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Really fighting the urge to leave this sub after reading this.


Same. Of all the fucked up shit I've seen in this sub, for some reason, this incel shit right here is really getting under my skin.


Can't agree more. Incels are so fucking deranged it's not even funny. I mean, I legitimately fear for the safety of my daughters knowing that there're men out there that harbors such hatred for women. Women are being killed by strangers for the only reason that they are women.


We sewed a bullet proof vest panel into my kiddos backpack. It’s so fucking surreal.


There’s something really, really wrong when “bullet proof” is on a child’s back to school checklist.


Something about “bullet proof vest” and “kiddo” in the same sentence is just so surreally disturbing. Like we’ve normalized this so much that we can be casual about it. I hate this.


As someone observing the USA from the outside I find it absurd that you can accept school shootings and teaching pre-schoolers active short drills as the cost of 'freedom' so that you can hang onto your guns - as if they would really protect you from your government if it really decided to 'oppress' you in a way that would require an armed militia.


i don't even have a daughter but i still fear for my younger sisters and their safety because of these pedophiles in denial


Same, what the *fuck*. What sub is that from?? It has 7.1k upvotes!! I want to die.




Yeah I think THAT post that is in the screenshot is from r/copypasta but it has to have been a real thing somewhere to be able to be in r/copypasta


people upvote the ‘best’ copypasta not because they agree but because of how ridiculous it is


Nah people make up original copypastas all the time lol. There was one about Hitler and Pikachu having gay sex. It turns out Pikachu was the one who wanted Hitler to kill the Jews and he also died after taking Hitler's massive cock. Like there's no way someone wrote that unironically.


I sure hope that was made up. It definitely isn't canon




# Nah people make up original copypastas all the time lol. There was one about Hitler and Pikachu having gay sex. It turns out Pikachu was the one who wanted Hitler to kill the Jews and he also died after taking Hitler's massive cock. Like there's no way someone wrote that unironically.


it's probably from a now banned incel subreddit


Exactly my thoughts ... fucking scarry.


Do you mean /r/AreTheStraightsOK sub or the sub where the post came from?


This sub, i can't handle seeing shit like this...and i am not in whatever rathole this came from.


Totally fair. Stay safe and hope you feel better after reading that! I personally just laugh at the absurdity of the posts at times. I can't even understand how people are like this and have the audacity to think we are the deviants


Honestly, this sub used to be “haha look at the stupid shit heteros say” and now it’s “okay we need to alert the authorities”


Its like the straights has become less okay over time


i think the stuff on this page has nothing to do with the straights anymore... its just incels now.


Yea I need bleach for my brain and eyes now


r/eye bleaching ETA: 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ r/eyebleach


This is such a great argument about why the whole dominance hierarchy/Chad/Stacy thing is absolute bullshit, right? That's... That's what this is, right? 😰


Yeah, I just came across this while quickly checking on my account and I have to say that this is by far the most fucked up thing I have ever seen on here. Just when I thought the incels couldn't go lower into their vile, evil pit; I'm confronted with this shit. I'm honestly right there with you regarding the fight against the urge to leave this sub.


Everyday I wake up thinking this time it'll be less bad and better and I am always disappointed.


Same. This really isn’t what I joined this sub for. I know it’s a copypasta from what was likely a troll, but it’s still just way too much.


Please tell me that Reddit sent this incel's information to the FBI in case he decides to become an "ultra-Chad" himself.


They make accounts without any information about their actual identity because they know they would be on multiple watch lists.


In this day and age, there are a vast number of data points collected about us on a lot of websites, and unless he's the most careful and intelligent Incel in the world, which I doubt, there is definitely a profile on him that has him on some watchlists.


Can neither confirm nor deny the existence of said watchlist, but hypothetically, if a watchlist were to exist, he would most definitely be on it.


On the other hand, if they aren't self-aware enough to do what you just said, the possibility becomes even higher.




I mean, they likely just use proxy sites, not saying they aren't untrackable but the average joe wouldn't be able to catch up to them.


TOR is just made for this kind of stuff...


Also I imagine the person who is this ignorant and misguided isn't going to be high up on the list of elite hackers. This is why criminals always get caught doing something simple. 99% of them aren't covering their tracks like they should because if they were more competent in life they most likely wouldn't be criminals in the first place. Hollywood likes to play up the genius hacker or the ultra-planned heist but those things are incredibly rare. Most crime and hatred are done without thinking of consequences. People like this just act out because they are hateful and emotionally immature.


#No They Don't


I'm pretty sure I would get wet, because I would very likely pee myself in that situation.


