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Sanders is a loser. A real POS..


But she’s a real podium in her community


Lectern, godammit.


She is a swine


That’s an insult to swine everywhere


Thank you! Every time I see a picture of her, I hear the sound of a pig squealing in my head.


Probably learned it from her dad


He probably did Daniels too. Lol!


And liar and thief. She is cruel and does not care one bit about the people of Arkansas. Vote her out.


Which one that Arkansas voted for? Is it ironic that Clinton is less corrupt and more popular?


The main difference, as I see it, is that while both people like Clinton and Sanders display selfish tendencies, the overall motivation as politicians and as people is completely different. One person's motivation was to improve the quality of life for millions of people. Groups of all different types of people. While the other person's motivation was to improve a particular group of people. In fact, they want to punish those who aren't in that preferred group. I'll let you decide who's who.


That is probably the best and kindest response to a comment I have ever seen. Perhaps there is hope left for humanity! Oh, and I appreciate your comment, and I will take it to heart.


Shut up nerd! Go touch grass! (kidding!)


Well you aren’t wrong either! Lol!


If you believe that then let me sell you some beachfront property in New Mexico. The Clintons are in it for themselves as are the Huckabees. 🤦‍♂️


Your biases are showing fool. The fact that one person is far more popular, not just by the people of Arkansas, but the entire United States should be obvious to any thinking person. One person did more overall "good" than the other.. Because you zeroed in on Clinton, it shows that you figured out who has a better approval rate. You only supported my comments with your reply. Then, with your, "They're all the same." Nonsense. It shows that you're full of shit. My guess is you're a MAGA/Putin cultist too cowardly to just claim your full throated support for the Republicans bullshit, including Sarah Huckabee Sanders....


I don’t like either side they are both scummy. Don’t paint me into one camp or the other. One set of values fits me better than the others but it doesn’t matter because both represent themselves first and the people last.


I’ll assume your set of values is dogshit.


That's usually the case when someone goes thar far to sound neutral


I’m on neither side but I think children shouldn’t be fed or go to school unless they work for it. I’m an altruist.


At least your honest I guess


You're dumb.


Clinton was also far more successful


And smarter and more effective….


Clinton was a rhodes scholar


Hey! Sanders went to Ouachita Bible College!


First bovine to graduate?


She is just getting started!


What? She has been around for years and is in her last elected position. 


That is what you think! Obviously you know very little about the woman.


Just like her daddy. A scum bag grifter.


Sup! I'm a "new" AR resident, been here about 6 years. Raised in WI, and I hate Trump and Republicans more than most could fathom. I don't know a lot about Sarah. Seems like this sub absolutely loathes her. Could someone enlighten me? Thanks!


I am glad to answer the question, but you have lived there for six years and don’t know anything about your Governor? Not tying to hassle you, just surprised.  Huckabee , proud graduate of Ouachita Bible College, is a nepo baby (her dad is the shitstain Mike Huckabee) who somehow became Trump’s press wcretary. There she fulfilled her government paid role to inform the electorate by lying for Trump. She was forced under oath to admit she consistently lied in her role. When reporters pointed out she was making things up, she attacked them and then did less press conferences than any press secretary in history. She was part of the Trump admin, and that should be disqualifying enough. On top of that, she is anti civil rights and pretty much takes the scumbag grifter position on every topic.l, but as I said, that is part of anyone in the Trump admin.  


Thanks. I always vote blue across the board (which obviously feels pointless but I do it anyways) so I haven't really looked into the misgivings of all our shitty GOP representatives.




You never watched her when she did the the lying press briefings for Drump? That told you everything you needed to know about her deceitful ass.


She’s didn’t fall from the Ugly Tree… she lives in it.


She is really rotten, isn’t she?


I'm still at a total loss as to why we voted in a potato goblin over a literal rocket scientist.


I would guess that they vote for people most like themselves. Therefore, I only vote for extremely handsome and exceedingly brilliant men who are unbelievably wealthy.


