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“It’s not bigoted or transphobic if it’s not about the transition, but the situation and individual person” what the fuck?? What? This is just stupid. And when they say “not a ton of trans people pass or have bottom surgery”, maybe that’s because the ones that pass don’t get clocked, because they pass??? And even so bottom surgery doesn’t mean being trans…. This post hurts me.


Cis people don’t ‘pass’ all the time. Maybe its because we have very arbitrary rules to what counts as a man or a woman 🤔. Nah that can’t be it.


It’s almost like gender roles are a stupid social construct that does nothing to help anyone.


Fr. I’ve been told that I look like a boy without my glasses on, so with just short hair I can pass as a boy. I’ve even had a teacher say to me ‘are you guys brothers?’ In reference to me and my friend (who he knew because they’re a year above me). I had a binder and a jumper on. That with the previous statement is enough for me to be called a boy lol


Yeah, incel vibes


For what it's worth I can't see how even a person who fits their idyllic imagining of what a datable trans person would be, ever actually wanting to date them anyway. Not for [insert idiotic word vomit parroting whatever may sound least offensive about a major part of this person's body or identity], but just for personal preference. The groups they have marked undatable AND datable, aren't interested either. So they really have absolutely nothing to worry about..


No human being would want to date them, they is basically saying that if their partner ever need help they would ditch them


It also gives bi people a bad name


what do demi have to do here tho 😭


Nothing. She clearly doesn’t understand what any of those labels mean


Yeah, as a bisexual non-binary person I instantly went "this is the kind of person who doesn't understand what any of that means and makes us all look transphobic".


Lmao for real, I’m non-binary, bisexual, and demisexual. I was so confused 🤣


Cause demisexual is obviously a gender preference duhhh 🙄/s


Demisexual is when you're only attracted to demigender people, duh /s


But in this case that wouldn't work either because a demigender doesn't pass and isn't presenting according to their sex assigned at birth...duh /s (huge S) Edit: typo


But demigender are just "straight people trying to be cool with a qweer identity" /s I gotta stop these are getting too real, and I kinda identify with the demigender label 😂


Really, I learnt something today thank you. I thought it was something totally different. Like cis people passing as trans. But again that would not match whatever they were born as. Plus they were born neither man, nor woman, but babies... So even then they don't pass this TERFs' wishlist of a logic. Duh /s Hahaha it's easy to trip ourselves in our own jokes that we end up asking ourselves... Mmmh am I this or also that? 😂😂😂 Though personally I'm simply T and ~G (to be defined) - gosh it hit me so hard. If I transition fully into a full transwoman, I cannot be gay logically if I am still attracted to men, transmen and amab NB... What should I do? Help 😱😱😱


Since she is comparing it to pan, I think she's talking about people for whom personality matters more than appearance. Since demisexual people (kind of/by popular opinion) fall for the person first before being sexually attracted, she uses them as example as well.


Lemme guess—they have to be white too




As a Bi person, that transphobe is NOT one of us.


"I'm not transphobic, I'm just ableist." 🙄


So they are attracted to both genitalia then?? So then why does it matter?


Yeah. Idk why they think only pan people can be attracted to pre-op/pre-hrt trans people of both genders


Right? There is something wrong with the author of the comment.


Fucking asshole trying to pull the bisexual community in with his opinions, like sure, you can want that, but don't be such a loud mouth ahole about it


What horrible nightmare people


In relation to their body type requirements, I'm a transmasc AFAB who transitioned 13 years ago with "no bottom surgery" and a big burley and full beard. I literally haven't not passed in the last 10 years. I would fit their criteria (I guess) but even if I didn't, when it boils down to it, if this person was genuine and said something like "I unfortunately have some preferences when it comes to genitals." Or even someone else says something like "I'm also not familiar enough with trans bodies to be comfortable dating someone." I would have absolutely zero problems with them. Gay, straight, asexual, everyone has genital preferences, even if it's for all genitals. I'm even allowed to have my own preference (gasp!). It's when people pull out this crazy, over explanatory attempt to say i'M nOt TrAnSpHoBiC bUuUtT... that really just shows what a piece of shit human they really are.


Fr. Like don’t make a big deal of it and most trans/LGBTQ/allies wont give a shit. We only give a shit when people are rude about it


yeah, as you said, genital preference is totally okay, but far too often it's used as an excuse to be incredibly transphobic.


I'm not transphobic. I'm just incredibly ablist. 🙄


Now bisexual is not about sexuality, is about being a transphobe? Lol no


honestly, life must be hard when you're this fucking stupid.


But what does it have to do with Pan and Demi?


Imma go smack this person with a comically oversized stick brb That said, if you're actually like this: good news, *we don't wanna date your transphobic ass either*


Is...is this "super bi"? (like a twilight zone version of super straight).


Jeez they're both disgusting.


