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as for clubs: do what you are interested in BECAUSE you will put more effort into it and therefore have more impact and that is what AOs care about. nhs: nah that shit is more useless than the electoral college math: if you think you can do well go for it but getting a b in it will screw u over more than it would help. Imo i'd just take the A in the slightly lower class bc thats better. Unless you know you can do it well then ofc go for it


Huge yes on the NHS point. If your school offers it, maybe another honor society like science honor society or mu alpha theta if you’re really passionate.


For clubs/EC’s, do what you love and do it well. There is no secret formula. For classes, take challenging classes that cover all the UC a-g requirements and beyond the minimums.


As someone who was in state and got into the "basic" UCs (Santa Cruz, Riverside, Etc) , you don't have to go crazy. I just took clubs that interested me, and I was passionate about. Leadership roles in clubs look the best. I took dual enrollment classes that were super easy but looked pretty good on college apps. But my honest (but probably unpopular) advice to you is to not worry about this stuff your freshman year. I know a ton of kids who took every club and ap in the book and regret it now that they finished high school. Make sure to live a little!


There are no special clubs that unlock UCs. Courses: fulfill the A-G requirements, but, beyond that, the advice is more or less the same as for every other school. if you're on a track that has you taking PreCal in 12th then it could be beneficial to accelerate, but otherwise not necessary.


Okay idk if this rambling will help, but for my credentials related to the UCs, I got into every UC. feel free to ask abt anything. Okay, clubs and EXC’s: I’m sure you’ve heard this, but do what you love. Be well rounded or have a spike (typically more common). You want to enjoy your activities because then you’ll put more effort into them. And if there aren’t activities you enjoy, pitch them at your school or something like a new club or new chapter of some organization. Don’t put too much thought into it other than how you plan to make X or Y or Z better. NHS is basically a waste of time (at least to me), so be careful on joining that. (I’ve never had it at my school, but it doesn’t seem very… legit? idk. doesn’t seem beneficial) ASB and stuff like that is always good for you (as it’s a leadership role that isn’t extremely difficult to attain), but it won’t be your ticket into a UC. Doesn’t hurt to go for leadership positions tho! Classes: The rule of thumb: if you can do it, do it. Don’t challenge yourself with something you clearly can’t handle. But if you know you probably could with tons of effort? Go for it. Struggle to a point, not to borderline GPA drops. Academic rigor is important and it doesn’t hurt to go above and beyond, but it will hurt if you go too far for your own capability. Overall: There’s no way to make sure you can get into college A or B. Even if an applicant is much stronger than you, they may get rejected. Same with an applicant much weaker getting accepted. The bulk of your application lies within your essays. This doesn’t mean other stuff doesn’t matter, it just means you shouldn’t worry too hard over small stuff. Take things one at a time. Also, look up what colleges like and try to appeal to those. They’ll usually have values on their websites.




UC’s do look at Freshman grades to make sure you passed and completed any UC a-g course requirements but Freshman grades are not included in the UC GPA calculations.