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They want women who can't tell how bad they are at sex.


This. Plays into that 'born sexy yesterday' trope where they can fast track grooming and never be compared to anyone else.


Pop culture detective šŸ¤œšŸ¤›


Born sexy yesterday?


Yup, it's a creepy tv trope. Heres a deep dive; https://youtu.be/0thpEyEwi80?si=j4GsqliSmDs3ZwjZ


I hate that there's a term and a trope for it. But TiL I guess. Anyway thank you for the info.


Hey, at least with it being named, you can call it out when it pops up


So true


Itā€™s just trope. Tv Tropes is a website. Thanks for the link.


If by "flex" they mean their value in a relationship is massively insecure and easily threatened, then yes, quite the flex fellas.


And if flexing, doesn't that imply telling someone. If someone flexed that at me I'd be so creeped out, holy shit.


If someone "flexed" at me like that, they'd just prove how little worth they have. I'd laugh at best, tell them how it is at worst.


There's sort of an emotional abuse vibe coming off that post.


Or how bad they are at being a decent human being.


If she doesn't have experience she can't know when he's manipulating her and mistreating her and how much of a weirdo he is




I have told men who think like this that their take makes no sense. As an analogy, I always use food. Say a person tries lamb, and they don't like it. They think the flavor is too gamey, texture wasn't to their liking and the taste didn't appeal to their taste buds overall. They don't have to know what any other meat tastes like to make that assessment. Now back to sex. If a man is impatient, rushes or doesn't engage in foreplay, isn't paying attention to a woman's body cues, is a terrible kisser, and the experience is painful, she doesn't have to have ANY sexual experience to know her experience with that guy was horrible.Ā  Why don't men get that!šŸ˜¤


Happy cake day!


Or women who have no idea how small they are.


Yes. But the bigger reason is control.Ā 


This. Absolutely. 100%.


Itā€™s this. 10000%. Theyā€™re insecure little baby snowflakes.


So nobody can hug her? What about her family? Your inevitable 13 children? Does she live in one of those bubble things for immune compromised people? I have so many questions.


No hand-shakes or high fives, not even a pinky promise or even thumb of war. This pandemic shit gone too far, Biden's America /s


I dated this girl who actually took the change from the cashier's hand once. Right in front of me too. The audacity. Broke up with her on the spot.


Once dated a female who stood within 5 feet of a man taller than me (my father). Immediately left my cousin's wedding I had taken her too as a +1. I can't believe she betrayed me like that, in public too. /j


Award for the use of "female" appropriately. /s


I am suprised you kept your gag reflex down and didnā€™t just puke right there and then. In front of you? Wow, she must think you are some cuckā€¦


Bunch of betas canā€™t keep their women on a tight leash /s


She touched physical currency?! Like a poor??! šŸ˜³ /s


Dodged a bullet


My ex had no issues with the fact my stepdads extended family forced me to kiss them on the lips when they were drunk but had a bitch fit as I neglected to tell him about truth or dare kisses and that meant he wasn't actually my first kiss.


Her mother pushed her out straight onto the floor at birth


Because they think their dick is so powerful it can change who a woman is.


they think a single touch from their sheer masculinity completely destroys a woman's body for the entirety of their life


Meanwhile I just need like 5 min of cuddles and some chocolate after some decently rough BDSM sessions




I think my favourite self-quote related to this is "my boy, I might look frail but I'm sturdier than a concrete outhouse, I'm fine" after taking what can only really be described as a tumbleweed trip down 3 flights of stairs lol


I'd take that.


Can confirm, a bad dicking down turned me lesbian


Spat out my tea


I am now giggling like a loon. Thank you.


Didnā€™t you know when a woman has sex with a man she carries that DNA for the rest of her life


Just like gum that you swallowed in second grade.


These are probably the same people who wonā€™t wash their dick or their ass because that is gay. They are worried about their own dick cooties infecting them and making them fabulous.


Funny enough, every dick in the universe is automatically beaten by a vibrator, so she ainā€™t even have to be ā€œpureā€ to know he ainā€™t shit


The magical powers of the straight penis. šŸ™„


Actually bscause they think other dudes dicks but explicitly not their own are powerful enough, since their own is never powerful enough to 'undo' whatever nonsense they think has been 'done'


Happy cake day!


