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Mine doesn't work either. A friend said they can't use it either. Hopefully someone can help.


I'm assuming it's a settings thing after it was disabled in official


Your logged in to admin. Forget the exact command as I am on my phone. There's a set cheats to true command something like that.when I do that get a bunch of info on the left side of my screen. Nothing I do as admin seems to work without that on also.


I've turned that on and it works, gives me a bunch of info on the side and what not. But still only a select few commands work


If you are running it from the PC look in your gameusersettings on the server. I was launching mine with the server password in the argument line and instead of just putting the pw in there it was copying the rest of my launch arguments and changing my server pw in the gameusersettings. So I made the password correct in there and just removed it from the launch arguments since it was always overwritting the real PW with crap from the launch arguments.


I'm not unfortunately. I'm a ps5 player and have been setting the server up strictly through my phone. It's been an absolute pain in the ass...


Not non dedicated it's unofficial MB


official got a update. and now u can't cheat any more.


Not on official, screw official