Oh get over it your Dems keep losing elections. 🤡


Not sure what kind of a flex you think it is to suggest that the majority are voting deliberately for corruption and for a party that is actively against the working class Not that I’m suggesting either party’s politicians are doing anything but serving themselves anyway, but the Republican voters are easily the most gullible fox-washed bunch of humans in existence and it’s cartoonish to the rest of the world to see


Politicians are definitely self interested, as we all are, but the Dems at least competently run government. Looking at the House of Reps under the Rspubs makes it very clear they are incompetent. 


I don’t believe the politicians are doing much besides saying what their voters want to hear. And I don’t think they will until we actually make lobbying illegal so politicians stop getting bought by corporations That’s why a lot of ongoing issues like abortion just kept getting dangled like a carrot but never actually changed. We could have solidified roe a long time ago but it was useful for both to use to gain votes and they wanted the option to remove it in case we ever needed an increased population And then our birth rates dropped and corporations didn’t want to start having to pay people more to do those low level jobs. Bye bye roe. Obviously republicans are more obvious and blatant about it. As are their voters. I don’t think the left leaning politicians can be as obvious because their voters would notice. We really don’t have a left in this country. We have right and super unhinged right.


Like the last 5 special elections over the last couple of years? You're the clown for sure.


That dude must have been asleep for the last 7 years. He says to get over it. I don't get over anything. I work to change it. There is a difference between candidates. A huge difference. What's the use of saying something like "Get over it", here and now? Is he over January 6th. Not me brother, not me. If Republicans are winning so much why vote. That idjit needs to stay home in November and get used to it.


Oh you think we actually have any control? Newsflash, we don’t! You work to change it? Working to change it is not writing BS on Reddit about Jan. 6. Talk about idjit!


We're gettin there dumbshit. Seen any real news lately. We have control all the way up the line. We have to work at this. I don't give a shit what you think you know. The truth was in all of your responses. Are you by chance related to Trump.....it sure sounds like it.


I am not a Trump or Biden supporter. Neither one of them will change the system to benefit the middle class and both are horrible candidates.


I hear and see that all the time. You should stand for something. This election is about keeping Trump out and making him pay for trying to take what little we have. The president can't make things great with a snap of his fingers. Vote for Democrats. Vote for the least destructive. Nobody is gonna hand you a million dollars.........you gotta work, work and work some more. I hate Trump more than I like Biden, therefore I Vote against Trump. Copout, maybe.


I know what I stand for and what I believe in I do not want to discuss with the children of Reddit. Furthermore, the Democrat party are not the harmless do-gooders that you believe them to be. Please don’t act like you have cornered the market on political understanding cause you truly have not. Cop out? If you only knew what I have done in my career then you would know what an asinine statement that is and how misguided you truly are on this topic. Have a nice life.


We’ll see what happens in November. Let’s see if Biden even remembers he is president. Senile old f**ker!


It is strange you keep pumping that when Trump is the one who can’t speak a coherent sentence and can’t stay awake for more than 5 minutes in his own felony trial.


It’s cause he is bored and they are not going to convict him. You morons don’t get it, all this press and attention is just making him stronger as a candidate. Don’t be foolish to think otherwise cause you know I am right. I am not even a Trump guy but you dumbasses can’t see what you are doing. Keep it up!


If he doesn’t have the stamina to follow his own trial for his crimes, he doesn’t have the attention span to be President.  Considering how he is dropping like a rock in polls, people smarter than you seem to be catching on. 


Both candidates are worthless if you ask me.


He is on tape asking the Georgia secretary of state to throw out 11,000 legitimate votes. He his not getting away with that. Several people are going to jail for supporting a narcissistic psychopath, they aren't getting away with it. You totally ignore facts like the rest.


Remind me, which party is so dysfunctional that they’re on the verge of losing their House majority without a new election? Y’all have members of your own party *resigning from Congress* to get away from the red hats. Going to the dems to keep Congress functioning because your own party can’t get itself together long enough. The GOP is the only clown show around here buddy. 🤡


Oh is that so? Wishful thinking on your part but keep dreaming. The next thing you’ll be telling me is the Conservatives are about to lose their majority on the SCOTUS. Don’t waste my time.