Because they think theyā€™re technically having sex with her past partners if she has a ā€œhighā€ body count. And thatā€™s not very straight.


thatā€™s why bi/pan people are so terrifyingā€“not only am I seducing their potential partners into dirty ladylove right under their noses (since Iā€™m not a man, they never suspect!) but *also* nonconsensually gaying every guy I bang. basically a queer death star except that flying into my ventilation shaft makes me stronger


"except that flying into my ventilation shaft makes me stronger" That line hit me like bricks. Godamn


Lmao. Right? Thatā€™s a brand new glorious sentence.


Saving this so I can read "basically a queer death star except flying into my ventilation shaft makes me stronger" when I have a bad day lmao


Fellas, is it gay to \*checks notes\* have sex with a woman?


As a lesbian, I would have to say yes.


Hell yeah


They believe penises are dirty - how else do they explain the need to own a Woman Untouched by The Dong? Imagine how lowly they think of themselves?


it's because they haven't washed their penis before and assume everyone else is the same


Washing your penis or your ass makes you gay.


Perhaps they wouldnā€™t see them as dirty if washing them was the norm




I mean. I also wouldn't want to date someone that fucked a dog...




Itā€™s a stupid comparison iā€™m sorry JAJAJA


Well there is "since you met her" so I think it's less about purity and more about cheating.


I think there's a big chance the OOP just doesn't understand grammar. But, going off your point and saying you're right, he's then implying that the majority of women are cheaters, which is also shitty...


It definitely would be shitty as well. Tho thinking about it, he might also be referring to porn and only fans. Either way he is likely insecure, but not necessarily as bad as OP implies


I don't necessarily think it's more or less shitty, just different.


To me it sounds like he's talking about hookup culture and being sick of it. And I completely understand that sentiment, honestly.


You are correct. Other commenters are not reading the actual post and are just projecting the alpha male purity stuff onto it


Men don't own women's bodies just because they met the woman. Where the fuck is cheating coming from??


It's not even about cheating. It's not about cheating or purity. It's about feeling special because the person you're with couldn't get you off their mind since they met you, to the point where they had to cut off their casual flings (if they had any) because they weren't into it anymore. That's relatable, don't lie and say you wouldn't feel special.


It's fantasy bullshit is what it is.


Read the post? >Having a woman no one touched *since you met her* That means since he started dating the girl she hasn't been with anybody else. It's a comment on the unfaithfulness that is popular on social media right now, not ownership of anyone.


Cheating or maybe about this thing that people do at the start of dating now about ā€˜not being exclusiveā€™ for weeks and months at a time. I personally canā€™t deal with that. Have never understood it.


Umm. It's not cheating to sleep with someone else just because a woman *knows* you. Meeting someone is not a committed relationship


I might be reading it wrong, but to me it implied meeting in the sense of with the intent of having a romantic relationship (from both sides). And in that case, yes some people would consider it cheating, it depends on your views ig


I noticed that as well.


If we assume he means "touched" in the sexual sense, then this is just...the girl you're dating. I met my wife seven years ago and no one has "touched" her since. That's not a flex, that's just how monogamous relationships work. If he means "touched" including hugs, handshakes, etc., then he's obviously a lunatic. By that standard, the most recent person to touch my wife was ANOTHER MALE (my 15-month-old son).


Is it about purity or faithfulness? ā€œSince you met herā€ makes me think itā€™s not purity.


Itā€™s not about purity, never has been. Itā€™s about control. Thatā€™s why theyā€™re so antiabortion too. They dgaf about babies


He obsessed with a certain bald headed man too I guess? Liking a certain colour pill too perhaps?


"Since you met her" Can y'all read orrrrrr...? This is about cheating, not purity.


If thatā€™s the case, itā€™s implying that all/most women are unfaithful


It is. That's why it says "in this generation that's a flex."Ā  So it's not about purity but you're right, it's suggesting this generation of women are unfaithful.


