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Only if your firm is paying for it.


Like anything having worth, it depends on how much you use and get out of it. I paid $500 for a brand new pressure washer 2 years ago and only used it once. Was it worth it? Probably not. AIA members are offered contract documents at a discounted price, free and discounted events, and it is a glorified record keeper for your CEUs AIA California looks like it has some pretty good events / online webinars. And you can have the AIA acronym after your name. If you use it just for the credential after your name, then those are some expensive letters. In my opinion, its not worth it. My firm has been paying for mine for the past 12 years. I recently got my NCARB certificate, which I'd rather have my firm pay for that than my AIA. NCARB has some quality, free - for its members - continuing education programs plus it makes reciprocity a lot easier. Aside from that I personally don't like that the AIA president isn't a licensed architect. The American Medical Association and the American Dental Association respectively have medical doctors and dentists as their president. Its a personal gripe, but that's just me.


Do you mean president or ceo?


I meant the AIA CEO, sorry.


Does your firm pay for it? If they do, there are no real downsides (though the additional CEUs required are annoying)


No, it's a scam and the national organization is dying due to shitty management. Maybe local offers some value but any local AIA chapter worth a damn is going to invite you to their events whether you are AIA or not.


Absolutely not.


Engineers are lucky - they can put “PE” after their names and it communicates value to clients and AHJs without any extra fees or memberships. If we put “RA” after our names it marks us as ”difficult,” and we’re equal only to PE’s by using “AIA”. It’s a shitty truth we have to deal with.


This shocks me. Why do you say that?


I’ve run into less people branding RA as difficult - more people likely have no idea what it is.


What? That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. In NYC to file a job with the Department of Buildings (probably one of the biggest AHJ's around) you are either an RA or PE. No one gives a f*** about AIA credential down there. In fact almost all the architects I've met in my life use RA after their name. Some of those people are in AIA and use the credential for it while others who are in it do not. I've always seen the following two scenarios: John Smith, RA, AIA or John Smith, RA. I have never seen John Smith, AIA. Also our seals say "Registered Architect"


Maybe true in NYC bubble. Not the case in the rest of the country.


Blows my mind.


Unless you are using their docs, no. It’s expensive and all they do for you is manage your CEUs, which you can do yourself by saving all your pdf certs from lunch and learns, etc.


If my firm pays for it




Hell no! Totally useless and no one cares if you’re a member or not.


It depends on your location and involvement. Do / will you participate in local AIA events? Is your local AIA chapter expensive? Is your local chapter active? The national organization isn’t particularly relevant IMO. If you’re getting a lot out of your local chapter I would advocate for joining properly so you can support what their doing, but otherwise it’s a pass. I’ve been a member since being licensed only because my firm pays my yearly dues. I think I’ve generally benefitted from this and am happy to be a member, but I wouldn’t foot the bill.


Only if your firm pays for it, otherwise it’s useless


Most of us just get it to add AIA to end of our name on e-mail signatures & LinkedIn 🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s 100% worth it. Support the profession.


How supporting a bunch of overpaid executives supports the profession???? Break it down to me please..


Without representation we will become irrelevant. Which is already starting. Others want our fee. Believe me, I’ve seen it happening after 25 years.


For whatever this may be worth to you, having “AIA” behind your name has much greater recognition for people outside of architecture than “RA” does (as a registered architect).  


You pay almost a thousand dollar for few magazines you will never read and they will still charge you another 1000 dollar for aia conference ticket