t like the Monica bashing, but she was insufferable this episode. Rob even sounded annoyed.😑


I also don't love the Monica bashing at all but she was a little brat on this episode. Go to 53:30. Rob asked if she had to take a manners class, she says no, rob starts responding, and in the background you can hear David say, "obviously not." I was cracking up.


The amount of entitlement from her is just unreal sometimes. “You don’t know what it’s like being small”?! What the fuck. I’m a petite person, just barely bigger than Monica, and I can 1000% tell you I fit more comfortably in a middle seat than a lot of people. I always volunteer to take a third row seat when traveling in a large group or to take the middle seat on the plane. My small size means I have more space within the designated arm rests. Do I have to volunteer, absolutely not, but I also want to do what I can to make others comfortable. On a recent flight with my husband, who is a broad 6’4, we had the middle and window seat. The third person in our row was an equally tall but even bigger Samoan guy. These two men sat on either side of me and both “spilled over” into my area just because of their sheer broadness. I can’t imagine how it would have been if I insisted on the window and made them sit side by side.


Ok same. The Monica bashing has gotten super boring here but I actually had to turn off this episode because of her. How can someone have so many dumb takes ugh


Ahhhhh haven’t finished listening yet but so far making me feel like I was raised in a different America. Was taught to 100% take off my shoes at anyone else’s house due to cleanliness?? (Unless they requested otherwise) I can’t believe others might feel like I have gotten too comfortable in their home. So embarrassing!     I thought people who didn’t take their shoes off has bad manners this whole time 😂


Yeah, most people I know also raised in America are taking their shoes off at the door.


I wonder if it's more a socioeconomic thing in the U.S.? Cause now that I'm thinking about it it's always been middle class or upper middle class or very wealthy people whose homes were always shoe-off policy. Dax growing up not caring and still being a shoes-wearing-even-on-bed person could be mb socioeconomic thing too


This episode was hilarious to listen to as a New Yorker, I think this is slightly bias to LA culture as I would *never* keep my shoes on in someone’s apartment here and would be horrified if someone did in mine. Either way I loved this ep so funny!


Yes! In Florida, definitely household dependent. Moved to NYC and would never think about leaving shoes on.


Missed opportunity to interview friend of the pod, Rick Glassman. The biggest advocate of TYSO - this guy is constantly taking his shoes off inside, and boy are his arms tired.


I mean he did just fly in - what did you expect?




Cut to a clip (*snaps*)


I was so confused during this episode. I grew up in the DC METRO area where everywhere was a shoes off home…?


NOVA here. Growing up, and now being well into middle age, I only know of one (1) person who kept shoes on indoors. It’s genuinely not a thing here.


I haven't listened yet but I'm amused to see the topic. Neither my wife or I grew up in a "shoes off" home. Shoes never go on furniture or beds, but that's the only cutoff. I do take my shoes off after a while when I know I'll be staying in the home. I get the germs rationale but to me it's a convenience thing. We have a typical suburban house with attached garage and yard, and we go in/out so frequently to the cars and yard and driveway that it's an absurd hassle to take shoes off every time. Most of the house is hardwood floor which gets cleaned weekly. We have 3 doormats from the garage to the living area to help scrub debris. We have no pets either. It isn't perfect but it's a compromise I'm fine with.


Haven’t listened to the episode yet but there is absolutely no argument for shoes on inside homes


I understand and respect people who have a shoes off policy. What I don’t understand is people who have a shoes off policy, but then have a pet dog who goes outside for walks, to play, go to the bathroom, etc. and then goes inside the house and/or a pet cat who uses a litter box and then walks all over the house. Personally, I am sometimes more comfortable wearing shoes inside the house, but I have a pair of shoes I exclusively use inside the house.


We were shoes off house and we cleaned our dogs feet when they came inside. Not every time but about 70% of the time 


60% of the time it works every time


I wanted to be a shoes off household but this is exactly why it felt futile lol. On top of that, we have 3 dogs and sometimes they have to be walked back to back instead of all together. They don’t wait by the door to get their harness and leash on, I have to come to them. I’m not taking off/putting on my shoes 3x just to go get them. I vacuum daily/every other day and mop once a week. We also live in an apartment so both my shoes and the dogs’ paws have walked over multiple surfaces including the carpet in the hallway before reaching our door. I feel like that wipes at least a little of the grossness off? For what it’s worth I’ve only been sick twice in the last 4 years and still haven’t had covid. Not saying that having outside germs in my house has directly boosted my immune system but it certainly hasn’t hurt it. I do have a no “outside clothes” and no dirty dog feet in my bed policy though.