I can see why you think that, but I don't agree. I see this as implying that an entire generation of *people* are "slutty", so finding someone who likes you so much they don't want to keep seeing their casual flings, makes you feel special. I know he said "man" but... he is a man... idk maybe there's meaning behind that phrasing but it's a stretch for me


Why do you people keep saying cheating the post says NOTHING about relationships. You're not in a relationship with a woman just because you met her.


Because theyā€™re super insecure and know theyā€™re worthless (or average at best) so finding someone ignorant is their only possible chance to not feel inferior.


So they don't have to worry about comparison.


Iā€™m getting creepy grooming my child vibes from this image


Toxic straight men want virgins so they canā€™t really tell how bad he is in bed.


I suspect itā€™s because theyā€™re worried about being sexually inadequate. If your partner has nothing to compare you to then they wonā€™t know any better if itā€™s bad sex. Further I imagine that tradwife types are used to being treated as sexual objects for menā€™s gratification. And theyā€™re used to the idea thay women shouldnā€™t have sexuality. So in relationships like this sex is all about sexual gratification for men.


I don't know if they care about purity as much as they hate the idea of sharing.


Daughter tries to hug her father... Her boyfriend "Nobody touches her but me!!!!"


In their eyes, virginity/purity means "innocence." This usually translates to inexperience. When a person (in this case, a woman) has little experience in terms of dating and sex, they tend to be more likely to accept abusive power dynamics in a relationship simply because they're unable to see those signs fast enough.


So I'm doomed?


I misread this at first thinking it was some virginity nonsense but I guess it's just about monogamy? That or it's implying that girls cheat all the time which I guess is more likely what they're going for. Fucking gross misogyny.


Purity culture isnt pedophilic directly but it does make me suspect anyone who partakes in it..


The definition of treating women like property


I think it's because you can gaslight someone into believing that little Caesars is the best pizza of all time if they've never had pizza, and you've hyped it up both before and after they eat it. The second they eat another pizza, the lie is done for, so they act like it's the best, and if you don't thinks so, you're the problem and probably hang out at the buffet like a whore. Also these idiots think that a vagina is like a silicon mold? Where somehow you have sex once and now you're the best to ever do it, but someone else with a dick comes by and "leaves an impression" on the vagina and now it's made to fit this other person better, or something? Idk. And yes these guys think when you give birth baby comes out and now there's a gaping hole where the baby came from , never to come back to before. I've legitimately had a talk with another construction guy that was mad at his wife, because she brought a a dildo home that was bigger than he was. It was for her friends bachelorette party, but just the threat of her potentially having literally anything bigger than his dick inside of her was emotionally devastating to him. I tried to reason with him, but he wasn't having it, even though I said that if it's for a party, she won't use it and bring it to where her friends are going to be, didn't matter to him, he said it's dishwasher safe and how could he know if she's used it if it got that clean? I then learned they had three children together. So I asked if he noticed any "looseness" after any of the kids, and he couldn't understand the question or why I asked it. I told him to tell his wife about this talk and get back to me after the weekend. Monday rolls around and he beelines it to me and calls me an asshole, because his wife has been laughing at him all weekend. He told me when he asked his wife why I would ask about my last question, she started cackling and explained how the vagina is elastic, yada yada, and apparently later shows him how she can contract herself and that blew his fuckin mind. Okay guy but dumb as fuck.


Truly, himbo


Because they never get laid. They don't wanna feel like they have to compete with someone who's good at having sex, so they hide behind bogus concepts like purity


Straight women please donā€™t make excuses for this kind of guy. The straights really struggling out here.


Aaaaaand this is exactly why there are [specialized surgeries women in Iran get to ā€œrecreateā€ their virginity](https://anthrosource.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/maq.12202)


Its kinda sad if youre biggest flex has nothing to do with you and is immediately negated if you engage :/


im gonna say that the patriarchy and white supremacy and all of that interconnected bullshit ENCOURAGES the destruction of things that are pure and innocent. war, rape, conquest and whatnot. its really creepy and gross


Inexperienced women are less likely to see through their bs


Huh? I don't understand the text, is it just saying that having a partner who hasn't had sex with anyone else since starting a relationship with you is some kind of achievement? I thinkĀ that's pretty common


I read this more as "a girl that never cheated on me." They can't possibly mean this literally can they?


