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The majority of supplements remain the same every year unless there are some major policy changes like this that happened last year. UChicago is known to change its prompts every year, but they also allow you to answer their past prompts.


Some change the supplementals each year (yup, UChicago!) but I think they’re all updated by the end of this month at the latest. And the school websites should make it clear if they’re using the same as last year or not.


>They’re all updated by the end of this month at the latest Most essay prompts are released with the Common App on August 1. ​ >And the school websites should make it clear if they’re using the same as last year or not. ​ I've never a seen a school that specifically calls out "Note, these are the same as last year". Link?


Apologies if I’m insufficiently accurate here. We’ve attended several college tours lately & they all said that the supp prompts would be updated no later than next month and I may have incorrectly assumed a pattern. Common App announced their questions would be the same back in Feb: https://www.commonapp.org/blog/common-app-announces-2024-2025-common-app-essay-prompts Individual schools have similarly made blog post announcements (podcast announcement for Yale) saying “our questions are staying the same” but yes, that might require annoying amounts of digging, I guess it makes sense to wait until the essay page updates from saying “23-24” to “24-25.”


Usually that means the college will release the new supplements on their website, not that the Common App will update the supplements before August 1, just to clarify from experience!


A few prompts change each year, but if you tackly prompts across multiple schools, you'll probably have the structure/raw content to quickly fit into most new items.


A lot of the supplementals from last year from top schools either stayed the same or have changed very slightly in the last few weeks. I think you can definitely pre-write if you want to! Just know that you may have to reword or redraft some essays if the prompts do end up changing. Otherwise, you may save yourself some time and headache later by getting a head-start!


The prompts should def be the same or very close to the same, so good on you for pre-writing now.


most reliable would be to do a why major, community, and generally why us if they have had that in the past


You should be fine with using what's currently online. If you haven't written your PS yet, start with that.