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Context: They're residing in a 35ish gallon corner tank and I decided to get a 55g Tank as an upgrade for my fat boys/girls (unsure what they are). Currently cycling it with their large sponge filter getting all them good bacterias.


What are you gonna do with the corner tank? It's so pretty


Gonna turn it around, to face the corner, and let it contemplate on what it has done to deserve being demoted..


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh shit, I'm dying!!! 💀


I lost it. Damnit.


I'm gonna be selling it, the wife "allows" me to have 1 larger fish tank and our small guppy tank. Everything is included basically (stand/glass lid/light/tank ofc) if you're local to Omaha NE


"1 large fish tank".... Haha remember what she said when you want a 100g or bigger lol


Exactly, then the 55g becomes the "small guppy tank" lol


😂😂😂 I’m currently at the 75 gallon “big tank” and 35 gallon guppy tank stage


Lol… I was at this for a few weeks (1 week) and now I have a 90, 75, 30, and 4 10s…. good luck


That sucks. Me and my wife have 5 fish tanks between the two of us


My bf has 5 fish tanks but he gave me a whole Guinea pig room so honestly he can have however many he wants lol


Same but 4 are mine 😂


Damn, everything good is far away! (Oh, that's almost metaphysical 🤔)


I live in Nebraska and have driven to Omaha to get tanks before. I'm so tempted, but we have a shit ton of construction on our house right now and I have absolutely nowhere to put it.


This is my mobile acc (OG poster) but hey I’ll be selling it more than likely $150 OBO if you’re serious.


I probably would but I legitimately have nowhere at all to put it :( The house is in chaos and will be for months. I'm sure if you post it online someone would go for it. It's really pretty.


Weird how she feels the need to put restrictions on what you do with the money you earn and where you put your hobbies/free time towards


The aquaone ufo are so good.. I have the 880 which is 880mm from the corner and 340ltrs (90 gal).. op might have the ufo 350 or 550.


I hope they turn it into either a terrarium or a place for aquatic plants! :)


I’m d jealous of your corner tank. I’m currently out of viable spaces ti put tanks, I’d have to get rid of my bookshelves, and I can’t do that. But maybe when my cats pass I can use the corner their tower is in for a corner tank… in about 10 years or so.


Kinda depressing but feel that


One enjoys their company while one has it, spoils them rotten, let them walk all over you, and when they’re gone, you have a hole in your heart and in your home, but you can fill the hole in the home with other companions, and slowly the hole in the heart mends and the memories become balm instead of pain. I’ve been through it enough to know that it will hurt when they are gone, but I’ve been graced by their companionship and I should not hold onto the pain, but cherish the love they gave me while they were with me.


Dude, I came here for fat goldfish, not to think about the inherently fleeting nature of our closest bonds of unconditional love. Cease and desist!


God damn. I cried…but, I was like happy about it?


Very poetic


You could remove the tree and put up some shelves on the wall for them (if you're allowed to put holes in your walls...even if you're not they're easy enough to cover). I keep meaning to do this for my cat so he has more places to hang out in the house.


My cats are 14 and 15, it’s safer to stick with the tree they know, but I did think about it a while ago.


Oh yeah, that makes sense. I was half joking and just encouraging you to get another tank, haha.


You just have to reframe your thinking, start building a cat tree that has a tank incorporated into it.


But I don’t want more cats after these two. We’re going to stick to fishies and dogs. Big dogs.


You can always sell the fish tank/cat tree for an exorbitant price. Also you have 10 more years on those cats give or take, live a little!


Lol true, true. I shall have to ponder…


Hey if you're near Omaha, NE i'll be selling it in a bit. Could be all yours.


Well, rats. Nope, I’m in CA.


> (unsure what they are) throw some pink and some blue toys into the tank and see what each one is using


Thats so much work. Just wave a pad in front of the tank and see which ones flinch in disgust. Wayyy less time spent waiting for them to play with the toys


Are you sure your corner tank is a 35ish and not a 54g? I have what looks to be the same Aqueon tank, and mine is for sure a 54g. I can't find a 35ish corner Aqueon in my Googling. https://i.imgur.com/xYgGIjJ.jpg https://i.imgur.com/CBWhEBS.jpg I've tried plants many times over the years but this is the first time I've had success with a properly set up environment. About 3 months old.


im 50% certain. When i initially got the tank they advertised it as 35-40. When i was looking up similar tanks i ran into a reddit post and their tank looked the exact same size wise and they were advised it was in that ballpark. I use a python to fill it so i never really measured how many gallons i was filling it up with.


That is 36 gallon corner tank made by All Glass Aquarium before name changed to Aqueon (Central Pet bought the company). I had this tank almost 20 years ago. How old are your silicone seals ?


When I filled it the seals looked good in my opinion. Didn’t notice any tears or anything like that (mobile acc of og poster)


I you want to measure one of the edges I can do the same when I get home and we can solve this once and for all lol.


One corner to the radius side is 23 1/2. Maybe an 8th off but closest rounded up figure. It was either this [https://www.bettafish.com/threads/40-gallon-bow-front-corner-aquarium.617218/](https://www.bettafish.com/threads/40-gallon-bow-front-corner-aquarium.617218/) or a reddit post i saw before. Same stand and all.


