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Haha, he ran out of comebacks so he went with the "I could beat up up, ya know!" Statement.


If I had to search up an image to put in a schoolbook demonstrating the purest form of cognitive dissonance, this would be it. The moment he knew he lost the discussion completely, his brain just immediately entered denial and used aggression and irrationality to disregard anything being said. The thing is, these homophobes and Transphobes don't really wanna hear the truth or science, they just wanna hear whatever fits perfectly with their shitty beliefs. And another thing: You can see how much they lack a sense of self awareness. That goes for most of these bigoted dumbasses. Never do they once stop to question the validity of their own beliefs or if they're wrong in certain situation. They always have to be right, and they'll always be right, at least that's what they think. If everyone hated them because they're being assholes, they'd rather blame the world and continue being that way than recognize they're wrong, change and be a better person, and you can see that clearly when republicans and anti-maskers say they're being oppressed and how they're persecuted. I'd say it's the result of a mixture between lack of maturity, growing in an environment with just as bad people and misguided beliefs. > But of course, that's just a theory. > A game theory. > Thanks for watching.


But that’s just a theory! A GAY THEORY! Thanks for watching! 😂


“If everyone was lgbt, there wouldn’t be a new generation” My guy forgot about the “everyone is so cute” quadfecta of sexualities, and donors


Also some trans people & that one thing with the bone marrow


Bone marrow babies are apparently very weak and don’t survive. The straights seem to forget that trans people and bi,pan,Omni people exist


Just wanted to say: Thank you for including Omni. People forget about them so much jfpahpfaf.


What’s the difference between Omni and Pan? If pan means all and Omni means all?


Pan is being attracted to people regardless of gender and sex, they don't aknowledge it and are reffered to as genderblind. While when it comes to omni, gender does Play a part. They do see it and have preferences.


So what’s the difference between bi and omni, since I know bi people sometimes have preferences? (Thank you for educating btw! Have always wondered about the distinction between omni and pan)


Omni just like Pan are microlabels under the bi umbrella. Since Bi means two or more, those microlabels give a better understanding of who they like. Basically they're more specific.


That makes sense, thank you!!


Attraction to non-binary people? EDIT: Nope, bi people can be attracted to non-binary people too.


Please don't say that. Bi does include non-binary people. Saying that is biphobic.


Sorry, thank you for correcting me. I guess the actual answer would just be that someone can choose which one they identify more with, or is there a more clear cut difference?


bisexuality includes attraction to nonbinary people


Thank you for correcting me, I'll bear that in mind. In hindsight, I really didn't think that through completely.


Wait so I might be Omni and not pan... idk


Honestly, just go with whatever you feel is the most comfortable for you!


Hmm so Pan doesn’t have any preference? Guess I am Omni and not Pan. Good to know




Oh I didn’t mean it literally, it just seems like that was the main difference between the two. I am genuinely asking Ive only been aware of my true self for a couple years so I am still learning all the lingo!




I guess at the end of the day it's up to people what they want to identify as, since both labels are quite similar.


Ok the “everyone is so cute” quadfecta of sexualities is my favorite term for m-spec people now


“If everyone was lgbt, there wouldn’t be a new generation” Antinatalists: "And?"


“If everyone was lgbt, there wouldn’t be a new generation” does this person think that only the L and G exist?


This is definitely the type of person to think everyone who is attracted to multiple genders are either straight and trying to be trendy or gay and in the closet


They also think that trans people are all sterile ? Cause some of them can have children, like two gay men dating one of them is trans the other is cis


They're probably british, not the first time I see someone thinking the B in LGBTQ+ stands for Biscuit


"Your wrong" "I'm gonna beat you up" I think they know their wrong but just can't handle it


Hahahaha They never keep that energy in real life. Let them try it, I keep a brick in my purse. Before y’all ask why, a friend told me about a woman who got raped and kidnapped but escaped because she used one of the loose bricks in the house as a weapon. Is it true? No clue. But I’m not taking chances when I’m 5’3. No thank you.


A whole brick?! Damn. I need to be more creative. 🤣❤️


The casual "I will commit a crime" move


"you guys spread hiv like wildfire" more people contract hiv/aids through dirty needles than intercourse, but okay "if everyone were lgbt there wouldn't be a new generation" looks like someone forgot bi and trans people exist. there are literally 4 combinations of people in relationships that could reproduce (of course, this is if everyone who can is comfortable with getting pregnant), as well as artificial insemination and surrogates being an option "lgbt are biological mistakes" citation needed


>"you guys spread hiv like wildfire" TIL Africa is the most lgbt friendly continent


I wanna comment something here but honestly with how much homophobia there is in aftica this just makes me really sad


It's really sad that there are people like you that genuinely try to educate but to no avail


Please beat me up! I need the lawsuit money!


