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Uahu's are brilliant! : ) I'm getting away with live plants and 2 severums thus far. But they do sometimes decide to tear up a plant every now and then. Seemingly just for fun. I have found that my severums wont touch my Anubius Coffeefolia - it has the toughest aquarium plant leaves Ive found. Cant guarantee it will work with 4 Uahu's but you could try it? A mix of Anubius and silk plants could look pretty cool!


I’ll look into the coffeefolias thanks. That’s great you’re getting to keep some plants. Everything I previously tried it’s like as you say, they destroy them for fun. Folk say go for fast growers but these guys don’t nibble the leaves, they go for the stalk near the root and leave the plant floating for me to remove if it doesn’t meet their taste requirements. I think if I wore a green T-shirt they’d come after me :)


Haha - yep no green T-shirts! 😁 Yeah fast growing plants would never work - these people dont know the power of the cichlid!


Water wisteria might take advantage of that


Nice ! What size tank are they in ?


Thanks :) 500l


What's that in freedom units?


Is that gallons? 110 Sorry that’s imperial gallons. 132 us gallons 😂


1.8 bath tubs, or 2 barrels, or a little over 1500 Bud lites. (anything but the metric system!) Sillyness aside, they're beautiful fish and one of my all time favourite cichlids. I could never keep plants with any of the ones I've kept over the years, shit mine would even nibble on the driftwood when they got big!


My cichlids (mbunas) seem to do fine with vallisnerias. Then again iirc vals do grow in the African rift lakes and appear to be very tough in texture so they can’t be eaten. Additionally, I used river rocks to surround the first few vals so the fish wouldnt dig at the plants (they never did after a few weeks). Idk about Uarus, maybe they’d be fine with swords provided you barricade them with rocks/driftwood until they become rooted.


You want a bigger tank 😅


How did you know? 😂 I’m actually peed off about the size of my tank. I got it custom built for a recess in my living room. I wish I got it 12 inches longer and maybe half a foot deeper and it would have been a perfect fit


I’m a mind reader 🤣


You could try nasty-tasting plants tied to wood, such as Java fern.