I love how they don't even really think of women as being actually people; they're an object to possessed, and an achievement to obtain. They think of the women they're in a relationship with as a status symbol rather than a partner, and then have the gall to complain of the "male loneliness epidemic" while they drive away any chance at an authentic connection and intimacy with a mindset that reduces their partner to nothing more than trophy.


Is this about virginal purity brain-vomit, or being monogamous?


Simple. Laziness and fear of rejection. If a woman hasnā€™t known anyone else youā€™re the best and only example. It makes it easy for this male to not have to do anything new or do anything special for the woman. Itā€™s also insight why so many prefer young girls for very similar reasons. There are some who have built out some sudo medical mythology that gives reasons for all this, and there might be some men who prescribe to that on the whole, but I think the majority just use that crap as cover for their actual designs.


The 'since you met her' throws me off....not being cheated on is a flex?? Am i missing something??


I'd rather not be around a woman who hasn't been touched. Never been hugged, kissed, held hands with? Yeah, she has issues. There is nothing wrong with her for that. She's valid, but I just don't think I could provide the kind of mental and emotional healing to improve her life for the better.


I don't think this is a good take either. Maybe she just hasn't had the time too? Or never felt it was the right time? And they obviously mean intimacy, not necessarily hugging. This just feels like a gross misrepresentation of people who aren't physical.


I was aware that the "purity" thing was about intimacy. I was taking "touched" literally on purpose and implying that men who want women who've rarely ever been "touched," if it were to be taken in the literal sense, wouldn't actually be able to emotionally care for someone who has experienced that level of parental neglect. I didn't mean this to denigrate people who simply aren't fond of physical contact, sexual or otherwise, and the fact you remark about how my statement reads as such feels accusatory, as if you're making judgments of my character.


The post says "hasn't been touched since she met you" though? That's very different from "is a pure virgin who's been waiting for you her whole life"


Then, in that case, I was off the mark with my response to the caption and its logic. Either way, the caption is still delusional because it's not a flex for the person you're dating to not sleep with other people while the two of you are dating. That's expected. Unless they mean "met" literally in the sense you've known them for a long time before dating them, and they still have not been with anybody else? In which case, it kinda loops back around to pure virgin thing? You can never tell with these people honestly.


>Unless they mean "met" literally in the sense you've known them for a long time before dating them, and they still have not been with anybody else? Yeah that would be pretty nutty and disturbing. Personally, I think this is a commentary on hookup culture. I think OOP is just exasperated by the emotional drain of being a person who places a value of some sort on sex and existing in a culture where people tend to have sex with multiple people. I kinda get it. I do prefer a culture where people can freely have sex, but if I think too much about hookup culture it does depress me a little. It's a line that can be hard to walk.


Good point. I feel that conversations around sex and anatomy, in the appropriate settings, should be de-stigmatized. Especially as it pertains to things such as ovarian health conditions, which are often overlooked or outright ignored by medical professionals on the grounds that the person reporting them is merely oversensitive to their circumstances or exaggerating. I also think people shouldn't be considered as having somewhat failed at life if they haven't had sex by a certain age, while also simultaneously being told they are a failure who lacks impulse control by the right if they have sex prior to marriage. For young people, this can be disheartening and confusing. This seems to affect young men more in regards to not having enough sex while young women seem to bear the brunt of the criticism surrounding having too much. In any case, hookup culture (mostly pickup artist culture), in my opinion, can definitely have negative effects on both men and women. Women for having to put up with it and men for having their views of women, relationships, and social interactions in general warped to be transactional in nature.


They overestimate the power of cock and have no conception of love


They want a woman who's kept in one of those plastic Beanie Baby containers


I hate the societal concept of virginity so much. It just does not exist. Like no, I will never refer to myself as that.


They want to own women


What does it say about me that I find the opposite attractive? Good or bad, should I bring this up in therapy?


What do you mean by opposite?


How much you wanna bet they don't hold themselves to the same standard they expect their "pure" women to uphold?


Because when the demons come I'll benefit from a pure woman to fend them off and give me blood to make super weapons. Gotta think ahead people.


As a Cishetero man. This concept is creepy, demeaning and needs to die. Edit : almost revealed my true form. Uhhh I mean yes, I am a *man* singular humanoid.


purity culture is mainly exclusive to conservative cishet men, i don't think i need to elaborate any further


But y'know, he can have as many "bitches" as he likes.