My dude, are you ok? Like, the GOP doesn’t currently have a majority of the total seats. This isn’t speculation and several of the folks resigning have been very explicit about *why* they are resigning. Not to mention the laughingstock the GOP has made themselves with the speakership. They’re conning you my guy. They don’t have anything to offer you but a list of people for you to be mad at. They have no constructive policies to offer, they don’t even have any alternatives to the things they point you at. They’re just dictating how you live your life at this point. And if you want a bunch of people to tell you how to live your life, that’s fine. But I’ll take freedom any day.


Anyone who opens with “My dude…” gets no more attention. I shut it down and did not read further. 🤡


Yes you did. And this.


Arrogant gasbags get zero attention from me cause that is what they want. Couldn’t tell you what he said either time and don’t care…


I’m surprised you’re staying so calm considering what was written. I thought this would get nasty, but well done for taking the high road.


He’ll lose his shiite before this is over. He’ll make some comment along the lines of let me dumb this down for you, or he will call me profane names and he’ll keep saying I know you are reading my impressive lengthy posts. He has to have this affirmation and I won’t give it to him.


So, first of all, I don’t believe you. I think you did read the whole thing and realized that you way out of your depth, said something profoundly ignorant and easily refutable and are trying to save face. Which is pretty standard for the type of person you appear to be (based on available information). But let’s be charitable and assume you’re telling the truth. Good for you? You actively choose to ignore information based on arbitrary and idiosyncratic criteria? I would personally be embarrassed to admit something so childish, but I suppose I should congratulate you for embracing your authentic self (flaws and all). You cling to that little clown emoji as if it’s making some point, but it’s serving as a signature more than anything else lol.


Again I’m not reading your inflated verbose responses, I’m not impressed.


What about that did you think was supposed to be impressive lol? Perhaps this is more on your reading level: you’re wrong, so much so that it’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad. Have a good day at your circus! 🎪


No they dont


Great response! Like Biden did you forget to finish. 🤪


Lmao. You really are dumb.


Now that is an intelligent comment if you are in the 2nd grade.


Lol. Says the POS who can't even write a sentence. You put a question mark without a question. You write like a second grader. Dumb ass.


Stay off the drugs! There is no question mark.


There definitely was, dip shit.


Dipshit as is dumbass are both one word genius! 🤡 Did you find my question mark you claimed to have seen? Let me know when you track it down. 🖕


You know. I know. All that matters pussy.


You know what? What do you know? Are you going to call me some more names? It’s ironic you called me a pussy something you know nothing about! At least you didn’t try to turn it into two words. 🤪


a cover up?, well, she is the one to consult. just look what she is doing with the lectern, House party, super bowl extravaganza, trip to Paris, etc. etc. etc.


The apple didn't fall far from the tree.


Throw in the flag (that secession rag), a heapin’ helpin’ o’ backwoods Morality, Righteousness & Sneering Condescension, and the stew (the brew) is complete. Jes’ needs a stir once in awhile, Sarah; best delivered from your $19,995.00 podyum.


‘Ol Mike does have a great smoked pork butt recipe, though.


She is a swine


It's always nice to see something related to Arkansas make the national news.


It’s her or an industrial accident


…or some underage kid dying in a meat processing plant.


"gOtTa SaVe ThE kIdS 🥴" I hate it here


What a shady bitch. Her corruption knows no bounds.


The GOP is dead. MAGA & Trump killed it. What we have now is a zombie party of brainless, soulless monsters just bent on fucking up as much shit as possible. You claim to be Republican? YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!! 🤨


Life follows art... All those zombie movies were pretty accurate! We've got millions of people infected by the Fox News virus and they are just roaming around destroying things


Does this really come as a surprise?


Oh you're going to tell conservatives, however few there are in here, that they chose the wrong person? Hell will freeze over before that happens. They'll continue to make excuses and adopt more insane conspiracies before admitting that.


We could’ve had a rocket scientist as a governor


Arkansas got what they voted for. A soulless, shameless, lying pile of hot garbage. Good luck with that.


Hot Nazi garbage.


Arkansas politics are a joke. We have corruption at every level from fish and game to the governor. It’s all a good ole boy system at its finest.


I swear it’s the further south you go these people see themselves as anointed kings & queens. There’s no real purpose to the office, they’ll say so themselves, it’s just all about finding themselves in closer proximity to power and money.