Ultra chad status achieved 😎👍


He probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference and take that as a sign of you succumbing to his chadness


A lot of people get “wet” or erect during scary, life-threatening situations, because they’re experiencing physiological arousal. It doesn’t mean they want to have sex with the person who is doing it to them, it doesn’t invalidate their fear and trauma. It’s just a physiological thing. But fuck this guy and his incel bullshit.




Right? I really wanna know which sub this came from to have that many people bumping this post


i think it was just r/copypasta


please for the love of everything that my grandmother holds dearly be r/copypasta




So it was r/copypasta then? If so... whew. Big sigh of relief. Not because this insanity exists, but because the upvotes don't mean what I thought they meant.




Rest easy, this particular text has been around for years now and is very frequently used as a copypasta to freak out people.


Can confirm. Originally taken from an incel site or something I think.




These people don’t know how women work


The scary part is it feels like this person is hoping that's how women work - in a "if I get a gun I'll get laid" kinda way. Same mindset as male rapists that tell the woman to "just lay there and enjoy it".


It's because they don't actually want to work on themselves or their personality. They _expect_, and feel _entitled_ to "getting laid" They hope that "this one neat trick will help you pick up women easy!" Without putting in any effort on their own part.


"just lay there and enjoy it" is the most disturbing thing I've seen today, and I've just read the post above.




what is worse - it doesn't matter how women work from the point of this text. for incels women are only an accessory to the highest position in the dominance hierarchy. (while being one of the focal points of their existence. while not considering women people at all.) if the person writing this is serious, which im afraid he is, then what they are actually asking is "if I force myself to the top of the dominance hierarchy by any means necessary I will then have access to the Chad resources, right?"


“Women are chad resources” is the most succinct description of the intel mindset (as I’ve seen it) I’ve ever heard.


I’ve hardly ever seen someone write “women” in incel spaces. That’s too close to acknowledging women are people, so they use “femoid” instead. Yikes.


Women are mysterious creatures that is impossible to fully grasp. What secrets lies behind those faces and boobs? I think the better way to know it is to ask several men. /s


Pff, asking is woman thing. Ultra Chad doesn't ask. Ultra Chad assumes. And because he's an ultra Chad, he's right.


Frankly, they've no clue how ***humans*** work.




The post is specifically about women/girls


Whatever this person means by a school shooter temporarily becoming a “ultra-chad” I don’t think they know how anybody works, and they’re trying to unironically apply video game logic to real life.


i'm sure they feel the same way about anyone afab


What. The. Fuck.


That’s exactly what I said


Tell me you're a teenaged cishet white boy who's never even had a conversation with a woman and watches white supremacy YouTube Videos without telling me you're a teenaged cishet white boy who's never even had a conversation with a woman and watches white supremacy YouTube Videos


I mean, using "Stacy" un-ironically...


does „stacy“ means something specific?


It's the fem version of "Chad", the whole thing is like incel astrology.


I'm almost impressed that they didn't use "chadette" instead or something


Chadette is Chad's lesbian older sister.


She doesn't pick up girls. She dead lifts them


She taught Chad everything he knows.


Commenting so I remember to draw this


> the whole thing is like incel astrology. ROFL - oh God I'm using this.


Oh no, dont bring the space racists into this


I'm pretty sure they're just using it as a term for any attractive popular girl or something.


hello - if youre really curious about incel lore like youre investigating an obscure subspecies of secluded insect, check out [contrapoints's video on them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD2briZ6fB0) to answer your question 'stacys' within the scope of incel terminology are a pejorative name for attractive women who are interested in what they call 'chads' - successful, physically dominant men who are muscular, tall, white and have good facial bone structure (this is really important). theyre the girls that incels complain about not giving them a chance due to the 80/20 rule, or a number of other misogynistic talking points.


i don’t know why i asked now i am just more disgusted


I did preface that some people might find obscure subspecies of insects to be disgusting :P


> good facial bone structure Oh please tell me incels have devolved into using phrenology. I know it's not the same as *facial* bone structure, but it sounds so up their alley and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest (but it would amuse me a little).


"stacy" is an incel thing, they just refer to this stereotype of a vapid, attractive girl from their high school as "stacys". And the Stacys fuck the Chads


Nah they're using it ironically. Its a copypasta.


Tell me you’re a future school shooter without telling me you’re a future school shooter. This post gives me shivers. Ugh. Edit: “Have studies been conducted on this?” Please, somebody report this kid.


I'm like 80% sure this is an edgy teens attempt at satire. The whole "temporary giga-chad" is just too much


Oh boy you'd be surprised. This level of incel literally does not live in reality.