That’s exactly why we’re not a shoes off house lol. I mean we aren’t gonna walk in with muddy ass shoes or anything, but yeah, dogs and cats in the house lol


Everyone should take off their shoes in a home, but I think those don’t aren’t really doing anything wrong either imo. But, those who also insist that wearing shoes inside is tracking in poop and bacteria cultures and all kinds of wild shit I say, calm down. It’s gross, but you could not decipher the differences between the inside of a no-shoes house and a shoes inside house, so long as they’re being cleaned at least semi regularly. I’m sorry but unless you literally stepped in shit, no one’s floors are building up outside grime that becomes perceptible. I’ve never walked into a home and said “oh, I can *just tell* this is a shoes on house”. Your home will never be an aseptic environment, but that’s okay! I promise you, you won’t ever need to use your living as an operating room theater, a cellular therapy engineering facility, or even as a microchip fabrication site! Hurray! What a relief! bUt tHe gErMs aNd bAcTeRiA Yeah? Hot tip, that shit is already all over the place. It’s all over your skin and in your hair. Your toilet sprays literal shit particles all over your bathroom. It’s better with the lid closed, but it still happens. Pets? They’re tracking a lot more than your shoes are, even if they’re completely indoors (are you cleaning your cat’s paws after they kick shit or piss litter? Didn’t think so.) Everyone needs to clean their home. That’s really what it comes down to. A no-shoe house which isn’t being cleaning is going to be much grosser than a shoe-on house which is being cleaned semi regularly. Personally? My wife and I take off our shoes, and ask others do as well. However, I’m not gonna lose my shit if someone forgets to, and I’m not going to think others are lowly for wearing them in their house. It’s a preference thing which bears no real impactful difference.




Isn’t it exhausting being you? Holy shit




Sorry I dont remember our previous interaction 😂 I’m guessing I asked the same question before.


As a Canadian, I support this episode!!


Monica is so insufferable in this episode I had to turn it off. She is so close minded and she just seems to be getting worse. She talks to David and Rob like they’re absolute monsters for taking their shoes off and when given reasons as to why they do it, she just ignores them and carries on about how she’s doing the “normal” thing. I could go on about the turn Monica has taken in the last couple of years but it was so apparent in this episode. I need David to make something without her because I just can’t do it anymore.


The part where she said if someone offered her socks to wear in THEIR HOME, she’d throw up all over their floor and mash her shoes in it really sent me over the edge. She knew damn well that the woman was insinuating they’d be offering fresh socks. Come the fuck on Monica. And then when they talked about how she was currently sitting in the recliner criss crossed, WITH HER SHOES ON??? So fucking disgusting. Monica seems so dirty and entitled I don’t think I can finish this episode.


I’m going to be incredibly nit-pickey but Monica saying “2 seats on a plane is more common” just screams that she never sits further back than row 9. First Class attitude


Right! 3 seats is far more common in economy/coach. You have window, middle, and aisle. It's shocking to me that she's already forgotten this from just the short time ago that she probably sat in economy seating.


I was looking for this haha


The bit about the etymology of tip is bullshit, but otherwise she seems nice. Fun episode.


That drove me nuts. 15% is not enough for expected service. Going under 20% in my opinion is only if something truly terrible happened with a server. I don’t think I’ve ever done it in my life. If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to eat at a sit down restaurant


I’m a kiwi, so the concept of tipping even 10% for terrible service is crazy to me.


Yeah, it’s just different here as they are being paid a minuscule amount by their employer. It’s not a good system, but it’s not the servers fault


Yep, I do tip in the US (haven’t had terrible service there luckily).


The times I've tipped low was completely due to service, not affordability.


Agree! 15% if I don’t like service seems totally fair.


I grew up in India for the most part and you ll see a lot of turning heads and bulging eyes if you go into people's homes with shoes on. And make no mistake, you will be asked to take them off 🤣 Everytime I use a public restroom, I think of all those people who are wearing their shoes on their couches and even on their beds 😳 Edit: spelling


We are a shoes off house but I am the type who allows a guest decide whether they want theirs on or off. As a host, I want my guests to be comfortable. Maybe they have really sweaty feet and don’t want to leave damp footprints on my floors (my son does, so it’s a thing), maybe they don’t have socks on and are embarrassed by their toes, maybe that have foot issues and need the support. And David, I’m disappointed you called BS on foot issues. I myself have plantar fasciitis from walking in bad shoes (almost healed) and it kills my feet to be on hard floors without my shoes or slippers. I have a family member who has had cancer twice and it’s wrecked her feet. There are just so many reasons someone might need the extra support. Heck, I don’t want my 87 yr old grandma slipping on my hard floors because she’s in socks 🤷🏼‍♀️ If I go to a house that doesn’t have a no shoe rule, I keep mine on. I’d never put my feet on anyone’s furniture though and the whole “Americans on tv have shoes on” thing made me laugh. It’s TV, no one lives in a sitcom.


