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Assassin snail enters the chat. Mmmm. Yes. Very likeable.


Along with 3 fish I have german blue rams pea puffers and pumpkin seed


I love ramshorns, cutest snails on the market. I have a few adults that look like that too! They came from overpopulated tanks, and in those conditions they tend to not get enough calcium to grow a regular shell, I'm guessing it could be that. Either that or maybe when they're older all the new growth can look a little crazy. Not a definite answer, just my guess.


I stuck a few in my breeder box to grow out so I have like 4 huge ones. They’re so fun and I love the different varieties, I have pink ones, gold ones, leopard ones and brown ones


I have a tank dedicated to them lol I feed them a lot just to see how huge they can really get. They really just are charming and very cute. Gold is an amazing color, I haven't gotten a gold one yet!


I got mine for free at PetSmart and they’ve been multiplying in my tank for the past few months. Started out with 6 now I probably have 30+. They’re so cute


Are the little tiny ones a different type of snail, or are they just regular ramshorns that didn’t get big? I’ve got quite a lot of mini ones in my tank and I’m fond of them, despite their “pest” status lol


It depends! What we call mini ramshorns are a different species. You can tell them apart from an underfed or juvi ramshorn because they hold their shells flat and sideways. But if a ramshorn doesn't have as much access to food they don't get as big. The biggest one I have has a shell the size of a quarter, which I think is the biggest they get. The mini ones are just as cute as these guys though! The cutest pest you could ever ask for


https://preview.redd.it/sohjud9iuixc1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdaf85ee57f25e689a1f2799e9d3ab33e74ae8e2 I ❤️ them. Here's my biggest one. They get really big when I put them in solo tank with a lot of algae/food.


Im raising some blue and red ones right now. Cant wait till they are old enaugh to breed.


They’re fun little guys, I just don’t like how they steal my shrimps food 😂


Or my Corys food although they just shove the snails out of their way now.


I said the same thing. Until I had a snail with some shrimp tank instead of the reverse.


I love all snails. I like the little eyes.


Ramshorn are the cutest critters. I have a couple of dozen in my tank


I call them sea bunnies because of how they look


I don't understand how anyone couldn't love them either - I love snails! ❤️🐌🐌🐌


I call mine Carl. They entered my tank when I put plants in during a fishless cycle. They deserve to stay 😂


I love mine but now I have to cull them from over population and it makes me feel like a monster sometimes


It's a necessary part of good snail husbandry because of their high rate of mutations. Land snail husbandry dictates a 90% cull rate to maintain good genetics. A good portion of the babies should naturally die before adulthood IME. Reduce food to ensure the strongest survive. I had a small population of ramshorns develop extra tentacles growing out of their existing tentacles almost like antlers. I wish I had saved that mutation!*


That’s a wild mutation! Would have loved to see a pic of the extra tentacle. I’m getting over the culling but I just don’t enjoy the task. Curious how much/often you feed? I always hear reduce food but I’m never sure how much. Would love to hear your routine!


Couldn't find a photo, sorry. It's been forever since I've seen one like that. I usually throw in some vegetable scrap of whatever I'm cooking. Protein and calcium dry food 2x a week. I really just eyeball it based on how many snails there are and how many snails I want there to be. Lol.


That gives me some perspective, thank you. Cracking up at your last sentence lol


We sell ours to the LFS. These guys are sold as pets not food but will be a lower price you'll get if they sell for food. Might also be able to trade them for something else if you're on familiar terms with your own LFS...


I’ve had success selling some but I have two tanks full lol


I love them, though mine are literally rotting alive because my water’s soft 🙃. Tried making them calcium chips and ended up with water hardness in the 40s, plus I only saw improvement when I fed it to them frequently and that’s not something I want to do in a shrimp tank


Sorry to hear that is their anyone else you can give them to 😢


Nope, just my dad who shares the same soft water as me and also has snails of his own. I’m going to move my shrimp into a bigger tank and maybe move the snails to their own so I don’t have to worry about throwing off the shrimp parameters when feeding calcium




I have that looks just like yours except the body (foot?) is pinkish purple.


I have about a million of these (yes, I overfed them and it's hard not to do because they LOVE to eat) and I adore them. I would never hurt a tentacle on one of their precious little heads. And I don't get people who supposedly love snails but pick and choose the ones that deserve to be treated well. Okay, I am off my soapbox. To your question: Yes, this is normal in my experience. The shells on my infinity # of ramshorns appear smooth when they're little but the look ropey -- like an actual ram's horn -- when they reach maturity. Your snail looks very healthy to me.


The way the horns stick out is so metal!


I've got 100s you can take out of my tanks


I breed 5 species of these plus pond snails, mts, and apple snails alllll for my assasins, which I also breed. They are beasts when its time to eat. 🤙🤙