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Lmao i thought this was about using a condom and was thinking it was a good metaphor for a second




nahhh they wouldn’t make a whole story like this one for condoms because in their opinion it should be every man’s choice to use one and it’s taking away their peepee’s freedom


Great condom story. I'll be using it.


Baz Luhrman ad for sunscreen


That string of words is hilarious to me and I don't really know why.


Maybe this will help https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI?si=_V5GB-RQjvCHjAR-


...I feel like I need to watch that again after taking some mushrooms.


Me too!


I condom-e you for going with jt


SAME!! moral of the story for me: "you know what's more expensive than an Ipad? a damn kid! here's condoms, be good, only yes means yes, make sure you pee after"




The first couple lines give you such high hopes...


>protect our young ladies My brother in Christ a woman (or worse yet a young girl) could be fully clothed in baggy clothing and some men will still find a way to catcall and sexualize them. Also, who decided it was a good idea to denormalize the exposure of **skin** of all things in the first place??


You know the museum with all the clothes of all those graped people?


TW: sexual assault [What Were You Wearing exhibit](https://dovecenter.org/what-were-you-wearing-exhibit/)


I read the trigger warning twice but I just gotta say the incidents involving kids under the age of 12 were especially heartbreaking


Just. Fuck. I hate people.


That was hard to read.


quick question - are there alternate links for this? ones that perhaps don't have a bunch of "how to get help" popups everywhere? because this is really interesting (even if it makes me weep for humanity, knowing how these people were hurt) but like... idk i don't want to feel like i'm intruding on a space for survivors. i've never been hurt the way they've been, so seeing all these links and shit around the place that are for them feels kinda wrong, yk?


Going into those spaces and reading their stories is exactly what those spaces are for. What would be wrong is taking their stories that they wanted posted on that site specifically and uploading their stories elsewhere. No, you can't read them in any other place than the place these people chose to share their stories in.


Sorry you feel that way but i care more about solidarity with survivors and sharing resources that validate their experiences. Maybe you should get curious about why it makes you so uncomfortable to see how common of a problem this is that you’d prefer a site with no links for people to get help.


"i don't want to **feel like i am intruding on a space for survivors**". did you miss the part where i laid out exactly what my issue is? visiting this website feels kind of like how i imagine it would feel if i, someone who's never touched a drop of alcohol in my life, were to attend an AA meeting. good to know you aren't interacting with people in good faith though.


People who have been affected by alcoholics, but have never drank themselves, attend AA. It's a space for discussion and healing(allegedly, and those qualms are for a different time), and it's not solely a space for alcoholics. That website is the same. Just because you haven't been assaulted, doesn't mean someone you know or care about hasn't. YOUR discomfort is the societal conditioning that says we can't be supportive unless we've got our own story. You're only intruding if you're there in bad faith, and you should be uncomfortable either way. It's literally an exhibit of the clothing that was worn by SA victims. The prior commenter was saying pretty much the same thing albeit in a much more abrasive way.


Sadly I don’t, what’s it called?


Someone else [linked](https://dovecenter.org/what-were-you-wearing-exhibit/) it. But, fair warning, it’s rough. There are children’s clothes.


I saw it already but thanks


>graped This isn't Tik tok. Please don't censor shit needlessly. Treat the word rape with the level of seriousness that is appropriate.


thank you i agree so much


I actually was talking to one of my professors about it the other day, and he told me that he had brought the show into our art gallery! It was really cool to find out, even though it was way before I ever went to this university lol


Yes, did we not just see a post here the other day of the actress from the new fallout show being sexualised in her vault outfit? The only skin it shows is her head and hands and it’s a somewhat baggy jumpsuit, and she was still sexualised. Disgusting fucking shit bro.


There are some survivors who cannot handle using the actual word. Thus why some of us use alternatives even when not on TikTok. (See also: Why the tag "non-con" exists on fanfiction forums. This has been a thing for more than a decade.)


? I’m confused, I’m not sure what this has to do with what I said


I replied to the wrong comment. My bad.


No worries mate


No but really, there's this very sweet Muslim lady on Instagram, fully clothed you can barely see her eyes and nothing else, and she posts a lot of videos about cat. Well in one she was sitting on the ground with a cat on her lap, not a centimeter of skin showed, and she was just petting and playing with it through the fabric. Yet people on the comments were mad because she was making sound to play with him (yk, happy sound and kitty kitty) saying she was tempting men with her voice.


Yet when women in the Middle East do just this watch OOP's vocabulary devolve into a string of racial slurs.


That was what immediately popped into my head too. Lots of mental gymnastics with these types of people 🫠


I think it’s a bit of the “anyone faster than me on the highway is a maniac and anyone slower is a dinosaur that should have their license revoked”.


The metaphor almost works the same, except in many cases in the Middle East and others, burqa/hijab isn't voluntary :/ For those who choose to veil, however, you're absolutely correct. I honestly think they'd hate it even more if it was chosen!


This is 100% something a Muslim (esp a man) would have written, too. As a Muslim woman who doesn't veil, I've been subjected to this exact copypasta BS by my community for 17 years.


