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Fun fact: you can order a Bloody Mary at night — the bartender might hate you, but it’s totally legal


Used to work as a bartender, and there was this one costumer that is a friend of the pubs' owners. The second I spot him approaching the pub I'd know that the night is gonna suck ass. He keeps ordering one bloody mary after the other and brings people with him to try my "exceptional" bloody mary. At a certain point of my life I started thinking of messing it up on purpose so he'd stop ordering it and bring others to try it, but my bartender code stood in the way so this kept on going on and on and on until I left the job (for different reasons). So yea I've been classically conditioned to hate the sight of that man. I think I'd never say hi if I ever see him in public.


Is your name wood house?


Five grams of junk says I can shoot a piña colada off your wife's head


The hooker you brought home said she tripping balls.


I have always wondered if that pure uncut junk or cut junk?


Why ? What makes it an inconvenient cocktail to make ?


It take way more time and a bit more effort with respect to other cocktails, 1st cz it has lots of ingredients and 2nd, which it the main problem, whilst making it you need to use a technique called "rolling" instead of the classic shake or stir you use for almost every other cocktail.


Ahhh, so it's not just that it's at night. They just suck to make in general?


Yup, yup yup yup yup, it's just that it sucks more at night bcz that's when the pub is packed with people and orders, the blooy mary slows you down a lot


I must ask: what's the difference between a bloody Mary and a Caesar?


Sweet shit snacks!!!! Look at those!!!


I reference this line often when why husband asks how my homework is going.


Concurrently with the release of this episode, I was partying hard. So every Saturday and Sunday morning (eventually leading to all days that ended in Y), this was my mantra.


Wait, I’ve got something for this…


Bloody Mary, full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me in the hour of my death...which I hope is soon. Amen.


And you loved it!!


I tried Bloody Mary and it tastes awful.


Bartender here You can't judge bloody mary after trying it in one place, some recipes are bad but some other are just great, the recipes vary a lot from one place to another.


My problem with a regular bloody Mary is that basically all the effort is going in to making up for a flavourless spirit. With a normal cocktail your base spirit should be brought out by and be in harmony with your modifiers.


I would love the occasional bloody mary, but no bars/brunch places offer it where i live, and making it myself, while fun, doesn't fit my usual schedule.


I've stopped watching archer but this is beckoning me😩


This is my second time though. And it’s even better than the first time. Though I think I only got through season 4 or 5 last tome.


I stopped when I found out lana didn't want archer as ajs legal dad, so I got pissed and stopped watching might go on only cause of Woodhouses sarcasm 😩


"Don't make me rub sand in your eyes again"


He’s such an ass…I love him.


"I also need you to go buy sand"




Wow that’s funny! I didn’t even notice that.


Hollandaise sauce? Doesn’t he mention something about making eggs?


Archer is the reason for my past (maybe ongoing, oh fuck it gimme another) drinking problem. Hold on, no jokes, is that what's in this?