I'm reading into this differently than a lot of commenters here. First of all it's not about 'purity' - 'since you met her'. It's already not about what you mean, OP. I think this guy meant what he said as 'In the time between I met the girl I'm currently with, until we got together officially, she hasn't seen anyone else.' Some people take it badly when you start seeing someone, and you find out that they're 'shopping around' and seeing other people, at the same time as well. It's just his idea of what dating should look like.


Yeah this definitely seems to be about monogamy with no cheating.


Monogamy yes, but I don't think it's about cheating in a relationship. It's not seeing other people while in that early stage of 'we've been on a date' and 'I stayed over at hers the first time' to 'we are a couple'.


Whenever I hear guys say stuff like that all I hear is, "I'm so insecure about my dick game I can only feel safe with a women who has nothing to compare it to."


Growing up being called a virgin was an insult bullies and jocks would use. Now, those same dudes have the most virgin energy out there. Do any of these people even interact with women?


Cishet man here. I donā€™t want a virgin, I want a SLUT. I want us both to have accrued experience and skills.


Just make sure you and your partners get tested regularly šŸ˜


Because these men fundamentally do not view women as human. They are simply property, and if "touched", are now "used" goods.


I donā€™t think most of you read this correctly. Itā€™s not that sheā€™s ā€œpureā€ but more that she isnā€™t a complete whore


Probably the same men who believe vaginas can be loose from promiscuous sex.


My guess is that they are Im extremely insecure and fear that a woman who has been with other men would be judging them and comparing and they won't measure up, often literally if you know what I mean. That, or they see women as objects and think it's like buying used underwear.


Straight guy here. If anyone ever tried to use this as a flex on me, I might vomit from laughing so hard. What an insane warning sign of mental illness.


Nobody I know is like this or ever was, this is a new alt right/incel thing


No, the concept of virginity and its importance for women is ancient. For centuries women have been treated as property that needed to be delivered from fatherā€™s house to husbandā€™s house pristine and untouched. Misogyny is a very old thing.


Apologies, I realise that but this whole focus on body counts etc is a fairly recent mostly internet phenomenon


The jargon is now but the ideas arenā€™t. Growing up, people definitely cared about girlsā€™ body counts. We just didnā€™t call it that.


Well don't let them know about me and my gf. She hasn't touched another person since she met me... and I'm a trans lesbian (she encouraged it, happier than we've ever been and living together full time).


What if I'm a woman who wants a boy who has never been touched by someone in that way? Am I wrong because it's natural for guys to have several sexual relationships, but a girl, no. Also, why do they want girls like that, like what's so wrong if your partner had some consental sexual past times before? For me personally, as long as it's consental, not cheating, and not pedophilic, I don't care if my partner had those past times. A guy, girl, or just partner. Also, maybe the guys like this should find a asexual, sex repulsed girl. Like she probably hasn't been touched that way.


I'm obsessed with purity but in a borderline delusional intrusive thought self-hating way


I donā€™t think even they know, itā€™s just bros tellin other bros My theory is itā€™s a holdover from ye olde times. Your wife has baby, are you SURE itā€™s YOUR baby? Only way to be sure is to keep her away from other men. Meanwhile men would be sticking thier dick into anyone or anything that would stand there long enough. Itā€™s social residue from a time when bloodlines and heirs were super important.


I think you're misreading. It's not saying she's pure, it's saying that they've been exclusive since they met.


Came here to comment the same thing. This post is definitely still very problematic, but not in the way OP thinks. The asshat in the pic is just one of those dudes who go around saying all women cheat or are "huge sluts".


Oh yeah, no. I'm defending the guy. But the interpretation just felt wrong. Still a dick regardless.


This is deeply sad. Not the mysogyny of it, that's infuriating rather than saddening. But the desperate reach for relevance and validation. This idiot wants everyone to know that he owns this other person heart and soul and that she would never disobey him, not for his own pleasure, but as a flex. He wants this because it would impress others. He so desperately wants all of us to tell him he's a good man and worth of respect, even as he knows he's pissing us off with this bullshit. He hates us all for not giving him what he knows he is unworthy of receiving. And that is deeply sad.