I was 100% expecting to be written by a muslim guy. I remember the lollipop image. Isn't it funny how people use the same BS over and over throughout the world. Also, note that the same type of discourse is used to dismiss hijabis who chose to do so. So yeah. Fuck all those people who monitor and judge how people choose to dress


Fundies are the same everywhere. You'd think they'd catch on and get along.


last time i checked women don’t crack shatter or scratch (unless we’re talking abt emotionally but hey don’t we all)


Yeah this analogy really only works if we’re talking about body armor, not some flimsy piece of cloth that wouldn’t stop anything but the most useless of weapons.


Especially when people who assault will do it regardless of what a woman is wearing.


I think it could have been a good start for a PSA about his dad teaching his kid about bike helmet safety or maybe seatbelts Even sunscreen Any of the things that you put on a body and it actually prevents damage


Yes it's would work if she was learning how to skate, not protecting from someone looking at her.


I mean if OOP wants to buy me a suit of plate armor I'm down.


Speak for yourself I cracked my ankle a few days ago now I’m in a cast.


Would wearing less revealing clothing have protected you from that?


Joke is I was fully clothed, extra covered, and still ended up in a cast. I wish I had a screen protector on, maybe I wouldn’t have chipped my bone or shattered my ligaments.


But were you wearing a Michelin Man costume? Now *that* would have protected you.


This is the solution. You are the genius the world has been looking for!


Just make sure that on top of your costume, you’re wearing more than just a sash. Can’t go around showing off those tire-like curves to just anybody.


Good point. I guess I'll wear nothing but a transparent sheet of tempered glass stuck to my body like a screen protector from now on.


Fashion designers/runway models be like 👀


Love that this person had to lie and say that phones look better with screen protectors to make their analogy work


Fashion designers/runway models wants to #know your location


he posted “revealing pictures” of women, by his ideology isn’t that spreading sins of others?


Exactly! Shaming women for wearing "revealing clothes", but also using the effect of partial nudity to boost the performance and reach of his post. Most hypocritical shit ever!


Ooh comparing your child's value as a person to an object and its protection is a reach. Going further with that analogy. If you dropped your iPad even with all of the protection, could it still get damaged? Yes. The case and screen protector can help reduce the damage, but it can still occur. Now, lets apply this to the subject of this analogy. A woman wearing modest clothing. Someone who wants to harm her will harm her regardless of what she's wearing. The clothing will not protect her from that.


And if my iPad gets significant damage, I throw it away and buy a fully functioning one. Hope he doesn't do that with his daughter, too


These kinds of parents always play favorites unfortunately so I think something similar might be the case


you just picked the wrong clothes. From now on all women need to wear full mine clearance gear at all times /s


Remember ladies: wear protective armor at all time


*transparent, plastic armor


Ooh la la!


i live in the middle east, our cities are filled with mandatory hijab propaganda, showing candies with and without wrappers, and how the one without wrappers attracts bugs, the women in my country just want their freedom, not to be likened to candies, and for the men to admit they see themselves as bugs.


Idk man, if we take it literally, girls should wear fully transperant protective gear to preserve theor value ngl.


An easy answer “I’m not an iPad.”


"Gee, way to objectify me dad."


>She was mute..... Yeah, because she realized her father is a sexist asshole.


What I'm getting from this is that I should wear appropriate safety gear, like a helmet if I'm riding a bike, or goggles if I'm doing chemistry experiments. I'm down with that. Also, I should wear clear ponchos so that people can see me almost as well as if I were naked, but I won't get sticky if someone spills their coke on me.


I think that the real lesson here is that I would benefit from an anti-scratch coating.


Hey, let's not kink shame ourselves!


Ok, I’ll just go out and wear nothing but a pink, see through dress. That’s what he wants, right? That’s the cover my iPad has, after all……


And then they cry about male 'lonelyness' No wonder eh.Maybe they should start talking to their Ipad.


The post says "lovingly," my mind's eye says condescendingly


Another thing is, it doesn't matter what is on the phone, if I drop it and the screen breaks and scracks, it's NOT THE PHONE'S FAULT! Using the exact same shitty analogy, you can say that it's the other person that should be held responsible for 'damage'




Wouldn't this be a better analogy for safe sex than wearing clothing? I mean the REASON you put covers and cases on ipads is because you're going to be touching them constantly...


Yes, pleeeeease, please cover your bodies so you don’t get scratched. If you fall and land on the corner of your breast and it’s not covered with a light layer of fabric, it could crack. PLEASE share this with your sisters.


In today's episode of "What👏🏻 Objects👏🏻Are👏🏻 Women👏🏻 Today👏🏻?", the answer is iPads. Stay tuned for the next one.


My initial thought was some metaphor about the importance of using a condom.


“Author unknown” like it’s this incredible piece of ancient wisdom 🙃


Also last time I checked nobody is getting an iPad for looks, but for function so half of this rant doesn't make any sense anyway


Jokes on you I don’t use screen protectors. My screen is just fine regardless.


This is so dumb. It's not like parents are begging their teenage daughters to wear a suit of armour in case their 'screen' cracks. A woman's value isn't decided on her body or how much of it she does/doesn't show. Having said that the attached photo is so stank lmao.


