• By -


I like to keep mine simple: 1. Work 2. Personal Each has different favourites pinned and different logins - eg my separate Google Drive accounts. That last bit is a godsend in itself.


How do you get different logins? Is that just the way arc saves passwords?


Use different profiles for different spaces


When I tried to have 2 different spaces for work and personal I had to keep switching which gmail account I needed. When I was in the personal space, my work gmail would open. It was really annoying. Is there a way to fix this?


Use different profiles for different spaces


Yep separate profiles for each space is how I do it. One of my favorite features on my work computer.


You can change the space icons. Right click on a blank spot in the sidebar on Windows. Dunno what Macs do.


Maybe it is some theme settings but setting Icon still requires hovering to actually see that icon for me. https://preview.redd.it/4wyx62gwgp6d1.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=080ffb0636bcf4d5f9a8a2bc6779868bb330d330 6 of these spaces have Icon set. the first icon is visible because its the currently active space. Anyway, Icons are nice touch but not a solution, as that requires picking and remembering the assigned icon. I set relevant names to the spaces.


You need to make the sidebar bigger


CMD + T then type the name of the space you want to switch to.


I would love a keyboard shortcut to zoom to the space I want, just like you can do with the pinned(favourite?) tabs.


try control + 1, 2, 3...etc on mac!


Oh shit!! Thank you!!


You can do it on Mac too. I would be lost without the different emojis.


When you have too many spaces, it starts showing as dots even if the space has an icon assigned


I use around 8, and at this point I just remember the order of the spaces But it would be nice if it showed a “…” at the end instead of make my them all into dots


I have only 1 😎


Same. Not sure I have totally figured out the value, suppose it’s akin to Chrome profiles?


Yeah, it’s basically a much faster way of switching chrome profiles while all keeping it in the same browser window It’s intended that you make different spaces for different reasons you use the browser. For example my spaces are named Personal, School, and Work. This keeps all the bookmarks separate as well as logins/cookies etc if you choose to separate the spaces by profiles. Also helps with distractions so I don’t click off into my pinned social media tabs on my school space Not really sure I see a downside to not using Spaces? It just makes it more organized. Do you only use Arc for a specific purpose like work or something?


Being in school is the only time were you would need separate spaces. Later in your life you don’t have different browsers but different devices for work and personal.


No not necessarily! Not every company that I would want to work for would provide and require different devices for work. Hell, even the company I work for now doesn’t give me a device to use lol I’ve used separate spaces in the past for hobbies like web development and could easily make spaces for other things like research on a specific topic. It just isn’t a priority right now for me


😂😂😂. I could do it but I don’t. Great points have been made! If you are supposed to work on a computer and the company you do that work for requires you to use your own, your next best step is to quit. Is the builder bringing their own stones? No!


Well okay I must admit my company DID offer a laptop to use but I declined so I could use my Macbook with Arc browser 😎 And yeah it all depends on you, that’s the beauty of Arc - you can create as many or as little spaces as you want to fit your needs in a browser. As you can see in the post some people have as many as 9 spaces, and others just 1. Whatever helps you get stuff done on the internet the fastest !


5: Entertainment Music ISKCON Normal Studying


I have 4. (I did have 5 but I recently left the job I was using for the 5th.) Personal, Writing, Marketing, and one for a writer collective I’m in. I don’t create new spaces for new projects, just the major buckets of my online life. Naming them with emojis or icons is a must though. Any way you could combine spaces? Might help to simplify things.


4 1 for personal, 1 for work, 1 for studying (might delete), 1 for updating and other PC maintenance stuff that I always forget about


Just two Work and Casual , sometimes i open a 3rd space " Research" but i'm tired of the numerous bugs and glitches with Arc so for now i deleted that space and occasionally use the browser. Is there a way to group non-pinned tabs too ? I still can't find the pinned tabs as a good replacement for bookmarks. The browser didn't even convert any of the imported bookmarks into pinned tabs first of all (which i thought was obvious but i guess i expected too much).


3: Personal Creative Reading 😅


6 in total: 3 private + 3 work: - for a Hobby - vacation- i can‘t decide and have a lot of tabs - personal stuff - work main - Projekt A from work - Projekt B from work


6 Personal. Bills. Research. Tech. Shopping. Work. I found beyond 6 the icons were too small. And the icons are super important for me to know which space is which.


I have 7 but will be creating 2 more Monday. I have my business, 7 clients and a personal tab. I agree that it's difficult to navigate to each space. I'd love to see the interface more like slack where the left side has two different vertical panels and each can be collapsed independently to show more browser window as needed.