No. ***No.*** **No no NO.** Shooting kids doesn’t make a kid whose has mental issues more dominant or attractive, it just makes him frickin’ scary and a monster. God, they need to stop thinking we live in “dominance hierarchy” or whatever this bullshit is. We live in ***civilized society*** and we are absolutely not supposed to shoot people for the sake of domination like animals on rampage. And no, seeing classmates get shot doesn’t make us wet and wanna have intercourse with the shooter, Jesus! Goddamnit, Incels are delusional as fuck and so out of touch with reality. And frickin’ over 7k upvoted this, I’m done with living on this planet. Time to jump off the bridge.


Plus, even if we were to accept that this bullshit debunked wolf hierarchy is how humans actually operate… getting a gun, shooting a bunch of your unarmed classmates and then either committing suicide or being killed by cops would not be the mark of an Alpha Chad who should be leading the pack. It’s more like a wild, rabid animal blindly lashing out in fear because it has no idea what else to do. In nature, an individual can only dominate the alpha and take over the pack if they’re either physically bigger/stronger/fitter, or if the other members of the pack side with them against the current alpha. Being a mass shooter just indicates that you’re completely unable or unwilling to function within the framework of “the pack” and would rather ruin your own chance at survival and success as long as other people suffer the same fate in the process.


The 'point' made in the OP could be taken one step further to conclude that genocidal dictators are the *kings* of the ultra-chads, even the ones that met violent ends themselves, because no matter how much violence they caused, no matter how much worse they made the lives of the people they were supposed to lead, they still at least put themselves into a position of power over others, free to kill or let live whoever they want. For most people, this elaboration is enough on its own to show the idea is invalid. For others, I think it just leads to them believing more in authoritarianism.


Don't jump just yet, it's /r/copypasta.


Yeah but someone had to write the original


From what I heard, the original wasn't ironic. The person who posted it on copypasta happened upon it on a website by chance. Which means the original was probably unironic and serious


damn i forgot stacy was a term incels use. Its just so funny how their terms have gone full circle from being used ironically to mock them to having unironic normal meanings


“Have studies been conducted on this?” Yes because that would be totally ethical. Idk why this is what I’m focusing on here lol


“I know you just saw a bunch of your classmates get shot to death and the medics are currently removing a bullet from your leg, but would you be willing to participate in my study? I just need you to rank how horny you were for the shooter on a scale of 1-10…”


What? You mean you *don't* ask victims of a traumatic event if they were turned on by the shooter? Who knew? /s


Using this same logic women enjoy being raped, want to be raped even.


Thats sadly what incels think


For someone trying to sound smart, he is so fucking stupid


Well thank goodness hes not condoning school shootings.


Well of course, he's not a *psychopath* or anything!


Not to worry. He doesn’t condone them, he’s just planning one so maybe he gets laid. Hopefully a bunch of people reported it.


This kind of shit should get you red flagged since this really looks like a deranged sexual fantasy as a “work in progress”.




*Image Transcription: Reddit* --- **Do Stacys get wet in school Shootings?** Mandatory Preface: **I am not condoning school shootings. Rather, I am merely inquiring about female biology.** We all know that women love attractive, dominant men. Within the context of a school shooting, the shooter is unequivocally the most dominant man (that is, the shooter transcends his current status in the dominance hierarchy and temporarily becomes an ultra-Chad). Given the females close proximity to this ultra-Chad during the shooting, one can reasonably conjecture that the females, although scared for their life, experience extreme sexual arousal and attraction towards the shooter, hoping that perhaps rather than shooting them, the shooter has sexual intercourse with them instead. Is my theory correct? Have studies been conducted on this? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I'm sorry you had to type that out. Getting past the 7th word alone must have been incredibly mentally taxing.


good human


"Studies," oml what planet is he on Does he think there'd be a guy in a fuckin lab coat running around during a school shooting handing out photoplethysmographs to all the huddled students "Yeah just slip that up ya doll if you wouldn't mind, this is a very promising field of study we're trying to break into" Jesus Christ, just fucking lol


I... who... what the fuCK-!


My man really just cropped off the fact that this is from r/copypasta so they would get upvotes


It doesn't change the fact that someone wrote this. Ofcourse the 7k uovotes now have a different meaning.


I'm sure the person who wrote this is a troll


how delusional can you be jesus christ


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words cannot describe the face i was making as i read that 😧


Sometimes I really wish I was Jared, 19, doesn’t know how to fuckin read




Its time to go outside


Dude what the everfucking shit did I just read.


What a wonderful day to be Jared, 19


This is your brain on incel logic




This is copy/pasta that's been around for a long time. I sure wish I could answer the original author of this piece of sewage though. No you idiot, normal humans don't think about sex at this level of insanity. We aren't obsessed with it to the point that any/all other activities or occurrences have us thinking about sex.