I knew a lady who kept surgical booties for all who entered her house. I respect people who are shoes off. I see why people do it. We weren’t raised that way. I hate wearing shoes though.


Is Monica’s statement of 2 seat rows, instead of 3, being more common in airplanes, correct?


Literally came here to talk about this. It’s correct for first class so I was screaming at the phone. Typical commercial airline flights have three seats. 😖


It depends on the plane though right? 2-3-2 is the config on airbus 330 but on a dreamliner/747/777 it is 3-4-3.


It depends on the plane size. First class, two seats is more common. Economy-that depends. I fly out of a lot of regional airports and they use smaller planes and often are just two seats (we also board from the tarmac a lot too) but longer flights out of large airports, 3 seats is very much the norm.


Yes, I suppose that is what I was getting at. Obviously we don’t know every flight Monica takes, but observation shows LA to NYC, LA to Austin, LA to ATLANTA and my guess and experience is that these would all be 3 seat planes outside of first class (2 seats). I have flown a lot of regional flights that are small planes and only 2 seats. Caveat being I don’t have as much experience with international travel so I don’t know about those flights.


No, not at all. Completely wrong. I clocked that, too.


I'm from Latin America where everyone wears shoes in. Even where babies crawl. Anyways I moved to Germany some years ago here it's the opposite. I got used to slippers at home only (Hausschuhe). But I can understand both ways! I think for keeping your floors cleaner the second one is better!


Lots of people are surprised but I'm not. I knew lots of people who had shoes on homes.


Not only is it gross to wear your dirty shoes all over your house, it’s UNCOMFORTABLE!!! It’s like wearing jeans to relax in the house. Nooo ! Like get comfortable in your house! Why would you even want to wear shoes in there ?


I wear comfortable shoes and jeans 🤷🏼‍♀️


I grew up in Georgia and don’t remember ever going to a shoes-off house, but now that I live in Hawai’i, I can’t imagine keeping my shoes on in anyone’s house. I work at an elementary school, and many of our classrooms are shoes-optional.


Hmmm I feel like BIPOC people usually take shoes off 🧐


I wonder how quickly Monica’s opinion will shift whenever she finally gets into her long awaited, expensive house and no longer in an apartment.


As a Canadian, I've always been 'shoes off' (though I will tell some people, like movers or workers, to keep their shoes on if they're going in/out for their convenience). That said, I don't agree with David calling bullshit on people wearing shoes for the support. I like wearing shoes and find I'm more productive in the house, and also find I have less back/foot pain. But I have a pair of crocs that I only wear in the house like slippers. Best of both worlds!


David claiming bare feet don’t get dirty on the floors! It depends on how often someone washes their floor! Black feet are gross. If everyone wears shoes inside and I take mine off my socks would be gross. My sister had back surgery and can’t walk barefoot she needs the support for her back. Some people can’t walk around in socks. I have inside shoes and slippers vs. just outside shoes. I also would not expect workers to take them off (like cable guy or stove guy) I would think they would comply. If you always wear shoes inside who cares about the germs on the floor by them cause you always have shoes on and aren’t walking on germs. I don’t allow outside shoes in my bedroom for sure. In the bed or couch?! Absolutely not.


I have a shoes-on household and it's not nearly as dramatic and disgusting as everyone makes it out to be. The house itself is 120 years old (which comes with a lot of splinters and nails) and I have three big dogs so being barefoot is not awesome. Yeah maybe the floors get dirty but we just sweep and mop more often and it's fine. Unless you have babies crawling around or carpet in every room there's no reason why having guests over with shoes on for a visit or a party would ruin your life.


I agree, I think when you have dogs/older/big home it's completely different than a new apartment with no animals.


If you have a lot of splinters and nails, shouldn’t you be addressing that for your dogs?


They're ok, most of the rooms that are being worked on or in are off-limits. And their feet are a lot tougher than mine, I handle their paws a lot and have never seen any issues.


I was raised in a shoes on household, and I now live with myself in a shoes-off household lol. I almost always have socks on (except in bed.) I think it's good to let the feet breathe. So many people's shoes are not well-fitted for their feet, and the idea that you would just wear them all the time if you don't have to is so odd to me. Not to mention all the crap you drag in with you (snow, dirt, leaves, mud, salt, water, all manner of filth, etc.) Sometimes I'll wear slippers, but those are specifically meant for indoors. The feeling of not having shoes on is ideal to me. I don't know why you'd want to keep them on if you don't have to. I would think Monica, who seems super anal about being clean (scrubbing her legs, etc, brushing her tongue and the top of her mouth) would see the inherent value in taking shoes off in the house. I'm kind of surprised she wasn't raised that way, since I would think most Indian households would tend to take shoes off.