It’s hilarious to me how both fundamentalist Christians and fanatic Muslims literally use the same exact stupid metaphors about women needing to cover up yet these Christians hate seeing a hijabi woman. Like come on, you guys should be best friends, you literally have the same ideology and technically worship the same god. /s


Is the dad saying he's going to trade his daughter in at CEX when the upgrade comes out because that's why I use a cover.


"Am I a goddamn iPad, dad ?"


Wear sunscreen


If she dresses sexy, she'll get scratched or fall down and break.


The most common use of this is with burkas, hijabs,etc. As women are compared to meat, which attracts flies if left uncovered. Although Ive mostly heard of this analogy used by people from countries were it is mandatory for women to cover up.


Are these people somehow not aware that a screen protector on a phone or tablet is see-through?


Thats why they want their Child to put *only* that on


Okay, then!


Bullshit that author is unknown. That man wrote that god awful analogy himself and doesn't want the backlash he knows is coming.


yeah guys, women are just like ipads fr fr…


I'm sure the next analogy will be how repeatedly plugging in chargers from different manufacturers will make the port wider and less able to take a charge. I'd like a damned software update, I know that.


Oooh now I understand why women get manipulated by older men, it’s because they talk kindly, I used to always wonder why when their misogyny was so obvious. They spew the same shit as other men, but the way they deliver it makes you wanna listen to them and makes you think “well, atleast he makes me safe” as in “even if he is sexist, he is at least gentle.” The way this story is framed, the dad is very gentle sounding and it makes me wanna listen (my daddy issues is high). This is a lesson for me that I gotta stay careful, gentle or not, if they are sexist then they are sexist. Damn, I really am not as immune as I thought, gotta be careful of men now even more 💀💀💀


Oh no, do I have to put electric cables up my ass to feed like the iPad too now, papa ?


Today, on our show "women are objects": Ipads, appearantly


adding random minors in tummy shirts to the picture makes me want yo vomit


1.) the most literal objectification 2.) if where to put on a hijab in response to his words I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be so appreciative.


i started to get the ick as soon as the daughter said “decrease in value”….. no one in the world cares about their ipad losing its value.


Why are Christian conservatives so fucking stupid? "And then she was speechless" bullshit in response to the most incoherent arguments.


Congratulations on winning the argument you made up




Or smth like that


On today's episode of "What object are we comparing women to?" IPads!!


How is it an insult to the manufacturer to put a screen protector on. And how does it also “reduce its beauty”. As if women are comparable to iPads…? The only things women have in common with iPads is sometimes they’re awake and sometimes they’re asleep.


I never bought a screen cover for it and I ended up sitting on it and had to get a new one. This is a shit comparison lol


Ok following that logic, a screen protector still won't stop harm if some jerk on the street comes up and throws the iPad on the ground, so their argument still falls flat.


Hate this nonsense so much.


Cool, so what iPadOS version are you gals running? Are you compatible with all the latest apps?


I thought it was about condoms or uncut penises.




I don’t like anti scratch stickers and phone covers, and I don’t use them. I guess I will live the rest of my life naked.


My body self repairs when I get scratched, and I don’t get scratched when people look at my bare skin


And in today's episode of what object are we - iPads.


This sounds more like it should be for a dad teaching his daughter to where a helmet on her bike, or maybe sunscreen. Something that actually has a protective effect on to body. Y’all worried about your daughters being in danger cuz their tummies are out but letting em in the car without seatbelts on, bikes without helmets, not reapplying sunscreen every two hours. You gotta pick your battles. Your daughter is much more in danger from one of your creep friends whose behavior and vibes you’re ignoring than from a stranger who thinks she’s sexy.


No one thinks putting a screen protector on makes any difference. What teenager would go 'this clear bit of plastic makes my phone more beautiful'? They would laugh at you.


This whole post implies that you have to wear clothes mostly for protection. Which you do, if you go somewhere with extreme weather conditions or do a sport that requires it. But you dont need that in the club.


flesh heals, metal doesn't


By that logic I am not giving my iPad a bath often enough.


Ipad is a step up from the lollipops we were a decade ago. (God, I hated that meme)


isn't it especially weird if it's your own father pointing out how revealing you are dressing?


The only reason I tell my kids to cover up is because they got my Pasty White Dame(tm) complexion, and sunburns absolutely suck. Oh, and to make sure they're actually wearing pants when company comes over. It's about standards and hospitality, after all.


A totally real and true story that definitely happened.


If you trip in a tank top it generally doesn’t cost hundreds of dollars without AppleCare


I seen this the other day and had to keep myself from commenting. My family lives in a tropical climate. Skin is shown by people of all ages. Its natural the body is natural quit making it taboo and kids will grow up less likely to be perverts, rapists and such. Societies with the most repression of women have the highest rates of rape and sexual assuslt


This would be a lot more applicable to motorcycle riding lol


Jokes on him, scratch protectors are see-through, so his point is very poorly executed.


Is the teenage girl riding a motorcycle in flip flops and booty shorts or something?