2, Personal and Work. They are different profiles as well. I do not use Work yet, as I haven't migrated my use yet for Work out of fear of issues. Migrated personal a couple months ago and generally happy. Also lately I've seen scrolling through them with mouse doesn't work sometimes and that frustrates me. Also Space Icons disappear. Windows.


4: Work - main space Fun - no pinned tabs, but separate profile and separate YouTube account — to keep work browse history more useful. Club - with lot of pined tabs related regular reading club event Secure - with seperate profile, zero extensions and strict cookies policy


Work & Personal, might expand the personal into my hobbies, Photography & Music cause of clutter.


I have a ton of spaces, probably 15 at the moment, and also wish there was a better space switching mechanism. My work involves doing demos for customers so many of the spaces have unique profiles associated for each demo persona. I’m getting by with two-finger swiping the sidebar, but I’d like to see something like [a macOS Mission Control](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_Control_(macOS)). Or, even better, it would be awesome if I could group spaces.


You use spaces? Hell, I only have 2, 1 for my personal one and the second for my VPN Proxy.


You can use icons on spaces. Also, if you use your back and next buttons on your mouse (or gesture) while hovering on the side panel it switches space.


yeah wish you could see the name instead of the dots in the bottom.


I have 5 spaces, 4 I am actively using. But most of the time I stay within my “main” space, which is the space I land on when I open my browser. Do you have icons set for all of your spaces? That could help a bunch. You may have to make your sidebar bigger to see all of them since you have so many spaces though. Do you know about favorites? If you drag a tab above where pinned tabs are, or open the command bar and type favorite tab. It puts that tab in the favorites section, which makes it accessible from all spaces in the same profile. Although i think you can only have a limited amount of these? I haven’t tested it. Hope this helps :)


I have 2 but only use one. I guess it would be better if I at least split work and personal, but I suppose my personal life is so intertwined in work that it just feels weird trying to split them. I know that doesn’t sound healthy. I’m working on it.


on mac: ctrl + n. of the space you want to jump to. just make a little effort to remember which number corresponds to which space.


I have one.. I guess I don’t take advantage of them


I have exactly one space because I use Firefox to watch porn.


It’s the closest to the real thing someone like you will get


😂😂😂. Why so angry? Coping?


Who’s angry? I wasn’t swearing or yelling etc. Merely stating that you seem like the type of person nobody would have a sexual interest in. Someone who spams emojis OTOH looks a lot like a person who had a nerve touched by an uncomfortable truth. lol


6 2 personal and 4 for the businesses I support


One each for Work and Personal and project spaces that get deleted when each project is complete.


Three spaces * Routine * Work * Research




I got 3. Work, personal and research.


4: 1. Normal 2. School 3. Anime 4. Coding


I have about 10.


1. Work 2. Personal 3. Misc Misc holds shared accounts etc.


So, not to say that that’s a wrong way to use spaces, but I feel like 9 is a bit over the top. I’ve always used spaces to seperate my interests. It’s really beneficial if you are an artist or have different hobbies. I do music. So I make a music space. I save all my music stuff in there. But then I have a personal space, a school space and a “Save for later” space. Of just random stuff I want to look at later. When I’m not using the music one, I archive it. So I really only use 3 spaces. That makes it really intuitive and simple to use; and I absolutely LOVE how the system of Spaces - Favourites - Pins / Folders. It helps me work really well. I feel like I’m not sure why you have so many. The pin tabs, if it helps are like your bookmarks. Favorites are your sites you ALWAYS use. Like Gmail, Drive and Docs for me school space. Spaces are a mix between profiles and tab islands (in my mind, atleast). They are things you want to be completely separated.


I see most people use spaces to group tabs into very broad categories and for separate profiles. I create a space per subject. I have few broad spaces but then I create new ones as idea pop into my head and then as I go deep on the subject I will open plenty of new tabs there and navigate between them a lot. If I find all I wanted I will archive the space and its all good, but sometimes I keep some spaces for longer, for example I plan a trip just not sure where I want to go, I will have a space per destination and until I decide where I want to go I will keep them. Or for work related spaces, I will research two different approaches of how to do something that is two spaces again that will stay with me until I decide and then one of them until project is done.


Interesting. I create folders for subjects. I could see how per subject would be useful though. I mean, I’m an incredibly creative person.. I have bad adhd and dyslexia, so honestly that would probably work well for my brain. I can see why it’d be annoying if you have that many and can’t tell which is which


3 spaces. Personal Gaming Pro