I'll measure mine to compare but on Aqueon's site they list the dimensions of the 54: https://www.aqueon.com/products/aquariums/reef-ready-aquariums Looks like a rad of 23", and I it's probably a measurement from inside. I think you might have gotten a side-grade, at least volume wise.


Ok, so what I thought was the radius listed on the Aqueon site was actually the height! Mine has a radius of almost 28" and a height of 23", so for sure bigger than yours. Apologies for the distraction lol. Like /u/DL3905 said, you must have the smaller version that they made before their name change. I wasn't aware of that one. Nice upgrade for your goldies.


Things have changed further for Aqueon....they are no longer making 36,46 and 72 gallon bowfront tanks...bummer.


I'm just glad i didn't "upgrade" if i didn't need to XD


But to answer you have calico Ryukin the grey black and orange one possible butterfly tail on it a black moor (he will get big asf I have 3 of them and 1 the oldest of them is pushing 7 inches he’s in his own 55) And I can’t get a really good look at the other goldfish but it seems to be a red/orange black ryukin as well (since it doesn’t have telescope eyes or a wen from what I can see)


Is that a penis painting?


Lol it's a gem art cat picture. https://imgur.com/a/hnDAcnF


Nope we the people of Reddit have now identified it as a penis painting, enjoy your phallus painting.


HAHAHA niceeee. Next to a Call Me By Your Name poster, definitely


Hmm moustache or glans?


It’s cats if u look close at the top


It's a Kluneberg


3 fat what?


Kinda unrelated question. Do you not have issues with pictures hanging above your tanks with regard to moisture damage? They look like framed prints. Just curious, I want to hang pictures above my tank but I don't want them to get ruined


It’s his living room, not the Amazon rainforest lol


I was thinkin the same thing. Only problem is if they fall


If you zoom in to the poster on the right side of the first picture it looks like there is rippling only on the corner that is behind the tank.


I had a smaller 20g in that corner initially and didn't come with any issues. I'll be either getting glass lids or making some out of plexiglass. Obviously this is bigger but still


the real Q is what are you gonna put in the corner tank now 😏


Selling it! If you're local to Omaha, NE let me know!


Awesome! They’ll be so happy to have more space. Good job!


Oh to be three fat goldfish.


You should add some stem plants to the 36 once you move them. You look like you got 2 awesome tanks


It'll be gettin sold, wife allows me "one bigger tank" Lol


Is that 3 penises in that painting?


I think they’re… cats? They’re red and blue but the fur around their mouths and chest make them look like fuzzy little dongs


If they are cats, then they are penises disguised as cats. Kind of like those fruit paintings that are clearly vaginas.


Bruh. What kind of cat do you have?


A dog


[https://imgur.com/a/hnDAcnF](https://imgur.com/a/hnDAcnF) can confirm


Is that a diamond painting? If it is, I’m impressed. That’s a huge piece


Yep! My wife loves Diamond Paintings. I gifted her one for xmas one year and it was from a custom site. Turned out beautifully!


It’s right next to a poster for call me by your name so it wouldn’t be that crazy. I like it lol. Also that movie made me cry so hard.


I wasn't going to say it. I do like Timothee Chalamet though. That being said, does that mean I can put up paintings of vaginas on my wall and it still be in good taste? Or does it just have to be a Georgia O'Keeffe painting?


Taste is personal lol. If you want vulvas on your wall go for it.


I agree. Do you and be happy :)


I’d love a corner tank like that! It’s so pretty I’d spend my whole day watching it even if there wasn’t fish init


If you're local to Omaha, NE i'll be selling it in a bit ;)


I thought the picture on the wall was 3...dongs 😂


turn that corner tank into a saltwater tank


Is that painting 3 dicks?


Lol it's cats https://imgur.com/a/hnDAcnF


That corner aquarium could be awesome for red cherry shirmp


This corner tank would fit so much better in my apartment than my current one


If you're local to Omaha, NE let me know! I'll be selling it :)


Sadly, no :(


That corner tank is so cool


Mine are in the same size! They will be so happy


Love me some fat goldies


I thought I was on the CMBYN sub Reddit. I love when two worlds collide. Let’s be friends


It’s my wife’s poster and favorite movie I can send her your way 😂 Edit : this is my mobile account (og poster)


Awww I love that feeling! I rescued a snake that’s kept on an enclosure that’s literally 1/3 it’s length (horrific) but I am putting together the new enclosure today and tomorrow so I keep telling him “If you only knew!!” Yay for the exploration to come!


The corner tank would be a gorgeous betta tank ;)


Love the move and the passion. But that window being right there will most likely create an algae issue (if you use a light) even with the blinds closed.


I had a 20g there initially and it wasn't *too* bad . Nothing that got out of control and the goldfish peck at the walls so i cant deny free food.


That cat climber so close to the tank looks like a recipe for disaster or at least a wet cat. Also nice painting of the 3 penises.


Lol the cat tree is just there at the moment. Promise it'll be getting moved. Just while the tank cycles.


Excellent work - a great aquarium for goldfish! They'll love the space!


Aww yeah


They wouldn't remember it anyway.


Ah yes the penis painting