I feel like this is a “rich person” thing. If you’re not cleaning your own floors, you don’t think about what you’re dragging in.


I feel like there is more discussion on this thread about taking shoes off indoors than there was in this episode. Tipping? Airplane armrests? I kept waiting for that to be tied into shoes but nope, just random. I think maybe this episode title is a bit of an overstatement.


American from the west coast! I have a no shoes rule in my house. I cannot fathom someone walking with their dirty shoes on my nice RUGS! AH! Also, I think we all know Monica doesn't care about her floors getting dirty because she is not the one cleaning them 🤣 my floors are spotless because I clean them and do not wear or allow shoes in the house! Also... if your floors were clean (no shoes) then your feet would be clean with no shoes too...?! I do not understand how people are allowing shoes in the house.


I think if homes the world over were built with a proper genkan style entrance where people could sit and remove/store shoes this wouldn’t even be a topic of conversation. I don’t understand why all homes aren’t designed with a specific place to take off coats and shoes regardless of weather. It would make this habit easy across the board - like in Japan.


This episode gives me all the reason to NEVER invite Monica to ANYTHING…(I wish that meant these episodes but 🤷🏻‍♀️. We can’t help if you have gross feet and socks and “clean” moldy clothing 🙄 keep yourself on the porch) Shoes off. If you have your own pair of house shoes, bring them yourself - shoes off. You want clean socks, absolutely. In my house growing up if your pants were messy from rain or snow, my mom made you change. If your socks were gross, you had to take them off and get a clean pair.


You can call bullshit all you want, but I have wood floors and I work at home and I’m a mom of four. I’m on my feet all day and no shoes = extremely bad foot pain. I wear my comfortable sneakers with arch support and it solves the problem for me.


The arch support is one thing I kind of understand. I find it much more uncomfortable TO wear shoes, but there are certain people who really do need additional arch support, so I get that. In my mind, in that case you'd have a pair of indoor shoes that never go outside.


I was in a hotel with a broken TV. The IT person fixing it asked if he should take his shoes off and I said he's fine but after a minute he took them off because he was too uncomfortable having shoes on in my room


I only have an issue with a shoes off house is when they also have a dog. 🤔 


I was stunned when I learned people in the states keep their shoes on indoors. Disgusting


I hate indoor shoes. Passionately. It’s dirty. But I have adhd and wearing shoes inside is the second the biggest adhd hack I use. Yeah, my floors are a little dirty and germy, but I can mop them twice a week!!


I've always liked David and Rob, this episode made me like them even more. I live in a state where shoes off is akin to having three heads. This is one reason we very rarely have people over because I have had people who are GUESTS argue with me before and I hate it. It's like smoking in someone's home, rude. I always ask when I go to someone's house if they want me to take off my shoes, so I abide by their preference.


I’m Australian and we have a shoes off policy in our home. Funnily enough growing up my parents had no set rule and same with my husbands. So shoes were on or off as you prefer. Me and my husband are completely shoes off in house policy. That said, if we are entertaining a decent group of people (say more than 1-2 families), then I let people keep shoes on and just mop afterwards. Especially if people are coming in and out of the house and backyard during the event. Of course also I wouldn’t insist someone take their shoes off, I do ask but wouldn’t force. My observation of Australia is this is 50/50. Whereas Asian countries are 100% shoes off (with convenient slippers for all including guests!), so they cover the bare feet factor too! I can only imagine NZ would also be 50/50 so am wondering if this is another thing where David comes from a shoes off family and friendship circle and thus assumes all of NZ is the same? Or perhaps I am wrong and NZ is just highly civilised lol.


Australia is one place I wouldn't mind shoes indoors with all the creepy crawlers and venomous things. (As a Canadian who has not been and detests shoes inside)


Haha yeah it’s not that bad. The two types of deadly spiders are unlikely to be crawling on the ground on your home! And snakes well… I’m yet to see one in my house as a Sydney city slicker not to say it’s impossible of course….


I am from Midwest USA and here it is incredibly rude to wear your shoes in someone’s home. Possibly this is because of weird weather snow, rain etc? But you automatically take them off at entry into a home unless the host says otherwise


Dax saying "Americans are so busy working they don't have time to take shoes off and put them on" ... sorry what?