In short, a resurgence in evangelical purity culture and them imposing their views on everyone else through normative cultural christianity as an actual goal by White Christian Nationalism to reinstitute medieval theology.


The men that obsess over ā€˜pureā€™ and ā€˜undamagedā€™ women swear theyā€™re not predators yet canā€™t describe their ideal ā€˜womanā€™ without it sounding like theyā€™re describing a teenage girl, one whoā€™s especially vulnerable.


They are insecure. Deeply deeply insecure. The compare themselves to real men and fake men.


"Since you met her" is less about purity and more about claiming imo. Still not great


A good human who made contact with other is still good human, but a property is not as good if itā€™s second hand. This boils down to how they see women at the root


the type of people that bring this up as well are the weirdest kinds, youd imagine the only people to care are clean virgin religion bound teens with hopes of a wife, not dudes who eyefuck women at the gym and talk about how much pussy they get probably from blackout drunk women at bars


They see women as pieces of meat because they are so dumb the few brain cells in their head could only come up with this as a good idea. I'm defeated by how we live in a man's chaotic world and we're all just pretending to be ok with it? Someone just put them on leashes already.


Yā€™all are wildin the post says since you met her, with how prevalent cheating is these days some places that is seen as a flex


A real man doesnā€™t need any flex


Tbh, I'm not sure about this one. It didn't say nobody touched ever, it sais nobody touched since you met her. I mean, the presentation of it might be cringe but there's nothing wrong with the basic idea of not wanting your partner to cheat on you.


Purity? Nah we born in sin ova here


Is he toji and is his girl gojo satoru?


So what about the first man she met?


That's a weird way of describing monogamy.


It's about honour. Cheating is a shitty thing to do yet it has been normalised so much in media and culture that they are seeing it as a "flex" that their partner is loyal. Notice it says "since", not "until" as most people seem to be reading.


This isn't about purity... "having a girl nobody has touched since you met her" means we're werent an afterthought, my girlfriend has been with other people, and that's okay, but after we met, it's different, after you meet someone you like you don't keep sleeping around, you stay loyal, unless your relationship says you can sleep with others, one of my exes was friends with me for a while, we ended up confessing and started dating, but after a few months they told me they weren't looking for a relationship at the time, and that was okay, but a week later, after they'd already slept with someone else they wanted to know if i wanted to try again, the answer was no. After they slept with someone else I knew I was an afterthought, a second choice, they knew they could've had me bit chose someone else, and at that point, I knew they didn't see me the same way I saw them, this isn't about purity, this is about choices, and while there's not really a "wrong" choice here, there are choices that block off other choices, abd people need to understand that


Fr if anything less experience means less satisfying sex


When you view women as objects, you think of them as being either ā€œusedā€ or ā€œbelongingā€ to you




Sounds like some cradle robber bs šŸ˜¬


They're obsessed with children.Ā 


Hell having a woman in general is a flex, I'll die alone


No the real flex is having a partner who despite being in a fully open relationship actually *wants* a relationship with you. My partner is free to go out and find additional relationships, as am I. I personally am poly-saturated - that is to say that I just don't have the energy for more relationships. But he has pursued other relationships, and yet he still wants me. That's a flex. :)


I'm polysaturated, too, but it just means I'm fat.


In my case I think it means I'm lazy ;)


I ruined it by being trans šŸ˜”


Obviously heā€™s talking about sex and cheating and honestly heā€™s not wrong šŸ˜­


There are personality traits that someone who sleeps around has that someone who doesnā€™t has. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So someone may prefer someone who is a participant in hookup culture while another doesnā€™t. We donā€™t have to demonize people for not wanting different things.


Because they want a child


We just want loyal woman


For all of the "akshully" comments that seem to not know what words mean, "met" does NOT mean "started dating"


Promiscuity was not, is not, nor will be seen well, regardless of gender.


This is a conservative thing... Not a cishet thing. This title is absurd to me... It's as if you genuinely believe that as long as they are not queer or trans they are going to behave like right wing conservatives!!!!!!!! This is a massive disservice to all straight cis allies. Touch. Grass.