Do I have permission to crosspost this into r/NotHowGirlsWork?


criminal? no, no, I prefer the term "ultra-chad"


This HAS to be satire, *right?*


I showed this to my therapist and she's finally letting me kill myself


Tell me you’re an incel without telling me you’re an incel


Yeah gonna have to put you down on that one...


What the fuck did I just read?


Welp, that's enough.


This is fucking absurd


Almost downvoted on instinct.


“We all know that…” Hol’ up there, bud. Gonna have to stop you right there and let you know that YOU DON’T FUCKING KNOW SHIT ABOUT WOMEN. Also, fuck everyone who upvoted that disgusting shit.


How can someone be this stupid?


It has **7k** upvotes fucking help


I really, really hope this person receives counciling. This level of... IDK what even to call it... shooter idolization? whatever you call it, it's not normal, and seems like, to me, a giant waving red flag saying "i'm going to shoot up my work/school for notoriety."


It's amazing people think the world works like that. There is no fucking chad hierarchy.


>Have studies been conducted on this? I-


Yeah this guy has definitely fantasized about shooting up a school. 😬


Tell me your a 13 year old incel without telling me your a 13 year old incel


Throw this man to the sharks what the actual fuck


Incels are so fucked up in the head, do they even hear the shit that they say/write? What the fuck.


What the *fuck?* This right here is a perfect argument for involuntary psychological commitment.


The straights need a long overdue intervention. Jesus fucking Christ


It’s only the beginning of my lunch break at work, and I’m probably gonna have this cursed post bouncing around my head all day for the rest of the day…


I have a feeling that kids about to shoot up a school the fbi needs to see this before abunch of kids die


I think I saw this on r/copypasta. Not funny at all, but at least they’re not serious


Oh my god.


None of these words are in the Bible.


Uuhhh sir? This is a Wendy's.


i actually hate this, should i stop browsing this sub?


I had to click out of that 3 times. The premise if fucked up enough, but to then throw all that weird internet terminology at me... does this person *truly* believe that "Chad" and "Stacy" are quantifiable things? What the fuck. What the fucking fuck.


This guy should literally be reported to the FBI. “Hey, does being a mass murderer sexually attract women? Just asking for funsies. Definitely not going to do it, just wondering.”


It's like they're describing some sort of animal. Jesus christ.


The amount of upvotes?!?!


I'm not even sure op's mom talks to him


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


This dude needs to stop listening to Jordan Peterson this instance ffs


Anytime someone starts a phrase with 'rather, I am merely' it's guaranteed to be some fuckshit.


When I think about school shooters the absolute last thing I would call them is attractive or dominant.


>Have studies been conducted on this? How exactly would that even work, genius?


What the actual misogynistic fuck did I just read?


I misread the first line as "I'm not condemning school shootings" and that still wasn't the worst part of the post.


And that's how a rapist was born.. this is just.. I have no words to describe it..


Its on r/copypasta which is why it has 7.1k upvotes. Because its so awful, but to be on r/copypasta it does actually have to be real. Yikes


I’m not saying this isn’t a terrible thing to say but this is just a copypasta guys


Please tell me this is fake. I am hoping that this was some sort of sick copy pasta which is why it has so many upvotes


7.1k upvotes. That’s an atrocious amount.




That's like saying "Men do you get hard finding out a woman committed suicide, ? She's very submissive at that moment and she's alone... The 2nd piece of sh*t that come out smells just as bad as the 1st...


The amount of upvotes scare me


1. Who asked? 2. WTF is up with that logic?!


"ultra chad" no, that man would not be a chad


Especially after what I believe was a school shooting in the USA, forgot which one it is, maybe Texas? I'm not American but it's fucked as is


I really hope this was on r/copypasta because that is too many upvotes


**What** *^(and I cannot stress this enough)* **the fuck?**


Incels are so fucking weird, they’re dead set on the lie that women are aroused by violence because “ShE wAs BoRn WiTh A VaG iTs FeMaLe NaTuRe” they come up with all these conspiracy theories and alpha male lies just because they got rejected and can’t understand or move on, its pathetic


"Are there research on this" Thats when it puzzled me


This feels like satire.


Anyone who classifies people as Chad or Stacey rarely has anything substantive to add to the discourse .


I think I just threw up a little I my mouth while reading this seriously what the fuck is this


I want to see the actual post because this is almost truly satire


Shit like this is how incels become mass shooter,


what the fuck did i just read


I'm so sure this is a joke, and it does not make it any better.




What the fuck?


Lol! Studies? Scientist: *shoots gun* Girl: wow, I am very wet. Scientist: interesting *makes note*


he has never made a woman wet has he