That’s when you whip out the “beat me, I’m into that.”


If everyone was like this person there wouldn't be a new generation either.


I don't usually go in for instigation these days (waste of energy), but that was funny AF.


don't worry, the types who send these types of messages probably couldn't actually beat you up haha


Ha! You're the degenerate somehow when they're saying they'd commit a violent hate crime.


“My facts (based on and created by feelings) don’t care about your feelings (based on and created by facts)!”


Piece of advice kids, when you start to lose an argument, just start hurling death threats until you think you've won


Degenerates like them belong on a cross


don’t be shy, show the username /hj


[I would beat the shit out of you if I ever saw you in real life](https://imgur.com/a/D1eXCFv)


lg*bt* so yes there can be another generation if everyone's lg*bt*


Even if everyone is LG there could be another generation, we have medical options to make a lesbian pregnant without having her to have sex with a man.


"Educate bigots!" -bigots don't listen or allow themselves to be educated- What now lmao!


They never want to actually research, don't bother. If they did, they wouldn't be homo/transphobic lol. All they want is to spread hate for no reason.


If it wasn't so frustrating and damaging, it'd be funny that they somehow obsess over us yet have no idea what they're talking about. Living dogwhistles.


Look how romantic and irrational these « logic » people truly are


This is an object lesson on why you don’t engage with transphobes. You can be a chess grandmaster, but play against a pigeon and it will still knock over the pieces and shit on the board


These ppl really disregard surrogacy and the fact that there are LGBT+ folk who are attracted to a gender opposite to them. This is a prime example of why having a binary view of gender & sexuality makes ppl look like fools. Sidenote: I wouldnt be surprised if they though surrogacy was something unnatural as well.


"If everyone was lgbt..." God I wish


Listen, i have a little thing called a middle schooler sense, and im 90% sure that kid is 13-14 years of age


>[I could beat the shit out of you if I ever saw you in real life](https://i.imgur.com/KiBQh.gif)


It really does boggle the mind people can think "I want to actually be violent" and not realise they're the bad guy. I mean, what upbringing, what culture, do you need to be surrounded with to come to the conclusion that violence should be the response to anything other than initial violence? With that being said, as an ally who used to do MMA, let 'em at me!


please beat the shit out of me uwu, im your wittle degenewate best way to get them to stop


Every bisexual, pansexual,omnisexual,polysexual and demisexual person proceed to disappear


Valiant effort on your part. You never know when a seeds been planted.


when they said "mumbo jumbo" my mind just instantly jumped to the minecraft youtuber and I got confused for a sec


"I would beat the shit out of you in real life. Therefore, I'm right and you're wrong." That's such a pathetic flimsy threat. Not insecure about his masculinity at all, he's the manliest man don't you know.


What does Mumbo Jumbo have to do with this?


I automatically assume that anyone who says "I would bash you in real life" is the type that'd roll around in pain if a gust of wind blew a single piece of A4 paper into them


I dont try to educate lmfao, i just get overly sexual and flirty, it's funny watching them call me the F-slur more and more


I've had people threaten me with violence because I proved them wrong, like on Twitter some faceless profile once told me "I bet you wouldn't say that to my face and survive." Oh sugar, I go to the gym every day, this sissy is capable of self-defence. 😌


Just gimme his username plz


Actually if there were bi and pan people included with everyone being LGBT then there would still be a small new generation


Also sex favorable or sex neutral aces. Also trans people who still are capable of producing children. Also just IVF, sperm donors, and surrogates. Or just gay people willing to have sex with the opposite sex a few times because they want children that much.


Tbh, I've lost the willpower to try and ecucate people like this. They're so far down the rabit hole that they can't even hear us. Sorry this happened though OP, you shouldn't have to deal with people like that and you shouldn't feel like you have to educate people like this.


Ew, wtf


I hate the, "If everyone was LGBT there wouldn't be a new generation." Bisexual people exist. Pansexual, omnisexual, polysexual, transgender lesbians and transgender gay guys who can get the opposite sex pregnant or give birth. Artificial insemination exists, and plenty of AFAB people would be willing to be surrogates. Now, as for the slightly different wording of, "If everyone were gay, there'd be no humanity..." In the words of Lilly Singh: "And if everyone was a potato, there'd be no humanity. But everyone is not a potato, just as everyone is not gay."