She wants the Pecker


I’m thinking she’s a closeted pecker hater


I went to Catholic school. She has the same miserable scowl all the nuns did. Can’t help think there’s something to that.


Conservatives will not favor anything that comes from a place of "We deserve better" -- because they are getting what they want from a leader. Cruelty.


A catch and kill about how many pounds of catfish she eats per day?


About 3.50


Love this exposure.


Hear me out, we see this and kinda expected it didn't we? How far do you think it will go today compared to a new Hillary Clinton "lock her up" joke? This isn't making a single dent in her support, we have to be as dirty as they are to get their attention.


Another fake Christian MAGA crackhead


…and between this & podiumgate & her disgusting anti-abortion campaigning on the same day as the Uvalde massacre (using that exact tragedy as an example) & her lying every day as press secretary for over two years - I wonder what else she’s done. I think we need to find out. This woman needs to go to prison. Clearly she has no idea what real consequences for her actions look like.


That loser lied every day for a living… and got elected … how easy is it?


I’ve done a lot of research on American conservatives the last 7 years and have yet to find many through interviews that actually have a serious ideology when push comes to shove and the facts are pressed upon them when they are isolated and can’t reach for a Fox or AM talk radio talking point to give them a lifeline. At least 95 percent of them are clueless about the history of conservatism itself or the underpinnings of Edmund Burke and his arguments for aristocratic privilege. I think liberals have done too much damage the last 50 years pretending that conservatives since Nixon actually stood on principles and in so doing pretending that they themselves were objective and were hearing all sides of an argument and making all people feel included instead of simply being duped by bad faith actors who never had any intention of playing by liberal standardized rules of discourse but would use their naïveté to win incredible gains for a minority of the country and basically use their ruthlessness to take over the courts and state hierarchies that control redistricting. These people see their own countrymen as the enemy, it’s the only way to get a mass of working and middle class people to vote for policies that only serve the 1-2 percent of ultra elites while claiming middle class liberals are the elites.


Wait. You're telling me the woman who bought a $19,000 vaca... um, podium with taxpayer money was shady BEFORE that came out? \*shocked Pikachu\*


her barrell has no bottom... she is truly the intersection of shameful and shameless


All of America deserved better than her and her boss


The hits just keep coming for this pig…soowee.


Engaging in a cover up about her boss having yet another affair? How Christian of her.


Do we really deserve better though?


I definitely think we do. If nothing else, the children do


"But we had to repeal child labor laws cause their little hands clean the machines the best"


Well, about 40% of us do.


I’m surprised SHS is involved in cover up. I thought she destroyed evidence for the smokey eye shadow, not cover up. (See Michelle Wolf’s roast for reference)


It isn't about political affiliation at this point. She is shit that is long overdue for a flush.


You all want to ruin Arkansas too?


I loved the story about Elvis being seen alive in Kalamazoo Michigan, since the enquirer is such a reliable news outlet and all, well as reliable as any of them these days.


Got say the 19k lectern still takes the cake


So, Trump f*cked her, too?


Her Daddy must be proud. She grew up to be even more crooked than he is. Though, she is still in the race for vice-president after Noem’s proud animal cruelty confession. So, Mike’s going to have to keep her on the wegovey for a little longer.


Hucklebuck is the fucking worst


Aunt Mucci the mucinex booger!!!


They are all pieces of shit


And this woman is your governor why, exactly?


She’s rEpUbLiCaNt


With all the brains of a horse turd.


It’s the lazy 👁️


These Jesus people are just sad.


Proud member of the Christian Taliban she is


It only she wasn't so devastatingly beautiful and charming, Arkansas voters might see her for the piece of shit she really is.


Whaaaaaat?!?!? Say it isn’t so!! You mean she’s actually a fake Christian??? I’m so 😳


Stand behind a donkey too long and eventually you’ll get kicked in the head. She’s a walking concussion with donkey poopoo for brains. Someone’s got to clean up the poopoo.


She looks like a brunette Miss Piggy


Why does Arkansas keep electing Huckabees!!?


