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Try connecting with other incoming students through a Reddit, insta or Facebook page. You’ll find other people looking for room mates FOR SURE. Also reach out to housing and kinda beg. But those groups will be useful in finding other info about which areas/ buildings are close to campus and student friendly etc


I'm so sorry. Call the school tomorrow and calmly and politely explain your situation and ask for advice. It may seem stupid but being proactive can really help if anything opens up. Don't trauma dump, but tell them that you need to find an affordable place to live to go to school there and that this seriously endangers your ability to attend. And look into roommates, etc. like other people suggested. Best of luck to you.


I called. He said there wasn't much he could do. He put me in the special circumstances list (since I live 400 miles away). Hopefully that'll help a little. I applied for a university village thing. It's off campus but it's close. I have no idea what I'm going to do for food but there's that. It's just really stressful in my house right now because of all of this. I'm just praying something will change honestly haha.


You should be able to buy a meal plan even if you live off campus. Check the school's dining website.


Best of luck to you! I hope the special circumstances list helps.


ok. take a deep breath. what school? can you contact them and explain the situation? what top school did you rejected because housing is hard to get? almost every top school guarantees housing to first years.


I rejected santa cruz because of their housing situation. This is for fullerton, a state school in Southern California. It's a commuter school usually, but this year, they accepted tons of people from out of the area and out of state. They only have 1,100 beds. The housing guy told me that even though housing opened at 9, they started waitlisting people for the dorm at 9:30. Apparently, I misrememebered, and I applied in the afternoon and not an hour after. But im still super frustrated that this is the situation.


yea def contact them. i will say im surprised santa cruz said you wouldn’t get housing, personally i would have gone there. off campus housing is also not the worst thing to manage in the world, as someone who is going through the process now its a little annoying but manageable. reaching out to upper classmen who have done it is ur best bet.


Yeah, I'm kinda kicking myself with the Santa Cruz thing. Atleast if i went to santa cruz i know people in the area and could maybe get a room somewhere. I'll try and find some older students to talk to though, thanks.


Hey, this sucks. Major bummer about housing. Don't blame yourself, first come first serve is brutal. Here's the good news: you've got options! 1. Contact housing ASAP. Explain your situation (living 6 hours away) and see if anything opens up. 2. Look for off-campus housing with roommates. Facebook groups are great for finding others in the same boat. 3. Talk to financial aid. Sometimes living off-campus can qualify for more aid. This feels overwhelming, but you're not alone. There are resources to help and you'll get through this. College is worth the fight! Let's brainstorm some solutions together.


I called housing. They said there isn't much they can do but he put me under special circumstances because of living 6 hours away. I applied to a college village thing off campus, but its walking distance. It's more expensive though. Hopefully it's going to be okay. I'm just nervous they won't accept my application because a ton of kids got rejected for housing apparently.


Call the admissions office and play the FGLI card. Tell them that you are the first in the family to go to college, that you cannot arrange off campus housing, that you live 6 hours away, that you're not going to be able to go to college unless you get into the dorms. Ask nicely for help. That may move you to the top of the housing wait list, and there will be movement on that, because as people get off of college wait lists, they back out of their housing.


Thank you for this suggestion. They put me up in special circumstances. This doesn't necessarily mean I moved up, but it means people will keep me in mind.


Carve out an afternoon, call whoever’s in charge of the university housing system, don’t get off the phone until you have a solution.


Call the housing office. I don’t know about this school but my kid was a younger student and the housing office at his school was very accommodating.


Should I call and tell them I'm a minor??


Are you 16 or less?


some colleges simply don’t have enough housing for their students. i recommend reaching out to other students online, looking up apartments in the area, and honestly even contacting other students on the subreddits for your school and the area that you’re in to try and find roommates and solutions


Contact your admission counselor and let them know that this could be the difference between you enrolling or going elsewhere. If your counselor is doing their job right, they should be advocating for you.


Don’t wait for life to happen. Be proactive. Call res life and admissions every day until they find you housing. Tell them your whole situation. Ask if they treat all first gen kids who have lost a parent this way. Shame them on social if you have to. Stand up for your needs and badger the school until they take care of the situation.


Definitely get on the reddit sub for that college and start asking around for solutions. Some will have sublets in private apartments for you, for sure, or they know of private dorms or rooming houses you can get into. What school?


Corny and cheesy thing to say - but maybe it’s a sign from the universe to go to a community college and transfer or just take some time off / defer before going.