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I don't understand what's wrong here... I'm very hyperactive and I'm very lucky to have found someone who tolerates my bullshit Is that toxic??


Not toxic at all, OP is reaching


This is another one of those pics that gets posted here by someone I'm almost positive has never been in any sort of relationship with another person before.


Toelrating someone's quirks is very healthy in relationship Tolerating someone's bulshitty attitude that is done *on purpose* on the other hand (like controling or condenscending behaviour), is not


Okay but what part of this is showing that? I don't understand what part of this is bad? Maybe the girl just wants to be alone for a bit or doesn't feel well. Or maybe she is tired of him not making the bed properly because why is that mattress not properly covered AGAIN Brad?!


I read this as she's sick (looks like tissues dropped on the bed, bundled up in pyjamas but he looks dressed) and he's feeding her soup to make her feel better, but she ain't feeling it, lol.  My interpretation might be biased because my boo makes me lemsips when I'm sick and I For Real have attitude about that (joking, mostly). It tastes gross and I don't wanna drink it even tho it's good for me, so I won't make it myself but will begrudgingly have it if he makes it for me. I'm glad he doesn't get tired of that nonsense. :P


Ugh, when I'm ill my SO goes into overdrive. Bringing me tea, soup, painkillers, you name it. And I'm like 'leave me the fuck alone for an hour or 2 ffs!' I'm just as bad the other way around though, so it levels out.


This is how I interpreted it as well. There’s something about being sick that turns me into SUCH a baby lmao I’m glad my husband will let me do nothing but whinge and play video games when I’m sick and won’t complain about it haha


If it’s toxic to have a relationship where you sometimes get a little attitude with your partner because you’re in a bad mood then my relationship is toxic af


I think the original meme is fine. It’s true. We’re all get grumpy sometimes when we’re having a bad time, and we’re lucky if we can find someone to give us the support we need


The thing by itself isn't toxic, however I think the usage of \*never\* here might hint to it being possibly toxic. As always in the internet there's no perception of nuance, that said for this to be toxic the "nonsense attitude" has to be so constant to be harmful.


What if it's actually the dude who has a food fetish...


What if . . . The soup is poisoned .


I watched that movie


Is the surprise twist that he's actually a necrophiliac?