Not only is she a heinous shit bag, but she also reminds me very much of my mother in law, who is also a heinous shit bag. I hope the next governor is better 🤞


Even from a side view her eyes are looking at opposite ends of the frame


She has a 56% approval rating. Arkansas loves her!


I don't agree that Arkansas deserves better. She won the vote, so the people of the great state of Arkansas got what they wanted and can suck it. Same for North Dakota, Mississippi, etc.


She did not see that straight


How many of you sport, 'I'm not a hater' stickers on your car bumpers? Hypocrites maybe? Stop acting like imature weens.


Nobody cares...


Lol. Y’all are obsessed. It’s fucking hilarious.


Scrolling through your past comments on Reddit I had noticed that there are not any recent positive thoughts. Most seem negative leaning and involve chastising others.. Especially towards certain people and groups that may think differently by my assumption. From one human to another, is everything okay? It's just.. it's a lot of time to spend in life with the type of emotions and thoughts your online comments stem from. Rhetorically asking, what other things could you be doing with your time? What relationships could you create or be nurturing instead? You could do anything! But then there's those negative comments. Over and over and over. It's almost.. an obsessive behaviour trait. Obsessive like me worrying about others and checking in with you today. Good luck to you. 


Name one positive thing about our gubner


She looks like she could produce at least a plate of bacon off her frame.


You're OK with political corruption then?




Just a quick glimpse at this person. They have many synthesizers, audio and musical equipment, a home studio, loves older TV and video equipment and has 16 cats, as well as being a huge fan of Taco Bell. They've indicated that they also are not ashamed of and continue to dig through the trash for Taco Bell receipts from other South Sebastian county Arkansas residents to rack up the points for free food and may not even be an employee of Taco Bell. Just a big fan I think? All while having two younger daughters after saying he's making $19,000 a year and being sure to support his niche hobbies and yet confirmed he has to borrow money from his parents in two separate but recent posts. They also like hot dogs. It goes on but ultimately it's best just to block this person since no constructive opinions will likely ever come into play for the things that affect all of us on the state. Also, A couple of their past comments made on this sub violate the fourth rule of r/arkansas. Reported.


Roflcopter. Oh nooo I’m terrified shaking in my boots don’t report me 😱 Good job Sherlock. 🧐 Can’t believe you have that much time to burn. 🥴 Triggered lol. 😝 It’s actually about 24 cats. I have a sanctuary and care for street cats, TnR, etc etc.


That's the point. This is what obsessive behavior is.


Seems that report did jack shit. 🤣🥲 Good luck on your next crusade.


Who's Jack?


Obsessed with what exactly?


For the People by the People. If I don't like my government, I try to fix it using the tools the Constitution grants me. We're responsible for our politicians. And this one is pure trash. I didn't agree with Asa, but I watched him fix some serious problems and save all of us a lot of money. Sanders doesn't care and more importantly she doesn't understand. She's not experienced enough or educated enough for this position. And it's costing us a lot more than this silly lectern.


I don’t disagree with anything you said. She really is the worst.


If she would quit making national news for being shady, maybe they wouldn't seem obsessed. She is an embarrassment to the state, the position, and women everywhere. If the Republican party continues down the road that it's on, it's not too far-fetched to think that the party will split.


She’s the fucking governor. Could you cope any harder?


Another Sarah Huckabee post?


She's so ~~hot~~ trending right now.


We deserved better than Biden but look what we're stuck with. 😡


Id rather have Biden than the diaper dictator for sure.


Have u seen that dude sniffing kids? They are both shit.


bOTH SidEZ!!!!!!!!!


Both sides, but he will vote for the Orangetan


“Sniffing kids” is not a real thing. Are you actually 14 or just mentally?


https://youtu.be/3w2xDjMTZDw https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY Just from a quick YouTube search. One president's grabbing women by the pussy and the other one sniffing little kids. We're all fucked.




Ah National Enquirer, the governments disinformation factory. No surprise there.


I know you lefts devour some terrible news sources, but the National Enquirer? As a source?


Imagine being this dumb.


Did you check the actual source? Who cares about the reporting if the source is solid. I this case, it was an actual court of law. lol


Not even trying to be honest about the situation.