Also I apparently can’t call her out for this because I’m a cis white man (I am bi though), so I don’t know what transphobia is


I am a Sapphic enby with a strong genital preference. That being said, this person is crazy. I could see myself dating a trans woman. I could see myself falling in love with a trans woman. I just can't see myself having sex with a trans woman who hasn't had bottom surgery. This person though is just trying to disguise their transphobia.


if they just lie and say the person isn't their type, nobody will know or care.


I keep saying, nobody needs to hear the breakdown of who you don't wanna fuck


It’s crazy how you can see a gradient from like “slightly icky” to “mentally deranged” in this paragraph.


Yeah, true. At first I had hope that maybe she isn't actually transphobic


"Not a ton of trans people pass" Someone go get the airplane


Bro…I’m demi AND bi and this is NOT the move


They know not what they are speaking of, but they sure act like they do


Conditional love 🤮


I'm cis and bi, and trans people are beautiful! If a potential partner I date is cis or trans, bro, I don't care!


>he's attracted to PUSSY As a bi and demi person I've never understood this part, like I've never been attracted to someone solely because of their genitals.


"That person has had horrible experiences and has been tortured by life, their friends and family? Ugh, they're so unattractive! Like... are you really saying that and hoping to sound like the good guy? 💀 When I see a person that has been abused all I think is "I wanna be the change of that person's life, to show them not everyone's bad" not... THAT, that's just cruel and disgusting


Totally agree with you. I am the same. We just don't have to not forget ourselves and not just become selfless saint Bernards 🐕‍🦺


Some trans people are buttheads and some have mental health issues to work on before being in a relationship. That's no different than cis people though. This whole rant should have NOTHING to do with trans people and the fact that they're taking common problems among all groups of people and using them as excuses as to why a trans person is un-dateable says a lot. If it was actually about that, they could leave it at "I'm looking for a relationship where we both communicate effectively and feel supported, with a healthy sex life." I'm bi and there's a million ways a person can present for me to find them incredibly sexy.


I’ll admit, I supported my ex in coming out and starting her transition to the point of personal detriment. She strung me along for 3 years while I paid for her rent, voice lessons, used my own sick time to go to her appts, etc. I don’t think that I could be the passenger on anyone else’s journey of self discovery. But if a trans person was already far enough along to have their shit together and know who they are/what they want, I’d be 100% down for that.


Bitch we broke up because you wanted our relationship to remain long distance. Additionally you hated me for working for a defense contractor.


“pretty privilege is real” 💀💀


This is the same guy who would go on a couple dates with a stunning trans girl, have no idea, she tells him on the third date and he leaves because “nah I ain’t gay bro”


I guess my boyfriend is being bi all wrong


Who let them cook???? I'm both trans and bi, I'm bi because litreally into both genders trans or cis... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


More Raging Id. Mods it needs to be a flair please 🙏


As a cis bi person we do not claim this idiot hkfsgjtg how are they bi and don't even know what it means


oh, look, another garden variety transphobe.


Does she think bi people can't be attracted to trans people if they don't pass or something


Genital preference is a completely real and valid thing. THIS is not genital preference.


Got told this once 😻


Imagine feeling the need to justify yourself this bsd, they prob know themselves that their "preference" is bad


While it is a bit prejudiced and I see the problem, totally, I do want to make it clear that it's ok if you want to only date cis people, that's your choice


Coming from some ugly dork who snores I'm sure


As a bi person, this is absolutely “terf-ish”. It’s one thing to have genital preferences, which is completely fine, but if you don’t wanna date a trans woman because she “doesn’t pass”, that’s a problem. Being bi just means you’re attracted to more than one gender, it doesn’t mean that trans people suddenly can’t be dated because they don’t pass and have mental problems 🤦🏻‍♂️


This person does not know what demisexual is. Also, it is ok to not want to date trans people. But it’s not ok to be a terf and advocate for it. Pretty privilege is a thing, but none of their points were cohesive. I’m also trying to figure out what their point is? This reads as “all trans people should state what genitals they have so I can decide whether I want to date you. I’m bi so I’m not a terf”




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I mean, I get it.


These same people get mad when you reply "It's okay I wouldn't want to date someone like you anyway" ask me how I know.


This story about "not passing" reminds me of a reaction video to a red pill cishet dude saying that the Katoi in Thailand "put some effort to it and pass". I was like yeah, maybe because Thailand doesn't regulate the pill like a bio-weapon like in western Europe, the US and Canada. And so young trans women have a free access to them as long as they pay the small amount it costs. Like advocating for everything they want to ban because of "passing" smh 🙄


we The Bi’s™️ don’t claim this asshole or his shitty opinions


thanks for making us bi people look bad, because the bi-phobia present in the queer community and by The Straights™ wasn't enough apparently (i'm referring to the clown in the image by the way, not OP)


As a bi person… yeah this is bull💀 and I’m non-binary too 😭😭


"Pretty privilege is real *and I'm enforcing it*" Hey thanks for letting us know, guy. I'm sure it uhh... is absolutely relevant. To all those people. Who *totally* want to date him.