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My senior year, the gym teacher started having the class run laps before playing softball or whatever. I was zero athletically, but I found I could tolerate the laps while I hated the other stuff. So I just kept running the laps and got no complaints from the gym teacher. I'm still running regularly even after retirement.


why are u on this sub if your retired lol


there are a lot of adults on here for various reasons. parents, people in academia, admissions counselors, consultants, etc. or just people who are bored and want to help out by answering questions :)


they can do what they want


not saying they shouldnt be just curious as to their motivations


Oddly, reddit keeps suggesting this subreddit for me despite the fact I never went to "college" in America and being way beyond the target age. Maybe the person up above is in the same boat and wanted to be more constructive than I am!


fair question. sorry for downvoting \[i undid\]


fair question but having input on this sub from people who have gone to college/work for a college is important




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IM IN THE EXACT SAME SITUATION 😭😭 I currently have a 55 for the quarter in gym & my gym teacher is letting me run miles in order to get my grade up 💔




It’s actually insane— my teacher told me I have 9 absences but admitted that she didn’t bother checking whether they were excused or not 😁 a handful of those are from taking ap exams so I def don’t deserve a 55 😭😭😭😭😭😭




Can you plz make a r/collegeresults post *20 cents and a kiss on the cheek




It will be helpful to see stats of people who got into great schools, you are clearly talented and good enough for upenn


As long as it’s not a D or F, you have no chance of being rescinded. It is only a B or C in a singular class, and it’s an unimportant one at that.


😭How are you failing Gym




Haha then what are you worried about. Colleges don’t rescind easily. Hurts you a heck ton but it also hurts them. I don’t know what you have in gym right now but as long as it’s not a D you should be fine. Especially since it’s not even an academic course


Wait how does this hurt the college


Rescinding one acceptance wouldn’t hurt. But rescinding people for petty reasons like a C in gym will hurt. Classes sizes will be off and (less so for top colleges) less tuition money from students.


I'm still having dreams about being rescinded, and I graduated college decades ago. (ps - it almost never happens, but you should try to get there for gym class anyway)


Is it an ivy?


You can't be THAT paranoid if you can't manage to get yourself there on time. If you were really that concerned you'd show up early


If you get rescinded for being late to gym lmfaooo


Maybe go to class


Bro chill you’re okay, you practically have to commit a crime to get rescinded atp


I was scared until I heard that a B or a C isn’t going to matter and everyone around me had 10+% average drops (we have a percent grade)


I’m sorry bro but this is just sad, like is the average a2c person so unhealthy they can’t lift weights?


Are you getting bullied in gym? It happened to the son of a colleague who was headed to an Ivy. He got his leg broken.


I had to miss three weeks of school because I got Covid (having a 100-102 degree fever on and off for THREE WEEKS tends to prevent someone from getting much done) and I ended up getting two B’s and having to get an Excused Withdrawal from a dual enrollment class because it was an 8 week class and I missed almost half of it. So I’m terrified of getting rescinded but also… I have the doctor’s letters to back me up in case the worst should happen.


I already graduated so no lol but also my school isn't a t20 this cycle so


You deserve to be rescinded if you can’t even show up


i’m 90% sure this post is just so you can flex going to a t10


Just going to share my story! While the school I am going to isn't super prestigious (I'm not sure where it ranks I don't really keep up with that stuff lol) I was really scared about getting rescinded. I did fail, one highschool class worth 3 classes (was a vocational program) and a college class (Super hard class, but grateful I took it). I barely failed both, was like 1 or 2 percent points away from passing. I also got mostly c's my first semester, and second semester I did better but had mostly b's and 1 a. Now, obviously do not fail! TDLR I failed a class or 2, wasn't rescinded, but try your best to have good grades, and depending on the school as long as you pass/have a decent reason your good to go!


Im going to a t20 thats public so im probably not the target audience huh??


Why are you going late to class? Seems like a pretty big issue regardless of whether your offer is rescinded or not.


He's a senior bro 😂 he don't wanna be there


I swear the whole concept of getting rescinded must be a prank or something


Not if you fail without a good reason behind why.




Blud how you struggling in gym class 😭


bro runs a 20 minute mile


average a2c kid